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sometimes i like to talk to birds and pretend they're talking back
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oh yeah there's also this fool

  • Name: Celtchar mac Uthechair
  • Class: Lancer
  • Appearance: A grey, tall, very terrible hero of Ulster. Perpetually has a bit of a haggard look to him—having to oversee his weapon and fulfill his duties as one of Ulster’s champions did not always leave him the most time to attend to personal upkeep in life, and that is reflected in his appearance as a servant.
  • Personality: Serious almost to a fault, and with the pride to match; a fight is not a joyous occasion for Celtchar, but neither is it one to shy away from if it should come upon him. His devotion was born purely of duty to his people and to Conchobar mac Nessa, not out of a desire for glory—though he was not nearly self-effacing enough to allow his skills and contributions to go unnoted, or to avoid a shot and claiming the champion’s portion of any feast for himself, as his pride could allow neither, even if he did not otherwise seek quarrel like many of his fellows.

    Indeed, more often than not he was attempting to calm and quell the artifact that he had been given to watch over, that often predicted battle on its own and had the will to fight that Celtchar instead had to control—his great spear, the Lúin Celtchair, which some said was the Spear of Lugh itself. If that were truly so, then the honour of watching over the weapon of his comrade Cú Chulainn’s true father was greater than any vainglorious deeds he might otherwise undertake. Otherwise, he was known as much for his guile as for his skill with the spear—his defeat of Conganchnes mac Dedad or the Luch Donn being proof of his wits.

    Alas, like many of his comrades, his life was cut short by the interweaving of fate and his own great pride. Unable to abide Blaí Briugu laying with his wife Brig Bretach, following the compulsion that was laid on him to sleep with any woman that came to his home alone, Celtchar set out and slew the man in front of both Conchobar and Cú Chulainn. To repay the murder, he was sentenced to complete the tasks that resulted in his own tragic demise, tasks that his honour could not allow him to leave undone.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: B
    • Endurance: A
    • Agility: B
    • Mana: C
    • Luck: E
    • Noble Phantasm: Lúin Celtchair
  • Class Skills:
  • Personal Skills:
    • Eye of the Mind (True): A: Capable of calm analysis of the abilities of the opponent as well as the battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament.

      Devoted as much—if not more so—to his wits as to his simple skill and strength in battle, Celtchar is adept both at gathering information and putting it to its best use, even while engaged in a fight for his life. Nothing less should be expected of any warrior of Ulster, except perhaps one who has divine blood to carry him instead of his brains.
    • Valor: B: As one of the Champions of Ulster, Celtchar is no stranger to battle, nor will he shy away from it, no matter the foe—it takes quite a lot to overcome his resolve and iron will. However, his bravery is still tempered by sense, as he won’t rush in without a plan or a weapon to see him through.
    • Honor of Suffering: C: A Skill that makes those who have it become more powerful as they are inflicted more pain. The cost used to heal injuries via magecraft or similar methods is reduced.

      Whether pierced in the groin with a spear, freshly raised from a magical debilitation, with his arm caught in the crushing jaws of a fierce hound with only slight protection from a supple log, or compelled to slay his own beloved dog, the pains inflicted on Celtchar could not break him; instead, they steeled his resolve and drove him to greater heights of achievement in the service of his home. However, no hero can draw strength from their pain forever—all will fall eventually.
    • Beast Slayer: C: Owing to the dangers prevalent in his time, as well as the two great hounds he had to slay to repay his murder of Blaí Briugu, Celtchar has passing familiarity with beasts, both in how to lure them and how to put them down.
  • Noble Phantasm:
    • Name: Lúin Celtchair
    • Rank: B+
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: Longer than the average man is tall, even coming up to Celtchar’s own shoulder, with a blade long enough even to cut through his enemies, and at least fifty rivets studded into the haft along its length, the Lúin Celtchair is a frightening weapon to behold. The entire weapon is blackened by the flames that always threaten to blaze forth from it, and it eternally drips crimson blood from the blade, the poisonous concoction it always had to be submerged in to satiate its bloodlust long since having become one with the thirsty lance.
    • Effects:
      • Nigh-Guaranteed Death: Eternally dripping the vile mixture of blood and offal that had been used to keep it sated, the spear is a poisonous thing, and has the rage to match. It was said in legend that each thrust of the spear would kill a man, and the venomous mixture coating it was even enough to cut short Celtchar’s own life.
      • Flames of Rage: Much like Lugh’s own spear (which it very well may be, tamed only slightly by the passing of time), Celtchar’s lance is consumed with insatiable bloodlust, rage, and murderous intent, requiring it be kept under control at all times. If allowed, the spear itself will burst into a blazing flame, struggling against the hand that holds it to slay the nearest possible target. As a servant, Celtchar can even withstand the flame and possibly use it to his advantage—for a time.
      • Seeker of Battle: The spear lusts for battle in a way that Celtchar does not. By its very vibrations, one can possibly divine whether battle is imminent—but beyond that, if loosed entirely, the weapon attempts to seek its own kills; even in legend it was said that if cast it would kill nine men, and a king, royal heir, or chieftain would surely be among them. It is possible that Celtchar himself merely guides the spear’s bloodlust, rather than wielding it as a mortal might wield a normal blade, but this can cause him as much difficulty as it might grant any advantage.
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@VahkiDane@Eisenhorn@Crimson Paladin

