Avatar of TruthHurts22


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6 mos ago
Current If you think you can't handle the truth, how do you think I feel?
12 mos ago
Watch Across the Spider-Verse. You did? Do it again. You already did? AGAIN.
3 yrs ago
If ya can't handle the heat, don't go burning your bridges.


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Understood. 8 sounds like a good max to me.
Yeah, alright! My intent was that he could theoretically make a small, personal army of the things, but in doing so would a) turns super weak, fragile, smaller from the excess resources and b) essentially go feral, single-minded in his pursuit(s). Dunno how viable that is, though.
My take on it was that its more him holding onto what little he jas left, them being the only pure EVO left around. Could be for his use, but it can go eother way. (Actually not a good idea to down a lot of the pure stuff, for obvious reasons).

More Children = less of a grasp on his awareness makes sense to me. That's sorta what I meant by concentration on his goals. You're right about him not being great one-on-one, though he could still use his fused-up hand as some sorta club I think. What would be a good limit on Children, do you think?

I hope Orson works out. I'm a bit worried about introducing an aspect into the setting, and I'm not sure how much that's encouraged here... especially months after the RP started.
Ooh. Is there a sorta limit on how, like, big we make our villains? Metaphorically, I mean, their notoriety or the scale of their deeds before joining this League of Villains?
I've been on a bit of an MHA kick lately, so I'm wondering if you guys have any spots open? :o
Yeah, I told @Zelosse to change it. Might've just forgot.
@AlternateMan Han's good.
@BCTheEntity @Zelosse @Animal @Claw2k11 All accepted, feel free to move them into the character's tab.

@Majoras End I don't really know how to help you. It's not my character, I have no clue what direction you want to take them. :v
Cutting off sign-ups here, feel like we got too many potential players that went over my head. If some of them don't reply (@Kautalya and @Karisma specifically) their spots will be open.
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