Avatar of rush99999


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5 mos ago
5 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
5 mos ago
6 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
1 like
6 mos ago
Men of the Internet! TRIPLE N IS OVER! The month was long and the challenge hard. To those who faltered, I wish you better luck next year. And to those who stayed strong, I say... enjoy your freedom!


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

Angus MacAlister

Angus had no words to describe the complete idiocy that was unfolding before him. What was supposed to be a simple lure away and sneak in affair had turned into a complete disaster. Why the woman thought it would be a good idea to jump out and attack something as dangerous as a cyclops was beyond Angus. But once the big bastard demonstrated its strength on two of his companions, Angus stopped trying to make sense of the senseless and began to run the rooftop back towards the temple. "The daft cow's blown the gaff!" Angus called out "Run while ye still can! And if yer still in one piece by the end o' this, regroup at the temple!".


If you're not interested why even bother posting here?

The BBEG is called King Julien...Does he like to move it move it by any chance?

Is necromancy a thing in Elysia? You said people can't be brought back to life, but you never said their corpses couldn't be reanimated as foul creatures of the undead.
@Lucius Cypher

I'm definitely getting on this crazy train.

Woo! 2019!
I'd like me some points too. Also do you still plan on doing Rome, The Republic or have you given up on that idea?
<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

I guess I will throw the bottle of oil at his feet :U. Here's to hoping for a timber. Which would probably lead to some hilarious gang up stabbing.

He's already prone.
@The Fool

What are we supposed to put in Imperium Name?
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