While Fionn had been somewhat concerned about having regular clothing for any trip around Talderia, he'd been more concerned for the sake of the others, Fleuri in particular; letting one of the most proper knights in their band wander around in his arming jacket and hose, extra laces dangling everywhere, would be unacceptable. No matter how clean they were beneath the armour. If anything, that just served to confuse him—before he decided to chalk it up to just another strange feature of this other-world Merilia had pulled them into.

Thankfully, they'd managed to find something he was comfortable wearing as well, so he wouldn't have to decline his own suggestion and walk around dressed for battle.

As they walked, he trailed at the rear of the group, taking in the various sights as Florian pointed them out. He didn't have much of an opinion on meeting Prince Erion aside from the thought that the rest of the group really ought to be around as well—but the decision was made before he'd even thought it might be necessary to voice it, and Florian led them on to the castle.

Ah, well. What's the worst that can happen?

As they stood and waited for Florian to return, it seemed the answer to that question came in the form of Randon's shameless, appraising stare. For the first minute, it was easy enough to ignore. Going into the second, Fionn found himself trying to avoid acknowleding the Hundi's presence whatsoever, resisting the urge to try and adjust his clothes under the gaze. He turned his head away, trying to peer down his own back as much as possible. It wasn't like he was wearing anything outrageous, after all. A thin shirt, simple trousers, and a thicker tunic over the shirt, his sword and dagger belted at his waist. The most stand-out trait any of the clothing had was that the hems of the tunic were trimmed with a different cloth.

The fit wasn't perfect—it was tighter across the chest than it ideally should have been, but it was nowhere near the level of what Cyrus had chosen to wear and tear. There weren't any stains on it that he could see, either, nor on the trousers. What, then, could Randon have seen?

At the third minute he turned around entirely, still looking down his back. "There's a hole somewhere I can't see, aye? That's what you're staring at?" he asked Florian's tagalong, finally breaking the silence. "Or are the seams pulling out around the collar and shoulders? What is it, Randon?" Fleuri, Rolan, and Sergio were well and truly forgotten by that point as Fionn's agitation only grew. He'd been the one to bring up finding proper clothes for them to wear, after all, trying to maintain their reputations as knights and the reputation of the Iron Roses overall; he couldn't well show up to meet with a long-dead prince looking like he'd only learned how to dress himself the day before.

"Really, you couldn't have told me if something was wrong before we came all the way out here?" he grumbled. "I can't well meet with a prince with my tunic pulling itself apart, like. Come here, help me find where the seam is trying to tear!" As he gave his command, he lifted his hands up, pulling at the shoulders of the tunic and turning his head back and forth trying to peer down like before.

Absorbed enough in trying to find whatever flaw he thought Randon was looking at that he didn't even notice Florian and Prince Erion had arrived just before he spoke up about the prince.
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@VahkiDane@Eisenhorn@Crimson Paladin

Fionn glanced from Fleuri over to Rolan and Sergio, before looking back at Fleuri. For the moment, he was unwilling to acknowledge that he'd just run into Florian (and one of his Hundi paramours) so soon after just telling Cyrus to keep an eye out for the man. Better to focus on something else other than the wasted words.

"Do they have spare clothes for us here?"
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@Octo@VitaVitaAR@6slyboy6@VahkiDane@Eisenhorn@Crimson Paladin

As soon as Cyrus had started speaking in reply, Gertrude saw fit to interject herself one last time before any of the others could manage to corral her. Wordlessly, Fionn turned back around, one hand already freed of its gauntlet—before he felt Renar's hand on his shoulder, just slightly pulling him back, before whisking the ludicrously-dressed girl out of his reach. Before he even had a chance to follow another pair of hands landed on his shoulder and arm, staying his hand a moment more. Had it been Cyrus or Steffen, or any one of those who'd already left, he would have been inclined to shake or fight them off as needed.

