Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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Mist Mythrill – In the Jungle of Fangs Mist was lying in a tree, one of the very few tree’s that that were able to support a dragons weight and size. From this perch of hers she could see her claimed land, land that she would fend of opponents if she has to. Mist was quite a knowledgeable dragon. She could tell if a wound was going to get infected or if a wound was going to kill you, but was also sweet kind and gentle to those that give her the respect she deserves. Mist then decided to clean her nice pristine scales and feathers, before she goes for a routine fight around the Jungle of Fangs making sure that no intruders were sneaking in and was watching her prey. Mist was making sure she knew where her prey moved to as she was going to hunt later and she would need to remember the route in which they take.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amelian Draco
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The silver dragon watched in awe was Scolopendra raised the corpse. He had never see the dead raised, actually he'd hardly ever had to deal with the undead. It seemed that he was normally kept away from the east. Maybe the counsel feared that he might be even more corrupted if was on that side of the world. "Go ahead," the words brought him back to the matter at hand. Shaking his head, "Thank you for this. Making sure that Scolopendra was upwind of the resurrected corpse, Graguth circled the corpse. Breathing his corrupted purple fire around it. Making sure that he didn't set it on fire, he made a full circle. In closing the undead in a dark purple fire. The flame crackled lightly for a few moments producing no smoke until the it made a loud snapping noise. An almost clear cloud started rising from the corrupted flame. For a second it stopped, as if it was trying to plan it's next course of action. Then it inclosed the erected corpse in a grayed ball of smoke. Slowly it ate at the corpse's body. Within a few minutes it was little more then half eaten bones and bits of skin. It still seemed to be able to move, it was just fragile now. Graguth put out his flames with his claws then sat, he's eyes seemed to cloud with thoughts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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The constantly chanting main head of Scol didn't lose focus on the undead for even the fraction of a second, so it could observe in great detail what the effect of Graguths breath was. Not particularly impressed by the ability to melt away the already weakened flesh of an undead, it did wonder how the descendant of Rylarth had come to undergo a development of this kind, for the acidic nature presented in his breath was usually a trademark of corruption. Yet, he showed no signs of it, much unlike the beast before him. Also, it was delighted to see the bones of the dead bandit leader relatively unharmed. Though they would possibly give in to the corrosive gas, they could at least resist for a while. The great serpent pondered this silently, however. It gave Graguth several minutes to brood before it spoke up again, the sudden thunder of its otherworldly voice making the humans around them jump. The 'lesser' heads had wound down as well, recovered from the ritual. "WHAT. NOW." It became evident that Scolopendra wasn't quite used to this form of communication, but it also adressed multiple things at once. What would the dragon do with this knowledge? Was the result to his liking? Were there more experiments to be conducted? Many possible questions, and all the answers were of interest to the black hydra.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amelian Draco
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Muttering to himself before answering,"At least my father gave me something. Then looking towards Scolopendra, "Well as for the experiment that's all I had planned. Sorry if I wasted your time, but there is the matter of the counsel." Graguth shook his claw to get ash off as he spoke. Gathering himself before speaking, "If you ever need help in defense of your lands we would be by your side in a moments notice." He stopped for a moment trying to remember the words that the counsel had told him. " All we ask is that you would support us here in the north. As you most likely know the Frozen Wastes to the north of you are corrupted. Though we have wings up there, we would be honored if you ally yourself with us. Graguth bowed his head as he spoke those last words.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MafiaM16
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MafiaM16 The Beast Within

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The sound and vibrations of a herd of trotting mammoths echo across the grassland on the other side of the Bargors Forest to the northeast. This particular herd of mammoths were well known to the people of Tardy, a city that situated itself just on the border of the Bargors. The herd was also well known to yet another party, a hungry one at that. Within the walled city the towns people could see a vast spreading of fire out on the plains and dark smoke soared high into the sky. Strange was this for some, but for others this was a sign of dread...

The mammals continued their rushed trek across the open plain, trying desperately to reach the safety of the woods. Something was chasing them across the vast field, something large and powerful. As the fires on the plains continued to spread and the smoke became thicker and darker, a large shadow flew over the herd. The sound of the shadow's wings was like that of a hurricane and the grasses down below swayed violently as the gust of wind ripped through their roots. The mammoths hurried their pace, trumpeting and screaming in fear. It seems whatever was chasing them was searching for the perfect target, the perfect victim.

