Avatar of Zarkun


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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes you spend so long looking for peace in someone else, you loose sight of that peace you can give yourself. Don't forget that guys.
3 yrs ago
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." -Master Oogway
5 yrs ago
So many writing ideas, so little time to write. Being an adult sucks...
6 yrs ago
It's the most fattening time of the year!
7 yrs ago
There is a madness to my method. Or is there a method to my madness?
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It spit me out lol I beat it and got insta bored with it

I'm getting my butt handed to me regularly. Especially by the B52...
Sorry for the lack of posts guys. Monster Hunter World has sucked me in.
Damian Gerard|Solving the Disappearances

Damian let Penny and Mayt leave, keeping anything else he had to say to himself. Penny’s reaction to what he said...it wasn’t his intention to upset her, but he also couldn’t abide by the notion that fear was ever a valid reason for anything. He stepped out shortly after they did and headed out to see the guilds off, the light of the sun shining over the group as they headed out of Magnolia. Godspeed to all of you and the best of luck. Once the last of the group had vanished from sight, Damian headed to his house, collecting Andor from the guild hall before doing so, and gathering some provisions for the trip. Oshibana Town’s mayor had contacted the guild shortly before, looking for one of it’s S-Class.

With a slight grimace, Damian had taken the call and apologized, promising to be there as soon as possible. As he stepped onto the train to Oshibana nearly an hour after he’d started getting ready, he pulled out the cell phone he’d bought and dialed the number he’d been given. It was picked up before the second ring had even finished. “Hello? Is this Phoenix Wing’s Damian Gerard?” Of course he’d know to ask that right away.

”That it is, Mister Mayor. I’ve just boarded the train and will be there by late afternoon. How many more since we last spoke?” That had, of course, been a couple of hours ago, but apparently the perpetrator had grown bolder.

“That’s the thing, Mister Gerard. Many of the girls and women have returned. The mages here say they’re almost completely drained of whatever natural magic they’ve stored, but they’re fine otherwise. We have them resting right now. Still, many did not yet return with the group…” Damian clicked his tongue in thoughtfulness. So then these women weren’t being held for ransom or some other reason similar to it, which only added a layer of confusion as to what he was doing to these women he was taking.

”I’ll speak with those who returned when I arrive, Mister Mayor. In the meantime, let them rest and get their magic returning.” There were a few more pleasantries exchanged before the Blade of Phoenix Wing hung the fancy, lacrima powered contraption up and relaxed. He really hoped that this wasn’t going to be as complicated a job as he thought it was, but the low magic with each girl…Something about this is...wrong. I’m not sure what it is, but… As the train left the station, it’s loud call echoing through the open air, Damian sat back and waited. He could theorize and guess all he wanted, but without getting to see what precisely it was that was happening, it would do him no amount of good.

Level: 2
Day/Time: Day Three-Early Morning
Location: Skyrim-Stormcloak Camp
Interacting: Ruben@Mattchstick, Azura@Lugubrious, Mr. President@Holy Soldier, Captain Piper@DracoLunaris
Mention: Ulfric and the Stormcloaks@Holy Soldier
Word Count: 515

And so the plan was laid out, while Vent remained silent. Shock and awe was more of his preferred method of striking large groups of enemies, especially since it would seem these guys were pretty crappy with their aim, but he also was familiar with only hitting enemies in buildings in large groups. He himself was no stranger to fighting in more open spaces, nor were the Guardians, but engagements for the latter were more drawn out in more open spaces. As he set to finding a spot to rest after the plan was finalized and the Boss spoke with whoever it was he was talking to that the rest of them couldn't hear, as it was a better alternative to think of their leader than labeling him as insane, which the young man wasn't above, a small portal opened up and out came Model P. Grinning, Vent exchanged a brief set of words with it before storing it and settling into his corner of the tent, watching the others.

