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Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
7 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
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Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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Elizabeth and Megu


Elizabeth nodded her head absently at Volaris' response, still watching the pair. Almost as if she wasn't paying full attention. Not that she really needed to, seeing as he was simply confirming what she had already believed to be his motives. Though she did eventually tear her gaze from them and towards Volaris as he began to respond to Megu.

"Ah of course my Lord. I should've expected no less from a Supreme Being to be so wise. Excuse my ignorance." Nodding as she spoke, the fire demon gave an exaggerated bow of her head. He had thought far ahead indeed with this disguise in mind. This was the difference between their planes of existence!

When Volaris activated his gate spell, Megu finally stood up. "Of course my lord. We mustn't keep our...'guests' waiting." With a smile that didn't quite match the tone she used, the black haired demon followed suit through the portal. Gesturing to Elizabeth to follow suit. Not that the girl needed the prompt, but such was Megu.

When the trio exited the portal, at first the change in lighting was blinding for the demon. Taking a few moments, and a lot of blinking, to adjust. Gah, she had forgotten how bright the surface world was when one actually went outside. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was looking around, taking in the scenery around them. When one was practically raised in a forest, such greenery and beauty was nothing. Especially in comparison to the mighty forest that dwelled within the great Cathedral. Though it held a certain charm of its own and wasn't quite as dreary. Her attention was bought back to the task at hand when she heard Volaris speak her name, frowning for a moment. She knew this was coming, but it didn't mean it pleased her.

"Of course Mas-uhh....grandfather." She had begun her customary response, but upon the realisation that it might be best to hold a certain amount of cover for time being managed to catch herself and made a somewhat hesitant correction. He certainly seemed old enough in appearance to be the young lady's grandfather. Though she didn't quite feel at ease calling him that, it should serve it's purpose. With a quick glance at the duo, she approached with her hands raised. "Greater Healing." Placing her outstretched hands on the female soldier, she felt the familiar rush of magic through her body. In an instant, the woman's wounds were completely healed. Not even a scar remained, her body having been restored to peak condition with Elizabeth's magic.

The man handed the keys over without any fuss once he heard Scar clear things up for him. Good, the last thing they needed was to start a fight right now. The man clearly knew how to use his weapon, so being unarmed the fight would've been very difficult. He looked over as Diana made her way over to the door. A few things went through his mind at this very moment, such as what had happened before when she tried to blow the door off its hinges. Hawke's sudden shout made him groan externally. The doors were protected by enchantments. Of course.

Scar held onto the desk as the room suddenly trembled. The glyphs on the door making him sigh and shake his head. Well, if they hadn't made a shitload of noise before with the previous spells, then they certainly had the attention of the guards by now surely.

.....Or whatever the fuck that thing was.

Thanks to Kris' shouting, the bug creature trying to break in was now front and centre of Scar's mind. He didn't need to be told twice to go get his weapons, and the first chance he got he went in. There was a lot for him to grab. Needles, wire, daggers, throwing knives, his favourite shortsword, his hand crossbow and most importantly; his fucking shoes. The Kitsune was arming himself literally to the teeth. He even grabbed some of the guard's weaponry, some of their bolts and a pair of arm guards. Whatever little weapon he could throw he grabbed.

God knows how he carried all this and was still stealthy, but he had his methods.

"I don't think he's got much of a choice here Princess." Adjusting his arm guards, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at Kris' words. There was safety in numbers here, god knows how many of those things were out there. The man would probably die if he didn't stick with them. Not that Scar cared, he wasn't a member of the group plus he was a criminal.

"I would rather fight these things with a well armed, trained and drilled army personally." With a rare smile, or perhaps it was a smirk, he took aim at the creature at the window. "Suppose anyone here have a plan? Mine just involves killing these things and not dying, but it's open to suggestions."
Elizabeth and Megu


Some time had passed since Megu had left Elizabeth to her own devices. She trusted the Fire Demon to make the preparations with little hassle and fuss. Normally in this time, she might've taken the time to think on their predicament, but instead that was the last thing she wanted to think about. At this moment she barred her mind from thinking about anything remotely related to her Father, which was certainly far from the norm for the girl. The less she thought about him, the more she could stay composed and in control. She could think about this more when she wasn't about to go on a potentially important mission. Especially one that required her to journey with a Supreme Being. Showing any sign of weakness would be unforgivable, especially after her showing in the Scrying Chamber.

