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2 mos ago
Current This link expires in two days, but if anyone is wondering what combined with writer's block has been occupying my time recently, I don't think this'll dox me: streamable.com/o13hsy
6 mos ago
"What is life if not a chance to make more regrets?" - YourMoonstone
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7 mos ago
"It's not my fault that god didn't make you guys in his image." - IBeatPandas (Twitch Streamer)
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7 mos ago
Finally back on my own computer.
2 yrs ago
Honestly, a Trauma Center x Toyko Ghoul (with or without Code Lyoko in it) sounds like a phenomenal concept.
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"And how smart you are only determined which way you fall." - a dream I had once
"Court should be adjourned because the jury are fools, and the judge can't decipher his left from his right or his right from his wrong." - Streetlight Manifesto (The Hands That Thieve)
"Time whether wasted or well spent is still time." - Rise Against (Zero Visibility)
"Your honor, I think there's a discrepancy. Apparently, the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but the First Amendment only guarantees freedom of speech on condition that you do not speak." - RC

Most Recent Posts

Scarlet Leone

"I feel like I've been here before."

Scarlet's week had been pretty sub-par, honestly. To start off, on Monday she had been late for school and ended up deciding to skip her first class entirely because of it, spending the time sneaking around the school to figure out where things were, making a mental map of all the water fountains and general areas. Other than that, it was a normal day for a seemingly normal student, albeit one who never talked to anyone and sat in an obscure hallway to eat her lunch.

Wednesday she forgot her lunch and had to actually eat the garbage the school called a lunch. Not horrifying, but not very good either. She ate the little she already knew she'd like from what she was given and threw the rest away, spending the rest of the time exploring the school some more instead of sitting alone in the cafeteria.

And now on Friday it seemed that someone had reached into her mind and brought out her worst fears. She stood in shock in the cafeteria as an arthropod-like creature crawled along the window. After the wall broke and the crowd began swarming around, she found herself stuck between the creatures and the horde of teenagers behind her. Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath, calming herself as much as she could. She opened them to see the lunch lady get impaled by one of the monsters. Not the worst thing she'd ever seen, but it was still a different beast to see it happen in person rather than on a video, and she nearly passed out despite her best efforts.

As she faded in and out of consciousness, the world around Scarlet seemed to drip into nothingness around her to be replaced with a small padded room, about 15 cubic feet in size. The smell of blood permeated the area and as she looked around, she found that the ceiling was made of glass, showing stars above it. There was a small knife on the ground in front of her.

Mortal. I have a offer for you. A cold, almost metallic voice echoed through Scarlet's mind.

"Mortal? Great, so not only do monsters exist, but immortals too? What is this, a manga? Where am I, anyway?"

You are in your mind, though an area that is in my control.

"And... who are you?"

I am known as Kokou.

"And your offer is...?"

Form a pact with me, and I will grant you my power so that you may survive.

"A pact?"

In return for my power, you will give me your spiritual energy.

"I have that?"


"Interesting. So you'd be able to slaughter those damn bugs?"

With my power, it should be a simple matter for you.

"Heh. Alright, where do I sign?"

Simply swallow the knife before you and our contract will be complete.

"... That's weird. You're weird."

I grow tired of using your human language. Hurry and form the contract, or don't and die to those creatures.

"Tch. Alright. Guess maybe dying is better than definitely dying."

With that, she reached down to grab the knife, about six inches long in total, lifted her head straight up and dropped the blade into her mouth. As it cut its way through her tongue and mouth, the pain and blood choked her, forcing her awake as the room faded around her like fog. As the pain faded the world returned to the cafeteria she was in.

"Shit that hurt." She glared across at one of the creatures that had the lunch lady impaled on its tail. "Okay, how do we do this?"

Instead of a response, Kokou forced her instincts to cry out, allowing her to know how to channel it. She followed them and red markings formed over her body and a scythe formed in her hand. "Whoa! That's awesome!" Scarlet said as she spun the scythe around between her hands. She jumped from foot to foot and noticed that she was moving faster than she intended to. After a few seconds of mental adjustment, she charged the nearest monster, the one that killed the lunch lady. With its tail occupied, it was forced to shoot its tongue at Scarlet, who was able to use her increased speed to knock it out of the way with the side of her scythe. Unfortunately, when she got to the creature she was unable to slow down correctly, her reaction time being off-sync with her speed, and she jumped well over the creature, smashing into a wall behind it.

"Owww..." she said as she stood up and turned around in time to see the creature about to fire its tongue at her again.

Watch out. Use your shield.


Once again, Kokou showed Scarlet how to use its power through her instincts, forming a red dome of small hexagons in front of her that blocked the creature's second attempt to impale her with its tongue. "Whoa, shit! That was close!" Scarlet said when the shield faded after about a second. This time she wasn't going to make the same mistake. She rushed the creature at a slower speed, this time pausing before she got to where she wanted to get to in order to actually stop there, and then jumped onto the creature's back.

"Heh, this is awesome!" she said as she lowered her scythe under the creature and pulled it upwards, slicing its head off. Scarlet looked around the room. There seemed to be four other monsters in the area as well, but many of the students had dispersed, leaving her an exit. As much as she wanted to kill the bug things, she knew better than to risk taking on all four at once. She allowed herself to relax, the red markings on her body disappearing before she slowly backed out of the cafeteria, looking behind her every few steps to make sure not to run into another monstrosity.

<Snipped quote by The World>

Ah I see. So at the most basic of levels Code is within the "empty" spaces in Existence whereas the Outside has none? Just want to be sure I understand this correctly.

Actually no apparently? Sorry, I was misunderstanding what "Outside" was and ended up describing something slightly different.
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

I must ask though how specifically empty space would repel something. Or is this just one of those things where it's Outside things and don't look too deep into it?

It's not "empty space" for one, it's absolute emptiness. Normal "absolute emptiness" is still a state of Code, this has no Code whatsoever.
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

Hmm I see. Well the info gather aspect would really happen regardless with such an idea, in the off chance it does get wiped out. As for the barred part, maybe this Outsider did something to an existence or something to offend the others and was banned from interacting with realities for a certain while, during which time they just decided to live in a sort of self imposed exile as a means of atonement, only watching and eventually recording out of boredom. Of course by that point they could theoretically enter a reality, but choose not to at least personally anyway.

Either way, it's just a thought I had.

That couldn't really work because there's no "control group" for a Scale. Each Plane either does or doesn't have one, but the Planes themselves don't have anything that would be able to bar something from entering them, other than the insane difficulty of entering one other than your native Plane. Even the control group of a Plane couldn't kick you out of it, really.
how do I make a character sheet?

Oh thank gods that worked. Okay, so. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the site as a whole before working on a sheet. I suggest going to the home page and the introduction section, just introduce yourself as an RPer to everyone, but Legend (Several of the accounts on this RP) can help guide you through everything.

<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Fair enough. It resides outside existence as its own plane, then?

I mean... It would be more like a buffer between Existence and Outside, wouldn't it?
<Snipped quote by The World>

Musta been quite the trip. But if he did it by deletion then it must be true that there is more than one way to do it, since deleting became impossible post-Triggers.

I mean... I don't know that there is. Again, the only people who might know are Blake and maybe Techi. Nobody else is really Outside often enough to have maybe figured anything out.
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