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I got tied down with my car licenseseses so I'll have to postpone the update to tomorrow.

Sorry for the super delay guys, but it'll let @ShwiggityShwah post.
Sorry for the late and pretty ass update, guys. I'm out of it at the moment but I've got things planned for the next day.

"I'm here to tell you that dinner's ready, but I'm also here to talk to you about....what happened earlier. Look, I know you don't wanna hear more of it, but come on. This thing between you and Bart has to stop. I may have just gotten here, but from what I hear, this feud has been going on for a time. And you have to admit at this point: This is getting stupid."
Kira Gigas

Neil sighed and took a moment to reply. "Look, I want it to stop too. I just don't know how." He shrugged. "I can't figure out what Bart's mad at. I mean on one hand he lets us do requests against Varjo but on the other hand, he hasn't forgiven me for... who knows what I did. It's like I personally offended him somehow." He sighed one more time. "I-I don't know what to do about this, Miss Gigas."

"Anyway, I'm not joining you all at dinner. Better that me and Bart stay away from each other for now so as not to spoil the mood and all." You remember that Neil was not yet aware that Bart was not attending dinner tonight.

~@Stern Algorithm~

"We're sorry about what we said at dinner, and if it's any consolation, we sent someone to talk to Neil about his behavior, and we know that you just have the Guild's best interests at heart..."
Sylvia Altissima

"...but we can tell that something else is bothering you...about Varjo. But if you don't tell us, we can't empathize with you, and people will continue to argue against your stance without taking your feelings into consideration. Sure, you could enforce your will as Guildmaster, but I don't think that's the kind of guild you want to build."
Vivian Altissima

Bart inhaled before sharply looking at the Altissima's sisters "I don't need to tell you that Varjo's dangerous. If I could have, I would have built the guild somewhere far away from here. But this was the best I could achieve. Years of preparation, saving up, cutting corners..." Bart trailed off. "I will not let anything happen to this guild. I will not let all my effort to get here go to waste."

"And if anyone wants to take this guild away from me, they can pry it from my cold, dead hands. Be they Varjo, or Neil, or whoever."

~@Restalaan (YNG & DIT), @13org (ADA & FYR), @ShwiggityShwah~

"Dang did I need that! Things have been so dreary and tense the last few days! If it's not Varjo, or zombies, or bear traps, or Bart and Neil going at it, the only time I get to relax is when I cook dinner or during Sensei Yangs murderous training. She's got a point. We should make a day out. Head to a lake or the beach, have a cook out or a picnic. Really get the guild back together. What do you guys think? We should bring it up at dinner... and speaking of, it should be ready by now."
Ozzy Skyway

Heeding Ozzy's idea, Haley was the first to speak out for a brief guild vacation to lift everyone's spirits in light of recent events. Perhaps mend personal rifts while they were at it. "Hey Yang, didn't you have a flyer about some celebration or festival from Boreal Port? We could go there for our little retreat!"

"That's... actually a good idea." Talia agreed. "Perhaps a chance to unwind is just what we need. A release to all this tension may lead to things working out." The Cyclops finished her thoughts and came to fully be onboard to the idea. "I suggest we do this. What do the rest of you think?"
Moving Casual RPs to Advanced won't increase the players that go there. The RP is basically issued a hard mode to attract players.

Aye, I don't mind the late posts and I would be saddened if you go.

However, if this RP is causing you stress then you gotta do what you gotta do.

Having volunteered to invite Neil to dinner, Talia pointed you to his room at the second floor. With a few knocks, Neil answered the door. He was a bit surprised at first but then sported a friendly smile.

"Oh, hey. You're-- you're one of the new members, right?" Neil remembered. "I-I don't think we've been properly introduced. I suppose now's a good time as any. Ahem." He extended a hand for you to shake. "H-Hello, I'm Neil. I'm one of the original members of the guild. Back then, we've-we've got quite the number of members but... well, nothing lasts forever, I guess."

You notice his eyes occasionally flit away, taking brief glances at your body and wings. Try as he might, but he could not hide that he was nervous talking to you.

"So uhh, what's up?"

~@Stern Algorithm~

It was the Altissima sisters who decided to go to Bart and bring him dinner and possibly some sense. A few knocks on the door and it was quickly answered by a grumpy guild master, his glare only sharpening once he saw that it was the Liliraune who came to see him. He crossed his arms and leaned on the door frame.

"What now?" Bart asked, obviously not looking for conversation. "Got something to important to say or are you just here to tell me off again?"

