Avatar of PapaOso


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2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.
4 yrs ago
Professional Wrestling taught me how to imagine. Dave Chappelle taught me how to laugh. George Carlin taught me how to question. Uncle Iroh taught me how to be a man.
5 yrs ago
The ebb & flow of life can be overwhelming sometimes. However, every time I come back to this site I'm reminded why I never should have left in the first place. <3
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I have always loved stories. It started with reading, then moved to writing, then Role Playing, and eventually to acting. My passion for storytelling flows into my love of various fandoms (X-Men/Comics, Critical Role, DBZ, GoT, Spartacus, Dexter, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Star Wars, and so...so many more). This site lets me be a part of bringing stories of these worlds and many others to life and gives me the opportunity to connect with people that love these things as much as I do. In a broken world this site stands as a haven for kindred spirits that are gathered under the banner of my absolute favorite thing in the world; telling stories. I love you guys :D.

Most Recent Posts

@RedVII Much love. X-Men: The New Era will be something that I continue to come back to. This latest attempt started so strong and flourished well after my life called me away. @Almalthia picked carried it forward and made me incredibly proud as a co-GM. She became the steward of something that means a lot to me and I will always appreciate her work. She is an absolute badass. I adore everyone who took part in that project and I'm sure there will be a 3rd iteration sometime down the line because it's such a fun thing to take part in. The group that came together to create these awesome stories will always be special to me. <3
Silas Sloane

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi (he/him)

Nomadic or sedentary: Depends on the day.

Weapons: Remington 870 12 Gauge Shotgun, .375 Double Action Revolver, Glock 43

Skills: Literacy, Hunting, Tracking, Fishing, Firearm maintenance & repair, has one hell of a silver tongue, and is quite the brawler.

Unusual Abilities: Has a heightened sense for smelling blood. He uses this to pinpoint the locations of any living creature around him. It makes him extra perceptive within a spherical range of about 30 yards. When he hones in on the scent his sclera fill with blood. Due to this his eyes appear quite bloodshot even when he isn’t tapping into his ability.

Appearance Description: Please see above image. Dirty up that pretty face a bit, throw some scars on it, and change that perfectly white shirt for a set of more tarnished and practically (apocalyptic) traveling clothes. His hair is cut very similarly to how it appears in the photo, but it’s not as well done seeing as he does it himself with a pair of rusty scissors. He's 6'4" and about 215lbs.
Brief Personality: His sarcastic smirk makes it difficult to read him. He seems gentle and kind but despite this his crystal blue eyes always possess a sadness to them...as well as an intensity that makes him feel dangerous.

Brief Background: Silas is a Texas boy. Moving to New York found him out of his element. He missed the open plains and the quiet. There's plenty of quiet now. He often thinks about heading back to the Lone Star State to see what's left of it. Though he knows how dangerous a journey like that would be. He doesn't talk about himself or his past much, and in fact gets angry when he's pushed to. There's something he's hiding and it's eating him up inside. Anyone with a perceptive eye or a certain level of empathy can tell as much.

Alone or with someone?: Alone.

Other: He draws everyone he meets in a journal that he keeps in his jacket pocket. His artwork is surprisingly detailed.
Silas Sloane

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi (he/him)

Nomadic or sedentary: Depends on the day.

Weapons: Remington 870 12 Gauge Shotgun, .375 Double Action Revolver, Glock 43

Skills: Literacy, Hunting, Tracking, Fishing, Firearm maintenance & repair, has one hell of a silver tongue, and is quite the brawler.

Unusual Abilities: Has a heightened sense for smelling blood. He uses this to pinpoint the locations of any living creature around him. It makes him extra perceptive within a spherical range of about 30 yards. When he hones in on the scent his sclera fill with blood. Due to this his eyes appear quite bloodshot even when he isn’t tapping into his ability.

Appearance Description: Please see above image. Dirty up that pretty face a bit, throw some scars on it, and change that perfectly white shirt for a set of more tarnished and practically (apocalyptic) traveling clothes. His hair is cut very similarly to how it appears in the photo, but it’s not as well done seeing as he does it himself with a pair of rusty scissors. He's 6'4" and about 215lbs.
Brief Personality: His sarcastic smirk makes it difficult to read him. He seems gentle and kind but despite this his crystal blue eyes always possess a sadness to them...as well as an intensity that makes him feel dangerous.

Brief Background: Silas is a Texas boy. Moving to New York found him out of his element. He missed the open plains and the quiet. There's plenty of quiet now. He often thinks about heading back to the Lone Star State to see what's left of it. Though he knows how dangerous a journey like that would be. He doesn't talk about himself or his past much, and in fact gets angry when he's pushed to. There's something he's hiding and it's eating him up inside. Anyone with a perceptive eye or a certain level of empathy can tell as much.

Alone or with someone?: Alone.

Other: He draws everyone he meets in a journal that he keeps in his jacket pocket. His artwork is surprisingly detailed.

@Penguin Here he is waiting for your approval :D.
Very Interested.
@Eric Horst Absolutely :). Feel free to apply with a character sheet and we'll go from there
@RumikoOhara I mean in the Discord lol. We know you're still a part of the game xD. We all just miss talking to you there
@RumikoOhara We miss you!!!
@Lord Wraith You're really tempting me with this one my friend! I may just have to come up with a CS in the near future lol.
@The Mad Hatter He's accepted :D. I'll PM you the Discord link.

Location: Nathan’s Room; The Shower
Mentions: Uná (@Almalthia)

Steam filled the air as the hot water ran over the back of Nathan’s head. His mind was running wild. A variety of emotions and sensations were making their way through him. At the forefront of them was fear. Fear was a constant. He wasn’t afraid of any one thing in general but rather he carried a general fear in any and all things…she had made sure of that. The image of the woman was burned in his mind like a brand. Always there. Always watching.

He slams his fist against the shower wall to break the thought, to exile her image to the back of his mind once again. He hated her, hated what she had done to him...what she had made him do. Things that not even Dr. Ashford knew about. Things that haunt not just his dreams but his fucking soul. She was a monster. Was he one as well? He forced himself to conjure positive thoughts, something beautiful...He thought of Uná. He thought of their kiss. A smile shockingly crossed his lips. This place was insane. The things that the students here could do was insane, logic defying even. His entire life was full of insanity at the moment but at least she was there. The thought of Uná calmed the storm in his mind and transferred it to his heart; causing butterflies to flutter in his gut.
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