Avatar of Letter Bee


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Current So many good RPs and not enough time...
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A friend of mine, GOATPlumber, is running a Fate RP, Fate/Dark Heritage, which is still recruiting!
27 days ago
The second thread of my RP, Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, is 7 months old, but the overall storyline has lasted for 22 months.
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I've been here since Oldguild.
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Tomorrow will be a great day...
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<Snipped quote by Starlance>

Update: I've added dates at various points into the opening post, with the current date being CE 2083

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

*He, but thank you (I think, haha).
And yes, something like Starlance described would be perfectly acceptable. Similarly, something like having experience as a civilian pilot through a family business like a cargo ship and then joining the Resistance and doing flight training would work for a pilot of a younger age in the low 20's.

I like it! Perhaps a smuggler?

Also, question: What's life in the Empire like?

Edit: Wait, checked the OOC OP; just saw.
@Letter Bee

Idea: If you want to play a younger pilot (say early 20s), you could have your guy/gal be an aviation nut who'd joined an aeroclub or somesuch group at a young age and was partway through military training when he or she decided to join the terrorists Resistance and had to start active duty early due to the Resistance being short on hands? Then you'd have a character who knows how to fly and has some training with fighters, but is still learning the ropes insofar as actual combat flying goes.

Maybe that could work?

I like it, but it's up to Silverwind if she'll accept.
<Snipped quote by Starlance>

I haven't put a year specifically yet as I didn't want to 'date' the RP's setting using our calendar. However, I will come up with a calendar 'year' and update the RP with that, as well as including relevant dates - at least to the year - for other things.

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

16-18 is really far too young for anyone to reasonably have had any kind of training or operational and life experience that would make them trustworthy and competent enough to be trusted with piloting several million credits-worth of spacecraft, let alone all the destructive capability a Starfighter has.

I hadn't thought about a Discord server so far. I can set one up if enough people want one.

Thanks anyway - I can be 20 - 28, if needed?
Is 16 - 18 an acceptable age for a starfighter pilot?

And will this RP have a Discord Server?
Andrew Bennett/Hope

"Can your clones become sapient?" Andrew asked Morie sort of tactlessly, even by his own standards. "I presume they can't, but I do want to know for sure."

Then as Overclock gave his real name, Andrew picked up on the hint and said with a smile, "That's a good name, Sean; thanks for trusting me and the others with it."

He wasn't entirely oblivious to the tensions and fault lines brewing in the group, but Andrew was enough of an optimist - Someone named Hope had to be - that they will eventually work together well and become a band of true companions. Some of them, anyway. Also, did Morie just refuse to go shopping with him? If so, he hoped Wilbur didn't follow up with a refusal of his own; that meant that he was even worse at socializing than he thought.

Honestly, what was up with himself? Was he really screwing himself over in his first encounter with potential friends? Either way, he was certain that the older folk here looked at him with... Skepticism (?). Why? Did he really fail socialization that badly?

Nevertheless, his panic was not such that the boy failed to notice Carmen's demonstration of her power. With a grin, Andrew flashed her a thumbs up, before asking, "Can you produce food with that, and would it be energy-efficient for you? Also, can you copy more sophisticated tech?"

He did not add the fact that he had a similar sub-power himself; he knew enough to know that it'd come off as one-upmanship and probably destroy what neutral or positive impression he had with her. Besides, it wasn't that similar.

As for the Director's emergency phone call, Andrew wasn't actually surprised, even though he hadn't thought that something would actually happen. Either way, he'd change his hair to a similar, but not the same, silvery shade as Caiden did, looking at the other youth sort of admiringly, and then say next, "Should I use my powers or do we have costumes ready?"

