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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena.
Skills: N/A

Kristin listened to Chiron as he started to announce the quests that were announced earlier in the day, she was kind of glad that none of them mentioned her at all as Kristin looked towards Mary, Jason, Leda and Kiera all were the ones who stood up. There werent any other volunteers for the quests. As she sat there and fixed her hair a little bit and stared at Zeke and then over towards Demetri. "You should go and talk to him maybe then?" Kristin suggested towards him thats if he wanted to that is anyway.

Eva was surprised that Stella quickly stood up when one of the quests mentioned her and looked at her with a concerned look. "Are you sure you actually want to go on the quest?" Eva asked her, the girl was incredibly new to this world but then again Percy Jackson accepted his first quest not to long after just arriving to camp as well to. She'd make sure that she would get as much training in as possible then if she was going to be going on it as well.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena
Skills: N/A

Kiera listened to the prophecies as they were spoke, she was the only child of Poseidon here in the camp at the moment, as she stood up alongside her girlfriend and smiled towards her. She had gotten her supplies earlier in the day with Leda so she was already set and ready to go on it. She looked at the others who were going as well, and spotted both Andy and Arthur had both stood up volenteering for the quest along with Stella. They were the youngest in the camp and that made her worried for them as well since it would be their first time going on a quest as well.

Though she knew that both Andy and Arthur were capable with fighting after visiting New Rome before it fell, she was kind of surprised that Demi hadnt volunteered for the quest either being a son of Zeus. "So, do you want to stay in my cabin tonight?" Kiera whispered towards Leda and smiled, she did always enjoy spending the night with her whenever she came to sneak in during the night, having a cabin to yourself did have its perks.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena

Madalyne stood up when she was mentioned in the prophecies she knew that this was coming after all as well to, she looked around seeing her niece was standing up as well to. A part of her wished that it was the other son of Zeus instead so that way she wouldn't notice her falling into the Pit itself. She looked towards Nancy and then at Niah as it mentioned her as well to, she knew that Nancy would handle things, but with her and Niah off, it'd just be her and Danielle to run things for the Legion as Chiron spoke up again.

"Those who are volunteering to go on these quests please step forward." Chiron said as she saw the child of Neptune standing up and making her way forward, Madalyne went to do the same thing as well to. She took a moment to run her hand along the little box she had made still containing her little present for Andy and Arthur as well to.

Chiron spoke up once more. "We have had a problem with Eidolons over the last couple of hours as well to, so when you leave the arena some members of the Hecate cabin will make sure that none of you are possessed and you are free to return to your cabins for the night. Also to help with communications between the Greeks and Romans better i'll also be asking for volunteers for anyone who would like to act as a liason between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, the Romans will do the same as well to. So any Greek who is willing to volunteer you are welcome to put your name forward, tomorrow morning before everyone embarks on their quests can vote who they'd like. The Romans are more than welcome to sit in on the meeting as well to if they choose to. If anyone has any questions please ask them." Chiron addressed.

Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside of Loki's Cavern
Skills: N/A

Baldur and Heimdall talked amongst themselves for a moment Nadia looked between the two gods as they talked to each other and got the sense that they were going to let them help with whoever is releasing Loki, before Baldur spoke up looking at them. "Heimdall is going to be opening a portal with the bifrost so that you all can go through, i'll be joining you as well." Baldur said as Heimdall started to use use his powers and opened up a rainbow colored portal for them all to jump through. Nadia didnt mind that Runa's father would be joining them, it would be really helpful as well to as Heimdall spoke. "I'll get you as close as I can." Heimdall told them all.

"Lets get going then." Nadia said as she went through the portal and stood at the mouth of a cave, the air was really cold as she looked around, she really wasnt sure where they were in the Nine Realms really as Nadia waited for the others as Baldur stepped through shortly afterwards. Nadia looked down and noticed some footprints that were leading down into the cavern itself and continued to move forward as she walked she felt her foot touching something and reached down to pick it up was a golden colored apple.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside of Loki's Cavern
Skills: Enhanced Tracking

Arnora didnt really mind or care that Baldur was coming, all she really did care about was finding Loki and trying to find out who was breaking him free and why as well to. Arnora looked towards Heimdall and nodded towards him, just as he opened up the bifrost for them all to jump through, Arnora went in shortly after Baldur did as he looked down to see the footprints in the snow leading down into the cave itself. Arnora entered the cavern itself as Arnora walked down the cavern she noticed that the cavern split off into two different directions.

