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2 mos ago
Current for once i hoped that the crazies were right about the world was ending today. i don't want to pay rent tomorrow.
3 yrs ago
anything that inconveniences me is now homophobic
5 yrs ago
When you want to join RPs but you know you don't have the time and energy to do it so you just make characters for that RP and imagine being in that world just for a little while
5 yrs ago
Spending the holidays with your friends>>>spending the holidays with your homophobic family
6 yrs ago
I suck dick in the name of God then.



2 9 . h e / h i m . p s t

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karishma laghari

Location - Corona Park
Mentions -
Interactions - @Alex_The_Great

"No hard feelings, Alex." Karishma shook his hand. Now that there were no flashing lights or loud music she could really see what Alex really looked like. He was almost the same height as her and his hair looked really soft. "I was more interested in Thomas. Loved the suit he was wearing. Too bad our conversation was cut short with the fight." She hadn't been able to see much that night but from what she read on the news and what her agent told her she knew it had been really ugly. She was glad they had been a few steps away from the main groups that started the fight. A girl had been hit over the head with a bottle and another pepper sprayed. Must have been really ugly.

"Glad we are all out now and I hope those who started the fight get their time. I feel bad for the one who got hit on the head." Karishma had heard she was a firefighter and was only trying to calm the people in the group but the groupies had just escalated things. "Now I can say that I have been to jail twice." She chuckled to herself and ran a hand through her hair.

"So, what are you doing later?" Karishma still had to lay low so that meant no more parties for two weeks. She had a few auditions later this week but those usually lasted a few hours and she had to record her album later on in the day. She had most of the day off to do what she pleased. "Gabe and I are going to hit the Strip and shop for a bit. Want to tag along? I still want to buy you a drink, Alex." She winked at him just as she slipped on her shades back on. "C'mon, it'll be fun! No one can say no to free drinks, or food, if you don't drink." Karishma just wanted someone to keep her company as she went on to shop. Gabe didn't like shopping and he would often complain that he was bored and Alex looked like a fun guy to have around. Not to mention she was curious about him.
ᴀᴏᴋɪ ʀᴇʏɴᴀ sᴀɴᴅsᴛʀöᴍ

Location - Home
Mentions - @Silver Fox@King Tai
Interactions - @PrinceAlexus

Saturday Morning

Aoki knew what hangover were. There were plenty of those during her early university years, but that had been years ago. This hangover made he feel old. Made her feel like shit and made her feel like it was the end of the world. That Saturday morning she woke up in her couch with her heels and bra still one-- something she would never do on a regular day. As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt the vomit raise from her gut and made her run to the bathroom as quickly as she could. Luckily she reached the toilet in time and cleaned up was averted. After a few more moments leaning against the toilet, Aoki took a long cold shower to help her headache and cement herself more into herself.

After the shower, Aoki had made her way up the stairs with Sötnos and Luci following her up to her bedroom. She only had a towel wrapped around her and another she was currently using to towel dry her hair. She was feeling a lot better after the shower, and the ache in her head was starting to wear off. While Aoki was quick to get drunk, she was also very resilient. As the woman approached her wardrobe something moved in her bed, she stopped as almost dropped the towel in her hands when she was a very very pretty woman sleeping in her bed with Sakura nestled next to her chest. She didn't remember meeting the woman that laid in her bed. She also didn't remember how Aoki got home from last night or what had happened. The last thing she remembered was The Sirens on stage and a girl with long blonde hair and one with short. Mari-something and Ash-something. She couldn't quite remember their names, but she definitely did not recall the woman in her bed.

Aoki then processed to wake up the woman, while still in her towel and question her about the whole night. The pretty woman, whose name was Xia, explained to Aoki what had happened during her drunken state. She also told her about the fight that broke shortly after and Aoki was quick to open up the news on her phone to see that the bar fight had turned into a whole club arrest. With that Aoki thanked Xia for taking care of her and gave the woman her personal bussiness card with her name and her personal email and number. To Aoki's luck, Xia didn't tell her about the embarrassing things she had told her or how Aoki had kept calling her "pretty lady" for almost an hour. At least she was spared that as Xia left Aoki's apartment.

Aoki vowed never to drink alone ever again.

