Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

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He leaned on the wall beside him with his hands already on his rifle. He was just waiting for the others to form up and they could finally get this show on the road. There was a smirk when Frankie excitedly looked over the equipment. At least he actually found someone to talk to. The Brotherhood people weren't exacly the type he'd want to talk to, unless the opportunity is forced upon him or he's just really, really bored.

Marvin rolled his eyes at John's comment. "I just want to get out of here." The space was cramped and his nervous energy was not going anywhere if he was just sitting still. Better to walk it off than just letting himself drone on and on about his own experiences to the then-sleepy Frankie. He then watched as everyone took the hazmat suits and began to put them on, unlike himself and the ones who use Power Armor. The ghoul really did appreciate this blessing in irradiated disguise since he didn't have to carry around those heavy things.

"You smoothskins look good with those bulky suits." Marvin joked as he looked over to John who was putting on his own hazmat suit. However, he didn't seem too interested in following up with the joke as he looked over to their path of choice once more and then to the map. Hm, shouldn't be too complicated right? As long as they didn't shoot each other in the back - a very real possibility it looked like - they should reach their destination and get the blueprints and files to finish their mission.

He then did a double take as John offered Frankie a cigarette. Marvin wasn't sure why he was so surprised. Was it because of the man's cynical aura that made him think that John wasn't one for acts of random kindness? Or was it really just because he wanted a smoke himself? There was a moment where he squinted his eyes at him, as if looking for something in John. He then smiled and shook his head. "Of course the PI has some cigs in his pcoket." He decided to joke with a light laugh - this time, a little genuine and it seemed to put him at ease. He had John to thank for that, but he wouln't admit that yet.

That was when Swordwind began speaking. No, ordering them around. Marvin wasn't opposed to her taking the lead. He pushed himself off of the wall and then looked at the two and nodded. "Looks like I'll be going to the front. Good luck you two." He then took the right flank as the other sniper had gone to the left.

There was something about going now that put him... strangely at ease. He was keeping a keen eye on everything that was happening, Still, being on the move is better than sitting down. This was more familiar. At least he was going to be in his element now. Sure, he didn't really trust the ones around him aside from John and Frankie... and the Brotherhood Paladins to some extent, but it wasn't like he has done this before.

@Ghost Shadow @Dread

So, where do I start? Should I start with the fact that that backstory was absolutely heart wrenchingly beautiful? Or the fact that my eyes welled up at the part where Idris was with his sister?

You, my friend, have envoked emotions through simple words to me. And that's difficult since I cry because of background music. Idris was beautifully made, and I look forward to seeing him in action. I didn't find anything wrong with the spells (and I personally love runic spells). I also like his staff and the powers that come from the weather since that'll really help when the group gets lost somehow, which really might as well be all the time if they're being hounded on by monsters.

Nice collab too, good addition.

Overall, I like him and I didn't really find anything wrong. The flow of the sheet was good and it didn't confuse me as I read through it.

Damn, I don't know if I'm doing a bad job at finding things that are wrong or if you guys are just really good at making sheets. In any case, here we go. Astraea's a lovely character - might vote her for best big sister thanks to her listening to others' pains and suffering. Though I agree with Nick that bottling all that up isn't good for the health and I look forward to the time it finally spills. The way you wrote her was good, the physical appearance just blew me away.

Spells all look good, the range is specific too so I have no qualms there. It's awesome that we have a healer and a buffer.

I imagine Francis has gone to her once or twice to tell her about his past and then offering her a small Celestial wooden statue.

And so, she's all good to me!

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, April 7th

Interacting with: @Bornlucky

Rikuo smiled when he saw that the cat-guy was actually fine. Thank goodness. He didn't know what he could actually do to help if he wasn't alright. He patted the guy's shoulder. "You gotta have more confidence in yourself." After all, he was pretty sure that Ishin wouldn't accept a student who wasn't worth their time. His quirk must be powerful though. Looked like a mutation quirk thanks to the cat tail but he could be mistaken. Oh he was so curious as to what this guy could do. It didn't seem like he was too confident in it since he couldn't believe that he actually got into the academy, so could it actually be a relatively weak quirk? But then Ishin wouldn't accept him. Was it just really because the cat-guy wasn't too confident in himself? The questions circled his mind as he continued to interact with the male.