Azura, who had offered to use something of a magic trick herself, was already snuggly tucked away in her own corner and the Mega Man sighed as Model X floated up, the blue topped biometal observing the others as well. "You know, in their own way, this group is much like Guardian. Every bit as dysfunctional, but united in their purpose." Vent grunted, waving a hand vaguely at the Boss as he adjusted in order to better get comfortable on the ground that they would be sleeping on before the assault on the city the next day..

"You seem to forget that the Guardians also like Prairie and I. None of us who bother to think outside of a tiny little box care for that man. He's yet to give an order that makes any kind of sense, nevermind provide a plan that makes sense." Model X turned to look at his Chosen One.

"And the one he just laid out? Seemed pretty reasonable to me." The Mega Man shook his head.

"Far too sudden a bout in competence, even you can see that. His plan is good and decently well thought out, but based on what we saw when Ulfric's men approached, he's getting some kind of help. What do Model Z and Model P think?" Model X remained silent and the young man nodded. "Exactly. Regardless of his tactical sense, the man's an insufferable ass who needs some one or something to smack him around a bit, maybe knock him down a few pegs." The conversation was quiet, as to avoid disturbing anyone who was resting, so it was unlikely anyone else overheard the pair.

It flowed as such for a few more minutes before Model X relented and simply floated back to his place in the pouch on Vent's waist. The young man, conversely, scrounged around before he found some cheddar cheese, bread, and ale. Returning to his spot, he ate in silence, watching the door of the tent they were in until he was done and then closing his eyes, listening.
James Varrock

Level: 5
Day/Time: Day Three-Early Morning
Location: Platform City-Save Point Inn
Interacting: Guile and Rosalina@Holy Soldier, Fox@Etherean Fire, Sparx@Holy Soldier, Shantae@Guardian Angel Haruki, Bently@ONL, Cuphead@Majoras End, Taric@DracoLunaris

James slid to a stop on a roof as Rosalina answered his call, the glowing yellow dragonfly just barely perceptible to the Hunter's vision as he gazed up at the ship, his cloak billowing in the wind. Nothing's working... James couldn't help the soldier, he could say that with a clear conscious. Guardians were never healers, always warriors, standing between the remains of Humanity and the forces of the Darkness, the Hive, Vex, Fallen, Cabal and Taken. Their Ghosts healed and resurrected a Guardian who fell or got hurt in combat. And there hadn't been any new Ghosts since the Traveler's fall during the Collapse...All this passed through his mind as he listened to what Charger heard, who was content to simply listen for the time being.

"Charger, get them to the Castle, I'll be right behind you. And please, as you normally do, cop with no argument." Whipping out his Still Piercer, the Nightstalker took aim at the giant air ship and began to appraise potential targets as he zoomed in on various areas he could see. Even at close range, the rifle wouldn't do anything to the armored giant, but if he could find someone who looked important enough..."Damn it..." Finding nothing and no one, he slung the rifle back over his shoulder and headed for the castle at a dead sprint, leaping over buildings and using his double jump to help clear the extra wide gaps. Guile was their military specialist, and had seemed tougher than a Cabal Colossus. He had to try and find a way to help him."Rosalina, I'm enroute to the Castle now. Don't waste time trying to seal the wound, for now just staunch the bleeding, cauterize it if you have to. I don't know if this will work, but my Ghost and I can try something when we get there."

Meanwhile, Charger floated level with the group as they all arrived at roughly the same area, his eye seeming to look somber yet serious as he looked them all over. "Now that we know the cloaked guy is a good guy, we're going to Tetris Castle. NOW. All your planning means naught without a means of transport, which the Castle has. So, if you done arguing with me and celebrating with each other for reunions, a pleasure by the way, Hunter, we should go before anything else crazy happens."

𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕭𝖔𝖔'𝖘 𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖊

Day/Time: Day Three-Morning
Location: Boo's Castle
Tagging: Six@Majoras End, The Heavy@ONL, Akira@Tenma Tendo, Slayer@Lugubrious

As the group made steady progress through the giant room, the Boos continued trying to get at the Heroes as they turned their backs to them, only to be stopped by one of the group, usually the large bear of a Russian, turning to stare them down. For those Boos that got too close, they were dealt with accordingly by the resident Vampire's purple flames, dispersing them as they gasped in surprise. As the other side of the platform lined abyss grew closer, something about the air...it seemed to change.