So she did the only thing she could at this moment, she read. She just pulled out a book and read. It was good to pass the time and distract her thoughts, a 'kill two birds with one stone' type solution. She was close to the end when she heard a knock at her door and looked up from her novel, a little irritated by the interruption but upon seeing it was Megu the young mage managed to stop herself from voicing said annoyance. If she was back, then it was obviously time to get going.

"I apologise my lady, but the preparations are on schedule. Not even the servants can feasibly mess this up from here on out so I was coming to suggest that we make our way to Lord Volaris, but if you are busy then that can wait." With a respectful bow, she went to leave.

"It doesn't matter Megu," Elizabeth said with a sigh, standing up and shutting the book in the same motion. "It can wait, it would be best not to make Lord Volaris wait if he is ready himself." Pocketing in the book, Elizabeth strode past the bowing Megu who soon followed suit with a brisk, to the point response.

"As you wish then."

With the use of Teleportation magic, getting back to the Chamber took very little effort and time. When the cloaked duo came into the beautiful chamber, they expected to find the Supreme Being in his usual guise. Not this frail looking old man in his place. At first, Elizabeth didn't realise it was him. But luckily, Megu had already walked forward and addressed him.

"Lord Volaris? This was not the guise I nor my lady expected." She stopped a few steps away from the player, taking a few moments to study his current form. She wasn't sure why he had taken the form of an old man, but it certainly gave off the air of a harmless, senile elderly man. "I mean no offense of course my lord. I believe choosing such a form was wise, not that I expected any less of course, for not only can you blend with other humans but they tend to ignore the elderly and weak. And you give off the current impression of both." Summing up her thoughts with a light bow, she took this moment to also gesture to Elizabeth to come over.

"Tch. I knew it was him." Clicking her tongue in annoyance, the young mage walked straight up beside Volaris and began to study the scene of the forest before them. Despite the disapproving look Megu gave her. Of the two armoured figures, both seemed gravely injured. If left to their own devices, they would surely pass soon. It was of no consequence to them, but nontheless had these two had gained the attention of the Supreme Being. She also couldn't deny her interest, she rarely saw any humans. She didn't count her father or Lexicon, one was a Supreme Being and the other....well, one could barely consider him human to be honest.

"Shall we captu-I mean, 'save' these two?" She asked, gesturing to the image "I assume that's what you are thinking? That they could hold vital intel?" She failed to see what else could interest Volaris, for it was really her own selfish personal reasons that they caught her own. With her magic, healing them would be easy enough and make the duo in debt to them. Meaning they could gather information much easier and faster. Best case scenario, they knew everything about what had caused their situation and anything else they wanted to know.

Highly unlikely, but a possibility nonetheless.

Worst case scenario, they could give them some information about their surroundings and the world in general. Didn't really see how they really lost here. But, it was up their Master to choose.

That was such a wonderful response. Because he totally knew what the situation was. Well, he did kinda know that it wasn't a good one and that they were searching their surroundings? Besides that, not much really.
Gah, why did he have to be late? If he hadn't been, he would've known everything. Suppose he could only blame himself, also taking a mental note to try and increase his speed stat some more. Or maybe get one of the others to teach him Teleportation magic. God, he envied that so much.

Noticing that Baron was gesturing for him to come closer the Kitsune did so, though tenatively. The next moment he felt one of Baron's long and skinny limbs grab onto his shoulder. Another moment passed and they were suddenly in the Akashic Records. Kat took a moment to regain his bearings, blinking a few times as he readjusted to the change in lighting.

Oh thank god, Baron had finally explained what was going on. For a moment Kat thought he was going to have to make himself look like an even bigger idiot by asking, though he visibly flinched when he heard that he was going to have to read not one, not two, but six whole volumes of History of Yggdrasil. Wonderful.

He always got the best, funnest jobs didn't he?

"Of course Baron sir! Consider it done!" Giving an enthusatic salute, he mentally shook off the gloom he felt. He had his orders, no use moping about. He could consider this task a punishment for being late. First things first, he needed to get said books. With that thought in mind, he turned on his heel and proceeded to make his way over to the shelf that contained said volumes to begin his task.

