Avatar of Morose


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1 yr ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Cecily Ashworth

Location: La Hacienda - Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Cecily tried her best to remember the way they took through the small complex, her paranoia suggesting that it would be a decent thing to remember. Instead, she was distracted by a the shrine-courtyard, something she hadn't expected. It hardly made any sense to her that it would be something like this, having expected a more church like situation for a priest. But with Caesar's family, it seemed best to expect the unexpected. The entire thing about receiving a notice about a birth, though, that didn't surprise Cecily as much. It was one of the things her own grandmother was quite fond of, keeping the extended family together.

Cecily listened to everything Benicio had to say, though she felt more and more that she was an intruder in this place. She didn't speak the language and she was here during a funeral for Alicia. She hadn't really known Alicia and she couldn't help but feel incredibly out of place, making her thankful when it was just Natasha and herself inside the room. Cecily took a seat as well, glancing around the room as she struggled to comprehend this entire situation.

There was a brief moment of silence after Natasha's comment. "I really regret not taking Spanish now," Cecily then said. She felt like she was having a major case of deer in the headlights syndrome, taken completely off guard. This felt like an entirely different world to her and the best Cecily could do is just nod and accept it all at face value. "Maybe more world history and religions as well...Do you understand this entire business with the Lady and everything?" Cecily asked.

Iris Kingston

Location: Justice Asylum

Iris nodded. A translator was likely their best bet, probably along with another look at Jaina's file. Iris wasn't all too familiar with Jaina's past, so it was entirely possible that the Russian speech was an ongoing thing--or perhaps it was some sort of new development. She didn't put too much stock into the fact that Jaina knew something important. The mental patient was hurting herself, cackling, and pretending that they were in a television broadcast. It didn't make for reliable testimony.

"Probably for the best," Iris said. "Does the asylum have any contacts? Anyone on retainer, maybe?" She knew that there was a UN building in Justice that would likely have translators, but after the attack, Iris doubted any of them would be willing to come over and do a little freelance work.

Jaina paused for a moment, looking as if she was mulling over Nurse Cratty's offer. "Кратковременный перерыв, друзья! Нужен клубничный кнут!," Jaina finally declared, before turning to regard Nurse Cratty. "Dole whip with strawberries on it~!" Jaina squealed. It had been ages since she had gotten to enjoy one of those. She had always loved them growing up, getting a Dole Whip whenever possible. And of course, strawberries always made for a fantastic topping! It was a bit disappointing that she couldn't make any more masterpieces, but Jaina figured she could always do a confessional of sorts with her studio audience while the pair left. Or maybe she'd do her favorite segment: escape from the asylum starring the Amazing Aurora!
@Lady Amalthea Going on a massive posting spree! :D STEM midterms are over, there's barely any homework, and we've got a three day weekend!!!! Feels like utter bliss lol

Guinevere Stark

Location: Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
{"You're not a man. You're nothing more than a maniac. I'm not afraid of you."}

"Two things: you need a spin one half nucleus ideally, so do a 1H, not a 3H. Easier to obtain as well. And then canulate isn't a word, as useful as it may be," Tony replied, before continuing on. "I'd bring the NMR tube into a glove box and do the combination in there, in order to prevent from having to use a syringe or a canula on the cap."

Guin nodded, despite the fact that she was on the phone and that she knew everything her father had just said. It had been a simple tactic to avoid saying what was really on her mind--that this was a mission far deadlier than the last one. She didn't have any mutant powers like most of the team, just cheap tricks and cheesy one liners. "Thanks. I'll do that," Guin replied, before hearing the question she had dreaded on the other end of the line. She was too similar to her father in order to lie to him successfully. They were both genius rebel assholes.

"What's really going on, Penguin?" Tony had asked, calling Guin by her childhood nickname. Her heart pounded, trying to figure out exactly what to say. She was about to go toe to toe with Magneto in a desperate attempt to save the world. Any sane person would've run the other way, found a bunker, and just waited out the epidemic that was likely about to come. But instead, she was running right towards it.