She knelt down as she concentrated on where to go, she started to get the feeling that they were being watched as Arnora stood up pointing towards the left. "I think his prison is that." Arnora said towards them as Arnora turned to face the others as Baldur spoke up. "Be aware of any kind of traps." Baldur said to the others getting the feeling that they were being watched as well to now.

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked at Sparky as she suddenly snapped at all of them and quickly backed off on it and nodded slightly towards her, she probably did need a moment to herself. She decided to be quiet about it around Sparky at least until they were safely out of their little prison as Cass looked over towards Darcy when the alarms suddenly started to go off. Part of her thought that this place was under attack or something and another part of her thought that the other members of the team were successful with breaking out.

Cass nodded slightly towards what Amelia was actually saying, they were pretty much helpless with the collars on and chained to the table. "Listen Darcy, if you are under attack or something we are completely powerless to defend ourselves and they could come in here and easily kill us all, you need to get these collars off of us. We are the good guys and you have my word we wont hurt you." Cassandra said looking up at Darcy who seemed to be panicking at what was happening.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: Life-Force Absorption

Maria started to feel really lightheaded as she took a moment and leaned over the table trying to breathe as she looked at Flynn who was using his powers to lower the oxygen in the room. She wasnt sure if he was trying to kill them or not by that, but it seemed to help with slowing down Monica who was having a hard time standing and breathing. "We.. need to.. go.." Maria said between heavy breathes as she went over to Monica after Raynor knocked her down onto the ground and started to put her hands onto Monica making direct skin contact with her to try and absorb her life-force to knock her out.

Instead the opposite happened as Maria started to get memories and flashes of Monica Rambeau herself and stumbled back a little bit, something still felt really off like it was apart of her now. Overhearing what Folly was saying and turned to her when she said she came to get them orders from Magneto and Professor X she went over towards Matt and tried to help him back up to his feet.

Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Callie watched as Veil flickered in and out of existence for a moment, and looked down for a moment knowing that Veil was processing the news that Waverly died. She reached out to her and gently rested a hand on her friend's shoulder Waverly was really young and she fought well, but in the end it wasnt enough, and they were outnumbered. "We were outnumbered and by the time we took them out Waverly was already gone." Callie said as she looked towards the others as they started to talk about the vault and that these people were from there, she wanted to take them all out.

Others started to head down the stairs and into the secret passageway that was found, she decided looked towards Veil for a moment. "Are you going to be alright Veil?" Callie asked her friend, she wanted to make sure that she was going to be okay first before going on as she watched Polaris heading down the stairs as well to.

Kristina Smith

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Kristina stopped at the large metal door that was at the bottom of the stairs and looked at her sister and the others who had joined them, as Polaris used her powers to knock the door down causing a loud crashing sound. She took a moment and looked between her sister and Max wondering how they had met in the other reality that they had been talking about upstairs. Her eyes stared down at the blood trail and then down the series of hallways.

"I guess we should maybe follow the blood?" Kristina said as she started to follow it down the hallway as she could hear some loud banging sounds. The moment she rounded the corner the last thing that she saw was some sort of cyborg kicking and banging at the door, and then a sharp pain going through her chest, and then everything suddenly going black as her body started to fall.

Maria Novikova

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Hand to hand combat

Maria followed behind her sister and the others down the flight of stairs, as she looked over towards Max asking about her wife and smiled slightly. "She's doing well, her and I are going to have a baby here pretty soon in a few months actually." Maria said towards Max as Polaris used her powers to knock down the door. "Well whoever's down here probably know that we are now to." Maria said looking at her for a moment and spotted the trail of blood, and followed behind her sister a little bit.

