Avatar of Rodiak


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2 mos ago
Current for once i hoped that the crazies were right about the world was ending today. i don't want to pay rent tomorrow.
3 yrs ago
anything that inconveniences me is now homophobic
5 yrs ago
When you want to join RPs but you know you don't have the time and energy to do it so you just make characters for that RP and imagine being in that world just for a little while
5 yrs ago
Spending the holidays with your friends>>>spending the holidays with your homophobic family
6 yrs ago
I suck dick in the name of God then.



2 9 . h e / h i m . p s t

Most Recent Posts

I did went too overboard. Sorry for that. Didn't think it through.
Lesson learned, really stupid of me! Apologize folks.
ᴀᴏᴋΙͺ ʀᴇʏɴᴀ sα΄€Ι΄α΄…sᴛʀâᴍ

Location - Club Aether - outside
Mentions - @Silver Fox
Interactions - @King Tai

Aoki sniffed and shook her head. "I miss my cats." She took the water and began to sip it, unbothered by the taste of vomit still in her mouth. "I want to cuddle them and pet them and hug them." She swallowed down her tears and wiped the tears off her cheeks with one of the sleeves of Ashton's coat. She probably wouldn't remember where she got it from tomorrow, but at least it was nice enough to keep. Too big for her, but Aoki would make it work. Thinking about Ashton... She looked up when police sirens began to fill the streets. Aoki didn't say the any mind as the pretty lady told her a story. "Peed yourself?" She laughed and curled up against the woman, comfortable enough to close eyes. "That's naaasty! I-I didn't throw up on myself right now." She laughed again. She didn't feel too bad now, and nausea had spotted for now after she emptied her food on the sidewalk. Still, her head was pounding, and the world spun around her. The siren's and lights of camera flashes weren't helping her one bit.

"A taxi? Aaare you gonna ta-take me home to see my kittiiiiies?" She chuckled softly as she struggled to get up from the bench and almost fell up quickly caught herself. "I-I-I can walk!" She laughed as she stumbled forward to the very confused and worried taxi driver. He was probably worried Aoki would throw up in his car, and the way he pulled out a plastic bag from under his seat meant it was not the first time. That man was prepared.

"He-Helli Mr. Taaaaxiiii driver!" She giggled as she struggled to climb in the back seat, almost showing her ass to the pretty lady on her way in the vehicle. "Ooold Habour, please! First St and Jefferson!" She told the taxi driver, proud that she could tell the man her address even if she was still drunk and was giggling again to almost every word she said or was said to her. She looked at Xia, wondering if she would be joining her.

Xia's face was all she remembered from that night.

ο½‹ο½ο½’ο½‰ο½“ο½ˆο½ο½ ο½Œο½ο½‡ο½ˆο½ο½’ο½‰

Location - Club Aether
Mentions -
Interactions - @Conscripts@Alex_The_Great


"Shit!" Karishma raised her hands to cover her face when there was a camera flash directly in front of her. "Who the hell told them I was here?! Shit, this isn't a good time at all!" Gabe had stepped between her and the man flashing his camera towards her, but another flash came directly in front of her. "Gabe lets go!" She shouted over the commotion of the fight and the questions from the paparazzi that had seemed to appear from nowhere. Karishma said a quick goodbye to the two cuties that one had seemed to race towards the fight, and followed Gabe towards the door. They didn't make it far before police came in with stun guns pulled out and telling everyone to freeze.


"Oh-- fuck me." Karishma cursed as she stopped in her tracks. Everything happened so fast, and there was no time to explain anything to anyone. It seemed like everyone inside the club was getting arrested and that included her and Gabe. Flashes from the cameras surrounded her in no time as she was escorted to a police car by the woman with the red hair. At least she had gotten a cute cop.

"My agent is going to kill me, Gabe," Karishma said to him as they were driven away from the club Aether, leaving behind the paparazzi who seemed to scatter away from the police. That night, Karishma decided that she would be laying low as much as she could for the next week.
Sorry for taking so long!