"When you were in Afghanistan, what kept you going?" Guin asked. It was the best way for her to indirectly ask her real question: what do you do when the odds are against you? And of course, her own way of telling her dad the stakes she was up against. As much as they fought over her choice to join S.H.I.E.L.D. and assist the X-Men, they had come to a bit of an understanding that Guin wasn't going to back down. She was her father's daughter.

"It wasn't just about surviving--it was about my legacy," Tony admitted. "I was a genius billionaire playboy...but that wasn't what I wanted my legacy to be--the Stark legacy to be. And that's why I became Iron Man--why I privatized World Peace--I became a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist."

"Egotistical much?" Guin teased about, though she found some comfort in his words. She wasn't someone who ran away when things got tough. But it was also a subtle reminder that there was more to life than just this."After this mission, I'm going to take a leave of absence from S.H.I.E.L.D.," Guin informed her father."I love you, Dad," she said, before hanging up the phone. The professor's voice echoed in her head a moment later and Guin began to make her way down to the garage.

Jenna Westbrook

Location: Inside Town Hall

Jenna didn't feel too bad when she saw the reply from Declan. It had been the right decision in order to solve this mystery and get some answers. She'd need to think up a similar excuse that evening in order to go search the woods for Riley's ghost on her own, likely involving telling her friends and family she was staying at Abe's house with a friend. Or maybe she'd lie and say she was connecting with her birth mother's wife. It was probably the easier excuse of the two to make and Jenna decided to settle on it.

Dust fell down and caused a nearly unbearable urge to sneeze, with Jenna holding her breath tightly. Declan and Finley seemed to be on their way out and she didn't want to give them any reason to stick around longer than was needed. It was fortunate that Jenna wasn't afraid of bugs as the massive cockroach fell on her arm. She bit down on her lip hard in order to keep herself quiet as possible, before carefully maneuvering her other arm in an attempt to catch the cockroach and pluck it off of her. She needed to find Mayor Ryder.
@rivaan Ill send you a PM to work on this case in 3 hours!

Location: Crypt Manor (London)

Virginia and Miss Evers emerged from the basement laboratory, the two of them in the midst of some sort of conversation. To an outsider, it likely would've been horrible, the type to cause one's blood to chill. But to Virginia and her companion, it was simply the way their world operated. Miss Evers had been hand selected by Lady Dywell, with the maid narrowly escaping institutionalization. Virginia's mother had been the one to intervene, having spent too much time in bedlam herself prior to marrying Lord Dywell.

"Miss Evers, should affairs become most dire, I have careful instructions that I wish for you to enact. I would entrust these to Alfred, but I am afraid he does not have your murderous spirit," Virginia said calmly, as she shut and locked the laboratory door. "Should James be in mortal peril and he cannot be saved, you are to end his life. I would rather he die at your hand than at the will of the Soulless." Virginia then paused for a moment. "And should I perish in these coming days, I wish for you and Alfred to take James to America. Raise him as if he were your own and inspire him to keep the family traditions."

Virginia ignored Miss Evers' chattering that followed, only noting that the woman had accepted her terms. Miss Evers was an odd one, but the closest Crypt family members were not in England. They were scattered around the globe and it could be too late before they could be contacted. Besides, James had grown up with Alfred and Miss Evers. He would likely be more comfortable. Though speaking of the devil, a wearied Alfred found Virginia and Miss Evers in the halls, a paper in his hands.

"They're burying Miss Crane tonight, my lady," Alfred said somberly. He then took in Virginia's tattered appearance, with the blood caking her ripped gown. "Bad day, is it?"

"Quite. Where is James? I have matters to discuss with him."

