Avatar of Nallore


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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Carolina Reed

Location: Library - Ground Floor
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked up at Neil as he rolled the twenty sided dice for the next roll after Mira made her move, she did notice the way that Neil looked at Sara. She gave a slight smirk to herself, before looking down at the set of candy that Neil had set up for everyone and started to think for her character's next move. "I'm going to have my character use her fire magic on the closest dire wolf." Carolina announced as she leaned back and grabbed herself yet another slice of pizza and picked off the pepperoni itself and took a few bites out of it, and then ate the pepperoni slice after.

She then took another sip of her soda as she started to run a hand through her hair a little bit, wondering how Dean was and started to wonder when he was coming back. She heard that he may have came in already but she hadn't seen him yet since their DnD session started as she waited for Sara to make her next move to see what Neil would do next.

Bethany Bell

Location: Chemical Lab - First Sub-Basement
Skills: N/A

Bethany sat there as she started to dangle her legs as her heels lightly banged against the sides of the counter. "Sounds like it's interesting." Bethany said softly although she didn't really know a thing about chemistry she knew that Lance really liked it as far as she knew anyway. And then Bethany heard Lance's phone going off which by the tone of his voice it was certainly his father it really wasn't her place to say as she listened in. It was certainly really awkward to listen in on as she heard Lance argue over the phone, and then Lance hung up on the phone. She jumped slightly when Lance slammed his hand down smashing and breaking what he had been working on.

Bethany turned her attention when she heard the door opening and spotted that it was Guin, giving her a slight nod and then let out a groan. "Really I hate that nickname, but hello." Bethany said as she rubbed the back of her neck, then a few seconds later the girl Antoinette came into the room. Beth would give the quirky girl a nod as she stared at the plate seeing the apple slices and peanut butter that was written into words.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Ramada Inn
Skills: N/A

"It's not a big deal, i'm only here to put my sister to rest, and help you out with whatever cases you need here then i'm out of this town for good." Riley said, as she was about to open the door, when she felt a pain going to the back of her head she immediately thought that it was an over crazed fan. Or worse whoever made the call to her had made it's move, when she turned around it was just Pyira standing behind her. She instantly noticed the blood coming out of her nose, she quickly turned around and unlocked the door to their hotel room, and waved Pyira in. "Yes i'm fine, just hurry and sit on the bed!" Riley told her as soon as Pyira got in Riley spotted the box of tissues on the bedside table.

"Shit, uhm okay sit on the bed lean forward don't lean your head back unless you want to taste and swallow your own blood. I mean unless you want to be a vampire or something." Riley said, she had gotten into a lot of fights when she was in high school and ended up with a few bloody noses in the past. Riley grabbed a bunch of tissues. She handed them over to Pyira as she started to think running a hand through her hair, as she tried to think of something else to do. "Do you like, need to go to the hospital or something?" Riley asked, she wasn't sure what to do as she rubbed the back of her head a little bit.

"Or do you want me to call room service and get more tissues or something?" Riley asked, as she headed into the small bathroom and looked around before coming back in with one of the small towels, turning it on the sink with some warm water on it. "Breath through your mouth to." Riley suggested as she handed Pyira the small wet towel.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Centennial Bank, Wewahitchka, Florida (B7)

Riley had found a nice spot in the corner of the bank that they had all settled in from the night before, mainly using her backpack as a pillow. She was surprised that the bank still had any money left in it, when they made their small fire the night before and a few vending machine snacks and drinks that were there. She slowly opened up her eyes letting out a slight yawn as she stretched out a little bit, hearing little Jamie crying out. Her eyes wondering over towards Tatiana tending to the little baby who was throwing a little bit of a fit right now. Riley could pick up a bit of the Russian curses that Tatiana was muttering to herself, she then finally pulled herself up and stretched out once more.

Riley wiped away a lot of the sweat off of her forehead, the humidity of the day was really bad as she adjusted her shirt a little bit as she walked over towards Amelia. As Riley got a bit closer she could hear that loud sound going off as well, she wasn't even sure what it was either. But it was certainly going to draw some walker attention in the area as she took a moment to look out the window from where they were.

