Avatar of LuckyBlackCat


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current To those I RP with, I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, just had a mental health crash but am recovering. Now to catch up on posting.
9 mos ago
The worst thing about mental illness is you have to look after yourself a disgusting amount. I know it's the only way to actually be in a fit state to look out for others, but it still feels wrong.
10 mos ago
Emeth: Then I'll be that friend who's the opposite kind of annoying, whispering "Do it, you know you want to..."
10 mos ago
Judging by the Internet's definitions of introversion and extraversion, you'd think everyone's either an extreme hermit or a party animal with no in between.
10 mos ago
Krystal: All part and parcel of the job.


A frazzled British thirtysomething cat mum with something of a tea addiction.

I like a wide range of RP genres, but have two absolute favourites: Pokemon and magical girls. (If someone manages to combine the two, I'll be VERY happy!) I post fairly regularly, but sometimes shit mental health days crop up - if that causes any delays, I'll try to resume posting ASAP.

Most Recent Posts

Sophia Danvers

Mesalon Gym

@fer1323 @Heckno12

Sophia rolled her eyes as Oscar did his usual thing of trying to sound profound. Even so, she found she couldn't be as annoyed as she'd been before. Not with all these Pokemon in the room.

"I'm sorry..." she blurted, her voice unusually soft as she faced the nearest Darmanitan. She thought back to what Ray had said about her unstable aura, and attempted to quell the pang of guilt, so as not to upset the Fire-Psychic types further. "It's ok... I-I'll be alright." There was nothing defensive about her tone this time. Instead, she sounded reassuring, or at least tried to. Reaching out, she gently petted the stone-like Pokemon, giving a little smile.

"Lacey," she whispered, letting out the Psychic type. "Say hello to these Pokemon here." The Gothita stared around in fascination, then approached the closest one with a soft squeak. Sophia watched, hoping Lacey would be able to comfort the Pokemon whose peace had been disturbed.

@AbysmalDemon Welcome back! And don't worry, real life is more important.
Hahaha the dragon's pretty big, but not quite THAT huge. (Same way an incorporeal spirit rests its head... heh, couldn't resist, Tatsua.)
✿ Florence Hadley ✿

Location: Greenhaven


"Yeah. That way, he'll be able to be properly looked over," Florence replied, nodding towards the Swablu. Throughout the journey, she'd kept an eye out for any signs of major head trauma, but he'd thankfully shown none. "And Chay here needs some rest."

Turning her head, she caressed the little bug on her shoulder. Once his wings had dried, Chay had insisted on flying for part of the journey, but had quickly tired. The Cacnea following close behind, on the other hand, showed no signs of fatigue. This particular species was known for its hardiness, after all.

"Uh..." Facing the Cacnea, Florence bit her lip. "Are you sure you want to come along? We've got a pretty tough challenge ahead." Far from deterred, the Grass type gave an eager "Cac!", his grin growing wider.

They don't just endure tough conditions and situations, Florence reminded herself, they seek them out. "Umm, well... if you're sure..." Holding out a Pokeball, Florence watched the Cacnea tap it with a thorny hand and disappear in a flash of light.

She looked at the Pokeball, eyebrows furrowed with worry, before shuffling behind Ella and Leisy towards the Pokemon centre.

♥ Ellanor "Ella" Beaufort ♥

Location: Greenhaven

@Dusksong @Dark Light

"The cave's here," Ella explained, showing Leisy the location on her Pokedex. "But yeah, we'd better head to the Pokemon centre first."

The building was fairly easy to find, right in the middle of the small village, near the spring. Heading inside, Ella handed over the Pokeball containing the newly-caught Nidoran to the nurse before sinking into one of the chairs, letting out a moan of relief. Her feet ached, but the group couldn't rest for too long.

While waiting for the Nidoran to be healed, she typed up a reply to Vivian's message.

"Finally here! We're in the Pokemon centre, but we'll be over ASAP."

Just as she sent the message, something caught her attention. Her bag shook. With an excited gasp, she took out the brown egg she'd carefully tucked in there. It wriggled again, a tap-tap-tap noise coming from inside. The shell cracked, the Pokemon inside jabbing through with a sharp stinger on its head. Uncurling herself, pushing away more shards of shell as she did so, she crawled onto Ella's arm, gripping with several stubby pink legs.

