Avatar of POOHEAD189


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17 days ago
Current He's lying
19 days ago
aw fuck you RoadkilBanana
20 days ago
Kuro is right, Elite. That counts as spam. Please do not do that
23 days ago
I am currently at work but tonight I will be making the proper warnings and reprimands
23 days ago
Alright, we're all going to stop talking about this right now. Any further comment will get a warning, and any comment after that will be reprimanded.


About Me

Name: Ben
Username: The one and only. Dare I say?
Age: 30
Ethnicity: Mixed
Sex: Male
Religion: Christian (Nondenominational)
Languages: English, Japanese (Semi-fluent & learning), I also know some Scots Gaelic, Quenyan (Elvish), and Miccosukee (My tribal tongue)
Relationship Status: Single (Though generally unavailable unless I find I really enjoy someone).

Current Projects/Freelance work

  • I am a voice talent and script writer for Faerun History
  • I have a much smaller personal Youtube channel that I use to make videos on various subjects. Only been making videos for 2 years, but it's growing!
  • I'm the host of a Science Fiction & Fantasy Podcast where I interview authors of the genre.

Interests (Includes but is not limited to)

  • Writing/Reading (Love writing and I own too many books)
  • Video Games (Been a gamer for close to 23 years now)
  • Working Out/Martial Arts (Wing Chun/Oyama Karate mostly. Some historical swordplay as well.)
  • History (Military History is my specialty)
  • Zoology
  • Art (Mostly Illustrations. Used to be good. Am picking it back up)
  • Voice Acting/Singing
  • Tabletop Gaming (Started late in the game. Been at it for 3 years. I was the kid who bought the monster manuals and D&D books just for the lore for the longest time. I've played 3.5e, 5e, Star Wars D20, Edge of the Empire, PF, and PF2.)
  • Weaponry of all kinds
  • Anime (mostly action/shonen. DBZ & YYH being my favorites)
  • Movies (Action/War/Drama films being my go-to)
  • Music (Rock of all kinds, as well as historical folk songs, sea shanties, pub songs, a bit of classical music, etc)
  • Guitar (am learning to play, but being left handed makes it challenging)
  • There's more but if you care enough you can PM me :P

Roleplay F.A.Q.

  • Fantasy, Sci Fi, and Historical are my genres. Fantasy being my favorite and Sci Fi/Historical being close seconds.
  • Advanced / Nation / 1x1 / Casual (only in certain circumstances)
  • I generally write at the 'Advanced Level' meaning 4+ Paragraphs with good grammar.
  • I am usually busy with many projects and RPs, but if you wish to do a 1x1 with me, you'll need to present your case. Those I already do it with have my trust as a Roleplayer.
  • I love many, many fictional universes so me trying to list them all is an effort in futility!


Most Recent Posts

"Well...this was fun." Neil said without spirit, looking vacantly out into the desert sands. It stretched as far as the eye could see, and without batting an eye. He seemed to have lost his spirit, and it was further evident when he was almost violently grabbed by Saxon by the neck, lifting him up seemingly into the sun. Neil didn't bat an eye other than looking somewhat surprised at the sudden 'attack.'

"Wait, stop! What are you doing?" Taya asked, trying to move across a small rise in the sand to get to Saxon, though she didn't know what she would do if it came down to it. Saxon and Neil didn't acknowledge her. Saxon pulled Neil down face to face with him, his bestial breath filled Neil's senses.

"As usual, all of this is because of you. I wouldn't doubt if I killed you here and now, our fortunes would improve."

"You're probably right." Neil said, clearing his throat. He knew Saxon could simply squeeze and pop his head clean off. He wondered what Junebug and Taya would do, though he guessed it didn't matter. He'd be too dead to see or care. He almost felt that way now, truth be told. He'd saved their lives, but they wouldn't have been out here in the first place if it wasn't for Neil. He got Sven to get them into this wild goose chase and now they were in a desert of unknown size and dangers. "Hey, when you kill me can you be sure to drink my blood to stay hydrated?"

"Put my pilot down." Junebug told Saxon, placing another clip in the receiver of her gun and aiming it his way. Saxon looked like a crocodillian then, eyes almost emotionless, yet somehow you could tell it sought to attack at any moment. Neil's voice spoke up next. "Aim for the lower back, just above the hindquarters. He's less armored there." Saxon's teeth gritted, and he shook Neil, silencing him. Still, after a few brief moments, he tossed Neil to the ground and shrugged his shoulders, though the move was an alien way of stretching the excess energy he had left in his system.

