Avatar of The Irish Tree


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
8 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

Expect an update either tomorrow or Thursday.
Just a heads up: I'm gonna be extremely busy until about Wednesday this week, so I won't be able to post until then.
...trying to choke a Dullahan.

oh boy

...well this is going to be fun.

Just gotta pop Arletta's head off like an action figure, bonk 'em right in the noggin.

So is this RP still opened up, cause I believe I might have a decent character idea.

Fairly certain it is. Our cast's shrunk a bit.

"Siblings...let's see...I was the 7th one in my family, and there was uh...Clarissa, Mauve, and Annie, and Joan, and Kira after...so I have 11 siblings." Magnus answered, completely straight faced as if it were completely normal to lose track. "All girls though...I really don't know why I'm male, I'm being honest." he said, crossing his arms.

Hearing question of what was no doubt Freyr, Magnus brightened up a bit. "Those rumors must be about Freyr. He's a really awesome member of the guild; Shoots a bow faster than I even notice him pulling an arrow out. N-No, I never knew him before joining the guild...and, coincidences are coincidences for a reason, right? B-Besides...I was only invited here because my father turned down his invitation." he said, remembering that he was...kind of just a second choice. However he did realize that all he was doing was just responding to the dwarves' mentions of the conversation being one-sided. As such, he voiced a question after clearing his throat: "Um...Why are you so interested in Male Monsters anyways? And aside from that, do you um...have any siblings?" Magnus was kind of just going in circles with the conversation it seemed. He wasn't...used to talking to people this much. Most of the time his family just "Did" instead of talking about what they planned on doing. As such, he tended to just do whatever he felt silently.

The Dragon's Dressmaker

"Very well. Hold this rope and do not let go. It would take me a while to find you in this fog if you strayed away." Nephele said, offering the rope to Maria. Once she'd taken hold, Nephele would lead her through the dense air surrounding the area. The grass on the way tickled at their knees with how tall it had grown...it seemed no man or beast ventured out to cut or eat it. Regardless, it would not take them too long to walk to a rather foreboding, darkly lit cave that screamed: "Dungeon Boss Inside" from appearance alone. Given that the fog was nonexistent here, there wasn't much need for the rope as Nephele lead Maria further inside, lighting sconces along the way with a piece of flint and her claws.

Once they'd walked a fair distance inside, Maria would see a fortune's worth of golden coins, glittering jewels, gem encrusted jewelry and ceremonial swords all organized into distinctly neat, yet very messily placed piles. "Do not mind my hoard; it is an appallingly poor one I know, but rest assured, I've enough to compensate you." she said, as if she was possessing nothing more than the clothes off her back. That was...a lot of money. Given her hoarding habits, the scales, and the bit of noble air around her, it was getting clearer that she was some sort of Draconic Monster. "Have a seat, and I will discuss your task at hand." she said, moving a rather expensive looking mahogany long table into place, setting a place at it for Maria across from her. They would be separated by a huuuuuge divide in table length, of roughly 10 or so feet, but it was close enough to talk.

After a minute of waiting at said table, Maria would be presented with a vintage wine served in a crystalline polished glass, as well as a...more than generous serving of what appeared to be an entire roasted turkey. "I apologize if it is not enough. In waiting, some of the food I had purchased for meeting Bart's party spoiled." Nephele said before taking her place at the opposite end, seeming to have a much more meager and humble meal than Maria, featuring water served in a wooden goblet, as well as a few slices of bread topped with some sort of mushroom thinly sliced atop it, seemingly buttered. Strange that she had a roasted turkey and melted butter, but almost no kitchen utensils whatsoever save for the forks and knives laid before Maria. Midway through eating a piece of her own meal, she suddenly realized something. "I completely neglected to ask...are you a vegetarian, Maria? If so, I can procure you something more suitable." Whatever Nephele wanted Maria to do, it must have been something important to her to have laid out a meal fit for...well, not a mercenary on a job, that's for certain. Especially given how it seemed that she was depriving herself of the same luxury.
@Guess Who,@Fourze,@Suku

Sorry for being slow guys, this week is kinda hectic for me. I'll try and get something up either today or tomorrow.
@Demon Shinobi@Joshua Tamashii@The Irish Treedont mean to rush but how is the char sheets coming along?

@1Charak2looks good feel free to post in char tab

This week is being really hectic for me, so I'll try and get it started, but don't expect it until about next week.

Magnus listened attentively to Arletta's account, though he still felt a little saddened by the lack of any news of the other two. Keeping his chin up though, Magnus put on a smile for her, since...well, he didn't want her to feel bummed out after just getting back. Once she went to leave and asked if he had things under control, Magnus gave her a thumbs up, steam venting out his nose. "No worries! I promise nobody'll break anything in the guild...w-well, except if they need to for the reconstructing and all, but nothing important. Good luck Arletta, I'm glad that your friend is doing good now."

Magnus just watched her leave, getting back to watching over the dwarves working from his seat as one of them came to sit beside him. A bit taken aback by the question of "pretty ones", Magnus had a feeling that he meant the girls. Scratching the back of his head, Magnus' cheeks flared red a bit. "W-Well, yeah...they all do look very...pretty." he replied, taking a small sip of the ale and then hastily realizing that he hated alcohol and put it down, trying to hide the look of disgust on his face to not offend his dwarven conversation mate. It was...a little bit ironic how the dwarves were here, since he'd heard that normally they aren't so friendly to humans or monsters, depending on where they were from. And then, the familiar question was asked to Magnus of: "Why is he male?". Looking at the ale mug gripped in his hand, Magnus looked at his reflection a bit before saying: "Well...I really don't have a clue. I-I mean...I was just born, you know? Maybe I'm a one in a billion chance of happening, or maybe my parents did something special, but...I really don't know. Sorry."

The Dragon's Dressmaker

"If you are indeed sent by a Mr. Bart, then yes, I am your employer." the woman said, before stepping out of the mist to let Maria look at her. Her skin was nearly as pale as the mist itself, contrasted by her black hair, as well as the scales coating her arms and legs, covering them in the same black armoring her hands possessed. Connected to the sides of her arms were strange leathery membranes that seemed folded up...wings, perhaps? In addition to that, a long black reptilian tail swayed slightly in the breeze, ears that resembled a great horned owl's fanned up at the sides of her head and peering over her scalp. "I am Nephele Megalos the Third, and it is an honor to meet you." she said, before offering Maria a respectful bow. Despite the presumably pride carried in being a "Anything the Third", she was dressed in literal rags, very much so looking like a beggar. If not for her rather cleanly groomed exterior, one could mistake her for a bum entirely. Not missing a beat, the woman said: "You are naturally free to refuse my job if you so choose...but I would hate for you to have wasted your time. If you wish, before I ask you to work, we can dine at my home. It must have been quite a long walk."

Nephele seemed rather strange, given that it wasn't really clear on what she was, what she was doing here, or what she even wanted done...but one could assume that she bore no ill will to Maria, given how willing she was to step out of the fog. "Please do make your choice soon though...if I'm to be stuck in rags here still, I'd rather it be in my home. The Fog will not last long if I don't sustain it."

Got a plan in mind for a Fairy Bishop.
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