Monday Morning

Location - Coffee Pot - Swan Songs

Reports of a Zombie Confirmed False

Aoki read the small section of the newspaper from her laptop screen as she sipped her black coffee from a tall blue mug. The Coffee Pot was the only place in Sol that made their coffee strong enough for her to enjoy. Americans had such bland and sensitive tastes that this was the only place other than home where she would have her morning coffee. Aoki still had about two hours before heading to work, so killing some time here by herself reading the false zombie break and the interview with The Sirens was a rather nice way to spend it.

She was checking her emails when she saw one come in from a Marinalia Romus Olympus. Rather fancy name, maybe it was a client from another country inquiring about her art work? A rich person who was offering her to pay her a big sum of money for one of her paintings? "Oh!" It was the nice woman that she had met at the club on Friday. The one with the English accent. Had it been English? Aoki shrugged and quickly typed down a response.

Hello, Marinalia! It's so nice to hear from you! I'll be honest and say it took me a while to remember you, but I am so
grateful you took care of me. I wasn't involved with the arrests that followed shortly after. Luckily Xia helped me home. I heard that
Ashton was hurt in the fight. Please do tell me she is doing just fine and isn't still in jail. I would love to thank her for what she did
and to make sure she is doing okay. I owe you one for helping me out that night, even if I don't remember much of it. If you can
get hold of Ashton's information, I would love it if you shared it with me. I owe her a lot too.

- Aoki Reyna Sandström

She hit the reply button and looked up from her laptop screen to look around the building. There were quite a lot of people flooding in, but she didn't recognize any of them. Even so, Aoki appreciated the moments she had to herself and a nice cup of black coffee. Two hours. What could Aoki do with two hours other than reading the paper and watch people come and go from the establishment? She could take a walk in the park, or head over to Sawn Songs to see if any new albums from her favorite bands had been stocked. Perhaps she could do that instead of wasting her time in here watching people.

With her decision made, Aoki put her laptop away and drink the last drops of her coffee before slapping a tip on the table and leaving the building. She made her way down the street. As the days grew colder, Aoki dressed with more and more layers on. The cold was something she missed greatly from Sweden. Coats and scarves were something that Aoki had always had an obsession over. Today Aoki wore slim black trousers, tan heels, a white button-up shirt and a tan coat with a grey scarf that kept her neck and cheeks warm from the cold. While her clothes were rather tame and professional, the things that stuck out was always her very light blue colored hair, that was let down and curled in soft waves that framed her face. Aoki always did try to dress up for work, even if she didn't want to. She had to maintain a professional look amongst older co-workers that hard worked in the Sol Museum for so long.

As Aoki made her way inside the store, she was greeted by the warmth of the establishment and the smell of old paper. While the store had various kinds of music from various time periods, the older stuff was always placed at the front. It was something that Aoki loved about the store. She considered a traditon to browse through the cold music first to see if she could find any hidden gems amongst the old rcords. No such luck today, so she moved further back to check out the newer albums under the metal section.

Sorry! Kinda similar names pAq I'll fix it, thanks for pointing it out!

Location - Bookstore
Mentions - @Letmehaveone2@DC The Dragon

Aurora took a step back and almost lost her footing again. She should have listened to him and ran as far as she could from this man. The pain within her chest was only growing ever so slightly with each passing minute. "It's okay; it'll be fine." She told him, but he didn't seem to listen. He only kept telling her to turn back. That's when she realized he wasn't afraid of the man before her; he was afraid for her. She balled up her fist over her chest and let his dark energy surround her, letting him raise his protection around her. To any human sh would have looked like a normal person, to someone who possed true sight they would see a tall figure made of shadows and hands enveloping her form.

... depart from this woman, Demon!

The man's words only made His protection around her stronger. She wanted Him to feel better and let him protect her, but she was afraid that the man could feel the dark presence surround her as he spoke. "It's fine. He's not a demon." Aurora let her hand fall to her side as she gently bumped the white cane against the man's shoe to see where he was exactly. "He's my friend, my protector. He doesn't want you to hurt me." She didn't know why He thought this man would hurt her. He had tried to help her when she had fallen. "The pain is gone now. It's just Him around me now." Her monotone voice was taking on a hint of assurance.