Neil hit the ground and blinked, his eyes stinging from the sand and the intense light that beat down on them. What did they have, one gallon of water left, between the four of them? Taya fell to her knees in relief. "Thank the stars." she said, sinking into the sand as if she was sinking beneath waves. Behind her, Neil lifted his head from the sand.

"How long is the day cycle on this planet?" he asked.

They all look at him. Well, Sayeeda and Taya did. Neil remembered on his own when they had flown in. 34 hours. "Wait no, what direction did we move in from Caneks?"

"Southwest." Junebug said.

"Once the stars are out, we can make it back." he said, as if he had just received a revelation.

"How would that work? We don't know this planet's constellations, Neil." Taya replied, shaking her head. Neil's look buttoned her lip.

"I do, though." he said, tapping his head.

"Why not, we have nothing else we can fucking do." Junebug said, falling onto her back in the sand and covering her eyes with her forearms. "But even if we get our bearings, we'll probably still die."

Hours later, the sun had dipped below the horizon agonizingly slow. Neil did his best not to watch it set. He needed his eyes good for the constellations. Saxon had taken residence in a smaller dune of sand about a dozen paces from them, having basked in the sun like any cold-blooded creature would. Taya and Junebug sipped their canteens fleetingly, talking to each other. Or, Taya talked and Junebug replied with the odd curse or slur, or gave a violent anecdote that had Taya skipping to different topics so she wouldn't need to dwell on it.

The sky lit up with stars almost as soon as the Sun had disappeared, and just as Neil had thought, they were as bright in the desert as they ever would be, no matter the planet one was on. He saw the two headed serpent, Zahhak to the left, and just below it was the strong man, Enkidu, bare chested and wild haired. But of course, right of them was Jawzarh, the largest and brightest collection of stars that formed a great dragon. He still had no idea how such information was in his head, but he wasn't going to question it.

"I know where we're going." He said, triumphantly. The sense of elation was pure ecstasy. Maybe they could make it out of this shit hole. They might not have the money to make it off world, but Neil had done shady things in the past to get what he needed. He knew they could figure something out once they made it back to civilization.

They walked all night where Neil indicated north, knowing they would come by a bedouin path at some point. Travelers riding the strange beasts they had seen in town, But when the sun rose again, they had no found a thing. Junebug did well keeping people moving, joking with Neil and reassuring Taya. Saxon moved without complaint or slowing, but he refused when Neil and Junebug asked him to let Taya ride on his shoulders.

Another night and day passed, and they still had found nothing. No shelter, or sign of passage. Saxon began to mutter that Neil had no idea where they were going, but the others knew better logically. They had gone southwest via transport, moving many kilometers an hour and had gone for several days. They had far too many miles to think about between them and the town, but still, they should have come by a sign of some habitation, and the lack of food and water had everyone on edge.
Ok everyone, that is another 10 days posting schedule that only one person managed to make. Fetzen and BC are good bc they explained their reason for tardiness, but I am thinking I'm going to need to start meting out in-character punishments again or just extend the posting time to once every fortnight maybe...
I said my post would be up soon but it's been 6 days...

"Your life sounds very much like a Detlef Sierck Melodrama if I am being completely honest, only...far more violent than he would usually write. Even your noble beauty seems to kill droves of beastmen and chaos worshippers." Hermman the Wizard said, smoking his pipe under a gnarled tree as the fire crackled before him, lengthening the shadows of his studied face.

Cyrdic grunted, not blaming the man for finding his past adventures hard to believe. He sounded ridiculous to himself when he spoke it aloud. But he also could not help but grin at Hermman's comment on Camilla. "Just because she is a beautiful woman does not mean she isn't dangerous." he said to him, biting into the venison sausage.

The deer they'd hunted had by Brettonian law belonged to Baron D'Elbiq. But he was apparently too busy fueding with Baron Du Maisne and fighting the occasional Derelich that inhabited the rare ruin around the abandoned holdfasts of ancient Aquitaine. Cyrdic had always liked Venison more than most meats. He knew how to follow as much as lead, but he couldn't understand a land where even the animals belonged to the gentry.

"In my experience my boy, most beautiful women are." Hermman replied, giving a ghost of a smile as if remembering a painful but fond memory.

Cyrdic was too focused on his meal, even taking the bits of it that had bone in it. The cracking of the bone with his teeth was satisfying, even pleasurable. He suddenly found bone marrow almost as appetizing as the meat itself, and his ravenous hunger was untenable. Hermman was lost in thought for a few moments too long, and he would curse himself a moment later when a sword glinted in the firelight, the point of it reaching the Wizard's slim neck.