Scar promptly ignored the whole mum treatment from Kris. She wasn't the boss of him, so if he wanted to eat a potential deathtrap then he could at least go out in a way he would want. Eating a goddamn sandwich. Truly, there was no better way to go Scar reasoned. So he just continued fiddling around, growing more and more irritated as he realised the futility of it all. If he had his proper lockpicking gear, he would've been able to do this. For sure.

He had given up on it when Diana had sauntered on over. Oh God, she was coming this way.

You would've had to have the intelligence of a brick to stay near that door as soon as that blasted woman went anywhere near it. Her intentions were obvious and Scar wanted nothing to do with it. Scrambling away quite quickly, he felt Kris grab him and kicked out. Planting a foot on her chest, the fox man launched himself under the desk and undercover just as the room rattled. Papers fluttered about in the breeze and he flinched when the loud crash of sword could be heard. Ouch. Sensitive ears were terrible around these lot, bloody hell.

Then, just when he thought his day couldn't get any worse a new person suddenly came through one of the doors. Wonderful. Just what he needed, another nuisance. The newcomer was a man, however, a welcome change to the fact that Scar was surrounded by women, but it didn't take a genius to work out that this man was a convict here. His attire kinda gave it away. But that wasn't all that important, to be honest. He was right, getting out of here was the priority here. Finally, somewhere here was speaking some sense. He went to stand up, dusting himself off as he did.

"Once we get our weapons, we will be more than happy to get out of-" Scar stopped mid-sentence, groaning loudly as he watched Macy duck under one of his swings. Great. What was she doing this time? This was a potentially dangerous criminal and he was armed. So yes, go and enter his personal space suddenly and just stand there. I'm sure he won't care or anything. "...She's saying she wants the keys. We need them to get our own weapons." Rubbing his temples, Scar sighed. Hopefully, he wouldn't attack Macy, but Scar couldn't just trust some criminal who had somehow gotten hold of some of the keys. So he was ready to back her up in case of an attack, but honestly, without his weapons, he wasn't sure what he would be able to do against this bulky man.


Adelyn didn't move from her sitting, curled up ball position even when Laz made his way onto the deck. At this point, she didn't feel up to blasting him to the moon. She didn't really feel like doing anything at the moment really. Instead, she just tried to become more like a sitting armadillo than before and hide her face further. She wasn't sure what was worse right now, how she felt or the fact that she was acting so...weak in front of them. Let alone Laz. Which in turn made her feel worse.

The unsettling silence that set in after she had heard Laz sit down somewhere near her didn't particularly help in that regard either. Perhaps it was too much to expect a savage such as himself to say something, anything, to comfort her. Nor was she was sure why she would want him to. Perhaps because he was the one that had come looking for her after her, truth be told embarrassing, outburst? The more the silence dragged on, the more she had to think. Which she hated.

Thankfully, he finally broke the silence. His sudden and unexpected apology catching her off-guard. It just seemed so...well unlike him. Not just the apology, but the way he said it. At first, she didn't quite understand what he was apologising for, but as he continued to speak she slowly lifted her head. This was certainly a far more...mature line of thinking and speech that Laz was using. One that she thought beyond him, to be perfectly honest her opinion of him wasn't all that high anyway. To show more maturity than a five-year-old child would've been above her expectations. She was so surprised, she couldn't really do much other than sitting there and listen.

It was absurd to be honest, his 'escape plan'. Laughable in fact. Even she couldn't help but smile a little at it as she shook her head. And it would be difficult to find someone who wasn't moved, even a little, at the notion he put forward. It was mostly laughable because it would seem even with this sliver of maturity he had found...he still didn't quite understand.

"And go where exactly?" She asked, her voice cracking just so slightly. "My parents are dead. The Librarium have labelled me a traitor. My brothers will probably kill me on sight, not that one needed a reason to anyway. And my Uncle..." She paused at that one. She wasn't sure about that man, to be perfectly honest. She had never understood him. Nor did she know whether that traitor title had been applied to him or her brothers. Or, if she tried to seek his help, it might label him as such. Let alone, would he even help her?