Out of the sixteen weeks of just walking, and getting whatever car that they could get their hands on which never lasted very long at all raising an eyebrow she wasn't even sure what it was. "I don't even know, but it's going to most likely wake up any walkers around the area though." Riley said, as she looked over towards Tatiana. "We are going to need some med supplies for sure." She said rubbing her eyes a little bit and yawned again.

Erica Monroe

Location: Wewahitchka, Florida (E8)

The humidity was really horrible for Erica, she was pretty much just sprawled out on the concrete floor of the cabinet shop that they called home from the night before. Erica stretched out as she got up and made her way over towards Nigel raising an eyebrow towards him, and then looked at Wayne. She started to shrug a little bit, she wasn't sure what it was at the moment just yet as she put on her backpack and strapped her shotgun over her shoulder. "I'm hearing it, but I don't know what it is just yet." Erica pointed out as she stared at Wayne their groups resident junkie. Knowing that he would probably end up feeling the effects of the drugs he had been using she was surprised he still wasn't out cold still.

"We could try and check it out or just simply continue on our way, whatever you guys want to do." Erica said, she wasn't sure what the rest of the men wanted to do, Erica didn't like the idea of the sound it was going to be drawing a whole lot of unwanted attention to their area. "We should try and look for some kind of food as well while we are in this town." Erica suggested, maybe they would get a better look at what was making the sound as well.
Sophia Harris

Location: Ville au Camp, Kitchen House.
Skills: Sense Acuity

Sophia looked over seeing Bart coming in next as James started to get the coffee brewed, she walked over and pulled up a seat as she leaned forward and started to think for a moment. Hearing James bringing up their previous timeline she smiled a bit, though she didn't really have a whole lot of time to know Ashton really. "I do remember him, whenever he came into the infirmary but didn't know him personally." Sophia said as she took off her fake hand. "I was to busy you know hooked up on pain meds and doing some physical therapy back in the infirmary. So I never got to see him smile, but totally a military guy." Sophia said softly, and laughed a bit at Andromeda's joke about having dead people being sautéed.

Her eyes then looked up at Faith as she started to speak up, informing Gilbert would have been her opinion if they found out any kind of information on the carnies just across from the Kitchen House. Sophia closed her eyes as she decided to tune in and listen in on the conversations going on at the faire grounds. She easily started to pick up on the conversation between Ben and Samson by the Management Cart. "So I've been kind of listening in on their conversations." Sophia said as she gestured to her head.

"They are interested in something, I think maybe Peter's grave or something, and I think they know what Gilbert is Emendator and all they are also talking about us to." Sophia said as she leaned back in the chair. "I think let Gilbert rest up a bit, keep our distance and find out what we can from a distance will work best, what do you guys think?" Sophia suggested.

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground D.C. Station
Skills: N/A

Callie was out lounging on the couch as she looked up at the ceiling she had just gotten up from her brief nap she sat up and stretched out a bit when she heard Veil's voice. She turned her attention towards her, seeing her coming down from the flight of stairs she perked up when she announced that they had a mission set up already for today. She was certainly very curious about what she had in mind as Callie started to make her way over towards the group. Smirking slightly towards Sapphire as she set her cold hand on his shoulder as she leaned herself up against the table. "You might give Havok blue balls if you keep doing that to him Sapphire." Callie said with a laugh.

She smirked when Havok imitated Colossus from behind his back, she certainly wouldn't want to piss off the big guy that much, but she didn't want to point it out. She just laughed a bit before turning her attention over towards Veil and Havok wondering what sort of intel he could have gathered today. "So other than him checking out random women, what sort of intel do you guys have?" Callie asked, it was certainly a lot of fun to tease Havok just a little bit.
Princess Luna

Location: Palace - Bedroom, Third Corridor Off the Long Walk
Skills: N/A

Luna was about to say what was next when she looked towards her sister and then Lyra, her eyes went wide when she watched her sister the queen backhanding Lyra across the face. "Ohhh looks like the bitch got slapped." The Voice said in her head, hearing it laugh in her head as Luna tried her best to ignore it as well. Seeing the bloody mark across Lyra's face Luna did feel just a little bit bad for her, but it was justified anyway. The strange girl with the niffler was an unknown and Amarantha did end up warning the girl as well, Luna let out a slight sigh before she was about to speak again.