A hint that he was more powerful than he had already shown, but not a hint that he was more dangerous; that came later. Andrew may be immensely socially awkward, but he was not so dumb as to think that people won't regard him as a risk once he had revealed more of his abilities. However, he can pace it, he can make sure that the reveals were controlled... Right? Either way, he was ready to fight whatever enemy was there, assuming this was a 'fighting' assignment.
Intrigues of Venedig - Fantasy RP

I. Intro

II. Interesting Countries that Trade with Venedig

III. The Factions inside Venedig

IV. Magic System

V. What if I don't want to play a Mage?

V. Rules

VI. Character Sheet Skeleton

5/16/2022 - Replaced 'Exceptional Skills' with Character Traits and added a paragraph of lore about what life in the Empire of the Golden Grail/Reich des Goldenen Ghrales is like!

Edit: No, I am not running this.

Name: Erisse Augusta Narrativia.

Age: 25

Grade: N/A

Biography: The Narrativias were a family tasked by the God of Stories to record the ongoing tales and epics of the world; heroic and villainous both, and guide worthy warrior's hands to their victory, romantics to a chance at true love, and those who yearn for redemption for an opportunity to get it. This has made them masters of infilitration and magical surveillance, explorers of the physical and spiritual worlds, and translators of a hundred languages. And above all, mentors of a hundred heroes, crafters of five dozen magical relics, and healers of a hundred fatal injuries, sicknesses, and disorders.

Erisse was all right with that, but her brother, Kyros Narrativia, was not. Kyros wanted to be a hero himself, to use his knowledge of how Narrative worked to solve others' problems for them. He knew better than they did, can glimpse tropes and plot devices at work and even invoke them. Why shouldn't he have a turn saving the world? The answer was that someone who thought like that was not worthy to be a hero, that he didn't realize that heroism meant something, and he'd only cause more damage to people than he actually fixed. Neeedless to say, Kyros ignored the advice he was given and went off on his own.

Whenever Kyros went, he caused disasters in his wake, and Erisse had to clean up after them. Broken relationships, revealed secrets, lost trust and a trail of dead people and destroyed neighborhoods, that was the damage her brother caused. However, she was going to find him and put a stop to it, going to find him and... And... What would she do? Reason with him? Fight him? Maybe even kill him? Or should she just yield to her own desires and join him in trying to make things right?

Let Fate be the judge.


Core Power: Narrative Role of the Fairy Godmother - The specific blessing given her by the God of Stories, Narrative Role of the Fairy Godmother allows her the power to vaguely sense a person's current needs, whether it be food and water, good advice, clothing and weapons, and grants her a mystic reserve of energy which allows her to conjure any mundane item she has seen, read about, or personally handled. However, she needs her other powers in order to produce anything with magical attributes.

First Power: Workshop of Heroic Desire - Erisse, by talking with a potential Hero or Heroine about their hopes and dreams for thirty minutes or an hour, is able to establish a mental bond with them which allows her to craft a magic item, not necessarily but often a weapon, which allows them to achieve their hopes and dreams more quickly. However, the hero/heroine has to be sincere.

Second Power: Bottomless Storage - Erisse has access to a lifeless parallel plane that exists alongside the real world and universe as a whole. Because of this, its size is effectively bottomless, and it exists in concert to all other places at once. Erisse can transport herself or items to or from this plane at will, but not other living beings. She is unable to transport a singular object larger than a tank in this way, and targets must be freely movable and not nailed down or otherwise physically tethered to the world in some way. For example, she could transport a chain link or the shackles linked to it but not an intact fire hydrant that is built into the ground.

Because the pocket dimension is connected to all places at once, Erisse can teleport anything inside it, including herself, to anywhere else that she can remember or visualize well. This cannot cause the phenomena known as "telefragging", so the transportation will only succeed if the destination is sufficiently spacious. In this way, she can easily clear vast distances, and merely being able to see the horizon is sufficient to burn it into her memory well enough to jump there.