No. She couldn't go to him. With family out of the question...that left nothing really. She knew nobody, a small side effect of having very little contact with people outside of her direct family or servants. And the occasional ball she went to. Any family friends or allies they had would quite likely turn her in, seeing as she's a traitor and all. She was more than aware she couldn't survive on her own...so, unfortunately, this was her best option.

"Besides...what irks me more than anything this motley crew can do, more than disturbing my reading, more than speak in such crude and vile language, more than being vulgar, barbaric savages...is decide for me. Worse still, betray me." Pausing and clenching her fists, she half turned to look at Laz's back. "Both of which that so-called 'Captain' did. He's no different from them. From my parents. That was all they ever did." She honestly couldn't think of a single significant decision in her life she had made up till now. Her parents seemed intent on her following her brother's footsteps...on becoming a Hunter, or at least a Cleric Knight. And, at the same time, being a graceful and sophisticated nobleman's wife. On becoming a mage. Honestly, she couldn't see how she could feasibly be all that but they had obviously thought otherwise.

"You're not the only one that doesn't understand me. They never did, either that or they simply didn't care what I thought. Even now, I'm stuck with constant reminders. That the choices I didn't even make...they've..." At those words, her tightly clenched hands were paler than a ghost. Contrasted by the small trickle of blood that dripped down from where her nails had dug into her palm.

"...I don't want, or need, someone to confide in. They'll just betray that trust eventually. I'm fine with being alone." She spoke in a brutally honest tone, her tightly held fists just releasing a little. Even if it wasn't all quite the truth, it was just hard to trust someone when she felt she couldn't. Even if she wanted to. "But even so, I know I can't make it by myself. Not when the government has effectively blacklisted you. I wouldn't even be able to go out in Public without being arrested. Leaving this ship is effectively a death wish. Then again, maybe death wouldn't be so bad."

At least in death, nothing that worried, hurt or burdened her would be a problem anymore. Who knows, maybe after the stunt she had pulled just before she would be kicked from the ship anyway. Not like she could really blame the Captain, insubordination was a serious offence. Let alone assault, undermining his authority, amongst other things. The more she thought about it, the more trouble she realised she might've gotten herself into. Oh well, it was no use worrying about it too much now. She had other things burdening her mind. And besides, whatever punishment the Captain would dish out was out of her control.

"Every time I give something, or someone a chance, it just seems to turn around and slap me...I just don't see a reason to." Besides, she had given this lot plenty of little mini chances. None of which had been taken thus far, so what was to be gained by giving them more? "Besides, there's a difference between that and what the Captain expects of me. Attacking a Librarium convoy would just solidify my traitor status beyond repair. And any chances of returning to the Librarium will be gone with it."


She was in the middle of cradling her sore foot when she heard the familiar voice call out to her. Blargh, out of everyone why did it have to be him? Straightening up and shooting a glare over her shoulder, she noticed the familiar creepy eye sigil that Laz made poking out from under the trapdoor. She had half a mind to blast both it and the door to smithereens, maybe she could get some splinters in his face. But she decided that was more trouble than it was worth. Instead, she narrowed her eyes further and spoke in a low growl.

"No I do not. And certainly not with someone as vile and irritating a savage as yourself." Turning her back on Laz, she sat down and hugged her knees close to her chest. She didn't know what he wanted, but she didn't care or want to know. So instead, she sat there in silence for a moment. Or two. Or three. In fact, it was more like five minutes of total dead silence from the girl before she finally turned slightly to glance back towards the trapdoor.

Oh. He was still there. She let out a heavy sigh as she realised that he probably wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Great. "...I didn't want or ask for any of this." Burying her face into the dark fabric of her skirt, she spoke in a hard to hear mumble. Especially seeing as Laz was kinda below deck. "I'm sick of it. All of it. No one ever cares to ask me before hand, they're all the same. The Captain, my parents, everyone. I didn't get a choice in any of it."
Jasmine Lockwood and Rajah

Everything that...she had done?

The words made Jasmine pause and think for a moment. What exactly had she accomplished? She couldn't think of anything noteworthy. The only useful thing she had accomplished in her life from memory was the mission they had just finished. And even, she didn't really contribute too much there. Though, when her mind changed course on what she had gone through...well, things were a little clearer after the last few days on that front.