Another set of eyes soon appeared as they stood on the last platform, a pair of yellow ones, that vanished back through the doorway behind them as the group leaped across. Laughter, darker than even that of the white Boos behind them, who had suddenly lost interest in following them, echoed out from the room in front of them, before a wall of purple Boos, the wall consisting of about six of them, appeared. One floated forwards, appraising the Heroes. "Of course our cousins couldn't get you, they're far too cowardly. Can't even face you head on, gotta try and jump you from behind." It moved it's body like it was shaking it's head before looking at the group again, a wicked grin on it's face. "But us, well, we Dark Boos don't mind getting down and dirty. And you gotta get past us to get to our king. Best of luck, chumps!"

As one, as soon as the foremost one finished speaking, a wall of purple fire rushed towards the heroes before the boos attacked, moving much faster than the white ones who watched the spectacle from afar.


GM Note: From now on, all players will be required to keep track of their word count. XP will be awarded every GM post. Be sure to check the XP hider to see how much XP your character earned. Remember to keep your CSes updated. I have seen players slack in keeping their XP up-to-date and they have lost XP points because of it. I didn't take the XP away from them, they just didn't keep track of the XP on their own. It is YOUR responsibility if you want your character to level.


If a player is inactive for more than 3 days without letting the GMs know of any delays, then the player can be skipped over on the 4th day. If a player does not wish to post, they can Mention the GM and let the GM know he or she "Passes" on his or her turn.

P.O.: Slayer, Akira, Heavy, and Six.

@Balthazar007 So...do I just post the Pokemon I was going to have Forest run into over the course of my next few posts and you can do rolls to determine success? Or can we continue just writing as we were?

Gah!!!!!! I am not listening lalalalalalalalalalalalala

You're only encouraging him.
𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 '𝑱𝒆𝒅𝒊' 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕

May 17th, 2020, Egypt

Of all the miserably hot places to put an HQ, of COURSE they had to pick the hottest and the most miserable. Four years in the Idaho National Guard, two tours of duty in Afghanistan and he would rather be there at this moment in time than any where near Egypt. The only upside to the trip was that a quick check of his Pokedex had revealed that Torchic AND Eevee were floating around the area and so he had set out shortly after their learning experience in the HQ.

Qui-Gon walked besides him, snacking on a piece of scrap metal Forest had bought him shortly after their excursion started. He chirped happily as he walked as well before stopping. He had thought he'd seen...there it was again! It was a flash of orange and yellow feathers down an alleyway they were passing. Tuggins the former Guardsman's pants, and then leading him down it, sure enough, a Torchic was just playing away jumping around and singing to itself. Leaning down closely to his Togedemaru, Forest speaks softly.

"Alright, Qui-Gon, we're gonna lead with Rollout and then hit it with a Thunder Shock." Nodding, the Steel and Electric type Pokemon wasted no time launching the attack as ordered by his trainer.

(Torchic, Female, Level 13, attempting to capture)

𝓙𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 '𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻' 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓻

May 17th, 2020, Egypt

Jason had abandoned all pretense of bothering with the Earth Trainers within a day of reaching Egypt. He'd overheard a pair of shop owners talking about an abnormally large bird with a rainbow trail behind it earlier that morning and since been out listening to conversations and asking around. Eventually, he had enough confirmed sightings that he went to the Professor stationed in the HQ. He had spent much of life chasing Latios of course, but he'd heard the other legends and was familiar with them enough to know who they had seen. Au nom d'Arceus, they're here! There are legendary Pokemon here. Half this village saw the sillouhette of Ho-oh not but a day and a half ago!" He paced anxiously. "This world isn't ready for the things they can do to it and we know it. I'm done here, if it's all the same to you. We can't let those powerful Pokemon run rampant here like they did back home."

yo, is this RP still active?

It's slow, but yes, it's active.
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