Location: Annan

Maeve would've been amused with the parson-priest falling in his usual clumsiness, had she not been aware that he had been faking the motions for the past day. From Maeve's perspective, it was his attempt at winning her favor, something that it was hardly going to do. Her mind had been refocused on tending to the needs of her daughter through this job and any feelings she had had for the parson-priest were gone, as far as Maeve was aware. The peace and quiet of the ride was nice, however. She got to close her eyes for a little bit and enjoy her own private thoughts and memories.

She rarely ever had a moment of silence in her life. Even with a deaf daughter, noise still filled their home. The trip to Scotland had been no exception, noisy and frantic. This was welcome a treat. She couldn't help but feel irritated as the protestant(?) continued to insist that she was cross with him. The more he insisted she was irritated, the more annoyed with him Maeve felt. Even if she hadn't been annoyed to start with, she was certainly vexed by now.

Reminding herself of her duty to her daughter, Maeve took the parson-priest's hand and descended from the carriage.
@rivaan Ermmm no idea. Ask me again after I emerge from this den of studying for organic chemistry. D: (Went to office hour's today thinking I understood it, walked out feeling like I understood nothing. So gotta study hard!)

But I'll be getting a post up tomorrow. Thinking I should have some time while waiting for things to filter to get a post in.

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 3:41 PM Local Time

Alisanne appeared to be almost bored with the bloody display. Gradually, Edgard would notice a distance to her, one more than what was usually present. She was always a closed book, very minimal, more of a spectator than an active participant--but this was something else. Perhaps it'll dawn on him that she's an illusion. Or perhaps it'll beg the question of what happened to her in France, how she managed to survive the attempt on her life. But if Edgard has any questions, he'll need to ask them quickly, as Alisanne looks at him a moment before walking out of the tavern. If Edgard decides to follow her out, he'll find her in entirely new clothes--peasant's clothes practically, the sort most pirates tend to wear. Easy to move in and very plain.

Meanwhile, Harlianne's blue eyes appeared to have turned a soft shade of grey, entirely misted over. Yet apparently she could still see as she looked on with disgust as Sirena feasted from the corpses. The small bit of blood that Sirena had consumed would not yet have been enough to satisfy her--perhaps the corpses will do, but perhaps the living might be preferred. Who could honestly know at this point? But at any rate, Harlianne's weapon is drawn and she stares Sirena down like a monster.

"That's just luvly. Right. Did yer right 'ave ter go and do that, squire?" Harlianne quipped, though her tone was deadly serious. With careful and practiced movements, Harlianne made her way down from the Bellona and onto the docks, braced and ready for combat. She didn't recognize her best friend and as far as Harlianne was aware, Sirena had caused this entire mess.

"I guess I'll just 'ave ter kill yer like yer killed everyone else."

The Devil's Triangle: April 4th, 1719 - 3:41 PM Local Time

~Should anyone attempt to possess the bodies, send a PM for special roll information~

Septima nodded at Elissea's suggestion. In her experience, magic was rarely so easy. It wouldn't just be enough to possess them. There was also still the risk that touching the flask, even while just inhabiting the living, would cause a similar fate to Isaac's. "Perhaps we frighten them to do our bidding," Septima suggested. A Frenchman, pushing his way towards the front of the crowd of ghosts, seemed to be highly exasperated.

Likely because he didn't understand a single word anyone was saying and a ginger haired woman, Jean Waverly, refused to translate for him. Yeah, you read that right! You get the Cabbage with you in the afterlife. Fun!

@Nallore@Witch Cat@Pundii@FantasyChic@BlueSky44
Coventry, Massachusetts: December 28th, 2016 - 7:35 P.M. Local Time

Everyone's words didn't sway Aloise. People didn't know of the dangers in this world and she wasn't about to let them talk out of something she felt strongly about. The man standing in front of her couldn't be Darren Andrews. While Aloise observed the lack of flare in his eyes, that wasn't the only test in the realm of possibility. Lowering her gun slightly, Aloise fired off a rock salt round, hitting Darren in the leg. It smarted like hell, but that was about it. No classic signs of a monster.

