Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
10 mos ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
11 mos ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!
11 mos ago
Worse: partner into a mahjong gacha game
11 mos ago
Being bullied into learning how to play mahjong
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21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Aaaand evacuated! When Bel gets more confidence she will stick around for more fights, but she's a rookie so evacuation it is!
Evening | Stables -> Castle | Garleton, Lothian Empire

Belisendé watched as the other rider quickly dispatched the would-be opportunist of a bandit, taking in the arc of his sword as it connected with the other man, blood flying before the bandit fell. The way the young man had quickly thought up a distraction plan just a few moments ago, and the way he handled his blade and deftly maneuvered his horse was expert and inspiring. Bel breathed, trying to calm herself down, and now that she got a much better look at the man she could tell her must have been a trained knight. It was lucky that he had found her. If the bandit archer had noticed her and attacked... if the axeman had used her single-minded focus on the assailant to sneak up behind her instead... The train of thought brought gruesome images to her mind, and she shook her head as if to clear it of such things.

"Thank you," she said to the rider, "I... Just, thank you." As far as thanks went, it was pretty lame, but the state of her mind let alone the state of the surrounding city had affected her. Everything had happened to suddenly - and she'd just killed a person, hadn't she? It may have been the first time she'd watched someone die, let alone ended their life herself. I... think I might be sick... she though, and hunched over slightly on her horse. Sunbeam backed away from the other horse and the corpse, sensing his rider's distress and eager to leave the area. He was an animal of wild nature, but when Bel was on his back he wouldn't run recklessly.

"The soldiers have called to evacuate to the castle. I will head there," Bel said aloud, though only half-directed at the knight. Having a plan of action helped to calm her down a little and ease some of her nausea. Plans were good. "Please stay safe," she told the other man, figuring he was out to help direct any stragglers like herself. With a quick, sharp nod, Sunbeam snorted and took off in the direction of the castle.

The young noble held tightly to her horse's reins, though she let him direct them both toward the castle. Belisendé was not a bad rider, or she liked to think at least, but she was not in the state of mind to lead at the moment. She let Sunbeam dodge or jump rubble and fallen market stalls as they passed them as they steadily made their way to safety. Bel kept her gaze focused ahead to watch for anymore enemies, and she dearly wished she wouldn't meet any. The recent altercation was enough. Don't think about it... for now... she thought to herself, and instead she thought to the knight she'd met. As the horse and rider arrived at the castle, she suddenly realized - I didn't even ask his name! Nor offer him mine! How incredibly rude of her, she thought. After everyone was safe, she would seek him out and give him a proper thank you, and the least she could do was learn his name.

Status: Alive & Evacuating
Class: Squire
EXP: 5

  • Iron Bow (3/3)
  • Vulnerary (3/3)

Updated my CS to include an image!
No worries here! You'll find I'm pretty patient
Seeing some other sheets, it seems using a canon Breath but with altered forms is acceptable? So I hope the Breath of Love is okay, even if in canon it's pretty specific to one character. I have a back-up plan if it's not. I'd also like to throw my hat in for a Pillar spot if accepted. Let me know if anything needs changing! A FC/picture will come soon, I was more concerned with getting the actual content approved

I'm fairly interested! In the interest check you mentioned characters of varied backgrounds/upbringings, and I have a pretty weird idea I'd like to get your opinion on @Haruharara if you don't mind a PM?

Master: Mercedes

Workshop, City Outskirts, Tokyo | Night One

Mercedes smiled back at Archer, and kept seated for a few moments. Though the grail supported it's Masters in their summoning, she was still not used to supplying a familiar so powerful with mana, let alone the hounds he had summoned. 'It's not that bad, might take a little getting used to. It's good to get this out of the way,' she thought. A night of the twenty dogs roaming around would get her used to the mana drain. Familiarcraft was not her forte, as she had reminded herself multiple times throughout the night.

"Alright, while the puppies are out to play..." she began, standing with a small flourish after she felt she had rested enough. She walked over to the board holding the map and the potential master suspects. She took the latter down from the wall, swiftly skimming over her notes again. "Finding out the enemy servant's identities are important, but if I can suss out their masters' identities too, it will give us an advantage - however small." Mercedes scrutinized the sheets, already mentally crossing some people off the list. She glanced up at Archer briefly whilst doing so. "If I can figure some of them out, and we use your hounds to catch a trail, we can corner them.

