Avatar of SpicyMeatball


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current It's almost time to play the fun game: Is this Strep throat, covid, a cold, a thyroid disorder or that I'm just dehydrated af.
4 yrs ago
Nursing School Rule #5: If you didn't document it, you didn't do it.
4 yrs ago
Nursing School Rule #3: What happens at clinical placement, no matter how shitty it may have been (literally or figuratively), stays at clinical placement.
4 yrs ago
I guess its been a while since I updated this status thing. I guess we could go with Nursing School Rule #1: The correct answer on a test is either potassium, airway or handwashing.
5 yrs ago
So I sprained my ankle. That's fun.


Resident Photographer, Roleplayer, Nurse

A Bit About Me:
First off, to introduce myself. My name is Chris. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read a little blurb about my life. I am a 25 year old guy living in the beautiful, arctic tundra known as Canada. My interests touch on too many things to completely list, but predominantly I am an avid photographer, a role-player (duh) and a gamer. While I started life here on the guild back in early 2018, I am no stranger to role-playing. I started out role-playing in various video games before I got serious and jumped head first into both forum role-play and 1x1s in Skype/Google Docs.

My main preferred settings for role-playing are, but not limited to: Slice of Life, Fantasy, Military, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Apocalypse. I personally don't do fan-fictions, I only write for my OCs. Below, you'll find a link to my character stash for the Guild.

Click Me!

My Current RPs:
  • Stay tuned, 1x1 in the works ;)

Most Recent Posts

@Salty Spitoon Didn't realize how much I liked the name Malori. I love the CS, lots of detail.
For your consideration @Makani
EDIT1: Updated with a reference image.
EDIT2: Added a two-way radio to her gear. Likely the last edit.

Truth be told, an evening of snacks and movies with Santiago had been the most fun April had had with him in a while. The pair had met back at the Foster residence, where a parent-less home awaited them. After gathering every bit of junk food that April could dig out from the kitchen, the pair scurried up to her room like a couple of preschool kids and snuggled up in April’s bed. For the remainder of the night and into the early hours of the following day, the couple laid back and watched a few old classic horror movies, notably Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street.

While parties certainly could be fun, in April’s mind not one could hold a candle to nights like this.

As she woke up the next morning, it took her a few moments to realise that Santiago was no longer in bed with her. In fact, he was nowhere to be seen at all. With a slight shrug, the brunette crawled her way through the comforter and hopped off the bed, grabbing her fuzzy bathrobe to fight away the gentle shiver that ran down her back. She quickly paced into her bathroom and brushed her hair out of it’s borderline nightmare-ish case of bedhead, before the brunette proceeded downstairs. As her bare feet carried her down the carpeted staircase and onto the cool hardwood floor, she began to smell something lovely coming from the kitchen.

As April rounded the final corner into the kitchen, she couldn’t hold back a smile as she saw her dear Santiago cooking up some beautiful Belgian-style waffles. “Buenos días mi amor.” April paced up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and tucking her head into his back. “You even remembered the strawberries…my favourite.”

An hour later and with a breakfast eaten, the two had finally gotten ready for school. With a quick peck on the lips and a warm smile, the pair sped off in their respective white and red sports cars. There was no mistaking it, the two of them had so much in common.

Once she had arrived, April ran into the school and signed in, receiving a rather unsettling glare that just screamed “you’re late”. The brunette quickly scribbled her name down before taking off down the hallways once again. She’d completely missed her morning classes because of her spontaneous breakfast with Santiago. Completely worth it in her book, but it would likely cost her.

Collapsing into a seat at the trio’s normal table, she smiled to Chanel and Julie and tuned in to the conversation just as Julie mentioned doing something exciting. “What’d you have in mind, like a senior prank or something? I’d be down for some excitement!” April piped up, looking between the two of them. “If we do something like this, we have to do it like, all out. Something everyone will remember.”

I'm gonna go ahead and steal this post to say...

Happy Anniversary!

Please don't kill me Angie...

“Oh well you know, I like to overdo it when I can.” Julie piped up after April approached the group.

April smiled with a nod, getting a small reply in before the redhead wandered off. “I would expect no less.”

