Avatar of Letter Bee


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current So many good RPs and not enough time...
5 days ago
A friend of mine, GOATPlumber, is running a Fate RP, Fate/Dark Heritage, which is still recruiting!
25 days ago
The second thread of my RP, Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, is 7 months old, but the overall storyline has lasted for 22 months.
26 days ago
I've been here since Oldguild.
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26 days ago
Tomorrow will be a great day...
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Most Recent Posts

@Masakado1, Tell me when you've made the edits I asked you to do on Discord!
@Letter Bee :O secrets and lore

okay, with that, i'll write my first post! should be done within, like, the next 3 hours. but probably sooner than that

@Letter Bee so, is my character Jehenne one of the nobles being sold? i'm very excited to start, I just don't know what i would write. Just her inner thoughts and behavior as people bid on her and those around her?

She is. Yes.

Also, you would know there are rumors that someone or something has manipulated the Nobles' Rebellion for a mysterious end...
Posted the first post of the IC! Note that you guys don't have to start out in the slave market - You can also start in other locations.

Also, I am recruiting for a Co-GM!

@Smike@Stern Algorithm@Overlord Thraka@Aqutanama@Rune_Alchemist@Zoey White@Landaus Five-One:
City Event - Mostly for the Main Party

It was a warm, but breezy day in Venedig, and the rich, in their carriages and lavish gondolas, were making a rare trip to the open-air slave market, a circular space whose northern half was ringed with wooden exhibition platforms, beyond which were the stone buildings where the chattel was 'processed'. As the sun shone brightly in the clear sky, the merchant-aristocrats of Venedig would walk to the open space facing the exhibition stands, where chairs and miniature pavilions were already set up. Then, once all seats were full, the auction masters, smiling men and women clothed in bright silk, would then emerge from the buildings and onto the stands, before announcing, in clear tones enhanced by World Magic:

"Ladies and Gentlefolk of Venedig, we would like to announce that Karl Maximillian V of the Reich des Goldenen Grahles has given the city this opportunity, an opportunity to be the instrument of punishment to traitors, and profit from such use. Thus, beyond these stands, the former nobles whose treason had reduced them to the status of chattel are being sorted and processed, with those who are above eighteen years of age being stripped and bathed for exhibition. The first of the batch, the men and women of the Edelweiss family, known for their renowned beauty and skill in both Change Magic and Medicine, will be sold...now!" And with that, the doors to the 'centremost' (from the seated people's perspective) stand would open.

Walking out, escorted by guards, would be a set of five extremely handsome men and women, their entire bodies shaved and waxed except for their eyebrows, eyelashes, and head hair. They were fully naked and exposed, but they did not bow their heads, nor did they avert their eyes from the crowd, nor try and cover themselves. The rich merchants of the land whooped and jeered at the ex-nobles, though a few felt pity, even shedding tears at the Edelweiss' family's plight.

The oldest man of in the group, a tall, muscular man whose hairs were only showing streaks of grey, was bid and sold first, then the women, leaving two males, brothers whose dark hair and eyes, as well as tall, slim, and lean bodies caused the crowds to whoop, leer, and jeer harder.

"Fredrich and Heinrich Edelweiss, nineteen and eighteen! The first is a fighter-paladin, the second is a doctor, but already a savant in his field!" said the auction officials. "Will they be bought as a joint item, or will they be separated?! What is your choice, crowd?!"

One of the frontmost merchants, a surprisingly young man with short-cropped hair, whose thin build was bedecked in gold and crimson silk, got up from his chair and miniature pavilion, which was made from the same stuff. He would then say:

"I wish to bid twenty million thalers for the both of them!" in a voice that was authoritative, another surprise, at least for the Edelweiss brothers. The younger, Heinrich, would then recognize the merchant as Kaspar Ridolfi, one of the richest men in the city, newly come to his inheritance.

"Going once...going twice...sold!" shouted the nearest auction master, a slightly fat, jolly-looking man who seemed to enjoy this job a lot. "Now that we've gotten our audience's appetites whetted, time for the auction proper to begin!" And with that, dozens of naked people, escorted by guards, would be led out of the processing buildings, few of them having the dignity or beauty of the sold Edelweiss family.

And among them was one Rote Kaufmann, stripped of all rags to expose his body to full view. As bidders swarmed to pay for the privilege of owning 'the fairest youth in all the land', his only thoughts were this - That he had to warn the Church of Existence that all was in danger!

@Smike@Stern Algorithm@Overlord Thraka@Aqutanama@Rune_Alchemist[@Zoey White]@Landaus Five-One:
@Zoey White, I like it! Accepted.
@Letter Bee sure! i suppose i took "Short bio" too literally, lol

Yeah, you did, sorry about that.
@Zoey White, The bio is a bit short, but the app is otherwise fine. Can you extend the bio?
@Landaus Five-One, All right, I can accept that.
@Letter Bee It's a good thing her father is the last of the old traditionalists within the family since the old traditions were based in the past really far in the past like centuries old traditions that didn't change with the times of the Major Nations.

Venedig is 1000 years old and has been part of the Reich since its founding. The Reich itself is 2000 - 3000 years old. The tribal peoples who came before the Reich revered 'Gods' who were in fact Mortals empowered by Magic. Hatred for Magic is not a major thing in the world and would be seen as a form of madness.

It's all implied or even stated in the OOC OP, in the 'Reich des Goldenen Grahles' hider.

Edit: Okay, it's implied that the Reich lasted for a few centuries and not a millenium before the formation of the Great Inland Sea and the founding of Venedig. But there was still a full millennium after those events.
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