"Ohh!" Letting out a joyous laugh, Ella looked down at her newest Pokemon, who met her gaze with beady black eyes. "Well aren't you cute?" The Weedle tried to climb further up her arm, nearly falling. Reaching out with her other hand, Ella supported the newly-hatched little grub. "Whew! You alright?" she said as the bug scuttled onto her lap, her first movements a little clumsy.

Ella remembered the guy with the Weedle she'd met during her first day as a trainer. Now, she had one of the soft, fuzzy Bug types of her own.

I love how so far, there's only one person who's not like, "Oh, I'm dead. Ok."
~ Kimberly Haynes ~

@The Narrator

As the haze cleared from Kimberly's mind, one thought came rushing back.

A child's scream carrying on the sea air. Wide, terrified eyes staring out from under wet hair. Arms clinging to a rock. A face, pale with cold and shock, disappearing into the distance. Then, nothing but murky water.

"Amy!" That jolt of horror returned full-force as Kimberly turned her head this way and that, trying to figure out where she was and what had happened - even though, deep down, she knew. "My daughter, Amy, where is she? What happened to her?"

She pulled back, eyes wide, as something slithered in front of her. Something she'd been vaguely aware of for the entire journey, but whose presence she'd only just truly acknowledged. "Shhhh," it said, in a voice like the hissing of waves on the shore. The sea serpent raised its head, giving her a blood-red gaze. "Your daughter survived. Thanks to you, the lifeguards reached her in time. Too bad the same can't be said for you."

Kimberly took another step back, mixed emotions surging through her. Amy was alive... but what was this huge, scaly creature doing here? Why had she let it follow her? Who was this old man? And if it was true, if she was... if she hadn't made it... then why had she come back? Despite having travelled all the way here, she didn't feel cold, or hungry, or tired. Was she a ghost? She looked down. She was completely solid, and could feel the floor under her feet. What was she, then?

I know what I am, she told herself. She had to be rational about this. I'm a perfectly ordinary, living human having a nightmare. Soon I'll wake up, and everything will be back to normal... She'd never had a dream this vivid, though. Never.

Turning towards the man, she took a deep breath. She was dead, and yet she was still breathing, still standing... why? "Please," she said, in as steady and cool a tone as she could. "Tell me what's going on here."
@Dusksong I had the group reach Greenhaven, hope you're ok with that.
It's kind of refreshing to have so many female characters in an action/horror setting, a lot of those tend to be male-dominated. And yay, looking forward to IC!
@OtomostheCrazy Well, Sophia and Oscar are about to get new Pokemon from Lan, so it's probably best to wait. Deneb could train by battling a student, though.
✿ Florence Hadley ✿

Location: Greenhaven


The walk through the sandy expanse seemed to take forever, but as the first rays of morning brightened the sky, greenery came into view, as did stone buildings.

Just a little further, Florence thought, her breathing laboured, her shoulders hunched. Staggering on past the palm trees and cacti, she let out Bonica. The Grass-type would probably like it here - at least, around this time, when it wasn't too hot. The cold night air had only just begun to warm up.

"You alright here?" the trainer asked in a cracked whisper. "Not far now... Aagh!" She stumbled back and fell as a cactus, motionless a few moments before, spun round and jumped at her.

Bonica rushed in front of Florence, ready to defend her, while Panacea, released from her Pokeball by the jolt, ran to her trainer's side to check for injuries. Instead of attacking, though, the Cacnea looked a little taken aback. "Nea...?" The Pokemon's impish grin faded, and his arms drooped.

"Dew! Budew-dew!" Bonica scolded the Cacnea. Turning around, Panacea joined in. The cactus Pokemon mumbled something, to which Bonica tilted her head and listened. "Dew..." Her tone sounded a little uncertain, but after Panacea said something, Florence looked on in surprise at what the two Pokemon did next. While Panacea kept the Cacnea distracted, Bonica hid behind a rock, jumping out moments later with a squeal. Being a tiny little rose bud, though, scary was something she couldn't exactly pull off. Instead of trying again, she danced for the other Grass type.

"Wait..." Florence stood up, brushing sand off her jeans. "You're lonely, aren't you? You just wanted someone to play with." Watching the three, she gave a smile - a slightly sad one. Bonica and Panacea were doing for the Cacnea what Vernie had done for them. "Uh... Just make sure to play nice."