But these hands were far smaller, and their grasp much gentler as well—which meant that Tyaethe hadn't somehow found herself planted in the group suddenly; even she might've found herself thrown to the side in the moment, as clear as it was to all of them that she would have even less to worry about getting hurt than any of the others. Which meant that the one holding him now was either the captain, or...

"Amy." She had just finished saying something 'cleansing his mind' before dashing away, leaving some conjured wreath adorning his forehead. Her interference only made sense—she'd be as intent as the rest at avoiding a fight, but beyond that, some of the others had explained a bit of her empathic talent to him. As strong as it sounded like, there was no surprise that she might try to rapidly calm him down, especially after having felt similar back at Cae Mayl.

Not that it really made him any calmer, but it at least helped Renar put enough distance between him and Gertrude that she was easier to ignore. And that any move on his part to chastise her for insulting the captain, the order, and himself would be far less excusable by the captain, who only confirmed as much as she shakily spoke up. "I'll leave the rest of you to that," he replied as she suggested getting something to eat. "Remaining in too close proximity to that girl might leave me putting that 'can't die' guarantee to the test. I think..."

He glanced once more down the path that Amy and Gertrude had walked a short ways on, where Renar had left them to explore the kitchen, with the girl's twin among the rest of that group. Opposite was the path that Rolan, Fleuri, and now Sergio had all taken, the one that kept him as far away from Gertrude or Gretchen as possible. "I'll join those that went to the library. I'm sure Fleuri's found something interesting by now." He turned back to Cyrus. "If you find Florian, tell him I'm looking for him, would you?"

With his course decided, and heedless of the flower crown adorning his head, Fionn turned on one foot and rapidly walked down the way towards the library.
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@Octo@VitaVitaAR@HereComesTheSnow@Krayzikk@VahkiDane@Conscripts

Even knowing that Cyrus was looming behind him ready to grab at any moment (much like he had probably done with Tyaethe in the past, he had to guess) did nothing to diminish Fionn's desire to step in and chastise Gertrude for the way she was acting. At least one of his assumptions about the girl was rapidly proved correct as she began speaking, so consumed by her own sense of just how special she was that she couldn't even maintain her act. "Mayon save me, it's Clarice all over again," he muttered to himself. He'd had no desire to deal with such in their midst again so soon, but unsurprisingly, his desires mattered little to the universe around him or the witches that populated it.

"Well, Gertrude, I hope you can prove as capable as you say in something other than insulting our captain," he spoke in the silence following the woman's short, self-absorbed tantrum. "Or testing our patience, as Nicomede put it. I doubt Merilia would've dropped you here if that uniform and your tongue were the sum total of your skills, like. Otherwise you'll have to rely on Gerard keeping you out of trouble." He turned back to Cyrus, putting the recalcitrant girl out of his mind for the moment as best as he could.

"Any specific ideas where the others may be milling about? I've got to have a talk with Florian at some point while we're here."
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@Octo@VitaVitaAR

"I'm inclined to do something."
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@Octo@VitaVitaAR

Fionn turned and glared at Renar for a moment after the interruption, before Cyrus's continuing on drew him back in. "Wait, Tyaethe is here somewhere? And..." That statement seemed incongruous with what Merilia had said at the start of it all, unless she'd been referring to something other than the presence of the other founding knights in this dreamscape. "You have to be yanki-"

"Hey, squire, go bring us some food."

Fionn's head snapped back faster than when he'd turned to glare at Renar.

"Hey, Cyrus, how would you have dealt with anybody who spoke to Elionne that way?"
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze

Fionn furrowed his brow at Cyrus's suggestion on how to deal with Tyaethe if she ever got too serious at a hunt. Grabbing him and firmly stating that he wasn't allowed to get gored by a boar hardly seemed too serious, just a bit misplaced. It was just as easy to nod and acquiesce to the easiest demand to follow. Beyond that, the proof that she would and could show some genuine concern every so often had just lent itself to his faith in her ability to make new friends rather than just watch generations of knights go by.

Of course, the more he thought about Cyrus's suggestion, the more he could see other applications for it. "I had wondered if that wasn't an affectation," he mused, scratching at his chin. "I didn't know the Stalva bit until we were out on the hunt a week ago. Her accent never seemed quite right, like, but I'd reckoned that was something to do with her holding onto how the accent was years ago. Vampires can be odd like that. Little girls even more so."

He spoke with a surety that belied his his lack of experience dealing with the intelligent undead.

"I'll have to keep that in mind," he decided, as Rolan got to theorizing off to the side. "It's only fair payback after the grief she gave me when I told her how Flori kept serious the whole time we fought. He'll be around too, aye, since Merilia brought you in? Can't imagine she'd only bring back part of the old group."
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