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Keeping an RP alive is as much the players' responsibility as it is the GM's.
4 yrs ago
The most important period in an RP's life is when the responses start to slow after the initial honeymoon phase. This is THE deciding time for whether or not an RP dies.
5 yrs ago
aviaire is terrible and bad
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@Aviaire - IDIOT
@Yankee - IDIOT
@Haha - IDIOT

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@stone I'm currently using a device (N Switch) and it can't run discord.

<Snipped quote by Blackmist16>

Also yes the Switch has a hidden browser and no I don't own anything else.

holy shit my dude wtf

you're typing everything out on switch keyboard????
@stone Do I have to use Discord to play this?

It's highly preferred, but no, not required.

<Snipped quote by stone>

I've probs got an idea for a character that can hop in and out of the game then, especially given my erratic activity level. Will run the idea down on the 'cord once I'm done with classwork.

sounds good! you got my number, use it, abuse it
<Snipped quote by stone>

So I can be a barbarian with a panzer tank?

i mean, you can, but you'll have to come up with a reason for it (not a shitposty one lmao the setting is serious despite my behavior)

unless your barbarian's GOAL is to get a tank. 👀
Anyways, there's more interested people than slots, so how is this decided, stone? Battle royale?

I'm actually hoping to get to everybody. By that, I mean, once someone's adventure is over/they want to drop out/they fucking disappear i'll phase them out and pick up someone new.

Honestly, the adventures won't be TOO long. If someone wants a longer one, I can work it in parts and they can rotate out or something.

Basically, a revolving door queue. Thel's not going anywhere. It's a bit ambitious, but I think I can handle it.

In terms of picking the intial 2-3 (jesus fucking christ this got way more interest than i expected) I'll be picking people based off where I can put them in the world. Because everyone wants to meet up with others, right? ...right? So I'm going for MAXIMUM fun and writing fun. But dont' despair if you're not picked, you'll be put in the queue(tm) and i'll notify when things pop up.
<Snipped quote by stone>

So uh... does Thel have washing machines you can get stuck in?

Asking for a step-friend

Funny you should ask, washing machines have JUST been invented! Only a prototype, and only for people who can afford them.

IE maybe rich people idk

your step friend can rest easy knowing their clothes are in good hands
What's your stance on halflings?

Sorry, I'm a human-only kinda guy. None of the usual fantasy races, at least not in a big organized society like most settings. If it's pretty important to ya, though, feel free to send a message and we can talk abt it more.

EDIT: Not saying you can't have intelligent non-humans, just that they're not uber-common as a species. Extreme rarities, if you will.
A TON more details are to come about the setting, but feel free to ask away if you like! Just know that there's magic, tanks, politics, monsters, varying technologies, and a metric fuckton of sick shit I threw in. Don't worry, shit makes sense in context. Probably.

Asonor Tal carries the future in its hands!

After the 2nd Armored Division's incredible victory at Soland's northern border, Asonor Tal is once again on the brink of complete domination of Western Thel. According to 2nd Armored Division Commander Reins, our glorious military's new tank model, the Elford 227-B, played an instrumental part in covering the Army's advance.

Soland's defeat at Uray Fortress allowed Asonoran forces to advance further towards their capital. Experts predict a conclusion to the annexation movement in about 2-3 months.

"With the supreme lack of proper resistance present in Soland's countryside, everything's gone smoother than planned," Reins says. "This annexation has been a rousing success. Glory to Asonor Tal!"

Reins further elaborated that full occupation would likely occur within 2 months after the end of combat. For more on Asonor Tal's southern efforts, turn to page A3.

What’s good, it’s stone. Welcome to To Face Tomorrow, a roleplay where you can play whoever you want in the world!

This roleplay is heavily inspired by @Reia’s now-defunct Destiny’s Call, which is a damn shame, because this concept is the hottest shit, I kid you not.

The essentials of the RP are thus: you create a character, send me the sheet, we talk about some character arc things, and boom! You’re ready to begin RPing.