From her oldest memory, she had been losing everything dear to her. Her family, her friends....herself in many a sense. She had endured experiments that went above and beyond 'inhumane'. Looking back, it was a miracle that she was alive, to be honest. Let alone the experiments, but she had been attacked by a dark wizard, morphed into a sword by some weird creatures, caught up in numerous fights between wizards and that was all that just happened recently over the last couple months.

However, despite the losses she had endured...here she stood. Alive and well, for the most part anyway. Was this a result of strength? Or simply..."Lucky....I'm not strong, just lucky." With a mumble, she had been reduced to sniffling. She didn't really believe one could survive like she had purely on luck, but there was no other way to explain it from her view. She was aware that hers must surely be running out by now, seeing how much she had used.

"Family? We're...family?" Echoing the words back softly, she could feel the tears welling up again. There was mixed feelings here. Regret, helpless, sadness, grief as she thought about her parents. This all mixed with happiness, joy at the revalation that Penny saw her as such.

Right, everyone in the guild was her 'family' now. Penny viewed everyone as such, as did Jasmine. They mighn't get along all the time, but they were always there for one another. And their family needed them now, yet here she was wasting time with her unneccessary crying. Clenching her fists tightly, she took a deep breath to calm herself. Actually, a few deep breaths. She could cry about these things later. As Ryujin now told her, "There's no point dwelling on things out of your control. Only think about what you can control."

With Jasmine pulling herself together, Ryujin stayed quiet for the most part. He could've talked to her but decided against it. It was best she found a way to drag herself out of her own self pity, besides Penny seemed to be better at it than possibly ever could be so best to leave her to it. So instead, he continued his conversation with Penny. ]"It is worth a try though, no? If it is too risky, I remember a certain...individual from Jasmine's memories. He might be able to aid in such endeavours."

His words made Jasmine peek out from Penny's shirt and glance down at the pendant. What did he mean? She couldn't think of anyone who could help them. Though, at that same moment the image of a man flashed in her mind. Oh. Oh.

"His...personality leaves much to be desired, but his skills are 'the real thing'. A powerful practioner of wind magic if memory serves me correct." Ryujin wasn't really really sure if Penny knew him, but the man he spoke of had been in the guild hall not that long ago. When Jasmine had reawakened her magic, to be precise. And if flying was their method of travel, then if they could convince him to help then their trip would not only be easier and faster but also safer and less draining. However...

"That is, if we can convince him. I'm afraid his 'services' won't come cheap. But, that's where that...pest can actually be useful."

While Rajah didn't realise she was being ignored, she was certainly quite happy at this moment in time. After all, Iggy was giving her more food. So long as she had food, she seemed a lot more...quiet. Not that the food lasted anywhere near long enough.
"I shall Sir Ignatius. But when are we heading towards this damned Island? I thought time was of the essence."

Ashlyn Johnson

Blargh. Spoil sports. Bunch a sticks in the mud, the lot of them. She had half a mind to just set fire to the forest and draw out whatever was lurking within to come fight them. But, seeing as she was meant 'to be on her best behaviour' she even had to hold her tongue at Zero/Zeroam's words. She really wanted to give pretty boy here a piece of her mind, but it would have to wait till later.

"Whatever pretty boy, the overgrown newt can try. All it'll do is spread the flame." She had to settle for such a retort for now. Last thing she needed was for Indigo or Sanders to catch wind of her picking a fight with the other guilds. Gah, light guilds were such a pain to handle. She could fight this pipsqueak after this was all done and dusted, though on second thoughts he might have to be added to the waitlist. She wanted to fight quite a few individuals, some of which were here actually. Some however, weren't much to her disappointment. For such an important, world ending event...Phoenix Wing hadn't felt the need to send all their S-classes? Whatever, not like that many from Frenzy Plant were participating anyways.

"Well, sticking together is nice and all. Safety in numbers and all that shit. But that shadey bastard is right, we could be fighting an entire army and wouldn't know till we were right on top of em. Doesn't bother me all that much, just means more goons to torch." Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked up towards the sky rather thoughtfully. Thinking ahead wasn't her forte, she was more heat of the moment, improv type. She listened to Amaya's suggestion without moving her gaze from the sky. Mix with the other guilds? Hah, that'll be the day.

Then again, it had some merit.