"You are under arrest for trespassing on the Baron's road," a man said in broken Reikspiel. It seemed whoeever spoke it could already tell they were foreigners. "and poaching upon his land."

A powerful man with an even more impressive mustache stepped out of the woods, hood over his head. More Yeomen stepped out of the woods, and Cyrdic was more appalled at himself being too hungry to even smell their obvious scent than surprised they were there, or in fear of his life. Hermman lowered his pipe, smiling guiltily. "Well, Captain, what is to be our punishment. I know the Constable of Bordeleaux, you know. If you hang me or my ward, he will see to it y-"

"Silence, knave. Or are you a warlock? The Baron D'Elbiq will decide your fate at the Castle."

Hermman sighed, and looked at Cyrdic apologetically. "Well my boy, at least we'll be sleeping indoors tonight."

Aldaerion's gaze pierced leaf and bark, traveling over the low hills of Aquitaine with sight beyond what any human could experience. The armored apes of the land, in their primitive and brutish ways did safeguard it better than most denizens of Athel Loren would admit. Beastman and Orc would ravage the land, but would be thrown back time and again over the course of many human lifetimes, and even the span of a few Elven ones. But this was different.

The power rising in the forest of Chalons was an old one. One that the Asrai had not seen for a long time. They would weather out the storm within Athel Loren, but as for the humans of Brettonia? Perhaps they would prevail again. But the Waywatcher doubted it. Aldaerion had seen the power of lone necromancers before, when they soiled the ancient cairns of the Wood Elves.

What could one of such ancient power wield, in a land rife with feuds and ancient dead?

It was all he could do to keep the Draugr's claws from trying to tear chunks off of him. His armor would protect him from the brunt of it, but time wasn't on his side. The harsh, guttural screeching of the undead thing filled Roland's ear, and he growled back, his eyes moving from the horrid zombified corpse to Iseldis in an even worse situation.

With the strength of desperation, he shoved into the Draugr again, snapping one of its legs and causing its body to lurch over the table, spilling letters and an unlit candle onto the floor. His fingers closed tighter around the hilt of his blade, and stepping back, with the Draugr retching at him as it nearly tumbled off the table, he hacked into its chest. The blade hit gnarled flesh and bone, and he had to hack at the thing another time to sever the spinal cord and run through the ribcage.

It collapsed into a heap, its head still screeching, albeit more quietly as the blue grew dimmer in its eyes. Roland wasn't sure if it was dying or simply weakened. He didn't give it much thought, instead rushing toward his partner to give aid. He hadn't known her for much more than a conversation, but he'd be damned if he wasn't going to keep her alive. The Forged had a code of honor as every other Order did, and he'd see it upheld.

He wished he could slay the thing in one fell sweep, but she was too tightly locked with the monster. He dropped his shield and half-sworded, holding onto the blade near the halfway point with his offhand, and he cut into the thing's arm, severing it. Unfortunately, the hand that had enclosed around Iseldis' throat still squeezed of its own accord, and the Draugr, now free, struck Roland in the face, cutting his cheek and sending him staggering.

It was by instinct that he lashed out with his blade, cracking its left knee and sending it falling onto its face. He didn't question good fortune, and stabbed downward into its skull, cracking the bone but not quite getting his swordpoint through onto the floor. The creature died all the same, the light fading from its eyes, and the bony hand that held Isaeldis' neck let go, falling to the floor limply.

Roland breathed heavily, reaching up to wipe the blood pouring down his cheek with his forearm. "Are you ok?" he asked her, feeling the warmth of the liquid drip down his neck a bit.
@Elite Gamer You didn't. It was just a reminder just in case. There is no penalty or official warning. All good :)
Remember everyone, always fade to black in smut unless it's through PM. Thank you!
I think I'll soon give you guys something to do other than talk, since the others have been out awhile. But for now, I think introducing yourself to Pezz's character after making your way back into the tavern is good.
The Stone Giant, for that indeed is what it was, gazed at the newcomers with pupil-less eyes. They looked almost like perfectly carved orbs of soft stone, a lighter shade of brown than the rest of his body, where there was no grey at least. It flexed its hands, and took a slow step forward. The rock that had been crowded about its feet crumbled lightly, as if it had been dirt that had clung to the Giant's skin.

Argon's roar was abruptly cut off by Ann-Hasst and Alice's call for silence, and he seemed like an alligator basking in the sun with his mouth open and no sound escaping his gaping maw. However, his eyes looked more like a dog's when you grabbed its mouth and held it shut, wide open and curious as to why you were making him be quiet.