"It's really you, then," Aloise said simply, holstering her weapon. Taking a quick glance around, Aloise's heart sank as she spotted Emmie's body. She had warned Seraphina something like this would happen but she hadn't listened. Now both of them were dead--or not Seraphina, as it seemed. Aloise wasn't really quite sure what to make of all of this. Was time travel even possible? "Where's Liam?" Aloise then asked, as she made her way over to Emmie's body, closing the blonde girl's eyes. She couldn't help but dread the answer to her question--that Liam was somewhere in this tent, dead--but she had to know.

The possessed Daniyal turned, taking in each individual who asked about the Mullo. Had Daniyal's face been visible under the cloak, one might have detected a hint of surprise. "Did you believe that Mephistopheles was working alone? That you are no longer in mortal peril?" Mallory/Daniyal asked. Her tone was like an incredulous teacher, finding out that their advanced math students hadn't learned basic addition. Daniyal/Mallory appeared to pay no attention to the portal in there, though it likely made most of the individuals there nervous. The last adventure with time hadn't turned out so well.

For Cecily, her nightmare seemed to be worsening. Seraphina, as an angel, might have a subtle glimpse as to the cause: the activation of an anomaly in her body. The strange substance wasn't just surrounding Cecily--she was making it. Of course, by the look on her face, Cecily realized what that must have meant. Her thoughts flickered back towards the letter. It was all true, then. All of it. Who she was...everything.

At the doorway, Folly and Fairfax were both peering towards it. While Fairfax's gaze had more of an intellectual curiosity, Folly's had a subtle difference to it. Only those who had been in Coventry and attended the circus regularly, perhaps even worked there, would recognize that subtle glint in Folly's eyes. It had been becoming steadily more and more prominent the older she became--she had her father's eyes. Boris' insanity was slowly making itself known within Folly. But she said nothing to this effect.

"Do you know how to seal the door?" Folly asked, noting that Fairfax's health hadn't started to worsen again. There must have been some damage to time still--or perhaps it had just given up. Fairfax just shrugged, looking a bit helpless. "If I understood how the door was created, perhaps..The principle of microscopic reversibility must hold."

Meanwhile, Carolina's successful in her initial trip. No one seems to be attacking her for once and O.M.E.N. certainly doesn't seem to be in the area--all good things. Cell signal still hasn't returned, but after a bit of searching, she notices a back pack abandoned against a tree. Balance of probability, it belonged to the girl. Maybe she headed into the woods for shelter?

Scarlett Cromwell

Location: Community Center
{"Have fun in hell, bitch!"}

This entire thing was a sham and as far as Scarlett was concerned, the entire place smelled like rotting, oily, sweaty flesh. She pinched her nose with her hand in order to keep the offending stench from registering, hardly even bothering to pay attention to the FBI agent. She heard the gist of it -- blah blah investigation blah blah curfew blah blah blah. Of course, one thing that Scarlett didn't hear was her own name. And that, in itself, was infuriating. She was Lucy's best friend and they didn't even have the decency to mention that fact during the town meeting? Huffing a bit, Scarlett considered briefly flicking her wrist and making the fire alarm go off, to teach them all a lesson, but she decided against it.

"Okay, everyone, that's enough!" Scarlet wailed, tears pouring down her face. "Lucy, my bestie, is dead. And would she want us to hide inside in sweatpants and cry? Of course not. It's an insult to her memory, people!" Scarlett paused, certain that the entire community center was captivated by her. Her voice had a way of carrying. "In the memory of my best friend, Lucy, I'm going to be hosting a memorial shindig at my house. Think of it like Scarlett-o-ween but, like, a thousand times better. You all better come, otherwise you're as lame as Sniff-and-Scratch over there," Scarlett finished, motioning towards the supposed reporter. "Party starts when curfew goes on, bi-otches!"
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