Something else was nearing closer, and He warned her of it. Aurora didn't feel the same brightness that she felt from the man she was talking to, so it must have been different. It was getting closer, and the closer it got, the more the energy from the creatures felt akin to the one she felt when she first met Him.


Location - City Streets
Mentions - @EchoicChamber@King Tai@Scarifar

"She is not my girlfriend, but I do think you are a bit too direct," Marcus said, growing rather uncomfortable with the way the strange man looked at his new acquaintance. He took a step back and let them talk for a bit, making sure the weird man didn't do anything funny. That's when he spotted someone else approaching them, a girl a few inches from the ground. "This day is just getting weirder and weirder." He muttered.

First, a girl that smelled of years of decay, a teleporting man, and a ghost? Was she a ghost? Marcus thought she looked like a ghost. While Marcus would have loved to show Espe around the city, his time was cut short since he needed to meet up with his sister soon. He also didn't want to leave Esme alone with a freak that had a bird's nest in his hair and pretty much told her he wanted to fuck her.

"And here I thought this would be a normal day." Marcus pulled out his phone to check the time. "Then again, I live in a city full of weirdos." He looked back up to the small group that had gathered in the middle of the sidewalk.


Location - Park
Mentions - @Letmehaveone2

"I can pour some blood in there, if you would like." Alekis told Price as she sat down and took a small sip of his coffee. Alekis had a few vial of blood he used in some of his ritual and they were tightly sealed in his bag. It was always a plut to carry around ingridients that he needed for said rituals.
@DC The Dragon

Nice post! I'll try to reply later tonight, hopefully nothing toooo bad happens!

@EchoicChamber@King Tai

I'll also reply later tonight!
karishma laghari

Location - Corona Park - 9 a.m.
Mentions -
Interactions - @Alex_The_Great

It had been a very long weekend. Her agent had pulled off some miracle as there were no real news of her appearance in the news of Karishma in tabloids or gossip sites with her in Club Aether or being arrested. She did spend the night in jail, and while it hadn't been her first time in there, it was still very unpleasant. She and Gabe had gotten out of the cell early in the morning, thanks to her lawyer and her agent. All of Sunday she had to deal with her agent's scolding and warnings that Karishma would not be able to find any jobs or that her album in the works would be scrapped if she kept having a bed reputation. It wasn't her fault trouble seemed to follow her!

She had learned her lesson now, and she would have to lay low for at least the next week or so. Gabe had been a bit upset at the whole incident, but Karishma made it up by buying him lots of food that Sunday evening and taking him out to the local sports bar to enjoy a beer together. Karishma owed so much to Gabe since arriving to Sol City and she didn't want him to be upset for what had happened, even if it hadn't been her fault. She was also glad that their relationship and one of friendship and not purely professional. That would be boring!

Even as Gabe picked her up from her apartment and made their way to Corona Park for their daily workout they joked and made sure they wouldn't be recognized by the people there. Karishma had dressed in black yoga pants and a purple tank top with a black sports bra underneath. Gabe had dressed in grey sports clothing and both wore glasses as they started their jog around the park.

It was a nice day, even if the air was starting to grow chilly. Gabe stayed in the front, leading to make sure no one would bother them in their job while Karishma stayed in the back to enjoy the view. She appreciated Gabe's figure, but she wouldn't try anything with the man who was only attacked to men. So many times she had tried to set him up with nice men, but Gabe seemed to say no to any blind dates. Too bad, Karishma thought as they approached the central lake of the of the park.

There, they took a short break and sat for a bit to catch their breath. There were a few people already in the park, most jogging like them. Karishma watched all of those who passed by, none of them interested in the duo that sat on a bench.

"This is nice." Karishma hummed as she took a sip of her water, eyes still scanning the on going people. "I hope it stays like this for a long while."

"If you manage to keep out of trouble, Kari." Gabe chuckled as he leaned back on the bench and stretched out his legs.

"Hey, this time wasn't my fault." Karishma huffed and poked Gabe's sides. She was about to say something else when she spotted someone rather familiar. "Oh!" It was that guy she had bought a drink for and had rejected it. She hadn't mind that and Karishma had apologized, but she still wanted to make sure there was no beef between them. "Stay here, I'll be right back." She said to Gabe before she got up and approached the man.