"Trespassers?" The Giant said, slowly. As if it weighed ever syllable. Its voice was as heavy as a fallen tombstone, or an ancient stone door slamming shut. Every word had a finality to it that was jarring to the ear. "You are not welcome here, but you may go in peace." Its words slowed when he heard another of their band had ventured forth further in. Blinking, it grumbled, its throat sounding like the grinding of rocks. It squared its slab of a jaw.

"The others will not like having their game interrupted." it said. It breathed through its nose, and dust billowed out of its nostrils. "My kinsmen take great pride in their game of... Hide and Seek."

Despite himself, Beren smiled. He had a boyish charm, even with his broad shoulders and warrior physique. He often spoke in a casual manner, but he had tried to speak in the scholar's way when this pretty lass approached to appear official. If nothing else, he felt somewhat responsible for this fortified hamlet of a town. But her manner of speech... she reminded him of how the Dwarven women spoke back at Thundrim Kadrin, and it was actually very endearing to him. That, and he'd be a fool to not think she was dangerously cute.

"I think we can help you with that," he said, referring to the whiskey. "Right lads?" His powerful voice carried to the guards who had been, as of moments ago, standing nervously with their spears pointed her way just in case. They jumped at the sound of his voice, nodding.

"Aye, we can fetch some." the one on the left said.

"Right, I think ol' Bolger has some in his cupboard back at the tavern, right?"

"Thanks, fellas. I-" Beren began glancing back, before it was his turn to jump. A slim Elf of Dorcha blood poked her head out from behind Beren's statuesque frame, eyeing the woman a few paces behind. It was clear she was a bit tipsy, but that didn't give the caramel-skinned monk pause. It was the fact the newcomer would see a Dark Elf out in the open sun without warning. To most people that wouldn't be normal. But perhaps she would be tempered by a priest guiding her, looking comically serious, and a Dwarf standing among the background, acting as if all was good.

Well...Geradin didn't seem pleased, but most Dwarves had a grim way about them. Beren was thanking the EverGod when he saw their oldest group member. "Ursaren!" he called to him, waving him over. The 'bear' of a man and the other oddities in the party probably lowered the sense of strangeness Aeryn's heritage might bring. "Come here!" Beren stepped halfway to him, meeting him in the middle and whispering to him.

"You think you can whip up some herbs to help with any hangover some might have later?" he said softly, inclining his head toward Aeryn and the new girl.

Within a minute, they'd find themselves in the tavern again, though with less people. It seemed the amount of commotion was too much for one day. They decided to go find shade in a room not lit by candles. Luckily there was plenty of aircooled water within. Beren saw fit to grab a few pitchers of it for them all. He made sure to get the two ladies extra large pitchers (along with whatever they would order from the bar keep). Aeryn needed water from drinking and Lynn obviously would from having traveled through the tropical jungle for however long.

At the center of the quaint tavern, there was a larger round table that could seat the lot of them.
@IcePezz@BCTheEntity@Stormflyx@Fetzen@Mortarion@Gardevoiran@The Fated Fallen
Hello! You've probably seen my around the forum, mostly moderating or GM a few larger RPs. I generally don't reach out for people for a 1x1 but I decided to make this interest check. Now, before I give the big premise, I want to say that I am quite picky, because my time is limited these days. I'm working a regular job, and also working on many numerous projects, one of them being a very new author. So, just know that if you contact me on this, and I am not satisfied on your efforts/posting style/ or I just don't think our characters will mesh well together, then it is nothing personal but I'll need to end it. I hate disappointing people but I will likely be very picky. Also, there will be dark themes, there will be plenty of backstabbing and warfare, and though it is a low fantasy setting, I expect there to be fell magic and horrible beasts at some point.

Abra-Romali: City of Princes

The Northern Realm is at war, with many great nations at one another's throats. Each seeks to gain power through violence, or religious support from the Archdeacon of Rumei. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Volasi, the one Kingdom separating the Northern realm from the advancing southern Osmanli Empire, has been partitioned and quartered off into smaller Duchies, Baronies, and Counties. The Kingdom of Romali, the last true heirs to the wider Kingdom of Volasi, has suddenly lost its King, and his successor now rides from border skirmishes back to the capital, to take defend his claim to the throne. As the Baron's and Duke's gather, your character joins them, and is an unlikely ally to the Prince.

Note: This will be a low fantasy setting with 15th century tech.

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