He nodded. "Yup, that's right." Looked like he didn't need to tell him that it was fine for him to be called by his first name with or without honorifics. He was surprised that he managed to catch his name, despite having been crying tears of joy earlier. Normally, people would have tuned out most of the background noise. But, he guessed that was less energy to spend on re-introducing himself. "Good to meet 'ya Daiki-kun." He said with a slight bow of his head to at least show respect at the mildest form. He then leaned back on his seat, looking at the stage for a moment before looking over back to Daiki when he commented about his accent.

A grin spread across his face as he placed a closed fist on his chest. "Osakan through and through." He said proudly. His posture soon relaxed and he placed his hand back on his lap before continuing. "Or, well, I grew up in Fujidera my whole life. Pops came from Tokyo though." He admitted with a small shrug. It was the reason why it was perfectly fine for him to go to Tokyo for competitions every now and then since he could live with his father's siblings for a short while.

His fingers began to tap against his lap. It was the wait. He was not impatient, but when he simply stood still, his body just feels the need to expel energy in some way. Fidgeting usually became the answer to that. "How 'bout you? You a local?" He imagined living so close to Ishin would be the reason why most would go there instead of UA - if not because they failed the entrance exam to the top school for heroes.
@TheWindel @KoL

Since you mentioned Westerners and the fact that their presence in Japan should be explained through the backstory, would you guys mind if I edited my reasoning into Alex's sheet? I'd forgotten to do so before.

So far, for me, I've seen nothing that was actually wrong with the sheet or anything that threw me off the beat while reading through it. You've already addressed the others' problems so I think the character's golden now. Don't know about the others though, but it's good for me.

I love him, no doubt about that. I also love the fact that he isn't a combat-oriented kid, fit for his age, and it really adds to the dynamic of the characters. This allows for a lot of interaction and I imagine a lot of added drama which I am looking forward to.

He's also such an innocent child and I look forward to his development throughout the RP!
Yeah I imagine it'd be 3 days of detention which includes a stern lecture.

And I think we'd all go to the principal on this round of posting.
@Rockin Strings

We can do a time skip maybe next round? I think they'd have to talk with the principal first.

Interacting with: ~~
Mentions: ~~

"Isn't that why we became Dark Magical Girls in the first place? Power?" She questioned softly. Alex was not sure how Hikari viewed her descent to the dark side, or her reasoning, but it all stemmed from having absorbed a Nightmare during a time of turmoil and getting power. Because is that not what they needed? More power? Power that they couldn't obtain through just being followers of the light. However, Wither came in and just gave it to the younger girl straight - that they have become addicted to the power and that Hikari also felt it. "Piss off Kels, we have our own reasons. Some just aren't as drunk with it as you and I." Everyone knew that the Fallen Prince was addicted to power. She had been greedy with it before and the only reason why she wasn't like that now was because she had a partner.

"Mochi it is." Alex said with a nod, knowing just the place that actually sold those. Okay, she wasn't sure if it was still open but here's to hoping. Hikari had deactivated her magic as well, returning back to her civilian self. Without a single thought, Alex scooped her up and then jumped off the building and landing without much problem. She put her down and patted her head. "Detransform after you're safe." With that, Alex, herself, was back in her civilian clothing. Her shooting glasses disappeared and her clothing went to a normal jacket and jeans. "Let's go get you that mochi."

After buying herself and Hikari some mochi from a small establishment that ran 24/7, Alex bid farewell to the girl and left for her own apartment. It was a good run for her. She managed to absorb a decent amount of power and she got some mochi! Okay, that was just her partner's choice but these were actually good!