"I say we just send a vanguard of sorts ahead. A mix of slayers, S-Classes and whatever. If they get in trouble, like shadey here said they can just let off a signal and the calvary can come charging on through and back them up if needed. Once they know where the bastards are, they report back and we bring down the hammer on the muggins. Just make sure the group has capable fighters." With a shrug, Ash made her suggestion. It honestly wasn't all that different from anything suggested thus far. But if they just made one small elite group, then they could move relatively easy and keep most out of harms way. They did need at least a rough idea what they were up against after all, and they wouldn't learn without needing to take a few risks. If need be, she would do this task by herself.
"Of course anyone in that vanguard group would also have a few screws loose, but honestly I haven't met a wizard yet who didn't. Then again, it mighn't be all that safer staying in the big, walking target that the rest of us would represent so eh. So long as I get to knock a few skulls in, I'm happy."

Scar felt a sharp breeze blow past him before he heard the loud crash of Diana's cell door as it impacted the wall next to him. Oi, what the hell was that bitch up to? He knew better than to react, for that was what she wanted. So he simply ignored it like the incident never happened, he didn't even flinch. He did make one comment, however "Learn to aim. I was a metre to the left, you dunce." with a shake of his he walked off towards the warden's office as the rest of the group trailed behind. Ignoring them all the while.

Approaching the desk, Scar swiped a potion before picking up the unfinished paperwork. Mostly just to skim through and see if it was anything important. If it wasn't he would discard and make his way to the 1st door, the wardens' bedroom. And if it was important, he would just look to roll it up and tuck it away for later. Surely the door to the room was locked so he got ready to pick the lock. That was when Macy decided to approach him with her finger in her mouth for whatever reason, and a mouldy, revolting looking sandwich in the other, outstretched hand. He looked at the sandwich, then at her. Realising she was trying to offer the sandwich, he took a moment to seriously contemplate the matter.

Yes, he was starving. Famished really. But was he really desperate enough to eat a mouldy, half-eaten sandwich which had been sitting on the warden's desk for god knows how long?


Fuck yeah, he was.

"Thanks, Mace. Maybe you ain't as useless as Princess over there." Jabbing his thumb in the direction of Kris, and making sure he was loud enough to be heard, he took the sandwich with an added appreciatively nod before taking the sandwich. It really was a questionable, inedible looking thing but mould, for the most part, was rather harmless. It mostly just ruined the texture and a bit of taste as a consequence, he could live with that. Of course, the fact that it also meant it was swarming with bacteria was a concern, but who cares. He was hungry.

So, after picking off the mould he would proceed to munch on the sandwich while fiddling with the door. Perhaps there was something of value in here? I mean, if he couldn't unlock it he would probably just try to kick it down out of frustration.
Jasmine Lockwood and Rajah

Ryujin listened to the anger-filled words that Penny returned fire with, accepting that he deserved anything she may want to say or call him. In whatever tone she wanted. He didn't quite understand humans or the companionship and kinship they felt towards others, their parents especially they shared a unique bond with, but he could appreciate it. In his youth, he hadn't but as he had grown wiser and older he slowly began to accept such foreign concepts. So to bring her Father's actions into such a light, this was to be expected.

Not that there was much he could've done to Penny in this situation regardless. As he had said before, he was merely an old spirit housed within Jasmine. He had little power beyond his memories and knowledge to spread. And of course communication with the outside, but even that was through a secondary lacrima. Linked to his own that dwelled within Jasmine.

Of course, there weren't many Phoenix Slayers. There weren't any of any slayer, and he remembered most Phoenixes as being a very secretive and lone creature that preferred isolation to others company. Her father Solias was an exception. Despite their stark differences in personality, beliefs, experiences, elements and, most important of all, races they had struck together a bond that upon looking back, shaped Ryujin into the being he was today. He had always been jealous of that Phoenix, with how he always managed to stay calm to how he could get himself out of almost any pinch. Perhaps his current persona was simply his vain attempt to channel and mirror his old friend?

Who knew. Anyway, he was getting distracted by unneeded thoughts. For he had two suffering girls to aid, though neither were helpless in their own right. Just from the small glimpse of memories he had seen from Penny, he knew she was the real deal. And he had known Jasmine for many years, watched over her even as he slept. Safeguarding both her magic and memories like the man and he had agreed he should do till the time was right. He still felt it was a little early, but a sudden intake of magic had awoken both himself and the magic. Without the ability to reseal it, he had little choice in the decisions made thus far.