Time seemed to suddenly slow down as she watched something hitting Kristina, and quickly went over to catch her body before it hit the floor. Maria's eyes started to water now as she went to check for a pulse, looking into her sister's lifeless eyes and slowly went to close them. She gently laid Kristina's body down onto the ground and stood up as she stared at her sister's killer, feeling anger she ran forward and started to fight the cyborg, who easily seemed to dodge the first swing, and then tried again. The cyborg woman seemed to predict her movements as she missed the second time, Maria then feinted her next strike and managed to land a good hit to the woman's face causing her to stumble backwards.

Bethany Bell

Asgard, River Near Baldur's Hall
Skills: Shadow Travel, Shadow Solidification, Improvised Weapons

Bethany looked towards Runa as she watched her get sent flying by her brother several feet away, and winced a little bit. "Remind me to not invite Runa's brother to any kind of parties." Bethany said towards the others as she was thinking about a way to try and end this quicker when Forseti started to create a huge tornado made out of fire, and sent it towards her, Guin and Mary. Luckily Mary was able to summon up some vines and quickly started to grab onto it. Bethany could feel the wind was really strong if she didnt hold onto it then she'd end up getting either blown away or getting sucked up into it and she didnt really want to get burned to death inside of it either.

Beth could feel the heat and the flames shooting out at her, as burns started to appear on her arms as she looked towards Mary and Guin as she thought of a way to maybe help. She quickly shadow traveled herself behind Forseti and then used the shadows around herself to make them solid and formed a small knife managing to stab him in the shoulder.
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City Building Interior
Skills: N/A

Carolina closed her eyes for a moment and was relieved to hear that he was alright, as she looked around to see where he was from where she was. "I'm here." Carolina replied back as she coughed a bit of dust again, she could hear the muffled voices of the others hopefully they'll be able to uncover them in time. She was having a really hard time breathing right now due to the dust and the air around them being pretty thin.

"Are you alright?" Carolina called out to him as she noticed the light that Lance was able to produce with his powers though it was really dim for her to see where she was currently. Carolina wasnt sure how long they had before they ran out of air, as Carolina tried to look for a way to move around a bit.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra wasnt sure where to actually start looking for her sister and Lance to get them both out of the rubble, as she moved as much as she could, Cass turned her attention towards where Guin was and started to make her way over towards it. She could hear something in the rubble as Pietro started to move the rubble away at super speed. When it ended up revealing someone she didnt want to see at all, being Sabertooth. He stood up at his full height and started to throw chunks of rubble at them mainly at her.

The first one ended up missing just landing by her feet, the next thing she knew she felt the wind getting knocked out of her and she was sent to the ground pinned down by the chunk of rubble that Sabertooth threw at her. Cassandra groaned as she tried to get it off of her, which took a lot longer than she thought it would. She was able to roll it off of her just barely as Cassandra got back up to her feet while looking at the others. Cass picked up a smaller piece of rubble and tried to throw it at Sabertooth's head to get his attention, and then another, both of which didnt get his attention. "Hey Fleabag!" Cass yelled to get his attention towards her while the others tried to save Lance and Carolina.


The girl looked a little bit annoyed that none of them didnt really answer the question and shook her head slightly while rolling her eyes, when Mad Hatter spoke again while looking over at Aurora and Willow for a moment. "Aurora can pose as a buyer along with me, and you." He said towards Willow as he looked towards Cheshire. "While he and the boys can sneak into the vault and do that little switch." He told him as Aurora nodded slightly while looking at her daughter.

"You'll do fine." She said towards her they would hear a knocking on the door, the girl looked at the rest of them. "Jaffar's men are here you all should maybe hide or something." She suggested as Cheshire looked towards them and gestured towards a closet as he made his way over towards it. "Just stay in there until one of us gives you all the clear." Cheshire said as he started to make his way up the stairs and into the shop itself.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra was holding her shoulder as she looked towards everyone for a moment as Belle, Hansel and Gretel made their way into the tree line. Sierra stayed alert she wasnt sure what else were in the woods, she squinted her eyes for a moment and could see what looks like a cabin of sorts not to far away from them. "Theres a cabin close by maybe we can stay there and lay low for a little bit?" Sierra suggested looking over towards the others.