~@Restalaan (YNG & DIT), @13org (ADA & FYR), @ShwiggityShwah~

As Kira and the Altissima sisters went to accomplish their missions, Talia brought Freyr to call the guild members taking a bath to have dinner now. It was also they who set up the table and laid out the food.

Once they have all assembled at the dining area, Haley was quick to notice those absent. "Hey, hey. I remember more of you being in the kitchen." She then became worried. "Nothing bad happened happened, did it?"

"Uhh, Neil and Bart were... at it again." Talia replied.

"What? Again?" Haley plopped down at her seat at the news. "Is that why almost everybody's gone? Friggin' unbelievable."
~ Cal Family Mausoleum ~

Interacted with: @VitaVitaAR


Tili Vosahnn

"Several dozen, huh?" Jarde read the scratched reply. "Looks like they're having their own party down there."

Fanilly led the Iron Roses into the crypt and ended up in the first room of this mausoleum. It was dusty old place with a single table of offerings. There were signs of activity and it was no mystery as to why.

The knights had entered stealthily, not a single light or sound from them, in an attempt to catch the enemy by surprise. Unfortunately, they immediately ran into a mercenary with an illuminating torch ascending the twin staircases that led to the lower chambers. The Captain was quick to dispose of him but the body and his torch rolled downstairs. The jig was up, there were already a lot of steps ascending the stairs.

"Iron Rose Knights, charge!"
Fanilly Danbalion

"It's gonna be a bit cramped fighting on the stairs." Jarde remarked with only his fists at the ready. Fanilly had ordered for two of the enemies to be spared and captured and he intended to do just that.

As soon as the first mercenary reached the top, Jarde would tackle the intruder into the ground. He learned some hand techniques during his training that allowed for non-fatal takedowns. Striking certain points on the neck and head should knock the mercenary out cold but without much harm.
Hey peeps, since there's not much posts yet and I'm adjusting my real life schedule, the update will be postponed to next week.

Sorry for the delay.
~@13org (FYR), @Stern Algorithm, @Rezod92~

"I think that if things continue like this, it will only bring even more conflict to the guild and threaten to hurt how we work as a team. Whatever reasons Neil and Bartholomew have to be at each other's throats though, they really need to clear this misunderstanding and stop with this nonsense... The problem is... Bartholomew seems to be a really... stubborn person..."

"I agree. This should stop. The question is how." Talia said as she put the finishing touches on the guild's dinner. "Do we put them on a same quest together? No, that'll probably end badly. Uhh... I don't know, it's like putting a snake and a mongoose together. One way or another, someone's gonna get hurt."

"Anyway, we're just about done." Talia said. "Someone should head over and tell the others that dinner's ready. Tell Bart to come back too... or, we invite Neil instead. He hasn't had dinner with us for quite a while now."

~@Restalaan (YNG), @13org (ADA), @ShwiggityShwah~

"Huh, someone I like? Oh, you mean you-Haha, no way! Guildmaster Bart was someone who I owe a debt, and I'm here mainly for work till I have enough to continue my journey. But...if you're asking my type. Well, someone I can spar on an equal level first is a must. As to the rest, eh, a nice person perhaps? I'm not sure I can say that since I'm a monk after all."
Yang Bethlehem

"So a nice person who can beat you up. Say, you're not a Lizardman in disguise are you? Haha." Haley joked. "Anyway, you're not staying long here? That's sad, but no surprise there. People seem to come and go in this guild. Now that I think about it though, I don't see myself spending the rest of my life here either."

"To be honest, if I had to go on looks alone- Well Haley... I do like the way your wings sheen, and your smile... and- That's not like a confession or anything! There's more then that to be into someone right? Hehe. Like, you have an idea of that special someone. I mean, I'd always imagine I'd be with someone, that I could learn things with. Someone I could teach. Someone who I could keep discovering new things with. See that sparkle in her eyes. Share that sense of wonder. It's the most well, beautiful feeling you know?"
Ozzy Skyway

The comment about her looks caught Haley by suprise, and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. She then snickered and returned to her jovial self. "Hey, thanks for the compliment. And don't be too embarrassed telling monster girls they look good. We're always fishing for that." She finished with a chuckle. "Don't go too far, though, or you'll definitely end up getting snatched."

"Ohhh, so you'd like to be the 'teacher' in a 'teacher-student' relationship, eh? Oh my, I didn't expect you to be so... different." Haley chuckled. "I'm sorry but seriously, if I meet a Hakutaku, I'll send her your way."
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