Third Power: Narrative Role of Familiarity - To get a story, sometimes one has to get close to people. This power makes doing that easier by making people think Erisse Augusta is part of their inner circle. For example, Erisse can use NRoF to give herself the 'Narrative Role' of 'School Teacher', making people beleive that Erisse is genuinely a Teacher in any of the Schools in Rhea, including the ones with Magical powers.

That said, there are drawbacks: Narrative Role of Familiarity does not alter one's abilities, powers, or physical capabiliites. That means that you can make yourself part of a paratrooper unit yet not be able to use a parachute right. Or join a world-class chef competition yet not be able to cook. So Erisse has to be careful. Not just that, but Anti-Magic can break NRoF when Erisse is touched by someone with this power.

Narrative Role of Familiarity is stronger when:

1.) There is a set number of 'slots' in the organization to be infiltrated and one of them is empty.
2.) A member of the said organization or someone that said organization trusts vouches for Erisse.
3.) If false evidence supporting the altered memories of the infiltrated organization is planted; the more believable, the better.
4.) The infiltrated organization does not have a set limit of members at all.

However, Narrative Role of Familiarity is weaker when:

1.) There is a set number of roles in the infiltrated organization and all of them are filled up.
2.) If a member of the infiltrated organization is naturally paranoid to the point of distrusting their own memories.
3.) If Erisse is called upon to use skills expected of a member of the organization, but she does not have.
4.) If someone else uses memory-altering magic on the infiltrated organization.

Erisse can reflexively exempt any person she wants, preferably an ally, from the effects of Narrative Role of Familiarity, preferably if they can keep their own mouths shut. Also, this power is ineffective against anyone who actively realizes that it is being used; that's why the second set of conditions weakens the power's potency.
Erisse Augusta Narrativia

Don't interfere, Erisse thought to herself as she sat on the highest seat in the stands, writing down her observations on the story unfolding before her, the story of Parker and Mina, as well as the tale of Michael and Andras. Narrative Role of Familiarity plus a few conjured up cameras and surveillance bugs had gotten her a bit of relevant info, information which allowed her to conduct her family's mission, that of recording and providing occasional guidance to would-be heroes and heroines.

However, there was just one problem. None of the people she wanted to help wanted her help, and the people more open to a chat with her were... Unheroic. 'King Bully'/Suzakura definitely deserved to be called an antagonist, although villain was too important a term to honor him with, while Mina's obliviousness rubbed her the wrong way. Not that she hadn't heard about her family and their dirty little secrets, but that didn't mean that she had the right to be, well, what she was right now.

Too bad Erisse was not good at redeeming people; she knew better than to try as long as it wasn't Kyros. To be honest, while she continued to believe in her brother's eventual redemption, her plan was to just find him and leave the actual counseling and 'talk no jutsu' to someone else - She knew her limits.

But, don't you want to surpass them? a stray thought said as she looked at the newcomer; Duke, was it? She should be careful about him too, considering what she had been told about him and what she found out by posing as a Mephisto's teacher from time to time...

@Spin The Wheel@AtomicNut@Dezuel@Scarifar@Crowvette

Name: Erisse Augusta Narrativia.

Age: 25

Grade: N/A

Biography: The Narrativias were a family tasked by the God of Stories to record the ongoing tales and epics of the world; heroic and villainous both, and guide worthy warrior's hands to their victory, romantics to a chance at true love, and those who yearn for redemption for an opportunity to get it. This has made them masters of infilitration and magical surveillance, explorers of the physical and spiritual worlds, and translators of a hundred languages. And above all, mentors of a hundred heroes, crafters of five dozen magical relics, and healers of a hundred fatal injuries, sicknesses, and disorders.

Erisse was all right with that, but her brother, Kyros Narrativia, was not. Kyros wanted to be a hero himself, to use his knowledge of how Narrative worked to solve others' problems for them. He knew better than they did, can glimpse tropes and plot devices at work and even invoke them. Why shouldn't he have a turn saving the world? The answer was that someone who thought like that was not worthy to be a hero, that he didn't realize that heroism meant something, and he'd only cause more damage to people than he actually fixed. Neeedless to say, Kyros ignored the advice he was given and went off on his own.