As Julie left the group, April looked past both Aaliyah and Chanel to Santiago outside, before shaking her head. Fuck him she thought, her jaw clenched lightly. The brunette ran a subconscious hand over her stomach before she raised the cold can of soda to her lips and took a sip, letting the icy--and non-alcoholic of course--beverage trickle down her throat. There was a moment where the slightly pregnant girl contemplated how fucked up the baby would be if she had just one drink, but it was a moment that was quickly shot down by her own moral compass (despite it’s occasional inaccuracy, it usually pointed her in the right direction).

And then, completely unrelated to her previous thoughts, an idea began to form in her head. Santiago didn’t know April was here yet.

A grin spread across the brunettes face. She could totally use this to make some...field observations.

“If you two will excuse me for a moment, I just saw someone who I haven’t talked to in ages. I’ll be back!” And like the creature of the night she was dressed as, April took off and just about vanished into the crowded house, sneaking her way between and around the various party-goers. There was no mystery long, lost friend. There was just an excuse to get away from everyone so that she could observe.

And observe she would. The young woman stood around a corner, partially covered in shadow. There were few people around her, everyone else seemed to be grouped together on what apparently had been dubbed the dance floor. With another sip of her ginger ale, April looked over the crowd with the piercing orange-yellow eyes she now had, watching and waiting for her oh-so-faithful boyfriend, baby daddy, fuck-buddy to screw up. Just because she couldn’t drink didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy herself. It may have been petty and vindictive, but Santiago had been quite adamant about her not going to this party. There had to be more of a reason why apart from the pregnancy.

God this was certainly a week from hell, and making a deal with el diablo certainly hadn’t helped her at all. In fact, it had likely made things worse. Ever since the big announcement to him on homecoming night, things between April and Santiago had been anything but smooth sailing. The day of the assembly--the day she had told her father the big news--April had asked him to come with her to the ultrasound appointment. What she expected to happen was for Santiago to finally get properly involved, perhaps to grow up a bit. What actually happened? Santiago did what he had done at homecoming. Radio silence for a few days. Absolutely no contact no matter how many times she called or texted him.

When he did finally meet up with her, Santiago had wanted to discuss a few changes to keep the child safe. It was a fair and good thought, right up until he actually voiced these changes. While skipping out on Kavi’s party wasn’t the end of the world, Santi had the audacity to ask her to discontinue her favourite hobby. To say that April responded poorly was a gross understatement. “Fuck no I’m not going to stop racing! I’m on a fucking track Santi, there’s very little that could actually go wrong! And what about you? Are you gonna stop taking whatever shit you put into your body? What fucking compromises are you gonna make? Because right now? Right now it feels like this is all on me and I’m so done with your shit. The walking away and going silent is driving me insane! What’s next, are you gonna ghost from the delivery room in 6 months?” Once Santi had burst that damn, there was no stopping his Lils from laying into him.

There was a reason her father called her Tiger Lily.

April replayed the events over and over in her head as she carefully applied the dark eyeliner around her eyes, everytime getting more and more frustrated with Santiago. Maybe it would never really work between them? Was she just kidding herself all this time because of her childish infatuation with the devil of Palm Beach, Florida? “God I hope not…” she muttered to herself. “Its a little late to turn back now April.”

With a quick twirl, she looked herself up and down in the tall mirror that stood before her, the short leather cape flapping behind her. The brunette had dyed her hair in the days before, and her hair was now closer to black than ever before. It was still evident enough that it had once been brown, but it no longer shone in the light like it once had. “And now for the final touch…” April said quietly, reaching down to the case on the table to her right that contained her colored contact lenses. Gone were the innocent brown eyes of April Foster, replaced by the bloodshot and yellow-orange eyes of a creature of the night.

At least with Halloween, she could hide herself behind a costume and no one else would be the wiser about her current...predicament. That is, assuming Santiago hadn’t told everyone by now.

April glanced at the time. Just enough time to make it to Kavi’s before it got too busy. Perfect. She quickly made her way downstairs and grabbed the keys to her signature Maserati before exiting the house into the garage. As she had done hundreds of times before, April slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine. With the quick press of the gas pedal, the arctic-white sports car shot out of the driveway and towards Kavi’s house.

As she pulled up onto the side of the road in front of Kavi’s house and got out of the car, she looked up to see Santiago and what looked to be Lucas just entering the house. “Never fully agreed to not come. His loss.” she shrugged, locking the car before walking up to the house on her own. As Santiago yelled out within, April snuck in behind him and quickly paced off to the side out of his direct view. It was about time she enjoyed herself without worrying about what the almighty *El Diablo* had his dick stuck into.