The next day was also going quite well for her. She woke up early, did her morning jog, got dressed and headed straight for school. Despite everything that had happened in her past, Alex had quite a number of acquaintances and friends. Especially in the baseball club which she often goes to if she had the free time. She cheerily went around, talking with her friends in class to see what's up and what she missed, if she missed anything. Alex wasn't a slacker in her studies just because she was a magical girl. She had her own dreams to follow, and being a hobo was not part of her lifelong plan. One of her friends even suggested a study group but Alex wanted to check her club first to see if she actually could do it.

Alex soon found herself heading to the Detention Club, the most exciting part of the day next to actually hunting for Nightmares. She waved at Chie and Kanbaru. Her eyes surveyed the area and lit up when Chie, as always, prepared their snacks. "Thanks for the tea and snacks as always Chie." She said with a grin as she grabbed one of the cups. She then took a seat and then took out a Biology book. She had no assignments but she needed to study up for the next day. Quizzes were a pain but she can at least do this much. Assignments she can do during snack time when she had others to help her out.

"Hey Kanbaru, doesn't your class get a quiz tomorrow too?" She asked in a rather grumbled voice, envious of her not really worrying about studying right now. But she didn't look off of her book as she continued to read the words and tried to commit them to memory. Science is all about memorization after all. Once you got the basics down, it was easy to apply it to the problems if they ever placed any.
Alex smiled at her when she visibly calmed down. Well it wasn't calming down, per se, but at least she wasn't struggling to stand up while she was still so disoriented. The girl then pulled up her legs and sat down on the bed - cross legged and facing the girl. The mere fact that she seemed so composed despite the fact that she was stuttering was... oddly funny to Alex. It just seemed so contradictory and yet here was this girl, doing that same thing. "Alex." She added when she trailled off. "Just Alex alright?" She wasn't big on formalities after all, and someone calling her miss just puts her off.

When she saw the blue haired girl take out her phone to look at her messages, Alex assumed that her parents would pick her up. But the sigh said it all. It wasn't a sigh of defeat where you know you're going to get grounded. No, that was a sigh of sadness. One she often did when her parents couldn't come to something important thanks to their jobs. Alex had wanted to say something to the girl but wasn't sure what to say. I feel you? Yeah, as if that would make the mood better.

Before she could actually think of something to say, a nurse had entered with someone else. Alex bowed her head slightly as a form of acknowledgement and mouthed a greeting. So she was correct to assume that she was the Fraizer kid - the same one who bumped into her earlier. What were the odds right? Though, that solid connection now formed another question.

What the hell was she doing at Luna's Lunar Lounge during school time?

Alex's attention was brought back when the nurse helped Bella stand up, claiming that her maid was here to check her out. Oh, so she did have a guardian. And as expected, Alex couldn't be let out since none of her guardians could actually come to pick her up. She wanted to say that this was a surprise, but it wasn't something that has happened only now. "I know." She said, giving her a forced smile.

That was when Bella decided that she wanted to help Alex by helping her get out of there. Surprisingly, the nurse agreed that it would be fine as long as she got confirmation from her parents. "Wait a second." She then took out her phone and then called her mother. Three rings later, the woman picked up.

"I told you Alex, we're going to talk about this later. I'm picking you up once I'm off."

Alex almost flinched at the sudden response before putting it on loudspeaker. "A friend of is getting checked out too and her maid is here. Can I go with them? They just need your confirmation."

There was a pause as her mother mulled it over. "Alright. You can go. But make sure to go back-" Alex quickly turned off the loudspeaker and pressed the phone against her ear. "-home alright? No escaping this time young lady. I'm telling Daniella not to harbor you."

"Of course mom." Alex then put down the phone and then stood up. She looked perfectly fine though she wasn't willing to admit that her vision swayed the moment she stood up. Alex then proceeded towards the nurse and then smiled. "Thank you for taking care of me." She said before looking at Bella and her maid. She wasn't about to lead when they were the ones who bailed her out of the hospital.
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