Whenever Kyros went, he caused disasters in his wake, and Erisse had to clean up after them. Broken relationships, revealed secrets, lost trust and a trail of dead people and destroyed neighborhoods, that was the damage her brother caused. However, she was going to find him and put a stop to it, going to find him and... And... What would she do? Reason with him? Fight him? Maybe even kill him? Or should she just yield to her own desires and join him in trying to make things right?

Let Fate be the judge.


Core Power: Narrative Role of the Fairy Godmother - The specific blessing given her by the God of Stories, Narrative Role of the Fairy Godmother allows her the power to vaguely sense a person's current needs, whether it be food and water, good advice, clothing and weapons, and grants her a mystic reserve of energy which allows her to conjure any mundane item she has seen, read about, or personally handled. However, she needs her other powers in order to produce anything with magical attributes.

First Power: Workshop of Heroic Desire - Erisse, by talking with a potential Hero or Heroine about their hopes and dreams for thirty minutes or an hour, is able to establish a mental bond with them which allows her to craft a magic item, not necessarily but often a weapon, which allows them to achieve their hopes and dreams more quickly. However, the hero/heroine has to be sincere.

Second Power: Bottomless Storage - Erisse has access to a lifeless parallel plane that exists alongside the real world and universe as a whole. Because of this, its size is effectively bottomless, and it exists in concert to all other places at once. Erisse can transport herself or items to or from this plane at will, but not other living beings. She is unable to transport a singular object larger than a tank in this way, and targets must be freely movable and not nailed down or otherwise physically tethered to the world in some way. For example, she could transport a chain link or the shackles linked to it but not an intact fire hydrant that is built into the ground.

Because the pocket dimension is connected to all places at once, Erisse can teleport anything inside it, including herself, to anywhere else that she can remember or visualize well. This cannot cause the phenomena known as "telefragging", so the transportation will only succeed if the destination is sufficiently spacious. In this way, she can easily clear vast distances, and merely being able to see the horizon is sufficient to burn it into her memory well enough to jump there.

Third Power: Narrative Role of Familiarity - To get a story, sometimes one has to get close to people. This power makes doing that easier by making people think Erisse Augusta is part of their inner circle. For example, Erisse can use NRoF to give herself the 'Narrative Role' of 'School Teacher', making people beleive that Erisse is genuinely a Teacher in any of the Schools in Rhea, including the ones with Magical powers.

That said, there are drawbacks: Narrative Role of Familiarity does not alter one's abilities, powers, or physical capabiliites. That means that you can make yourself part of a paratrooper unit yet not be able to use a parachute right. Or join a world-class chef competition yet not be able to cook. So Erisse has to be careful. Not just that, but Anti-Magic can break NRoF when Erisse is touched by someone with this power.

Narrative Role of Familiarity is stronger when:

1.) There is a set number of 'slots' in the organization to be infiltrated and one of them is empty.
2.) A member of the said organization or someone that said organization trusts vouches for Erisse.
3.) If false evidence supporting the altered memories of the infiltrated organization is planted; the more believable, the better.
4.) The infiltrated organization does not have a set limit of members at all.

However, Narrative Role of Familiarity is weaker when:

1.) There is a set number of roles in the infiltrated organization and all of them are filled up.
2.) If a member of the infiltrated organization is naturally paranoid to the point of distrusting their own memories.
3.) If Erisse is called upon to use skills expected of a member of the organization, but she does not have.
4.) If someone else uses memory-altering magic on the infiltrated organization.

Erisse can reflexively exempt any person she wants, preferably an ally, from the effects of Narrative Role of Familiarity, preferably if they can keep their own mouths shut. Also, this power is ineffective against anyone who actively realizes that it is being used; that's why the second set of conditions weakens the power's potency.
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