"That isn't entirely true young one, there are many ways to kill any creature. Whether they be Phoenixes, Gods or...even dragons." His voice came out a little...bitter at the end. His mind still dwelled on that incident, the one where he had perished. That...monster that had slain him was still beyond his understanding. "He asked you knowing you wouldn't, couldn't, deny him. No matter how desperate he was, it was selfish to make his own daughter feel this burden. But, I am not exactly one in a position to criticise such a decision. For I am just as foolish and selfish as he, if not tenfold more!" The dragon let out a hearty laugh. Reflecting on his own mistakes, how many there were.

“Ah, I suppose that is true, but not quite what I meant young one.” He said with a low chuckle. This girl was strongly minded indeed, much like her father. He would’ve wished to have met her mother, for only a woman with a strong will would’ve been able to put up with that stern man. He was familiar with the concept she put forward as well, but as he had said that wasn’t quite what he was trying to get across. It was pointless trying to argue such a fine detail though so he decided against it.

Not that he had much of a chance as Jasmine had chosen this moment to come over. Ryujin letting out an “Oops.” as he and Penny bother quickly worked out the dots. Though Ryujin more knew how she possessed the knowledge she now did.
“I apologise, young slayer, I should’ve barred her mind from my own. It is my fault and not my young charge’s that she is now in possession of such knowledge about you.” Though Penny seemed more concerned with trying to cheer the water dragon slayer up than the fact that Jasmine now knew she had killed Solias, her father, it seemed like his apology wasn’t necessarily

Regardless, he felt like he still owed her one.

Hearing Ryujin’s apology, Jasmine shook her head. She wasn’t sure what he meant, but she shouldn’t have been eavesdropping on their conversation. She might’ve made an apology, it certainly sounded like she said something anyway. But it came out as an incomprehensible babble between her sobbing and her speaking into Penny’s shirt. Penny might need a new shirt after copping the volume of tears and snot that the girl expelled.

When Penny pulled back to meet the blondes gaze, her eyes and cheeks had turned a big puffy red. Jasmine, still trembling and tears gushing down like a waterfall, couldn’t meet it and averted her gaze. She still couldn’t find the ability to form comprehensible words, her throat feeling so tight and sore that just breathing alone was like trying to climb Mt Hakobe one-handed.

She wanted to argue with Penny. But couldn’t, she physically couldn’t right now. So instead she just shook her vigorously to deny the older mages words.

She was useless.

She was a nobody.

She was selfish.

And she wasn’t strong. Not at all.

She was a burden, she knew it. There was no use denying it. Deep inside she wanted to believe Penny’s words. No matter how much she wanted to, however, she found herself unable to for she also knew herself.

“You are only a burden if you think as such. I expected no less from his daughter, but the young Phoenix is correct in her judgement. Perhaps it is time I show you.” With Penny embracing Jasmine again, the younger mage hugged her back. Like her life depended on it.

“It is alright young slayer, you are welcome to ask whatever you wish to know about him. I knew him for many, many years after all.” It would seem that whatever Ryujin had meant with his previous words, he didn’t seem like he was going to reveal to Jasmine just yet. Though his next words were certainly an ....interesting choice.

“Before you return the pendant young slayer, I must ask something. Why must you fly? Why do you not use the lacrima either yourself or Jasmine have in your possession to simply teleport there? I must admit I do not know the specifics of how they work, but if you wish to save time and magic power is that not the most prudent course of action?”

While Ryujin made his mind-shattering suggestion, Rajah cast a glare towards Penny. Either unaware of the severity of the situation, or simply not caring, it mattered not. But the little Exceed ‘hmped’ before flying straight up into the Slayer’s face.

“Of course I am capable of it human, but why should I? Such brutish work is beneath me, that’s what Sir Ignatius is for anyway.” Following her arrogant words were equally obnoxious and over the top laugh. Even Ryujin was made to sigh by the Exceed’s actions.

“...I also suggest we leave this one here. For my sanity if not your own.”