Panacea suddenly squeaked, taking the Cutiefly egg from her pouch and passing it to Florence. "Hm?" As the trainer cupped it in her hands, it shook, making little peeping noises. A crack formed, widening, pieces of shell falling away. A pointed nose stuck out, followed by a fuzzy yellow face, as the newborn Pokemon wriggled free. Taking in his surroundings, he remained perched on Florence's hand, spreading out his damp wings to dry.

Florence's smile widened, tears of happiness coming to her eyes. "Hello there, little one!" she cooed, gently ruffling the fur on his head with her finger. Even with her recent experience involving caring for Cutieflies, she consulted her Pokedex, just to make sure she knew how to look after him.

"It feeds on the nectar and pollen of flowers. Because it's able to sense auras, it can identify which flowers are about to bloom."

"Good thing we've reached the oasis," Florence commented. The fresh supply of berries she'd bought earlier would sustain the Bug type, but flowers would be best for him. Her gaze settled on him again as she cradled him like a loving mother. "Chay. Your name's Chay. Meaning fairy tale."

The Cacnea drew back, his wary eyes on the bug. As Panacea turned from Chay to the wild Pokemon and asked him something, he drew himself up, shaking his head and uttering a defiant "Nea."

Florence chuckled a little. "There's no need to be scared," she reassured him. She could understand why the Cacnea, being a Grass type, might be cautious around bugs. "He's just a baby."

She continued running her fingers along his fur, not wanting to think about what she could soon be dragging the hatchling into. She'd have to do her best to keep him out of this.

♥ Ellanor "Ella" Beaufort ♥

Location: Greenhaven

@Dusksong @Dark Light

As soon as it became clear Florence was alright, Ella let a grin of adoration spread across her face as she looked at the Cacnea. "Grass types are so pretty!" she squealed. "Look at his smiling face!"

Right at that moment, the tiny yellow egg hatched, a winged ball of fluff crawling out. "Aww! They're both so adorable!" Ella leaned in, eyes shining as she took a closer look at the baby Pokemon. It was almost too much cuteness to take in. The Cacnea glared at her, clearly not taking too kindly to having been called adorable, then turned his unsure gaze back to the Cutiefly.

Before Ella could admire the Pokemon any longer, though, her Pokedex beeped. Checking it, she stared back over at the other two.

"Here's where we need to be!" she said, showing them the map, pointing at the marked location. "Viv's on her way there!"

♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪

Location: Tefan Village

@Darkmoon Angel

"Again...?" Cici nearly toppled as the stony ground suddenly shook under her. It was nothing like the earlier earthquake, but it was enough to loosen small chunks of rock from the cavern walls. She froze in place, staring around. "Well, we might be close to finding our culprit..."

There was a scuffling noise, and the next moment, Cici found herself faced with five dragons. Two Bagons, a Noibat, an Axew and a Fraxure, all of them frantic, their harsh cries echoing.

"Uh..." Cici stepped back, glancing at Luna and Tommy. "They don't exactly look too happy to see us."

Beside her, Ligeia puffed up, while Dulcet flew above the dragons, squawking. Forte and Kymbalon both stomped forward.

"Careful, Ligeia!" Cici called as the Noibat swooped. Ligeia jumped up, her inflated body letting her drift out of the attack's way. "Use Sweet Kiss!" The Igglybuff blew a glowing pink heart at the Noibat, throwing off its flight pattern. "Dulcet, Dragon Pulse! Kymbalon, Dragon Tail! Forte, use Uproar and focus on the Fraxure!"

As the battle unfolded, a swipe of the Axew's claws sent Ligeia flying. "Ligeia!" As the wounded Igglybuff bounced off the cave wall, Cici scooped her up in her arms. The Igglybuff, despite her injuries, tried to struggle free, still set on protecting her trainer.

Light flooded the cavern. Cici turned her head away with a gasp, closing her eyes, nearly dropping the Pokemon. She could feel Ligeia growing. When the light faded, Cici stared at the Fairy type. The flickering afterimages cleared from her vision, revealing Ligeia's changed form. The pink Pokemon, now larger, looked up at her with wide blue eyes.

"Oh, Ligeia!" Cici couldn't help but grin. Her happiness, though, turned to caution as the fight intensified, growls and roars sounding through the cavern.

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