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4 hrs ago
Current 101 IC posts for my thread. A minor milestone.
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4 days ago
So many good RPs and not enough time...
7 days ago
A friend of mine, GOATPlumber, is running a Fate RP, Fate/Dark Heritage, which is still recruiting!
27 days ago
The second thread of my RP, Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, is 7 months old, but the overall storyline has lasted for 22 months.
28 days ago
I've been here since Oldguild.
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@Bazmund, Accepted, please post on the Characters Tab.
@Haydrian Cindel@Guardsman@Gentlemanvaultboy@duskshine749@Bazmund@Dark Light@silvermist1116@Stitches:

Edited the first IC post.

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

You know, I don't actually know if she can read lmfao

She's looking for her uncle, and has no interest in getting to the bottom of her mysterious abilities. In fact she's more inclined to think her uncle will help her do that instead. She doesn't have the time or money to follow a letter on a whim either. If she saw the location in the letter in her dreams (which probably already helped her find other useful things in the past) she'd be more inclined to follow

What about dreaming about the letter and the location in it in her dreams first, then getting the letter?
For posterity's sake, here was what I planned for the game.

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

Oh hey that's a brilliant way to tie in the Astral Projection ability though - Abi's got the attention span of a walnut and gets into hijinks so I made the spell primarily so you as the GM can nudge her back into the right direction. I'll read the IC now and give her a dream of the location and head on over there and later on we can discuss other ways to use it in PM if you want?

I think that her receiving a mysterious letter out of the blue might be best unless she's not up for reading letters.
Everyone, Two Weeks Ago

Whether through smartphones or ordinary letters, the members of the group would recieve Gavin's message, a message telling them that:

If you have had visions of winged beings, telling you that the world is about to be worse, and that you can stop it; if you've manifested powers that cannot be normally explained, find a way to come to me, to Brightwell Illinois, where answers await. My name is Gavin Prince, and I am gathering those who have seen what I've seen, people who have power and might need help and support in wielding that power. A pause, or rather, a space.

But be warned, people are already after you, with motives both good and ill. It is time for us, who have been given the powers of Magic, to stand in solidarity with one another, so that we would not become pawns in the great struggles that the return of this power would engulf the world in. So, come to Brightwell two weeks from now, using whatever means you have that won't be too obvious - and be careful.

Brightwell, Illinois, Feduary 2020

Gavin's stay in Brightwell had been uneventful, except for a trip or two to the old Native American Burial Grounds to see if there were any more secrets he can find out. No such luck; the local Indian Tribes had existed long after Magic had faded away into myth - 5000 BC/BCE, was it? Nevertheless, today, he was at the motel room's lobby, waiting for his 'invitees' to arrive.

He wasn't blind, of course. The real reason he chose Brightwell, Illinois, was because Sparrow Freemark, the motel owner, was a Mage as well, one whose spells were all Mind, even, filling a niche that was needed. This gave him a way to keep people out of his business for a while.

Nevertheless, as the people he had signaled began to arrive in the small town, they would feel a subtle signal, a 'twitch' in their brains that would direct them towards the Garfield Motel, where Gavin had spent a lot of money - the price of one ceremonial sword - reserving all the rooms for his 'meeting'. The Garfield Motel was a small, rectangular establishment whose architectural style dated from the 50s, able to fit at least a dozen people. Gavin expected half of that.

Things are going well...too well, the eighteen-year-old boy thought. He suspected that things were going to go wrong, given time. But he refused to think that whatever was coming would be too much for the group he was mustering.

The doors to the motel opened; were the first Mages he had called coming soon? Well, best to greet them, then.

Getting up, the young adult would say:

"Hello there, my name is Gavin Prince. You've received my message, I take it?"

He scanned the group; it seemed that they were all strong and already somewhat experienced with their powers...

@Haydrian Cindel@Guardsman@Gentlemanvaultboy@duskshine749@Bazmund@Dark Light@silvermist1116@Stitches
@Stitches, Acceptable, note that I already have plans for the entire group to meet up in the same place, so Abigail ought to expect a letter from 'mysterious sources' soon.
So as I lie here in bed I have a few questions to try and help me get my concept nailed down. So you said mind illusions are more like a hallucination. What type of magic would create hologram type illusions? Or is there a way to make actual temporary clones like in naruto?

With change magic, say you could change fire to ice, would that same spell allow you to change ice to fire or would that require another spell slot?

Also I’m thinking of taking a mind spell tentatively called “read intent” which would basically be a form of mind reading but more like “this person intends to lie to me” “this person intends to run away” “this person intends to feint left then swing right” would that be okay or does it cover too much. I’m just not exactly sure how strong spells should be

1.) World Magic can manipulate light to create holograms.

2.) No, it won't require another spell slot.

3.) Spells can be reasonably strong, but rule of thumb is that anything that affects more than two dozen people at once or can instantly destroy a Wal-Mart-sized building is forbidden at the beginning of the RP.
@Double, Approved.
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