Ashlyn Johnson

By some sheer miracle, they had managed to convince Ash to get in the boat rather than launch herself towards the Island. Perhaps it was the fear that she might not make it and land in the ocean which convinced her, rather at least in the boat there was less chance of that happening. Regardless, all the while once aboard the little dinghy, she became a hopeless mess. Clinging to Enma like her life depended on it, screaming and breaking into tears at every little single jerk the boat made. It was quite pathetic really, taking the definition of the worlds to all sorts of new levels. It was even more so than Enma's seasick state. And god forbid if any water that splashed up went anywhere near her, the scream that would follow sounded more like a teenage girl having come across a cockroach, or that of someone being brutally murdered in the most gruesome and slow manner. This lasted the entire trip, but thankfully because of the state she found herself in the nature and thickness of the ethernano around them seemed to not bother her in the slightest.

Once the boat touched land, however, she seemed to vanish and could be found scrambling around on the beach. Hugging and kissing the sand beneath her.
"Land! Sweet, sweet land! Never leave me again!" Perhaps her reactions were a bit over the top, but the sheer relief she felt from not being out at sea in such a pathetically small vessel was quite evident. She had just gotten back to her feet when it happened.

First, she fell silent as she felt a powerfully ominous presence. Before she had much chance to work it out, the very air seemed to vibrate as the loudest, most terrifying roar shook the entire island. It caused even Ash to completely freeze on the spot from fear. Whatever was the cause of this ruckus was strong...just from the roar alone that was evident. She wanted to clasp her hands over her ears to at least try and block out the noise, but couldn't find the willpower to move. Her body feeling like it was made out of steel. But somehow, she managed to keep a stance that stopped her from losing her footing. Though, if it lasted much longer she mightn't be able to.

Once it subsided, she wiped some blood that slowly trickled down. Grimacing as her ears still rung quite violently, her vision swimming as she reached out for Enma or anything nearby that was sturdy to hold onto until she regained her bearings. Taking a moment, she turned her attention to that of Sasha and Ferrin. So these two seemed to be in charge then? She wasn't entirely sure who they were, but she hoped they knew what they were doing.

The third person that spoke however she recognised. That was Hunter, the jade dragon slayer of Dragon Fang. Yes, she remembered him from the games. He was one of many on the list of people she wished to fight, but that could wait till later. For she now she pushed away from Enma and approached the group, cracking her knuckles as she came to a stop before them. This could only end well.
"I don't really know what the problem is ya shady bastard, just let me at em and there won't be no problem for much longer. Simple." She didn't care for this whole planning process. Honestly, if they were going to make one they should've come here with one at least. But, if they were going to go for an option she didn't mind the second one. In fact, she would be one of the first to volunteer for the 'combat' wizard role in a group. She had come here for only one thing after all; a fight.
"Dragons, demons, humans, whatever. I'll reduce them all to ashes all the same. Just put me up front and there won't be any more 'disturbances' on this Island."

Cody Bloodstein

Well, the response was probably what one should've expected to be honest. James spent most of his time training after all, and now that Cody thought about it he didn't really see him interacting with the other members all that often. Not if he couldn't help it. Still didn't mean he didn't feel a twinge of disappointing at his answer. Perhaps it was just because he thought James held all the answers he ever needed and depended on him too much. That was probably it.

He knew not how to handle these conflicting feelings. While James inspected their surroundings, his mind continued to grind away. Maybe the right thing would be finding Amaya and talk to her about it? But what if she didn't feel the same way...gah. This 'love' nonsense was such a hassle.
"It would seem so." Sighing, Cody came to an abrupt stop as James signalled him to stop. Immediately tensing up, he quickly drew his own sword. Cursing silently under his breath. He had become distracted and had stopped paying attention to his surroundings, he was sure James would lecture him about it later. He definitely needed more training anyway. But luckily the experienced Paladin had noticed the rustling and assumed a fighting stance. Cody took a deep breath before releasing his magic power. Just in case.

"It would be in your best interests to do as he says." Feeling his magic scatter, Cody stepped behind James enough that in case of a projectile he could hide behind the Paladin's shield but still left him with a decent field of vision in front of them. Leaning in slightly, he spoke in a hushed tone to the older mage.

"Do you think it's one of the gangs?" Cody's eyes darted around to try and make out where their unknown 'guests' were hiding. To at least know how many they were up against if nothing else. But he couldn't quite figure it out, though he could sense at least two presences beside their own.
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