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1 mo ago
Current This link expires in two days, but if anyone is wondering what combined with writer's block has been occupying my time recently, I don't think this'll dox me: streamable.com/o13hsy
5 mos ago
"What is life if not a chance to make more regrets?" - YourMoonstone
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6 mos ago
"It's not my fault that god didn't make you guys in his image." - IBeatPandas (Twitch Streamer)
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6 mos ago
Finally back on my own computer.
2 yrs ago
Honestly, a Trauma Center x Toyko Ghoul (with or without Code Lyoko in it) sounds like a phenomenal concept.
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"And how smart you are only determined which way you fall." - a dream I had once
"Court should be adjourned because the jury are fools, and the judge can't decipher his left from his right or his right from his wrong." - Streetlight Manifesto (The Hands That Thieve)
"Time whether wasted or well spent is still time." - Rise Against (Zero Visibility)
"Your honor, I think there's a discrepancy. Apparently, the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but the First Amendment only guarantees freedom of speech on condition that you do not speak." - RC

Most Recent Posts

A Flower in Bloom

Well, this blows. Shion thought to herself as she sat in detention, sitting in the furthest back seat right in the middle row. Unfortunately, there was nobody sitting in front of her to hide her, but on the other hand the teacher didn't seem to care very much. Her favorite headphones, or rather her favorite ones that she was willing to take outside her home, and her MP3 had been confiscated earlier in the day. To make matters worse, she had been ordered to go to detention at the time as well. Clearly this school wasn't as lenient towards its students as her previous was. Still, with Mr. Fujo distracted, she was able to sneak in a thin-corded earbud into her left ear, hidden by her hair, and listened to her phone's music as she sat there doodling a cartoon fox rather than doing the work she should probably be doing. She had looked around upon entering the classroom to see the two girls who had been fighting in front of the test scores earlier that day. Honestly, who cares about that kind of stuff? she thought. She'd been systematically answering on her tests to try to get the most average score possible. According to the results, she was one place off from the exact middle of the rankings, something that angered her enough to make her put on her headphones to calm down. If it weren't for that, she might not have been caught and put in detention in the first place.

Suddenly, the clock on Mr. Fujo's desk began to malfunction and a loud series of static bursts came from Shion's earbuds, temporarily deafening her ear and causing her to quickly pull the earbud out. "Shit!" she exclaimed before quickly covering her mouth as she realized that she'd just spoken aloud. Luckily, at least in her opinion, Mr. Fujo fell forward and smacked the desk he was sitting at head-first. Less fortunate was the earthquake that knocked her things off of her desk and nearly made her fall out of her own chair. After she regained her balance and composure she looked around the room. "Man, an earthquake? We should... Uh... Is it just me or is the sky... missing?" She glanced around again to see if Mr. Fujo was awake before getting up and walking over to a window. "Yep. There's some sort of white void going on out there..." Shion paused for a moment before grinning and running up to the teacher's desk, rummaging around in the drawers and humming to herself. "Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm hmm, hmm hm-hmm hm-hmm hmm... Aha!" she exclaimed as she pulled out her stolen MP3 and headphones. As she lifted her head in doing so, she noticed the back of the classroom for the first time.

She stood there staring for a moment as a deadpan expression crossed her face. This was quickly replaced with a grin. Today was turning out to be quite the day.

Then that idiot with the curls ran into the... portal? She ran into the portal at the back of the classroom. Sure, Shion was planning the same thing, but to do so in such a reckless way was too stupid even for... Did that bitch just taunt her? With a huff, Shion grabbed a pair of scissors from the teacher's desk and went towards the back of the classroom. She was passed by the girl with braided hair as she went through the rift as well, leaving Shion standing there in awe at the two girls' stupiditybravery. She turned back to the rest of the classroom. "Well, I'd say it's been fun, but it hasn't really. 'Those with weak stomachs should not proceed,' and all that. Here's hoping we'll meet again." And with that, she walked through the portal as well.

Falling Leaves

Re-chan found herself plummeting into a white abyss as she awoke from her nap. She looked around desperately, but the sides of the fissure were too far away to latch onto. She turned as she fell to fall belly-first and saw binary and light passing her by. Soon a room of some sort became visible beneath her, and as she landed within it she rolled quickly to her feet before looking around. She seemed to be in some sort of library. Curious. She found herself drawn to the books around her, attempting to read the titles to no avail. It appeared they weren't written in the language of the Digital World. Just then she heard something behind her.

"Ohohoho, of course, nothing dangerous here..." came from the human that had just appeared. Re-chan raised an eyebrow, or at least as much as a Renamon could. Firstly, a human? It seemed she wasn't in the Digital World any longer if there was a human here. Second, 'nothing dangerous?' Re-chan was almost insulted. And thirdly... it seemed that the human and one of the other digimon knew each other? Intriguing. And it only got more interesting when another human appeared. Yet another of the digimon seemed to know this human as well. At this rate, it seemed unlikely that this was coincidence. Still, she kept her guard up. Quickly after the second human appeared, so did a third.

"The library? What a dumb portal. Couldn't send us somewhere cooler?" This human looked around and quickly found itself drawn to the books rather than the digimon in the room. Not a great survival strategy for a human, though she supposed she did the same thing so there wasn't a lot of room to judge. Re-chan looked around. Was no-one going to claim this human like the previous two? Curious. Re-chan continued watching the portal. If the pattern continued, and humans continued to appear and be recognized by the digimon in the room, then perhaps... perhaps that young girl would appear for Re-chan as well? She stood vigilant for such a meeting. She would make her amends.

That blow to the head knocked Fujo out cold, right? Or is he still conscious?

Edit: Went with that so I don't get left behind by the others, heh.
I don't mind either way, either. Whatever works best for you, Charak.
Yeah, but to be fair, Kii and Yaa are specifically for Impmon, (Like how Koro goes with Agu, or Tsuno goes with Gabu, for example) whereas BlackAgumon has multiple viable Fresh forms. Up to Psy and Charak obviously, though.

@Raineh Daze
Ah. That makes sense to me. Sorry for asking if it happened to bother you.
Heh, I'm glad you found it funny.

Well, it would either be Renamon turning into a cat or Kyubimon turning into a cat, so I went with BlackGatomon to foreshadow her Mega.

@Raineh Daze
I hate to be "that guy," especially when you were already accepted, but I'm personally curious if you plan to warp digivolve past Ultimate into Mega, or if you're refitting Beelstarmon to be an Ultimate, since she's normally a Mega...
Again, not trying to start anything, just wondering. I'm sort of wary of asking since last time I did it caused some trouble with a GM of another digimon RP.
So here's my attempt. I can obviously change anything that needs changed. Originally I was gonna gun for Lunamon but... if I can get away with this VPet-viable evolution line then I'll go with this. Almost went for Meickrackmon as the Perfect but figured it would be turned down.

Should I post my CS here or in the OOC first?
Is this still accepting?
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