Then she saw Arya coming into the room with Cuyler, and someone that she didn't know at all but she could see him just outside of the door there was way to many people in the room and it was way to personal for her to reveal to everyone. Yes the ExtraOrdinary Wizard had a right to know as well. But then Arya just collapsed on the floor just at the edge of her bed where Myrus was, then the man Cuyler came storming in. Amarantha quickly stepped in to block the man from tending to Arya, but then she suddenly felt herself getting drenched in water.

"Everyone out of my room now!" Luna wasn't having any of this in her room at all, looking over at Skaoi, Valda, Cuyler, Lyra , Tristan and Amarantha for a moment. "Skaoi, Valda, Tristan and Amarantha you can stay, everyone else out!" Luna didn't trust anyone else in the room, she stood up looking at Arya biting her bottom lip feeling bad she didn't know what was wrong with her and looked over at Skaoi. "Is there anything you can do for the two of them?" Luna asked, she rubbed the bridge of her nose before The Voice spoke up again in her head. "This is just one big happy family." Luna was getting really annoyed and stressed out now with the people in the room. "Will you just shut up please?" Luna said to herself out loud leaning herself up against the wall rubbing the bridge of her nose still.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: The Port, Port Witch Coven House
Skills: Spirit Seer

Arnora looked directly at Nera for a moment as she started to say her story, she wasn't sure if the ghost was telling the truth right now or not. Her attention turned towards Grimspound as he handed her a book to read, she stared at Ahote getting the feeling that he was telling the truth about her. She shifted on her feet a little bit while looking over at Minerva when she asked what would happen if she simply burnt the house down. "I wouldn't do that, with the amount of spirits in here and seeing as they are all witches it wouldn't be wise." Arnora said.

Her attention then turned back towards Nera. "If your story checks out, you would give or tell us what the lady wants correct?" Arnora asked, she didn't know the whole story or any of the current royals living in the Castle. Arnora wasn't sure attacking the royal family would even be a good idea or not, she didn't really want to be put to death or anything like that.
@Trainerblue192 Yep it’s still open currently

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Playground

Cassandra gave a slight nod towards Tinley and Hawkeye, since Agent Abercrombie could read their minds, she would be able to find out who their mole was. She reached over and started to eat another wing for a moment, she started to think about her cousin Chloe as well, she was worried about her. She hadn't heard from her since the mission went to complete shit at Latveria, she would scan those in the room once more. "The sooner we get this done the quicker we can get our other two agents back." Cassandra said looking over towards Novikova.

"Once we deal with the heist we will try and find a way to get Agents Sparks and Blake back, if the HYDRA intel is correct that there is an infinity stone in the Quantum Realm they would be able to get it." Cassandra reassured her, they would have to try and get them back somehow anyway. She then looked over towards Hawkeye when he poked fun at Agent Flynn once more about him being a former OMEN agent she tried to hold back a slight laugh.

Harry McCormick

Location: The Playground
Skills: N/A

Harry looked towards Tinley for a moment before raising a hand. "Just aa quick question though, Agent Abercrombie doesn't have to grab the sides of my head and say some weird Vulcan mind meld thing or whatever right?" Harry asked, he didn't really like the idea of someone just digging directly into his head it would just make things very uncomfortable for him. "Because that would just be really uncomfortable and like really weird." Harry said as he started to dig into his food once more while looking over at Agent Chase.

She did have a point a mind reader and controller would be really useful for HYDRA, but he didn't really voice it as he simply went back to eating his food. He really was craving some BBQ, but he would settle with these hotwings right now anyway, as he looked at Novikova and shrugged a bit towards her statement. Agent Renoir then made her part of the briefing as well, in her own witty way of course as well about HYDRA trying to make a GoFundMe would have been funny to actually see.