April grabbed an icy cold can of ginger ale from a cooler before cracking it open with a satisfying snap. She wasn’t an idiot. Alcohol was off the table tonight. Just as she took a sip, she noticed the other two members of the Unholy Trinity--Julie and Chanel--and that one girl Aaliyah joining the party. With a devious smile, April wandered over to the group glanced across the trio before her. “Evening ladies, happy Halloween! Looking stunning as usual, including...Aaliyah was it?” she looked to the Undead Queen. “Sorry I couldn’t make it to your little get together but, wow! Your costumes look incredible!”

April at on the end of her bed and stared into the mirror. Her eyes hadn’t moved from the ever-growing bulge in her stomach for a good five minutes. All she could think about was how hard this was getting to hide. She was gonna have to tell her dad.


April hopped down from her bed and took in a deep breath, looking her reflection right in the eyes. “This is all on you. You let this happen. Now you have to deal with the aftermath.” she spoke quietly to herself before shaking her head. Well, what better time to let her father know than before school where she could escape? With another deep breath, she turned from the mirror and left her room. Maybe this time she wouldn’t find her father ass-naked with another woman.

“Hey dad?” she called out. No response. With a shrug she paced into the kitchen to pour herself a coffee, her bare feet making little noise on the hardwood flooring. As she picked up the now full mug of coffee, her attention turned to a noise coming from the garage. Turning on her heel, April proceeded outside and around to the three car garage where she saw her father elbow deep in engine bay of his platinum coloured Aston Martin DB11.

“There you are. What gives? You’re never up this early in the garage.” April smiled at him, pacing around to the front of the car where Jamie Foster stood.

“Just felt like the kind of day to work on the car, that's all….Wait, shouldn’t you be at school by now?” Jamie pulled his hand out from the car and turned to his daughter, his eyes skeptical. Well, there was her cover blown.

“Y-yeah..” she stumbled over her words “There’s...something I need to tell you.” April’s hands were like ice and her face was starting to feel the same. There was no turning back now. “Dad...I’m...I’m pregnant.” And there it was. Out in the world to the person she was most terrified to tell.

The silence between the two of them was deafening. There were no words spoken from either of them.

And then Jamie did something that completely took April by surprise. Instead of yelling at her or grounding her for eternity, Jamie Foster stepped forward and took his only daughter into a tight embrace. There was no judgement, no anger and no frustration shown by her father. Nothing but unconditional love.

“I...I don’t get it...you’re not mad?” April asked, only hugging her father a few moments later once the shock had worn off.

“I’ve suspected it for a while...and the look between you and Fernandez was unmistakable back on the first day of school. I knew you two were involved with each other in some way. Admittedly this wasn’t something I was expecting...but I was a teenager way back. I get it.” Her father let go of her slowly, placing both of his hands on her shoulders. “I will be talking to Santiago at some point though...you two have a lot to take care of in the coming months and he’s gonna be a part of it. I will make sure of it.”

April nodded, still looking a bit sheepish in front of her father. “I’m probably gonna need a late note for school too.” She said quietly.

Jamie laughed in response with a nod, going to walk back inside of the house. “This being late to school thing better not become commonplace young lady. Don’t make a habit of it, are we clear?” he called out.

“Perfectly clear, dad!” she yelled out in reply, going to start up her car.

Fifteen minutes later April rolled into the parking lot, revving her engine a bit as Santiago came into view in the courtyard. The brunette hastily parked the car and walked over to him. Part of her was mad at him for ignoring her, but part of her understood. It was a lot to take in at once. As she caught his gaze, April sent a warm smile at him as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Buenos días mi amor.” She said, sitting down across from him. “Everything alright?”

Starring Chanel | April | Julie

April’s signature white Maserati roared through the small suburban streets as she made her way to Julie’s house first, the phone still ringing on her end of the call. “Come on Julie, pick up!” she practically shouted, coming to a stop at an intersection. After looking both ways, she slammed down the throttle and took off once again, only slowing down as she passed her red-headed friend’s house. She looked down at her phone and raised a brow. April hadn’t noticed the voicemail originally, but it looked to have been there for a good ten minutes now. Damn it.

