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Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current Thread Two of my RP, Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, is 8 months old, but the overall storyline has lasted for 23 months, which is still a milestone.
6 days ago
101 IC posts for my thread. A minor milestone.
10 days ago
So many good RPs and not enough time...
13 days ago
A friend of mine, GOATPlumber, is running a Fate RP, Fate/Dark Heritage, which is still recruiting!
1 mo ago
The second thread of my RP, Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, is 7 months old, but the overall storyline has lasted for 22 months.


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Most Recent Posts

@Gentlemanvaultboy@OrkytheOrc@Starlance@Bartimaeus@Stern Algorithm@Crowvette@KillamriX88:

I will be making another GM post once 12 more IC posts have been made.
Flame Brooks

Flame quite liked 'Father Whiskey' precisely because the latter still thought this wasn't real; that actually made him more affable and less irritating than Alistair, who - and he hated to admit it - had some good ideas and was a take-charge person. Plus, the guy's petty and mean rivalry with his would-be killer (or was it former killer given the time reset?) distracted him from potentially using Flame as a verbal or physical punching bag. Placing his hand over his chest, Flame couldn't help but think of Ashton; he knew that his love was in this world and had probably died and revived as well. I have to get back to Ashton. I have to save him.

As he followed Alistair, Flame experienced another taste of fear as he saw the Dire Wolf (?) barrelling past them and onto the room where the Knights were. Gaping, he said unless someone stopped him, "That was a Dire Wolf! A glowing Dire Wolf! And no, I don't watch Game of Thrones or read the books!" Breathing a little, he turned towards Alistair, then the room they were in. Giving a slight bow of respect to the arrogant man, Flame swallowed his dislike once more and said, "You got us through the corridors safely; thank you."

One should note that he was half-expecting Alistair to take the mirror with him as they continued through this forsaken building. Nevertheless, Flame chastised himself for feeling fear, even as he grudgingly conceded that, for all his arrogance and posturing, Alistair had a few good qualities. A few.

Ashton Andrews

The Scandinavian woman chose to run away. The Japanese kid had resigned himself to death, and was sipping tea. The Asian-American who had admitted to attempting suicide was the most proactive of them all; had he found new energy and determination from his brushes with death? Nevertheless, Ashton would tell his would-be protector as the latter dragged him out of potential danger: "I'll come with you, let me go!", before joining his efforts to pull the other kid away from certain death. "Please," the young man said to Kimura as he pulled at him again, "We can find a way out of this; so don't pull away!"

A goofy grin at that as he continued to pull Kimura and add his strength to Aaron's efforts. Ashton tried to ignore the odd looks; Flame was better at dealing with hostility than he was. He complimented Aaron, "Your plan worked. By the way, can I have your name and the other person's now?"

Then they were interrupted by someone else. Interrupted by a very short woman who showed obvious markings of wealth, as well as a cloth-covered spear like in some Anime he had watched. Either an aristocrat, a retainer, or an Adventurer who had hit the jackpot, if D&D was right. Not that he'd ever played D&D; just knew of it from internet forums.

A pause to measure his response to the young woman's query, "To be honest, no, we don't know of a Mistress Vertti, my good woman. We have just newly come to this city in... Strange circumstances. Possibly kidnapped." Kidnapping is one way to describe what Lord Talus has done to us all. "We don't know our assilants, all we know is that we've been taken here for unknown reasons." Another pause. "That said, it may be that your 'Mistress Vertti' has been taken by the same person who kidnapped me and my friends or otherwise involved in this mystery. So we request permission to see if we can help you look for her."
Innocence Lost

John turned to Eldrid as the group entered the ship and said, "Funny you should mention that; Small Paul was the one who hooked us up with these Moonstrike privateers; he seemed to have gotten free by himself." A pause, before he continued, "Some of the graffiti we encountered entering the Galactic Bazaar was more than it seemed." A sigh, "I apologize for not telling you earlier, El, but I needed to know if the bargain was genuine, which it seems to be at present."

They reached the dining quarters, where Natasha, with her own sigh of resignation, readied the lightweight chairs. She then looked at Eldrid; her next words were, "Wait, you're Eldrid Cole?! I loved Starless Space! But wait, they said you were dead!"

John turned to Natasha and asked, "Moonstrike hasn't informed you of what the Ascendancy had to do to gain their victories, haven't they? Well to make a long story short, they experimented on kids - us - with Kaisoken dust, giving us all magic. There was also some blackmail involving our families, as well as abuse and coercion and being thrown into the thick of battle as children." A purse of his lips. "And now, we want revenge."

Turning towards Kelan, and then Reisus, John introduced himself, "By the way, my name is John Green; a Captain in one of the 'Secret Regiments' of the Ascendancy of Man Armed Forces. I'm the leader of this band of former supersoldiers, although a demonstration of our capabilities will have to wait until later; I don't want to risk lighting up the ship."

He didn't try any of Orky's liquor; he'd leave it up to the others to do so because, well, John disliked alcohol. Not out of religious reasons, but because he simply didn't like the taste of intoxicants. Chuckling to himself as Stella stared impassively, John decided to respond to Orky, saying, "Good to meet you; and I am glad that we can be friends." A subtle change of subject to divert attention from the Liquor. "How did Captain Natasha find you?"

The Captain in question interjected, "Prettyboy, leave it to me to tell you; basically, some scientists - Korta, I think, but don't quote me on that - decided to pick up an undeveloped alien from a tribal planet, give him cybernetic parts, and then keep him as a research subject. He escaped, and now he's part of my crew."

Another pause. "Now, another question: Small Paul is a kid?! Damnit, I knew that there were rumors that the Ascendancy was behind the disapperances of 'prodigy children', but I never knew they were true until now. Yet another question: Where does Alexander Kherol fit in to this?"

John instinctively turned away in discomfort. "He was 'saved' by someone high up in the Ascendancy before he can be kidnapped. And now he's a Grand Admiral." He paused. "I used to want to be like him, you know. Heck, I even guarded him for a while; he was... Decent to me, and it hurt to be torn away from him, especially as the next officer was someone I don't want to talk about."

Natasha didn't pry. "Seems like you've got a good case of Stockholm Syndrome, kid. Thankfully, I have a crewmate who's as good a shrink as he is a medic. He's also the one who's cooking for us; the robot."

At finally hearing Rachel, Natasha would say, "Ah, of course, the mission. Well, 'Moonstrike One' says that she'll give us an encrypted transmission after Dinner, so we have plenty of time."

John waved at Legion then as he hovered around the table. He would then say, "Glad to meet you, Mr. Medic!"

@Gentlemanvaultboy@OrkytheOrc@Starlance@Bartimaeus@Stern Algorithm@Crowvette@KillamriX88
Really sorry for the long wait, but your timing is impeccable. I got my post up.

Thank you.
@Stern Algorithm, I know you're slow, but ETA on your post?
@Stern Algorithm, Anyway, I'll post the next GM Post once you write for Legion.
@Stern Algorithm, That's a good way to look at things; all right, no post order for now.
@Crowvette, Doesn't Royal Rumble have posting orders?
@Gentlemanvaultboy@OrkytheOrc@Starlance@Bartimaeus@Stern Algorithm@Crowvette@KillamriX88:

Crow's latest post made me think: Should we have a Posting Order, or not?
@Stern Algorithm, All right, please do post; I'd love to see inside Legion's thoughts!
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