Back in the city of Tardy the fires and smoke continued to be seen and many citizens raced to the top of the wall so that they could get a better look at what was going on the plains. Still, only flame and shadows of the heavy smoke could only be seen. Just then, a young boy pointed his finger above the cloud of smoke and yelled out at the top of his small lungs, "Dragon! I saw a Dragon!"

The towns people gasped aloud, trying to see if they too could spot the beast. Suddenly, an utterly gigantic shadow soared high above Tardy, cloaking the entire city in darkness for a split second before letting out a thunderous roar! The people yelled in fear and for a moment they too felt like prey, like the herd of mammoths out on the plains. Thankfully for Tardy, this dragon was not after human flesh nor would humans even fill the great beast. Grand commotion filled the streets and everyone was rushing back into their homes, but one man stood motionless, watching the black wyvern as it disappeared into the smoke on the plains. The old man mumbled to himself these words, "...Once the sound of hurricanes and the spewing of black fire approaches... for Dread shall not be far behind..."

The dragon had once again returned to the hunt, now ready to attack his prey and to finish the game. The massive beast made a deep dive and landed onto the grassy plains just in front of the herd. The drake roared loudly and took in a deep breath of air before puffing up his chest before letting a hot stream of dragon fire directly in the direction of the approaching mammoths. These actions were done is such quick recession that the large mammals had no time to prepare. They were scorched in fire and brimstone, and at least a dozen were killed from that initial attack. While at least half a dozen of them were badly injured, but managed to reach the nearby forest in time.