After listening to the rather awkwardly worded voicemail, April pulled a quick three point turn in her car and took off back toward Chanel’s house. As it came into view, she slowed down and drove like a relatively normal person who wasn’t just about to explode with emotions, before pulling into the driveway slowly. She quickly straightened her hair in the visor mirror above her before exiting the car, walking right up to Chanel’s front door. With a deep inhale, she calmed herself back down a bit before pressing the doorbell. “Here goes nothing.” she muttered to herself.

Only about a half of a second had gone by before the door was suddenly pulled open; a freshly showered and neatly groomed Chanel Martin stood in the doorway, her hand placed on her hip and a bright smile spread wide across her face. "Well, long time no see, stranger," the young woman said with a laugh as she quickly pulled April into a hug and pushed the door closed behind her, "I missed you at the homecoming dance, girl. We could've taken some pics together or something." As soon as Chanel had released the girl from her embrace, she began to lead the way back to the kitchen. It was upon their entrance that the pair would be able to spot an assortment of snacks and sweets that Julie and Chanel had laid out on the counter not too long ago. "Julie already told you about the good news in the voicemail, I think... right, Julie?"

Julie’s head snapped up from her phone when she heard the two girls enter. A nervous smile lighting up her face. “Oh, yes… I think I did!” She stood up and walked over to the snacks taking a few skittles and popping them in her mouth. Not really because she was craving the sugary sweet taffy but mostly she wanted her mouth to be busy with something else to do than talk. But, alas the skittles only lasted so long. “So uhm…” she began as she fiddled with her phone. “You said you had something to tell us? Something about your dad’s new flame?” she asked confused to why this was important for April to tell them.

April smiled to Chanel before being led into the kitchen. She nodded to Julie before taking a few Skittles for herself. As the candy flavour filled her mouth, she looked up to Julie and inhaled deeply. She’d had it with the awkwardness between herself and the redhead, it was time to break the ice once again and rid themselves of whatever tension hung between April and Julie. “Before anything, I want to clear the air between us Julie. We’ve been silently avoiding the topic for ages now and I’m tired of it hanging above me.” she’d look to Julie, April’s hands playing with the hem of her own t-shirt nervously. This was not what she had planned on doing and had no game plan to drive the conversation. She was winging it.

“I want to apologize Julie...for taking Santi’s side over yours way back even though he treated you like shit. I don’t know why I did, but I’m sorry.” Hopefully that was enough. It’s all she had.

This was something that Julie had been waiting for almost their whole high school career. And now that it was happening, she couldn’t keep the shock of her face. “Oh… uhm.” She began looking to Chanel for some sort of help. But this was between her and April and it was time. “You know April. I’ve had this conversation in my head so many times.” she looked down at her hands as they fidgeted on the countertop. “But I don’t think we need to go any further. I’ve put it behind me now.” It was true she couldn’t care less what Santiago did or said now, but hearing April apologizing did make her heart lighten. Julie looked at her friend with a warm smile. “I’m just glad to have my friend back.” The redhead whispered holding back the tears she could feel building up in her eyes. She stood up and closed the distance between them and embraced April in a long overdue hug.

“Aw, well would you look at that,” Chanel said with a cheesy grin as she stood by the snack counter and watched her two best friends hug it out, “It’s about time you guys got your shit together. For a while I thought I was gonna have to lock you two in my bedroom until everything was resolved.” And although Chanel let out a chuckle as she stated that last sentence, she was being completely candid and meant every word that she had said. Although Chanel would always try to lighten the mood and contribute positive energy to the group, a certain tension had been lingering heavily in the air whenever the trio would hang around one another; it would’ve only been a matter of time before Chanel would snap.

When they finally pulled away from each other Julie sat back down dabbing at her eyes letting out a small laugh. “Well, So I’m guessing that wasn’t the only thing you came here for. What was so important?”

“Yeah, what did you have to tell us?” Chanel said as she reached for an unopened bag of gummy bears and took a seat next to Julie. “Something about your pop’s new fling, right? He didn’t get her knocked up, did he?” She said jokingly.

April went quiet following the questions from the two of them, looking down at the floor for a moment to collect her thoughts. “Yeah, as I was leaving this morning I caught him ass-naked in the living room with a woman. I didn’t even ask, just got out of there as quick as possible.” She laughed nervously, shaking her head as the images of the morning ran through her mind.

“That’s not actually my big news though.’ she said quietly, looking to both of her friends. “This can not...will not leave this room, promise?” The brunette waited for an answer from each of them. Life-changing news was not something she took lightly and if this spread through the school, it’d only be a matter of time before her father found out from other sources. She had to stay on top of the situation. April nervously grabbed a handful of Skittles and snacked on them, once again breaking eye contact from her two best friends to look at the floor.

