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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Princess Luna

Location: The Palace - Dining Hall
Skills: N/A

Luna looked between her brother and sister and nodded slightly letting out a slight sigh, she was glad that they didn't agree with her suggestion either. But there was no knowing what Fleur was planning right now she could have spies everywhere for all she knew as well, Luna rubbed her arms slightly as she listened to her brother. She wished that she knew what the ring meant by that as Luna looked towards Ahote for a second at his suggestion. The Extraordinary Wizard sadly was pretty busy right now after Arya's death, and Rowland was most likely busy dealing with the aftermath of the wedding.

"Rowland is still busy after what happened with Arya at the wedding.." Luna said, which left the scribes and alchemists and her sister to try and find out about the ring. Luna still wasn't much of a fan for magyk since it had caused so many problems with her family, but she trusted her sister Valda more than anything to hopefully find out something from it.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Asgard
Skills: N/A

"Training on the side sounds like a good idea to me." Arnora said towards Cuyler as she looked towards him and gave the man a friendly smile and nod towards him. Seeing that he had gone over to Myth's side of the room for the wedding, she hadn't really gotten the chance to know Myth all that well either. As she took a moment she looked around the room once more and noticed her mother Skadi who was sitting not to far from her. She had been more focused on her training with Runa more than anything and hadn't really had the time to visit her mother either. And it had been awhile as well since she had last talked to her as well, as Arnora made her way over and sat down in the chair next to her and smiled towards her.

"How have you been mother?" Arnora said towards the goddess as she looked over towards the front of the room as Klara made her way up to the front of the room. She had never been married before or dated to many people before, as she listened to the speech and Klara claiming the goat as her own made her smile a little bit. Then the bride and groom to be came into the room, and Myth started her vows and exchanged swords with Bruce she was happy for the couple as well to.

@Kirah The Satyr looked over towards Andy noticing that she had been looking at the Golden Fleece that was on the branches of Thalia's tree and at the base of it was the dragon Peleius who was sleeping at the base of it. And Chiron looked at the young girl and gave her a friendly smile and waved the two of them forward. "Ah, hello welcome to Camp Half-blood. You are very safe here I assure you." He said as he looked over at the tree and smiled, remembering the quest to the Sea of Monsters just to collect the Golden Fleece and gestured for her to follow him. "I am sure you have a lot of questions. There are a few others that are new and should be on their way back now and we can get you started on some tours if you'd like." Chiron said as he started to wheel himself down the hill and towards the Big House near the center of camp.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Granite Falls, North Carolina, Outside of Crystal River School For Troubled Youth, Parking Lot
Interacting With: @Morose Leda Storm, @BlueSky44 Marygold Isley, @KazAlkemi Ezekiel Kel & @Jasonhero Jade Schneider

Kristin watched as Leda came into the fray now as well, taking out one of the cyclopes and then knocking down who seemed to be one of the leaders. She shook her head at Leda calling her a bitchy teacher she didn't really have any aspirations to even be a teacher, sure she did teach a few lessons back at camp but she didn't like to see herself as a teacher. "And you'd make a horrible teacher." Kristin said sarcastically towards Leda and shook her head, as she turned her attention over towards Desmondona and nodded towards the girl a bit. "Yes, we are kids of the gods. And reason why, theres a lot of younger kids back at camp and some don't have as much experience with fighting monsters or we are busy with Quests. That's why we have Satyrs do the scouting mostly." Kristin answered the woman.

Marygold seemed to have a good handle on things now as well as the one named Roman and the other cyclopes were both ensnared by roots and the second one getting the short end of the stick as the roots covered his entire body and crushed him. Seeing the small bits of dust blowing away. "I'll answer whatever questions you may have on the way back." Kristin said towards all of them and started to make her way back towards the chariots, the cyclopes were all taken care of by now at this point to.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Crystal River School, For Troubled Youth - Gym Shed
Interacting With: @LadyRunic Athanasia Theroux, @FantasyChic Desdemona Pemberton, @Natsu Arthur Stanford

Kiera watched as the group of demigods came in and pretty much saved the day, one of them who seemed to be really fast noticing her orange sword as she managed to kill one of them and knocking down and injuring the other. "That's pretty damn cool, and really entertaining to watch as well." Kiera said towards Leda and gave the girl a friendly smile. As she watched roots coming out of the ground and started to wrap around one of the cyclopes and killing it rather quickly. Leaving Roman to be left for dead pretty much as he flailed trying to break free and started to curse all of them out, and going on about making stew out of all of them.