The giant reptilian slowly approached the cooked carcasses and began to feast upon his next meals. He enjoys the taste of mammoths and these can be considered his most prized food source. It would take nearly half an hour to eat his fill and by this time the fire and smoke on the plain had died down, and the folks of Tardy were all once again up on the wall. This time the dragon was in clear sight and the people now know who was the culprit of the fire and smoke. The draconic lord over the Scorching Plains himself... Balerion the Black Dread.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Smaug VS Beyza- Conclusion
Bezya was suddenly embraced by the fire approaching him, making him loose track of his opponent and have slight burns on his face. Then his massive horns were soon latched by Smaug's mighty talons and struggles to shake his opponent off. He violently flaps his wings, making loud ear-bursting screams and shakes his massive head from side to side. Eventually he manages to breathe fire in Smaug's face, resulting in his escape. The crimson fire drake roars in annoyance as he makes a quick swoop downwards, regaining his balance and flight. He roars loudly as he begins to make a mad dash at his opponent as he begins to retreat. Or it so seemed to be the least. With a sudden jerk of his head, Beyza stops and turns his massive head right when Smaug was just about to pounce. His right horn hit the drake's side, ramming deep into his flesh. The dragon roars in pure agony as he twists his lower body to allow his back legs to be right on top of the sun dragon, scratching furiously into Beyza's head and neck. Both were locked in a gruesome predicament as they began to plummet back down to the ground. They try their hardest to cause the most damage to each other, while at the same time trying to escape from being crushed from the impact. Only one shall stand... and one shall fall. The two dragons then crash into the ground, too late for one of them to escape. The impact kicked up a ton of dust, blocking any vision from the two dragons from within. For just a minute, all was silent. No one peeped... no one groaned... no one breathed. It seemed as if the two dragons had simply killed themselves in the impact. Yet soon heavy panting can be heard with an additional groan as the victor comes slowly limping out of the dust. The mighty Smaug, chiefest of calamities, reveals himself as he slowly limps out of the dust. His side had been deeply penetrated by Beyza's massive horn, creating a big and nasty wound. Thankfully, his armor managed to save most of the impact, allowing the horn to loose a good amount of momentum. If it wernt for his armor, the horn would've come out from the other side, killing him. Yet surprisingly, his organs were in good condition, just barely missing his stomach and intestines by a dangerous few inches. He was indeed lucky to be alive, but the pain was excruciatingly great. He falls to the ground, panting hard, as he tries to rest his wound. This battle almost took his life, yet it wasn't his first... but it will certainly not his last.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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" All we ask is that you would support us here in the north. As you most likely know the Frozen Wastes to the north of you are corrupted. Though we have wings up there, we would be honored if you ally yourself with us." This was a matter for Scol to ponder. Alliance as such always had its advantages, but on the other hand, the benefits of such a thing were selective. There was the issue of the frozen northern plains, yet neither the black serpent nor its cultists had ever suffered any damage from that direction. Allying with the counsel could unnecessarily paint a target on the hydra. Furthermore, Scolopendras interest in these lands was not quite as definite as Graguth or its followers thought. Expedient rather than a beloved home, and it was not exactly a mighty kingdom either. However, expressing open opposition to the counsel was not any better, now with their knowledge over Scols necromancy and the nature of its limited talent even more so. In fact, taking that into account Graguths words had the sour overtone of a threat. "VERY. WELL." the voice resounded after a while of all six heads staring intently at the dragon. "WHEN. THE. DAY. COMES. YOUR. SUMMONS. WILL. NOT. GO. UNANSWERED." The heads observed every aspect of Graguths reaction closely. The creature still didn't trust the intruder, and while its expression of approval was in no way dishonest, it still considered alternative approaches than helping the counsel, should the time of action come. It all depended on the current progress of its primary plan. And if all else failed, Scolopendra would simply return into its exile at the bottom of the middle sea to wait for its name to be forgotten once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amelian Draco
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"Thank you for agreeing, and I apologize for trespassing." Graguth said as he raised his head. Moving the bodies closer to Scolopendra, "I look forward to fighting beside you one day, but for now I have more counsil business to deal with." Stretching out his wings and moving away from the new ally, "farewell," he called as he took off towards the east. The Council had also given him orders to look for another multi-headed dragon close to the middle sea. They did not tell him of the dragon's location, but they said to look for an unnatural mist. It's rumored that the dragon is another necromancer. Events like these are making many question the views of the Council, but Graguth cared little for such words. Everyone good of heart, no matter level of corruption, should be given a chance. A gust hit Graguth's face as he began to fly lower. In the distance seemed to be a growing glob of a coming storm. Unbothered by this he continued to look at the islands below him. One in particular had mist flowing around it. Flying closer he began to notice the outline of a dragon. Hopefully this was the one he was looking for. He thought before calling below, "hello down there, may I have permission to land?"
The meeting had begun to bore the black dragon. The current topic was a small border dispute with a few of the smaller kingdoms. With an annoyed sigh, "Split the land into equal pieces, if you have a problem with the how the land was given, then wage a war for it." Then clearing his throat, "If I may bring up a more pressing matter. he paused for a moment, allowing anyone a chance to raise their voice. "there is still the matter of the portal in the north. As you all know we, or most of us, are not like our forfathers. We are not slaves to our corruption. We still hold our own lives." There was a few nods and calls of agreement as Drumagth paused," but this portal gives the old wees a chance to take hold of us again. I for one enjoy not being controlled by a bush in another world." he paused again to see the Order's reaction. Many raised their voices in agreement. Standing now,"and way should we allow it the chance. At this time we almost stand with the eastern council. Let us use this pointless peace to our advantage, and march on the shadow lands. To destroy that pathetic weed, for I shall be no mear plants puppet. he continued to stand for a moment, emotion flowing through him after those words. The hall was filled with the roars of agreement. Though formalities still had to be done. A vote was held, and plans were made. The order would march, but not yet. For now everyone must deal with their own matters, and Drumagth had many to deal with. As he and his followers left the shrine an undead bowed before him,"My lord, Smaug and Bezya fought in the south. It would seem that Smaug has killed him." Drumagth nodded then turned to his followers, "Besimious, Kragon, return home and tell the necromancers to send out the messagers. Dirath, Gramonlon, we're about to kill two birds with one stone. he laughed as he took off towards the south. Bigray instantly following as the other two tired to keep up. The four flew to the lands controlled by the two dragons. The Order had guessed that this fight would happen, but some figured that the outcome would be different. Drumagth was happy with this outcome. This way he could have an ally and a gift to a friend. Finding the crash sight was easy enough, now lets hope things go as planned. As he landed, " I wish to congratulate you on your victory. Would you mind if my apprentice student heals?" asked motioning towards Dirath. Meanwhile at the Tomb of Horrors several undead messengers were sent out. Some to potential allies, some to those who Have debts to pay, and one to the Elder Council. To ask for their help in this war.