Julie’s eyebrows knitted together as she watched her friend twisted and turned where she stood. She nodded slowly and shot Chanel a concerned look before turning back towards April “Sure… of- of course…” she sputtered.

“Of course, I promise…” Chanel said slowly as she returned Julie’s concerned look with one of her own. “You know you can tell us anything. April, what’s going on?”

“I...I may be slightly….pregnant.” she’d say, not even looking up to Julie and Chanel. She felt her heart pounding hard against the walls of her chest and her head was spinning. God she hoped they wouldn’t hate her for this.

As soon as those words had finally come tumbling out of April’s mouth, Chanel found herself frozen in place; her mouth had stopped mid-chew, and her eyes grew wide as they flickered from the stomach of her “slightly pregnant” best friend to Julie’s face, eager to see if her facial expression matched her own. A million thoughts began to race through Chanel’s mind as she slowly continued to eat her candy; She was at a loss for words.

Julie’s hands dropped to her side, dumbstruck her face blank with shock. She didn’t know what to do or say. “Are you...sure?” she asked softly almost a whisper. “I- I mean…” she stopped. What could she say? Her eyes searching April’s face for even a trace of this being some sick kind of joke. She found nothing.

“Y-yeah...I’m sure..” she said reluctantly, her voice quiet. Looking up to her friends, both in some sort of shock, she’d offer a small smile to them both. “I’m going for an ultrasound in a few days.” She inhaled deeply, going to get herself a glass of water. After retrieving a glass from the cupboard, she’d look back to Julie and Chanel as she filled it. “Surpriiiise?” she said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

@Altered Tundra Just thought I'd let you know, but I'm gonna be dropping this RP.

April looked out of her bedroom window, still in her grease-stained jeans and the no-longer-white tank top. Her father, Jamie Foster, was laid out on one of the recliners by the pool, completely unaware of just how much his daughter had screwed up. Literally. She had to tell him. It wouldn’t be long before it would be obvious. April took in a deep breath before nodding to herself. She was gonna need all the courage in the world to break the news.

For now? She needed a shower. Her forearms were covered in black streaks of grease and oil, her hair was an absolute mess after being in the helmet, and while she wasn’t hungover like the rest of the student body of King’s, April would argue that morning sickness was much more of a bitch to deal with. The brunette indulged herself and let the steaming hot water run over her skin for what seemed like hours. She wasn’t going to rush herself today, especially since after this, she’d be confronting her father and April was doing everything in her power to delay that. The only thing that broke her happy little bubble or warmth was the sound of her phone ringing on the other side of the bathroom. There was no way she was getting to that phone. Her hair was still foaming with shampoo and she hadn’t even gotten to the body wash yet. The call could wait.

Fifteen minutes later, April emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a white towel, her long brown hair still dripping wet. She paced down the hallway to her room, eyes locked on the screen of her phone. A call from...Julie? Why the hell would Julie be calling her? And if that wasn’t weird enough, Santiago hadn’t responded to her text yet. It had been nearly an hour! What the hell was he doing?

As April changed in to a relatively simple outfit consisting of jean-shorts and a simple teal t-shirt, she heard her father come inside from the pool. “Well, it’s been nice knowing you April. Time to go make the biggest damn announcement of your life.” she muttered to herself. She gave a quick once-over in the mirror before making her way downstairs. As she rounded the corner to the living room, her eyes widened in absolute horror as both her father and a mystery woman came into view, both as naked as the day they were born. Evidently Jamie had forgotten April was home. “Alllllrighty, I’ll just be on my way then. Not even gonna question it. You two have fun!” April called out to them, not wasting a second to quite literally run the opposite direction. I guess breaking the news would have to wait.

As she hopped in her car, April pulled out her phone and listened to the rather awkward message Julie had left. There was yet another hard conversation she was gonna have to have. Mending the relationship between herself and Julie. She stuck her phone to the magnet on the dash and dialed Julie’s number, setting the phone to speaker as she tore out of the driveway. She had no idea where the other two members of the Unholy Trinity were, but April wasn’t gonna stay another second at her own house.

“Hey Julie, where are you? I’ve got some...interesting news to share....something important. That and I may have just seen my dad’s new girlfriend in completely the wrong way.”
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