One of Zeke's arrows flew true and managed to shoot Roman in the eye, as she watched her former and very creepy classmate who was now a monster turn into dust as well. "Thank god the creeper is gone now.." Kiera said as she started to make her way over towards the chariots and looked over towards the one with the bow and eyed the kid who was around her age up and down for a moment and smiled towards him. "Nice shooting Hawkeye." Kiera said.

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Playground - Hallway -> The Common Room
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked over towards Novikova when she said that she had a way to get their two agents out of the Quantum Realm which was a good enough reason for her. She hated that they were stuck there for who knows how long and she wanted to help bring them back from there as well. Cass looked over towards Clint seeing him coming back from what he had been doing for most of the day, he seemed to be on board with it as well looking over at Novikova and gently patted her on the shoulder. If she had said something instead of going behind everyone's backs she'd back her up if she could or at least take a blind eye to it.

"I'll meet you guys at the commons then." Cassandra said, as she started to turn around and made her way back over towards the common room where everyone was at and sat down. She looked over and seeing Bonnie coming over as well and smile towards her friend, having been on the same team several times in the past she trusted her. "I'd pay a lot of money to see Luminous actually turn good and not rip anyone's hearts out." Cass said with a slight laugh, though she was glad that the psychotic speedster was in the Raft now.

Harry McCormick

Location: The Playground - (Technology) -> The Common Room
Skills: N/A

Harry looked at the security screens as the last of the police left the area, then he stopped when he heard Clint's voice over the intercom, wondering when he had gotten back. They were finally getting to go on a mission now since Creed Financial which was good, he got up and started to make his way over towards the common room seeing that Agent Reed was there already and then moved over and found a seat and plopped himself down at the chair. Harry leaned back in the chair and then stared at Goose again seeing the demon cat in his arms and tensed up slightly.

He normally didn't mind cats, but seeing the cat again Harry did tense up after Goose had slammed Agent Wu around before letting him go and looked over at Bonnie. "Well at least he seems to really like you." Harry said seeing Goose was content in Bonnie's arms, as he listened to Cass for a moment mentioning Luminous which he was glad that he didn't have to fight against. Though he lost his hand during the last mission.

Maria Smith

Location: The Playground - (Maria's Room) -> The Common Room
Skills: N/A

Maria laid down on her bed looking up at the ceiling as she thought for a moment and then sat up looking over at a picture of her sister for a second. And then she heard Clint's voice over the intercom saying that they had a mission to get ready for and meet up in the common room now. As she stood up Maria started to make her way towards the door, she still did feel bad that she had gone behind Tinley's back but she'd do it again as well. She did hate it that Sparks and Raynor were both trapped down there without any sort of help, Maria opened the door and made her way over to the common room.

She made her way into the room, and saw Bonnie, Harry and Cass there already and made her way and sat down on the closest chair and leaned forward slightly. She was nervous about getting lectured again by Tinley as well, she rubbed the back of her neck slightly looking at the other three agents for a moment. Maria had a feeling that it was related to the mission that she and Novikova attempted to do on their own.
Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss looked over and smiled a bit when Sister Penance went to sit down close to him, though there was still an open seat next to him that no one else seemed to have taken just yet. And then Rave went to take the seat across from him as well and gave the woman a friendly nod towards him. As he leaned back a little bit and waited patiently and then a few seconds later he looked towards the wall seeing it open up somewhat which was pretty interesting to see as food was brought out. Captain Moss watched the three women servants started to pass out the food around the table and drinks as well. "Wine is just fine for me." Captain Moss said, as he watched his glass getting filled up and then reached over to take a sip from it.

He then heard the door opening a little bit and noticed a woman poking her head in seeing that she was really pale which he wasn't expecting to see at all really. Lord Bardolf waved her in Moss gave the woman a friendly smile and nod towards her, he didn't want to be rude as Titian spoke up and looked over towards him for a moment. He wondered if that was wise asking about the man's daughter by the looks of it seeing her taking a seat next to the man.
Lauren Ridgeway

Location: Benha, Train to Athribis
Skills: N/A

Lauren listened to everyone as they started to talk about various things, JC and Reginald were both talking about military it seems while Mahendra, Gene, Nora and Bella seemed to talk more about the brandings. She was glad that she hadn't gotten branded yet which was good then and she wasn't a target for anything really. Lauren turned her attention over towards the cat again as it was contently sleeping in JC's lap which made her smile ever so slightly. "Well it seems that the cat has it's eyes as you for it's bed now." Lauren said towards him with a slight smile. She looked down at her purse and made sure that her tickets and everything else that she had was still on her person as well, which was good nothing seemed to have gone missing yet either.