@Otaku95, yes that would be the one.
Once everyone had gathered Asim motioned everyone closer. "Well, this is it. Our expeditions suggest that Nergigante will be in zone 14, so we'll be landing nearby to scout first. We'll position ourselves first, and I'll lure the dragon in where we will have a surprise round. After that, we will slay it. Asuka, you will be concentration on slashing that tail off with Diana. I heard they can make us pretty armor with that thing. Damian and I will be in charge of breaking those horns as quickly as possible to throw that thing off balance and gain us an advantage. After those two things are dealt with we rain pain on that dragon." Asim crossed his arms over his chest; his face was collected and calm. He had confidence in their skills and their abilities as hunters, but facing something like a Nergigante as their first quest as a team was challenging. He just hoped his plan to give them specific goals would help them to work together for future missions if there were any to be had.

Asim pulled his bow and strapped it on his back before giving his team a slight nod. "Follow the plan, and we'll finish this easily." He hoped. "Let's go hunters." Was the last thing he said to them before calling his wingdrake.

Crystals upon crystals. All of them reflected the sun right at Asim's eyes as they all traveled over the Elder Recess. He could see the rives of lava and unusual rock formations from the sky. As they descended to the ground, there was no spiked back or wing to be seen around their location. They would have to track the dragon. Once his feet hit the ground, he began to walk around, small crystals cracking under his weight. Stealth would be a problem here. He turned to face his teammates, waiting for them to ready themselves before they went out adventuring.

Location - Park
Mentions - @Letmehaveone2

Alekis thanked Price and walked inside. He ordered three coffees for and bought some water for the pits. He returned shortly with the three beverages hovering above one hand and three bowls of water on the other. Telekinesis spells were simple enough and common around the city for him to do it without a worry. Besides, things hovering were considered normal when buying coffee for a vampire and a person who could turn into a cat.

"Here you go." He set down the drinks and took the dogs and tied the leashes to the table before putting the bowls of water down. On of the dogs had been sniffing June and had tried to play with him.


Location - Bookstore
Mentions - @Letmehaveone2@DC The Dragon

Aurora pulled four horizontally folded bills from her wallet and handed them over to the man. Without another word she walked past the man, her white cane bumping into his feet as she moved it from side to side in front of her. At least the price for a braille book and a bounded leather journal were rather low, which made Aurora suspicious. She would have to get Marcus to check on the items she had bought to make sure it was what she wanted it.

Once outside the damned bookstore, Aurora turned a right and began walking down the street. She had agreed to meet Marcus at the park, and she was only a few blocks away from it. A nice slow walk would cool her head from the interaction she had with the insensible man from the bookstore. "How can he not see I'm blind?" She muttered as she walked into the park and made her way down the main road of the Central Park. She could hear the large fountain to her right, meaning she was close to the center of it where musicians would often set up camp and perform for money. Aurora like to sit by the fountain and listen to what the people played. Sometimes it was a woman with a guitar that would sing old rock covers and sometimes it was a an older man playing the violin. She liked the combination of water falling and the string instruments.

Aurora was starting to relax and forget the incident with the man when she felt something tug at her chest. As if her patron was recoiling and warning her to move away from the location. Aurora, instean to listening to the warnings, began to walk closer until the tugging in her chest became painful. She could see a blurred human figure at the top of one o f the green hills. Was that what her patron was warning her about? A person?

"Hello?" She called out, ignoring the painful tug on her chest as she continued to walk up the hill. She wasn't paying attention to the floor and her white cane missed a rather large rock that was half inbeded in the dirt, so whe she took another step forward her foot got caught on it and she fell down to the grass.


Location - City Streets
Mentions - @EchoicChamber@King Tai

"I don't think people would mind him too much, as long as your hand isn't all the way down his throat." Marcus waved her worries away; he was starting to get used to the stench coming from Chu. He would have to get used to it one way or another if Emperanza would be staying in the city from now on. "Auora is nice but she had trouble expressing herself, so time will tell but I'm sure you two will become friends in no time. Do you have a phone too? You can do anything with a phone now. Like find maps of the city or even look for people that could give you a tour. I know they have instant dilevery service that is run by witches-- Oh shit!" He almost bumped into the man who had just appeared in front of them.