And when I say anything, I mean most anything. Western Thel has a wide variety of cultures, countries, climates, and cities for you to stretch your legs in. Exotic monster hunters, church inquisitors, military academy students, soldiers, anything! Take on a non-combat role! Royalty, farming, FISHING, even. Anything's possible. This setting is made for everything. Powerful swordsmen, guns, tanks, airships, trains, magic, you name it, Thel's got it.

Here's the kicker. You don't know who the other PCs are. You don't know where in the world they are, you don't know what they look like, you don't even know who's playing what! The only time you'll interact with others is when your character's path brushes up against theirs, or if you specifically request to have your stories intertwined (more on that later).

Here's how the RP thread will work. Nobody will be posting in the IC except for me. I'll be using the IC to indicate the progression of time as well as posting important news and various rumors that may lead your character to something interesting. Rumors can range from something completely unrelated to another PC you can interact with! As always, the OOC is always open for speculation, shitposts, jokes, whatever. I fucking love thread shitposting.

As to where the RP will actually take place, that's up to you! I am experienced in forum RP, discord messaging, PM RP, Google Docs, smoke signals, and semaphore. All that matters is that it's a private line. You're essentially just doing a 1x1 with me (trust me, I don't bite) until you interact with others. That being said, the actions of one player in another area can definitely affect others.

This WILL be putting a lot of story things on me, the GM, but that's the fun of it! Don't worry about me disappearing, either. @Aviaire will track me down and beat the shit out of me if do.

For some basic ground rules, they're pretty much what you can find everywhere else on the guild.

That was a lot of heavy things! I'll specify that I'm looking for around 2-3 people to join 2 others who have already signed up. Feel free to ask more questions or shoot me a DM on discord! I'm stone#2804.
I probably won't be the most active, but I'd like to take a look!
Eliza Chayre and Ori Tabel and Kayliss Lambert too

The wagon slowed to a crawl as it approached the bustling checkpoint. The people passing by seemed as a river, the family's cart a fat salmon making headway up the bustling throng. Voices shot out from various directions, horses tugged anxiously at their reins. A small argument broke out over a basket of spilled goods.

The guards, to their credit, put a halfway decent effort into managing the crowd. Still, the people were taken by a fervor of excitement that buzzed through their heads, their hearts, and–most especially–their wallets. For every tourist or vacationing family, there were at least three merchants ready to bomboard potential customers with various embroideries, shamanistic trinkets, and snake oils.

The town's church bell struck noon. Its clear ringing quelled the noise–but only for a moment–as everyone, merchant or tourist alike, paused to consider its toll.

Eliza awoke. She paused for a moment to consider the surroundings, taking in the thickening odor of horse while looking over the hustle of activity around the wagon. At least it had cooled down since noontime.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I suppose we've made it to Midland pass?" she asked, still half-asleep.

"That's right," said Donna. "We'll be right through in a hot second, so you can prolly just get back to sleep after." The statement was rather unconvincing–the wagon had completely stopped.

"Your concern flatters me, but I have rested enough. I will spend the rest of the journey keeping watch, as is my duty." Eliza stood up slowly and stretched. Only then did she notice the recent addition to their traveling group.

"Hoy," Kayliss waved to the finally awake paladin, unconcerned. "Finally awake, eh? Don't mind me, I was passed out myself in one of the crates in the back when you and the other one over there came on, apparently." She said, casually jerking her thumb back in Ori's direction. "So you're some paladin from the church's what I hear, huh? Pleased to meet ya, name's Kayliss. Just decided to hitch a ride through the pass. Summer being the gigantic pain in the arse it is on the road and all. Where you headed, in any case?"

"I am headed to the bounds of the Highlands," Eliza said.

"Me as well," Ori chimed in. "Well, not really anywhere in particular, but that direction's caught my fancy. Not really one for walking, even less in this kind of weather." He stretched his arms. "Passed out in the crates? Interesting bed you've got there."

