Avatar of Necroes


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm just a D&D junkie between DMs.
3 yrs ago
And I'm back!
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3 yrs ago
To all my players and writing partners; Don't worry! I've not vanished or forgotten you. I've had something come up, and will be taking the rest of this week off from my RPs. See you next week!
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3 yrs ago
Starting a Vampire the Masquerade campaign. Look for it in the TTRPG interest check section. I'm gonna be a story teller!
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4 yrs ago
I feel torn. On one hand, I'm bored, so I want to get into some more RPs. On the other, I know once the quarantine ends, I won't have the free time to keep up with all of them. Temptation is a B.


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Most Recent Posts

@Klomster Yea, I figure it'll be easier to convince the crew to go along with a hostile take over of the ship if most of the mid-rank officers are on the take.

All that's left is to pick a suitable sniper rifle. I was thinking some xeno-tech he and Zuriel could bond over 'customizing,'

@Klomster How is that not exactly what Oskar is? He's a vanilla human. I mean, he looks like he's had some cyber modifications, but that's not uncommon in 40k. Plus, with how he's been interacting with the other prisoners already, I'd say he shows quite a charismatic demeanor.

Also, Oskar and Zuriel are only 'small' in the literal sense. One has years of training and battlefield experience among the guard, while the other is a tech priest with enough skill to hack Imperial battle ship systems, in addition to psyker powers at least potent enough to let him turn his entire body to sentient mist. Sure, in a fist fight, the astartes would probably win. However, at any point either of the two are fist fighting a space marine, things are already profoundly fucked up.

I get your point, the group doesn't have a traditional 'skill monkey'... but we don't need one. Unless I'm just blatantly unaware of something, apart from medical abilities, there's nothing I can think of we'd need done that someone in the group can't accomplish.
If I Am blatantly unaware of something, by all means, let me know.

That said, before anyone says it; No, I have no interest in portraying the part of Dave Jimson, Officer of the Estate Imperium, designated buerocrat 146-295/B, in charge of filing expense claims and reports for the galley of Imperial Naval Vessel 254-769-2065, "Macharius' Pride."
I would like to continue with this group. If no one has any further comments on the matter, then I believe I will. I thank you all for your honesty.

I'm currently trying to work with JB to come up with a new character. I'm aiming to create someone who will be useful to the group in general, and not just in combat. Right now, the idea I have that I think would work best is an Alpha Legionaire who can help lend credence to the group's claim that everything on the ship is fine, so the crew at large should continue working.

Well, what am I supposed to say in the face of that?

Am I supposed to look like a petulant child, and try and defend myself? To justify my actions, like it somehow matters, despite knowing some (if not all) of you just don't like me as a person.

Am I supposed to point out the faults of others? Throw mud around to try and make myself look better, despite the fact the people I'd be throwing it at are the ones I'm trying to make myself look better to.

Should I apologize? Admit fault, where I don't think I've committed a sin. Just accept every accusation that's been leveled at me, even those I don't agree with. Say I'm sorry, grit my teeth, ask for another chance, and spend any remaining time with this group stepping on eggshells, at the best.

Maybe I'm expected to just give up, and walk away. Admit defeat and let my actions make me look like a self-proclaimed martyr, or some angry internet troll.

I've been roleplaying as a hobby for over a decade. I've been in any number of groups. I've been in groups where I was the problem player, and groups where I wasn't. I've had groups fall apart around me, no matter what I did, and groups that threw me out only to fall apart without so much as another post. I've seen RPs through to the end, and RPs just kind of fade away.

But here, I'm at a loss. I honestly don't know what to do. I'd like to continue with this group, but I don't want to be where I'm not wanted. I'd like to show you all that I'm not just some prick, blind to the feelings of others, who's nothing but a waste of talent and imagination on a poor player. However, I don't want to try and change minds that are already set in stone, only to make moods worse for no reason.

So, before I make any decisions, and before you make any of yours, I'd like to ask;
What would you all do? You've seen my position, and I can only hope I've made my stance clear. If you were me, and somehow found yourself with a similar choice to make, which would you pick?
@Sophrus Points taken, but allow me a rebuttal: None of those issues are my fault alone.

1.) Yes, my character is on a higher power tear than the rest of the group. I had no idea that would be the case when I made him. You'll note, his was the first CS posted; I had no idea what to expect from everyone else, power-level wise. Beyond that, this is 40k, and we're protagonists. In keeping with 40k style, we're Going to be better than the average equivalent. That's why we're special enough to Be protagonists. Or so was my reasoning.

2.) I didn't produce my 'justifications' until people started challenging me. I was put in a situation where I needed to find solutions to plot holes that were pointed out it my ideas, so I did. But, that comes back to me having a more liberal view as to what is 'acceptable' for a story set in the 40k setting.

3.) I never, at any point, said anything about Not killing the ork on sight. I thought it would be a problem going in. People just kind of ignored it, and I didn't say anything about it. I hand-waved away the issue when I created him, everyone else seemed to hand-wave the issue when they encountered him. I'm sorry you feel it's an issue, but blaming it solely on me seems unfair. If nothing else, you never mentioned it, either, so you've yourself to blame as much as anyone.
@Klomster Like I said, fundamentally different view of the setting. You view it, or so it seems, through the eyes of a 40k RPG DM.

Yar, matey, I be a pirate! To me, 40k be "... more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules."*

*Captain Barbosa, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
@Klomster Honestly, I feel the main problem is that I have a fundamentally different view of the 40k setting then everyone in this group seems to. i.e., I view it as a means by which to facilitate a unique and engrossing narrative, as opposed to its own story with pre-existing rules for how it functions. This RP isn't completely adherent to the 40k 'narrative,' and could be written off as something completely impossible that never happened at any moment by the whims of GW. Which makes sense given that the narrative as a whole has been that way forever, with different 'sources' being made official and unofficial at the whim of the writers in charge of the fluff that particular week.

In every instance you've mentioned, I could have gone with something more simple, 'fluff-adherent' (I'd say stereotypical), and in my opinion boring. I chose not to because I felt it would have made a more interesting narrative.

I could have just made Urgrugg a stock-standard weird boy. But then, he's just an ork boy 90% of the time, and a weak one at that. Not to mention, he'd be throwing off spores all the time, so if we stayed anywhere long enough more orks would just kind of happen.

I could have just suggested the type of ship we're on. However, I've made it clear, I think Imperial tech is boring, and my alternative was far more interesting.

With the ogryn, I could have just killed him with a swift jab to the eye socket. Urgrugg's a big ork, and the crystal is sufficiently hard enough to do it. But, I wanted to leave the option open for him becoming a nurgle ogryn, so I used an alternative approach.

I'm not blind to these options, I choose my alternatives for reasons. I find fluff to back up the possibility, to allow for a more interesting (in my opinion, at least) story. 40k as a setting has never been a perfectly complete, and singularly cohesive narrative. So, like the writers of the novels do on a regular basis, I pick and choose what I want to allow for a story I think is good, instead of letting the stories of past writers limit my own.

However, that doesn't seem to be what everyone here is doing. It's disappointing, but ultimately, I'd rather continue with the group then get upset about it. If I were to create a new character, it'd be a more traditional psyker. As of yet, I've not thought of anything that would realistically have him joining the group any time soon, but it's a matter of time.
@Jbcool As I've stated, I'm largely neutral to the idea. I like him as a character, and feel somewhat attached to him for that. However, I'm also not blind. It's quite obvious he causes turmoil in the group. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I'm not deaf to it, either.

So, what will be, will be. However, let it be known, I still think it's important the group have a battle-capable psyker, so that's likely what I'd replace him with.
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