"Damn, man, watch where you... where you are walking?" Marcus was sure he hadn't seen the strange man walking towards him and when Esperanza said he had magic. "Are you like a wizard? I have a friend that's a wizard, but his teleportation is takes like an hour to make and it included a ritual." He said as he looked up at the birds in his hair. Curious. Strange. Weird. Marcus had met plently of people that met all of those discriptions but this man was more than just that.

He just couldn't help but to laugh when he called Chu a rectrum fox.
I'll have my post up by later today or tomorrow, I got kind of busy today.
Aoki Reyna SandstrΓΆm

Location - Club Aether
Mentions -
Interactions - @Silver Fox@King Tai

Aoki didn't know what happened next. She could hear commotion behind her but in her drunken stupor she didn't care what was happening. All the cares about was closing her and resting against the warmth of Ashton's chest. She curled up and whined when they were finally out of the club and the cool air hit her bare legs and face. Aoki was so tired and her head spinning like crazy. When she felt herself be put down and sat in a hard surfaced she whined again, this time louder, and said something under her breath in Japanese. Aoki wanted to go back home and go to bed. She wanted to snuggle with her cats and just sleep until the spinning stopped. Instead, all she got was a hard bench and a coat over here, but she didn't complain. She just pulled the coat closer to her body and closed her eyes.

"Bye bye Ash!" Aoki said when she heard Ashton leave to go back to what ever had been happening inside. After a few moments she opened her eyes and stared up at the pretty lady looking down at her. She smiled and pressed a hand over her hot red face. "I-I... I don't feel good, pretty lady." She said right before she leaned over to the side of the bench and emptied the contents of her stomach on the side walk. The taste was horrid, but the noise-- on the noise. No details. After Aoki was done she leaned back on the bench with Ashton's coat still over her and closed her eyes. "Ohhhhh... I'm never getting a date with the pretty lady now." Was the last thing she said before she started bawling her eyes out. Clearly, Aoki was not the best of drunks.

ο½‹ο½ο½’ο½‰ο½“ο½ˆο½ο½ ο½Œο½ο½‡ο½ˆο½ο½’ο½‰

Location - Club Aether
Mentions -
Interactions - @Conscripts@Alex_The_Great

I should have been more clear. Karishma thought as she watched the cutie leave her on the bar alone. She looked back at the drink and shrugged, no drink should ever go to waste so she downed the liquor and followed the slightly shorter man. Ah, I see. Must have thought I was insulting him. She smiled at the cutie and then at the man in the orange suit. Her bodyguard, Gabe, followed close behind her as she approached the two men. "I'm sorry if my words came out as rude, I didn't mean it that way," she turned to the man in the wheelchair. "I dig your style, love the color, goes well with you." She smiled and winked. "Hope you enjoy the drink, dear."

Karishma brushed her long brown locks behind her shoulder. "I truly am sorry about the misunderstanding, should not have approached you if you already looked a bit pissed." She was about to say something else when a bottle broke and chaos erupted. She hadn't noticed the commotion happening just few steps away from them. It all seemed like a huge brawl and in just a second Gabe was pulling Karishma behind his towering figure to keep her away from the small group who seemed to be fending off angry fangirls.

Maybe she wouldn't be stealing a kiss tonight, but a fight was just a tiny bit more exciting and this looked like it would turn to be a full on club fight. She almost wanted to jump in but her agent would give her shit if the media ever found out. At least there were no paparazzi yet.
I'll have something by the end of the weekend or Monday!
Asim was left standing there with two of his teammates gone to prepare for their first mission together and one who not happy to be there. Asim sighed and shook his head. While he was happy to be placed in a team, he was worried that the matches that they have given him seemed to be hunters who often took quests on their own. He usually went on hunts with other hunters who were willing to take him since he didn't do good on his own. Not because he was a bad hunter, but because it would get lonely to go out in The New World. "Well," he looked at Damian, "we got an hour to get ready, so I suggest you do." He drank the last of his ale and turned around to head to the Smithy.