Belle looked at it for a moment and started to make her way towards it and made it over towards the window and looked into it, she could see a few candles there to light up the cabin, and a fireplace going as well to but it looked like there wasnt anyone else in there. "We'll look inside." Hansel said as Gretel nodded and headed inside of the cabin, Sierra leaned against the wall outside of the cabin groaning slightly as she looked at where she had been shot at which still hurt a lot. "It's clear." Gretel said as she poked her head out and waved them all to get inside. Inside of the cabin it looked like it was big enough for probably three people to live in max, in the corner of the room was a large chest as well, as a mannequin that looked like it held a set of armor possibly. There was some food being cooked on a small stove of sorts near the fireplace as well to with a pile of chopped wood close by.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"I mean you could kinda do the same stuff here if you wanted to or something like that. Also why is going to jail fun? It doesnt really sound like fun to me really." Layla said towards Rosalia as she looked over towards her sister, Rose and Red were still talking amongst each other. She wasnt sure what they were talking about at the moment as her father had gone off to talk to one of his men, she ran a hand through her hair.

"Sadly I dont have anything that could trigger a memory or anything like that." Red said towards Rose for a moment as she looked at Cassi and smiled a little bit. "Rose was a cute little baby when she was little, and not chunky." She said with a slight laugh, when she could hear some yelling, and then an arrow flew by hitting one of Robin's men. Layla turned to hear a lot of fighting happening as she saw some men attacking her father's men one of them had a bow and fired off an arrow aimed at Rosalia.

Not really thinking Layla quickly tackled Rosalia to the ground as the arrow embedded itself where Rosalia had been sitting. "Are you alright?" Layla asked looking down at her. Several more arrows were flying one of them hitting Rose in the shoulder and one narrowly missing Cassi Robin Hood quickly coming back and fired off an arrow at the closest attacker. Red quickly went over towards Rose and looked down at the arrow, and then towards her knowing that pulling it out would do more damage than good she took a nearby table cloth and applied it to the wound. "You'll be alright." Red said towards Rose.

Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Callie was glad to hear that Veil was doing alright, as she looked down for a moment before looking back at Veil and whispered towards her. "We ended up loosing Waverly during the fight." Callie informed her, as she looked at Sunshine for a moment she thought about bringing it up with Jack to it was ultimately up to him if she brought it up she knew that Jack hated Sinister after all as well to. Callie watched the stranger drawing an arrow and aimed it at Magneto before he used his powers and sent them all flying towards the ceiling.

She wasnt sure how that would even hurt Magneto in the first place since they were easily made out of metal. Then James instantly dropped to one knee in front of Magneto which she thought was really weird as she shook her head slightly running a hand through her hair. "I think we should do what she came here to do in the first place and look for them." Callie said to the others, hopefully it'll get them to focus on finding Reeva and the Three in One. When Polaris used her powers and brought all of the arrows around Casper and sighed. "Really we should focus on the task at hand instead of attacking one another." Callie said as she thought about using her powers to try and calm everyone down.

Kristina Smith

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Kristina smiled she was still glad that her sister was actually with her, as she looked at everyone in the room when Magneto used his powers and removed all of the arrows as they embedded themselves into the ceiling. Casper then proceeded to insult Magneto and Polaris' family which was probably not the smartest thing to do in the world. Kris shook her head a little bit and sighed as she looked around the room. "I'm going to go and look for them you all are more than welcome to join me." Kristina said as she started to look around the room, opening each door and searched through every room on the first floor.

Kristina left for the main room again and then started to search around before finding a secret passageway and looked down and then over towards the others. "Does anyone care to go and explore the creepy passageway?" She said as Kristina started to go down the stairs to search for Reeva and the Three in One.