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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With a titanic yawn Tsim awoke from his nap and began to stretch, the sound of popping bones like two boulders crashing together. With a satisfied grin Tsim gazed up at the sun and judging from its current location found that he had been asleep for at least two hours, the perfect length. Sure he could have slept for longer, much longer, but Tsim wasn't one for sloth and found himself uncomfortable just laying around unlike some dragons. After a small snack and a trip to the oasis, Tsim returned to his home and began to get back to work. Recently he had came under possession of several relics, a necklace made of luminescent jewels and mythril, a dwarven crown detailing a great and ancient battle, and finally a human sword humble in appearance but mighty in deed. Using a combination of claw and heat Tsim dug small holes into the rock to form displays, adding a rune of protection above them should anyone try to steal the relics. It was busy work, taking a sculptors skill to get the holes just right but it made for challenging fun. Soon after placing the sword in its place a low bell toll sounded throughout his home, a stranger was at the mouth. With some haste Tsim found himself surprised to see an undead upon horse in a similar condition. The runes prevented its entry and thus it stood there waiting. Tsim was never overly fond of necromancy, considering it a "dirty magic" but contrary to popular belief it wasn't evil at its core and it was just another form of magic. It never made him feel good however. With a rasp, the creature said "Lord Drumagth wishes to have an audiance with you, Librarian." lacking any form of life in its voice. Tsim took a moment to think about the words the herald spoke of. He hadn't heard from Drumagth in years, not since that dreadful corruption business. However if he wanted to talk than he most likely either wanted or needed something. Interesting. Gazing down at the undead, Tsim said "Tell your master he is welcome to drop by anytime he wishes, dreadfully sorry but I cannot leave my holding for the foreseeable future as I have some important work to do." With that the creature left, leaving something sour in the air that stuck itself to Tsim like a parasite. Trouble was on the horizon and it looked like he was going to be in the middle of the storm when it comes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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30 minutes has passed since Smaug was victorious over his solar-powered foe. He hadn't seen him come out from the dust cloud, which was only just beginning to vaguely disperse surprisingly. The fire drake groans as he tries to keep still, not wanting to cause more pain for himself. It will take a while for his wound to heal, let alone if it will make a full recovery or not. Soon enough, he begins to sense something. He looks to the sky and finds two dragons coming his way. For a moment he thought that they were allies of Beyza and that they were coming to get revenge. Yet as he takes a closer look, he can see colors that don't match the scheme on Beyza. They were not part of the council. They looked to be dragons from the Order of the Black Rose! He struggles to get up as soon as they land, but then collapses back to the ground with a painful groan. Curse the foul wound on his side! Yet he is greeted with the words of congratulation by Drumagth and the offering of healing his side. After a hiss of discomfort, he nods. "Argh... you didn't have to ask." the fire drake groans, "Please do so..."
Flying over the Jungle of Fangs, Raiden was heading towards his destination. His white and blue scales glimmer in the sunlight as he is flanked by 4 of his personal royal guard members. He is indeed part of the royal council, a young one in fact, just over 12,000 years old. Yet he is as wise as dragons can be, with superior strategy and philosophical view points. He was on his way back to his normal hunting grounds, the Forest of Runes, after doing some business at the Royal Council. Usually he heads home alone, capable to defending himself against other dragons, but yet here he is with his guards. Something must have indeed happened... He continues flying over the Jungle towards home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amelian Draco
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Nodding to his apprentice, "The Order had wondered when this fight would happen. Many thought you would loss. I rejoice that you are the one still standing" Dirath had moved beside the wounded dragon, looking over him over before starting. Bigray and Gramonlon had flown out to secure the area. As Dirath began healing, "I would like to ask you for an alliance, or if your interested, you could join the order. Ether way you receive benefits." As he finished speaking he glanced at the corpse of Bezya. The solar dragon was torn, but still intact. Perfect for what he had planned. Let's just hope he still hopes his abilities. "Also, would you mind if we did with Bezya for you. I doubt you have a need for a corpse," Dirath finished his healing and had sat beside his master.
The undead female had been watching through the eyes of the messagers that her master had ordered out. The librarian had agreed to an audience so far. At the moment one had past through Ro's lands to approach the Elders. Many others had just received the messagers, and are working over their responses. Knowing that their every move could be seen. Meanwhile Kragon had begun ordering troops around. Checking to see if the necromancers had been doing their job. They seemed able to hold rank, but hardly. Very upset about this, he ordered increased training. Unlike most of the undead in the world. These get to keep most of their free will. Allowing them a second chance as long as they remain loyal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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The crimson Fire Drakes hisses as Dirath begins healing him. It was slightly painful at first, but soon it died down as it continued. "Those fools don't know who I am..." Smaug replies to Drumagth's first statement, "They are oblivious that I was once the leader of the great Fire Drakes! A group that once terrorized chaos into Aiksore during the great war. I killed MANY powerful dragons... and killed where I wished, WHEN I WISHED." Yet his prideful boast began to cause him slightly more pain and pauses with a grunt. Then Drumagth asks him for him to either join the Order... or to form an alliance with him. The Fire Drake growls as he tries to figure out the best situation. "I work for NO ONE." Smaug hisses loudly as more pain ripples through his body, "Ever since my army had been defeated, we were forced to head into hiding. I hate to hide from my enemies, especially those I can crush easssssssily, but yet I had no choice. I now live a life alone, hiding in a cave, hunting for food and basking in wealth...!" Smaug pauses for a few seconds as he thinks again. He then gives a small toothy grin as he looks back at the leader of the Order. "But I have always wanted revenge..." he continues in a much more calmed voice, "However, I am obvious to where my fellow lieutenants have hid. . . . though I may know where ONE is." He makes another sort pause as the healing finishes, with his side wound perfectly healed. It almost looked as if it never happened. "I will accept an alliance with you, maybe even join you IF I feel that the time is right." Then Drumagth addresses the corpse of Beyza, wanting the downed dragon for their own uses. "Hmph... fine. Take him." Smaug responds as he slowly gets up, "I have no need for his corpse."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amelian Draco
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Amelian Draco Friendly neighborhood madman