"Oh - but, don't worry, I have full faith in your strength too, Archer. If we get intercepted by a servant, I'm gonna leave that to you."
She grinned as she continued. The enforcer turned to the map then and considered it. "I was thinking we should keep a few other safe houses in the city. We can use them for anything we need... hmm, maybe here," she brushed her fingers over a neighborhood closer to Tokyo's center. Another base to return to, even just one more, opened up many opportunities. It could be stocked with supplies of any variety, serve as a quick area to escape to should things turn south for her, or even make for a dummy workshop to lure in other participants. She'd get to work on securing them as soon as possible, so that the next night after the hounds brought back any information they could, she and Archer could launch a strategic attack. If she had learned anything during her years as an enforcer, it was that magi were just as routine as they were unpredictable. The sentiment may seem oxymoronic, but in her experience, it was true.

"I have some ideas, but I'd appreciate your input, Archer. You and I are strangers to this city, but if you see an area you might like as a bowman's perch just say the..." She blinked, realizing what she was about to say. She didn't worry about offending the man (she very much doubted any spirit would be at something as small as that), only brought the issue of their communication back to the fore front of her mind. She walked back over to the table, placing her notes down and picking the journal and pen up. She turned and held them out to her partner.

"You can use this - or anything else I've got in here - to communicate anything more complex than 'yes or no,'" she explained, "Sometimes I can... feel something, through our bond, but in the mean time I'll be working on understanding you better. And... there's something important I need to know."

She fixed Archer with an easy-going smile, and to anyone else that's all it would appear to be. It was an expression she wore to put others at ease. However, like Mercedes was able to feel something from Archer, if Archer were able to feel anything from Mercedes he may sense the serious nature her aura seemed to take. Whatever his answer may be, they would work with it, but it was something that bothered Mercedes in the back of her mind.

"It's my understanding that a noble phantasm's true strength comes from calling out it's true name. Can you use your noble phantasm to it's full ability like this, Archer?"

Evening | Stables | Garleton, Lothian Empire

A sudden shout from the right startled the young woman. Thankfully she'd already loosed her arrow, it's aim would be unaffected by her sudden start. Bel snapped her head toward the sound of the voice, finding it's owner to be a young man astride a beautiful black mare. She watched as the horse and rider paced forward before yet another sound reached her ears. A thud of something heavy falling to the ground. Slowly, Bel turned back to the where the woman had been just a few moments before, and where the bandit now lay on the ground with an arrow stuck in his neck. The few moments she'd taken her eyes off the enemy - something that might prove a grave mistake on a true battlefield - had resulted in a man's death. He... he's dead? That woman is safe? That rider...

She turned back towards the young man, intending to - do what? Thank him, question him? Tell him to escape? She didn't get the chance as she spotted a sinister silhouette sneak into view behind the fellow squire.

"Ah - behind you!" She meant to call out, but her voiced was drowned by a large gray and dappled horse exploding onto the scene. Sunbeam had crashed his way into the area, braying loudly and angrily, and when he stopped just in front of Bel she could have cried from relief. He was safe! "Sunbeam!"

She mounted the horse faster than she'd ever done in her life, and Sunbeam practically sailed over to the other pair, standing tall beside the black mare. Even with his tail adorned with a cute pink ribbon, the stallion cut an imposing figure, snorting brutishly and glaring at the bandit before him. Belisendé silently glanced at the other rider, looking for the more confident of the two of them to take the lead. She hoped the sight of two armed people on horseback would be enough to get the bandit to back down so that they could escape to the castle.

Status: Alive & Not so well
Class: Squire
EXP: 5
  • Iron Bow (3/3)
  • Vulnerary (3/3)

With: Kyran @CriticalHit
@Sho Minazuki no problem! Would it help in the future to tag you?
I was waiting for the conclusion of the high stakes Stables arc with Kyran before I made a post! The arrow is already en route, I don't think I can do much else without your decision of the battle outcome, Sho?
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