Karishma let her hair down from the pony tail she had and smoothed it down as much as she could before she greeted him with a wide smile. "Nice seeing you again, handsome." She was still wearing her sunglasses as lacked the make up she had worn when they had first met. "Pretty rough weekend right? I couldn't sleep at all in that cell with the rest of the club stuffed in there too." She put a hand on her waist and lowered her glasses. "I'm Karishma by the way, it's really nice seeing you again." She extended her hand to the man with another smile.
@DC The Dragon

She would be very upset about it. I don't want to reveal too much, but she would try to get him back anyway she could.

Location - Park
Mentions - @DC The Dragon

"Yeah," Aurora replied with a monotone voice, her hands fumbling around until she found her white can and slowly lifted herself up from her feet. She took a while to brush away any grass that she felt on her clothes, but she was sure she hadn't gotten most of it. While any person might have been embarrassed that they had tripped over in front of a stranger, Aurora didn't care what this man would have thought of her. At least he sounded concerned when he approached her. "Hurts." She said, placing a hand on her chest. "Why does it hurt when you are near?" Straight to the point. That's how Aurora liked it, and that's the only way she knew how to carry conversations. "One moment I was fine, and then it began to hurt."

Aurora opened her eyes, milky green orbs staring up at the man with the gentle voice. Light so intense Aurora recoiled and closed her eyes. The painful tugging in her chest got stronger, strong enough to make the girl stumble back a few steps until the pain dulled just enough to regain her composure. "So bright. Too bright. What are you? You're new; I haven't felt this before... he's angry. No, he's furious. Warning me. Telling me to run." Her words didn't make sense to the stranger, but Aurora had to know why her patron would want her to run as far away as she could from the stranger.
ᴀᴏᴋɪ ʀᴇʏɴᴀ sᴀɴᴅsᴛʀöᴍ

Location - Old Harbour, Aoki's apartment

Mentions -
Interactions - @King Tai

Aoki had spent most of the ride telling the pretty lady about her cats and how much she missed them. She even tried to show her some of the pictures she had on her phone, but she couldn't really find the gallery until the pretty lady helped. She had three albums, and each was dedicated to the three cats she had. She had a bonus one, where she had various pictures of them all together or playing. At some point, she had started crying again while singing "Can't hug every cat," in which the driver begged Xia to make Aoki stop her crying and singing. To the taxi driver's relief, they made it to Aoki's apartment building just fifteen minutes later.

"Up... upstairs." Aoki sniffed as she slowly climbed up the metallic stairs of an old brick building. Aoki fumbled with the keys for a bit until she found the one with a laugh and unlocked the door. "Come in, pretty lady!" She let the woman in first then closed the door behind her as Aoki came in. "P-Please take off your shoes!" She said and did so as a ball of white fur meowed her way to them. Sakura, the white-furred cat, ran to Aoki and didn't stop until she scooped the cat up and gave the kitten kisses. The apartment had concrete like floors and walls, except for the brick one. Ceilings were high, and there was a loft right over the kitchen and entrance of the place. Large windows covered most of the right-hand side wall where about twenty canvases leaning against the windows. The windows over looked the sea and the harbor, the lights coming from the window almost illuminated the apartment when the lights were off.

Aoki had started to sober up, just a little tiny bit, but she was still stumbling around her apartment. Two more cats joined the downstairs and began to rub against Aoki's ankles as she carried Sakura to the livingroom. She almost tripped when her foot caught the carpet but she quickly regained her balance. It was almost as if she was a natural at catching herself just before falling, must have been the years of dancing.

"Y-you can take the bed." Aoki would rather sleep on the couch with her cats and the warm blanket she kept over one of the smaller chairs. She sat down with Sakura still in her arms and closed her eyes. Oh, how her feet hurt and her head spun from just five beers. She should have really stuck to three as she had planned to. That had been enough to make the club enjoyable. "G'night," Aoki said, but the pretty lady hadn't heard. Sakura, Luci, and Sötnos then turned to the stranger in their home and began to sniff her. Luci, the black cat, quickly warmed up to Xia and began to rub herself against her ankles while Sötnos lost interest and went to lie down next to Aoki's sleeping form.

Sakura and Luci decided to sleep on top of the stranger that night.
I did went too overboard. Sorry for that. Didn't think it through.
Lesson learned, really stupid of me! Apologize folks.
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