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"I remember the stories of your army, and I honor your past. I would ask not to stand behind me, but beside me. As equals, in this chaotic land. " he said with a toothy grin. Then with a nod, "I'll have the black guard send you support. They'll be under your complete control. As for your lieutenants, if you need assistance I have resources." As Bigray and Gramonlon return Drumagth flicks his tail towards Bezya. "I would also suggest that you take a look at your fallen foe's lands. Rumor has it he had a hoard of gold hidden in his keep." Drumagth stretched out his wings, " As for now I have business to deal with. I look forward to this alliance. " He took off heading east. Dirath on his tail and the other two following with Bezya's corpse. As the passed over the Bargos forest Dirath's voice was herd,"Why are we heading east? I thought you would make Bezya your minion." the young dragon had his usual confused look on his face. With a slight sigh, "I need to bring news to an ally, and give a gift to someone." Drumagth spoke with a mysterious tone in his voice. Soon they approach the city of tardy, the large shape of a dragon not to far away. The group landing not to far from the dragon, "greetings Balerion, it has been awhile. I hope you do not mind us passing through, but I have brought news from the Order. he spoke in a friendly tone, and give a small nod of respect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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The majestic Fire Drake stands up proudly as he stretches his wings, hearing Drumagth speak.

"It's a fine deal." Smaug replies with a smirk, "Accepted."

Yet as the black dragon was about to take off, he then suggests to Smaug to search Beyza's land... as a hoard of gold is hidden somewhere in his keep. That caught the greedy Drake's ear. Treasure! Riches! All more for his hoard.

"If there is treasure to be found," he replies to Drumagth, "I will find it. Alas, I also do the same. Farewell."

As the black dragon from the Order heads east, the crimson Fire Drake heads the opposite, searching the lands carefully for any signs of potential hordes as he heads back home to plan. He will find that treasure... he sure will.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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Krag and Grak
As the twin dragons looked at their accomplishment they heard a very, very peculiar sounds it was the sound of another living being which was a sound the duo hadn't heard in years. The twins turned up and looked to see an incoming dragon "a dragon! A dragon! One of our kind a dragon!" Said Krag " By my beard! This is amazing! Should we tell him to land? What does he want?" Said Grak "firstly you've got to stop with the Dwarven lingo, you don't even have a beard secondly of course we should let him land! We haven't seen anyone in years!" Krag said giddily. The two talked it over for a few minutes before they both called up at the same time "come on down!" They said happily as they couldn't wait to meet the dragon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MafiaM16
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MafiaM16 The Beast Within

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Balerion was now on his last crisped mammoth carcass. He had already consumed the others quickly, not wanting to be out in the open for lengthy periods of time. They are spies and assassins everywhere and Balerion's recent atrocities would surely bring unwelcomed visitors to his land. He was just about to finish up the meal, but before he latched his jaws around the mammoth he could faint flapping of wings. Balerion paused momentarily, taking the time to peak over the horizon. It seems a few figures were approaching him, but from this distant he couldn't tell who was coming. Although, by their pace they didn't seem hostile. Balerion however decided to finish up his meal before a potential confrontation takes place. He turns back towards the mammoth and takes the entire thing in his jaws, lifting his neck up and swallowing the mammal whole. It was then that the four mystery dragons landed, taking the attention of Balerion who turned around slowly. The carcass could be seen in his throat, slowly moving its way down. Balerion licked his lips, now knowing who in front of him.