"Eh, enclosed spaces're comfortable to me. Anyways, on the way to the Highlands, eh?" Kayliss shrugged noncommitally. "I'm...well, I'm just wandering about. Just hitching a ride until the next big city where I can find myself some work. Not a particularly secure living, but at least it's interesting. So I suppose we're stuck with each other for a while, so long as it's convenient."

"I suppose so," Eliza said. "My name is Eliza Chayre. Please, call me what suits your fancy. It certainly is convenient that we are traveling to one destination. Pray tell, Ori, what guides you towards the Highlands?"

"Same old, same old. Doing a bit of work, then doing a bit of exploring on the side when I get sick of it, then back again when the funds run out. I'm a doctor, so it doesn't pay half bad. Fixed up the little miss's leg over there. If you've got any dire medical issues, now's probably the time to mention them." He laughed lightly. "Say, Kayliss, if you're looking for work, we were just in the Midlands. I'm sure there's plenty of places up in Haydrin's Seat that wouldn't mind an extra pair of hands."

An awkward cough. Should've known someone would say that. Now, how to dodge this...?
"I...well, spent a lot of time around the Seat recently. Looking for a change of pace. Seeing sights I wouldn't have otherwise. Friend of mine encouraged me to broaden my horizons, you know?" If by broadening her horizons, the fucker meant 'find this stupid bird', that was. "Anyways, doctor, huh? Surprised you're wandering, yourself." Kayliss said.

Ori hesitated for a second. "The same, really. Sticking around in one place doesn't suit me, it's not like there's a shortage of work anywhere. Can't do much sightseeing, but I am doing a bit of research here and there." He grinned.

"What sort of medicine do you specialize in?" Eliza asked. "An outbreak of pox came through the Midlands a few weeks ago. Did you help with that?"

"Don't believe I did, I got in about... ten days ago? Not one for epidemics, they're quite dangerous if you think about it. And my speciality is, um..." he clicked his tongue. "Physical injuries, by virtue of how many I've had to deal with. But hey, enough about me," Ori added quickly. "First time coming to the Highlands, is it?"

"I've come through once before, but that was on the way to Haydrin's Seat." It wasn't technically a lie. Kayliss had spent some time on assignment in the Highlands before, but not enough to truly get a feel for the region. Most of her work had her in Haydrin's Seat or in the eastern regions.

"Anyways, we done with this checkpoint yet?" She groaned, not even feigning any sort of emotion this time. Just because she could be patient, didn't mean she wanted to be for this. Especially considering it was a line. She hated lines.

"Any moment now," Donna said. The family of three shifted in their seats. Even the horse seemed unnerved.

"Have no fear. I will help in proceeding through the gate." Eliza undid the clasps holding her greataxe and retrieved a small pouch from her pack. The cart rolled up to the guards at the gate.

One guard, face mostly obscured by his waxy beard and helmet, peered in through the back of the wagon. "What have we here?"

"Merchants," Donna said. "With a few ride-a-longs." She pointed at Ori, Eliza, and Kayliss.

Another guard with a crooked nose examined a crate. "We've been havin' reports o' some, eh, problerms in the capital. Ya sure yer not housin' any crimernals? Yer lookin' a mote suspicious there, you wit' tha eyes blocked. And what's wit' tha armor, lady?"

"Pay not attention to my comrades," Eliza pulled a silver medallion from the fabric pouch engraved with a set of scales balanced by a sword and feather. "I am a paladin of the church–Eliza Chayre. It would do you well to let us pass. I can assure you of their moral integrity."

The guards had never seen a paladin before, let alone their emblem. Still, she did sound official enough. There was also the matter of her axe. The two shared a glance, then shrugged.

"Right, whatever. Pass on through. Don't make no trouble," the bearded guard said.

Eliza stowed her axe and emblem, then sat down. Soon enough, the group was in the flat reaches of the Scrublands.

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