Great. This team would be difficult to deal with, but he wasn't going to give up so easily to make everything work. They still didn't know each other or who each of them fought. Asim was the bowman who would move and roll around the monster firing shots at its weak spots. He wasn't one who would stay back and do support damage. He had experience working around different hunters who used all sorts of weapons, but he had never worked with this new team. The only thing he could do is wish for the best.

After the Blacksmith had taken a look at his bow, he took it and went up to his room to gather all of the arrow coatings and potions he would be using for the Nergigante hunt. He had ten potions and seven megas, enough demon-dragon and armor skins to last him a while during their hunt. It took him a while to get into his armor, but with the help of his Palico, Emrys, he got into it before their departure. He made his way down to the courtyard, waving hello to some of his fellow Fivers as they went on with their chores. They wished Asim good luck on his team's hunt. It was no secret that they were the first team to attempt to slay Nergigante, and he wanted the only team to do so.

Asim leaned against the post near the entrance of Astera and waited for the rest of his team to meet up.
ο½‹ο½ο½’ο½‰ο½“ο½ˆο½ο½ ο½Œο½ο½‡ο½ˆο½ο½’ο½‰

Location - Club Aether
Mentions -
Interactions - @Conscripts@Alex_The_Great

While metal was not Karishma's favorite genre of music, she still wanted to explore the clubs of the new city. The trip to Club Aether wasn't too long from her residence in Riverside. The limo had picked her up at ten in the night, and she arrived there at ten thirty. There was a long line on the outside with people waiting to go inside, so when Karishma pulled up in the black limo, she stepped out of wearing a short red dress and black heels with red soles. He hair had been curled in romantic waves and her make up was popping. Karishma waved at the bouncer at the front door, and he stepped aside to let her in. While she wasn't dressed in attire that screamed "metal club" she was definitely dressed for a club. Her bodyguard, a very tall man with long black hair tied in a loose bun and dressed in a black suit, followed close behind her. There was no place where Karishma went where he didn't go, and although their relationship was strictly formal, Karishma always tried to cause him a bit of trouble just for fun.

As the duo approached the bar, Karishma took noticed of a man in a wheelchair wearing a very stylish suit. As they passed by, he saw the expression on his face was one of shock or worry. She couldn't quite place what it was, but she walked over to the bar and waved a bartender over. "Give that man the strongest thing you got, hun." She winked at the woman behind the counter, and she quickly got working on a drink before it was delivered to the man in the orange suit. She made sure to watch as the waiter brought the drink to the man and when he pointed over at her Karishma only winked at him and gave him a little wave. Karishma was a party person, she loved to dance and sing and scream out the lyrics to a song, but if she saw someone who wasn't having a good time she would try to engage them and bring them into the fun. With the drink delivered to the stylish man, Karishma got herself a nice martini and sat on a free stool next to a man with brownish hair. He had been talking to another man with blonde hair, but he had left to help a group of ladies who were confronting a taller and bigger man. They were all gone now, so the bar had a few empty seats now.

"Not my type of music," Karishma said as she sipped her martini and glanced back at the man in the orange suit. "but the people here sure look rather interesting." She turned back to the man sitting on her right (It's Alex) and eyed him up and down. He looked shorter than her, but she had nothing against shorter men. All sorts of nice and gentlemanly men attracted Karishma. "I do hope I didn't take anyone's seat." She knew that she had taken the blonde man's seat. "And if I did, let me buy you a drink as an apology. Don't mind Gabe." Karishma said when her bodyguard took a seat on her other side and eyed the man she was talking to then the one she had bought the drink for. "He's only making sure you're no danger, and I'm sure you're not."
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