Then Reginald called out that their destination was closing in now, as she turned to look at the distance and could pick out the little bits of the structure there. "Cant wait to see whats there." Lauren said as she smiled a bit, she hadn't really gone to anything like this before which would be interesting as well for her. Lauren ran a hand through her hair as she looked around at the rest of the group as she thought a little bit. "So are we all going to be sticking together then?" Lauren asked.
Sophia Harris

Location: Ville au Camp, Main House - Sitting Room
Skills: N/A

Sophia leaned back in the chair as she started to listen to Gilbert as he started to speak up, she would certainly like to get some more training down. Pertaining to her two abilities she had used her sense acuity the most, which was pretty useful when it came to hearing and smelling things. If she focused more then she'd be able to be useful most likely as well, Sophia eyed Ben for a few seconds as she noticed that he had been pretty quiet for the most part and looking out the window as well. She wasn't sure if it was about what had been said in the kitchen house with the other woman or not, as she ran a hand through her hair she continued to listen in on the other conversations in the room.

Faith seemed to be going on her own personal journey to find Eve and save her as well, and going to see this Babylon woman was her best bet most likely. She wasn't really sure what else to say or do right now since there wasn't anything that she felt like would be useful to say as well. It did suck that they had lost Alexandra as well, but she was most likely in a better place now as well which was also for the best most likely as well.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Tunnel Passage Under Grimm
Skills: N/A

Riley continued to look down at her phone, seeing that she wasn't even getting a single bar and grumbled to herself it was worth a shot but sadly she couldn't get a single bit of reception down here. "Yeah, we are in a dead zone it seems cant get any bars right now.." Riley said towards Pyira as she turned to look over her shoulder just in case something seemed to jump out from behind. There weren't any sort of separate tunnels just yet as she started to think back a little bit. There were a few older buildings, she didn't pay to much attention to some of her classes history wasn't really her favorite class but she did a lot better in it than her other classes. The Grimaldi Manor was one of the oldest in the town along with the asylum.

"I remember from history class back in the day, that Grimm was kind of a pitstop for the Underground if you will. So maybe this is one of those tunnels under the town just to get slaves around. If I am right it might lead to the Asylum maybe, which is about South East from the mansion." Riley said, she wasn't good with directions but it was the only thing that she could think of that sounded right. Riley really just wanted to get the hell out of here. "I think we should really call Tim or Roy the moment we get reception back again." Riley said.

Carolina Reed

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York
Skills: N/A

Carolina turned to look at her best friend for a moment, and then watched the King and Queen for a little bit longer, she hadn't really ever talked to them before. [colorv=cyan]"They probably will only talk to the really powerful, politicians and the like I don't think they would pay any attention to us really."[/color] Carolina said, as she smiled and leaned in and gave October another quick kiss, her wife always did have a fascination with things like that. "It would be bad if the decapitated me though." She said jokingly and looked over towards the dance floor, she did want to get a few dances in before the night was over.

"C'mon lets get a few dances in before the night is over." Carolina said happily as she reached out for both October's and Annie's hands and started to go more towards the center of the room where some of the others were. She took a moment and looked over towards Prince Flynn as well as some other guy who was trying to get him to the Prince to dance with him and smiled slightly, she wasn't sure if that was a good idea Prince Flynn was dating Sapphire after all.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A

Cassandra took a moment and looked directly at Logan, she was of course paranoid and so far the only person she did trust was Tinley who was on the same boat as she was as well. She didn't like the idea of them being ripped a new one, but for the time being she was going to remain quiet. Pretty much research and just try and act the part for now was all that she could do and adapt or die which was now the plan. "So pretty much adapt or die, got it.." Cassandra said as she looked over her should as five of them were going out on the mission leaving herself and Tinley as backup for the time being.

Cassandra walked back and leaned back in the seat as she started to think about everything it was a lot to take in, Magneto being the kid of the world, and mutants were the number one race in the world right now. She remembered the mission to take him down in her reality with the X-Men. She watched Tinley starting to do her own little research, and waited for about a minute or two once Tinley finished, she then started to make her way over. Cass decided to try and search herself, and couldn't get anything as well as Director Fury, and she couldn't find anything either on him.