Maria Smith

Location: The Playground
Skills: N/A

Maria looked at Novikova as she concentrated back on her math problems, wishing that she could do something to help out somehow, she had no idea. Then Agent Renoir brought up Creed Financial which was what Luminous said that she and HYDRA would be, shaking slightly at the memory of seeing Agent Lee's exploding heart in her eyes again. "The mutant who killed both Agents Rhodes and Lee said she would be there as well, she seemed to be really tough to deal with taking out both of them without batting an eye." Maria said softly.

She still wasn't really eating the wings, Maria just wasn't that hungry at all or felt right at all to eat anything right now, looking over at Agent Abercrombie for her to do her thing while looking over at Hawkeye her brief mentor after going through Phase Three. She rubbed her arms a bit and smirked at his little joke to Flynn.

Saturday, August 18th, 2018
New York City, New York

@rivaan "Nah just asking, are you two like dating or something?" He asked as they finally got back to the precinct again, and Claire's partner got out of the car stretching out a bit while looking at her. "Also if you want to hang out or something after work get some pizza or whatever if you are free anyway." He said giving her a slight smile as he rubbed the back of his neck, Claire would be able to pick up the following thoughts. 'Claire is pretty cute, no that's stupid.' As he started to turn towards the main entrance to the building itself.

Saturday, August 18th, 2018
Seattle, Washington

@BlueSky44 @Morose Trevor was knocked out and locked safely inside Scott's place, Scott wouldn't have to much trouble getting to Pike's Place at all. The traffic was dead at this point in the day anyway, Isley would look at both Jason and Janelle for a moment whenever Scott was coming over. She rolled her eyes slightly towards them, she really didn't like the man all that much either at all. "Well where were you guys going to be meeting him anyway?" Isley asked looking at the two of them.

Olivia Johnson

Location: New York City
Interacting With: @FantasyChic Quinn Peterson

Olivia started to push her chair onto it's two rear legs as she started to think of something and nodded a bit towards her, they would certainly need some kind of warning system. Or at least a way to get in contact with them somehow as well, while looking up at Quinn. "I know it probably is a dumb idea but whoever we meet next we exchange their phone numbers or emails something like that. That way we can keep in contact with them."

Olivia then suddenly fell onto her back with a rather loud thud, causing her to groan out and rub the back of her neck feeling her head spinning a bit as she rolled back onto her feet again. "Shouldn't have done that." Olivia said awkwardly as she moved over towards the living room and grabbed her laptop and pulled it out on the table that they were sitting at. "So more research time then?" Olivia asked.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: LA
Interacting With: @rivaan Amelia Payne & @Jasonhero Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

Riley smiled and nodded towards Amelia as they sat down at their table, she started to look through the menu a little bit as she started to see what she wanted to eat. Looking up at Amelia for a moment, and then back down at the menu she quickly found what she wanted to eat and closed up the menu for her. A few seconds later their waitress came over looking over at the three women instantly noticing the two of them, and smiled even more. But she didn't want to make a scene while looking over at Amelia for a moment figuring that she may have just been a fan or something.

"What can I get you all to drink?" The woman asked, looking over at Riley and Amelia first giving the two women a smile, as she got her pen out. "I'll just have a water please." Riley said as she leaned back in the seat while looking over at Amelia what she wanted to drink next as well, the waitress writing down what Riley had wanted to drink.

Emmie Adams

Location: New York City, New York
Interacting With: @Natsu Adalene Jones

"Just curious is all." Emmie answered smirking slightly to herself seeing Adalene's reaction to it, as she took another sip of her drink and then went back to eating the rest of her lunch then she went for another sip of her drink. She would occasionally look over around the restaurant as she spotted someone that she had seen before and quickly looked away from the man. Emmie started to shift around uncomfortably as she thought about getting out already.

The man then saw Emmie as well, and started to glare at the two women, but didn't say anything or approached just yet as he went back to his meal and drinking his coffee as well. Emmie then looked over at Adalene for a few seconds it was certainly awkward since he did notice her and gestured towards him. "I may have robbed him once a few weeks ago." Emmie said softly.

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