Maria Novikova

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: (Casper's Mediumship)

Maria glared at Magneto for a moment as he yanked all of her arrows and sent them flying through the air and into the ceiling. "Sorry the last time I saw you, you kinda sent a bit of metal into my gut during the House of M reality. Also I'd uh be careful with them, some of them can be a bit volatile." Maria said as she looked at her sister and then the others and shook her head slightly and looked at the others who didnt remember House of M reality like James, her and Casper had experienced. "A while back Wanda messed with reality and made mutants on top." Maria said as she watched her sister going off to searching the other rooms for Reeva and Three in One.

Maria decided to help with searching the floor, and then saw her sister finding a secret passage as Maria looked towards them. "Does anyone know about this room?" Maria asked and looked at Polaris. "Also i'd like to have my arrows back if you don't mind?" Maria asked as she looked at Casper.

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra turned to Sparky seeing the look on her face, and reached over towards her it did explain why Sparky hadnt had any of her memories changed, since she was originally from here and didnt have any kind of memories to speak of here. "We'll figure it out, but as far as we know you are still Theresa Sparks, and your family back home are the ones that raised you. And we are your family as well to." Cass said to Sparky, hopefully that would help her cheer up or something, while Amelia continued to rant about how Lana was pronounced turning her attention towards Darcy.

"I think we are getting a bit off topic right now, we need to find Dr. Doom and Luminous both of them are highly dangerous and who knows what they are planning here in this world. If there is a way for us to get out of here or let us explain it to your guys' leader here and we can work together and we can take the two of them back to our reality." Cassandra said, hopefully they'd get out of here sooner rather than later.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

"No, what I mean is that if there is someone with my powers or something smiliar then maybe it'll work, or if you have any kind of social media. If anyone of us posted something on there since we have been imprisoned could also help maybe?" Maria said shrugging slightly as she looked between Matt and Raynor, she didnt agree with genocide or sterilizing an entire nation. If Raynor regretted what he had done, and judging by his reactions earlier when they got here Raynor regretted what he had done.

Maria was about to say something else when the door opened and a brunette came into the room, looking between Rambeau and the new woman going by the name of Lewis. She wasnt sure what was going on between the two of them when the woman pulled something out of her pockets and dropped it down onto the ground. All of the lights within the room quickly were disabled, and she felt better now that the collar had been deactivated, Maria quickly pulled the inhibitor collar off of her. "Uh thank you who are you really?" Maria said to the woman.

Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Floor 100 Arcade -> Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Nadia nodded slightly towards Runa. "Alright then if you say so." Nadia told her as she got into the elevator and pressed the floor to the lobby where the Feast Hall was located. She looked towards Lara as she started to approach her and smiled some as she started to patch up her burns it was the second time that she had gotten hurt today. "Thank you Lara." Nadia said as the elevator descended down to the first floor and listened to Dalisy what was happening with Loki right now which wasnt good at all.

"We don't even know where Loki's cave is it could be anywhere in the nine realms for all we know." Nadia said rubbing the bridge of her nose a little bit, maybe Heimdal or Baldur knew where it was. "Which is still why we should meet with Baldur and the Thanes and we can go from there." Nadia said as the elevator doors opened and she started to make her way towards the Feast Hall, seeing all of the people that they had saved which made her feel good and spotted Heimdall, Baldur and the other Thanes were talking.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Floor 100 Arcade -> Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Arnora looked at Dalisy with a bit of a worried look when she said that someone was outside the door of Loki's prison wasnt a good thing at all. "Well lets hurry up and meet them, hopefully Heimdall would be able to get us there quickly." Arnora said as soon as the elevator doors opened Arnora quickly made her way into the feast hall, seeing all the people that they saved made her relax a little bit and was glad that she'd be able to help out.

Seeing Baldur and the Thanes along with Heimdall talking, she made her way over towards them when Baldur looked over at the group and smiled towards them he was really happy that they were able to pull through. "I'm so glad that you were able to rescue the Einherjar." Baldur said, before Arnora quickly interrupted him. "It was a distraction to get Loki out the entire time." Arnora said sounding a little bit out of breath. Baldur looked trouble as he looked over at the others in the group that were there and wanted to confirm. "Is it true?" He asked the others, as Baldur looked towards Heimdall who quickly started to look into it as well to.
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