But when she decided to search for Hawkeye, Cassandra paused as she started to read over the file, it was something. Cass just hoped that he also had some memories of the other reality, she then quickly deleted recent search history she and Tinley did and sat down. She looked at the others in the quinjet who remained as backup, and thought about making some small talk, and looked over towards Agent Darkholme. "So, after the mission and we secure the Hulk want to go out for drinks or something?" Cassandra asked her, she hoped that they were friends or something in this reality and had something in common.

Maria Smith

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia -> The Banner Residence
Skills: N/A

Maria looked towards Novikova seeing her girlfriend snapping at Kingston, she hadn't known her to get mad to much she was pretty damn stubborn when it came to defending her friends. But she smiled, Kingston did deserve it in her mind as she stood up when Agent Darkholme started to give them their mission. She was with Bautista, Novikova, Clarke and Kingston, though she didn't like the idea of Kingston being with them. But she shrugged slightly, and started to follow the others shortly behind Novikova until they were at the front door of the Banner Residence.

Maria remained as calm as she could as soon as the door opened she saw Lance Banner, and who she assumed was his girlfriend poking their heads out. Bautista spoke up first asking if Bruce was home or not, Maria wasn't sure how they would react yet as she watched Novikova tense up she turned to her girlfriend when she used her ability to look at Lance. "What did you see?" Maria whispered towards Novi with a concerned look.

Callie Johnson

Location: DC, Homeless Shelter - Mutant Friendly
Skills: N/A

Callie looked towards Cayden and gave him a slight smile and nodded towards him, glad that he was on with her plan and shook her head slightly at the movie reference. She then turned her attention towards Havok and smirked slightly towards him, as the last of the kids started to follow shortly behind Cayden they were now out of the back room which was a good thing. "And here I thought we were friends and we had something special." Callie said jokingly as she could hear the banging against the door, and she quickly started to make her way towards some cover. She then started to concentrate on her powers as electricity moved through her fingers, and Havok asking to start hula hooping.

"It would be a great time to start your thing." Callie said, as soon as the door burst open Callie then sent a few bolts of electricity at the Purifiers as they started to open fire on them. She managed to shock a few of them, and then quickly got up, she'd rather not be in the back surrounded by Purifiers and get shot again. "Hurry up and get back to the car, i'm not really interested in getting shot again." Callie said towards Havok as she left the back room, and tried to make it to her car. She then called out to Cayden, she wasn't sure if he got the car up and running or not. "Get the car started and pull out to!" Callie yelled out towards him.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine)

Riley took a moment to gently rub Amelia's back to try and comfort her, she had her own fairshare of embarrassing stories of getting drunk and vomiting everywhere. As she looked over as Atticus came over with a bottle of water for Amelia she gave the priest a friendly smile and nodded towards him. "Thanks." He said as she turned her attention back over towards, she smiled slightly when Atticus gave a little story of vomiting on some food. "Before all of this, I was at a party and I ended up vomiting on this woman I was dancing with from drinking to much. It didn't really turn out to well." Riley said with a slight smile trying to cheer Amelia up, yes vomiting in front of everyone and in some used dishes was a bit embarrassing at least she didn't vomit on anyone which was a good thing in her book as well.

Riley then turned around and started to make her way back over towards the couch when one of them mentioned meeting the big guy of this place, she did wonder what he was like as well. Riley then turned towards the door she started to wonder who the new guy who was coming in was as well, and when the person even showed up. Riley didn't even remember seeing anyone else on their way in but then again they were riding in on a bus as well to. She would occasionally eye the man named Wayne raising an eyebrow seeing the man wiggling his ass in the couch cushions which was really weird.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine)

"It's going to suck with rooming with Wayne and Hank." Erica said towards Nigel and smiled she meant it more as a joke at least as she leaned back in the chair for a moment. She would occasionally look at the others within the room seeing the woman with her kid, he was pretty adorable, but didn't want to approach her just yet they had time to get to know one another anyway while they were in quarantine as well. Her attention turned towards Hank and Wayne as well, she shook her head slightly looking back at Nigel again as he started up the movie and went back to sitting down. "I wonder how long his gas attack is going to last to." Erica said, as she tried to ignore the smell as much as possible.

"I cant remember the last time I have seen this movie, i'll pick the next one if no one else wants to choose anything." Erica said, though she did remember it pretty well it was while they were in her husband's cabin at the time while everything was going on. But she didn't want to say it, and it was a memory that she wanted to keep private as well. She looked at Wayne when he asked either Panama or Major when they would be seeing the man in charge of the place, as well who the new person was to.
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