"Much time has passed indeed, Drumagth, a pleasure as always. By all means," Balerion stated. "You may enter through my lands without fear of me. You've earned my respect many years ago, friend." There was a small pause before Balerion continued, "News? What news brings the mighty Drumagth to my realm?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amelian Draco
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Amelian Draco Friendly neighborhood madman

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With the call of approval, the silver dragon landed beside the twins. He bowed for a moment, "hello, I am Graguth grandson of Rylarth. The Council has sent me to seek you out. " he paused for a moment, looking over the dragon in front of him. Little was known about the twins, but he was told that they could be a good ally. Figuring he should find out some information,"and if you don't mind, could you tell about yourselves." Graguth hoped he was not being to forward, but was interested in the odd pair before him. After a moment he realized that the smell of old death was in the air. Looking around he saw the old corpse's of the long dead dwarves. Hopefully this didn't effect the Council's choices.
Settling himself before speaking, "you do me honor Balerion. I was somewhat surprised you didn't attend this meeting." the other three dragons settling down behind him, resting for the long flight ahead. Continuing now, "after about a hour or two of useless bickering, I addressed the Order with the matter of the portal in the north. As you know we are not like our forfathers. Who had no will of their own. With the fact that a doorway to that weed is around is both helpful and hindering. If we allow the rose to take back control of use then the world would be pushed into another pointless war that it is not ready for. I have persuaded the Order to march on the shadow lands to destroy the bush. At the moment we are working on building our armies, also we are trying to reach out to the Elders." The last part of his monolog seemed to stick in his throat. As if it was not happy to come out. With a sigh, "I would like to ask that you be loyal to me instead of the Order. I do not trust the ones I work with,and I'd rather not lose such a powerful ally." thoughts seemed to cloud his eyes. His gaze shifting to the west for a moment before snapping back, "Also, your neighbor has joined us." He flicked his tail towards the direction of Smaug's lands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MafiaM16
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MafiaM16 The Beast Within

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"I was not given an invitation..." Balerion mentioned quietly as he watched the other dragons with Drumagth land. "...The Rose," mumbled the black wyrm. "I know of it well. It seems as if an eon has gone by since I last seen its hellish petals. I fought alongside Rylarth against Corruption, as you may already know." Balerion would shortly say, recalling his past. "This is a lot you are asking of me, Drumagth... but I know the Rose's power better than almost anyone. I know what it is capable of, the power it has locked away. Too once again see the horrors of that war, I would see it destroyed once and for all."

The Black Dread would then eye Drumagth with a queer eye, the second part of his message was much more of a harder question to answer. "Smaug? Ha, I did not think that was ever possible." He then stopped to gather everything that was said, but he quickly gave a small response to allow him some needed time, "Give me a moment," replied Balerion. A few seconds would pass and Balerion quickly continued, "You are not the only one to question the Order, Drumagth." He said, implying that he himself never truly trusted them for rather obvious reason. "Very well. I shall lend you my wings, but do not dare mention this to anyone. For if the Order found out that my allegiance was no longer a sure thing, they would surely see to my end, albeit if they are brave enough to approach my land..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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Traitor under cardiac arrest

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After Graguth left its land, the black serpent decided to linger in the area for just a bit longer. It stared at the body gnawed up by the dragons unique fire, the remaining corpses and the scorched earth where the fire burned, earlier. Deep in thought, Scol cared little about its followers slowly increasing in numbers to witness the rare sight of their god-like entity. The hydra remained for almost an hour, at which point a caravan of cultists began their journey from the Serpent's Temple to this very location, accompanied by the oracle itself. Scolopendra had sent images of the meeting with Graguth to its subordinate, and expressed the order for them to pick up the ashes of the odd fire, to preserve it until further notice. The same moment said caravan was set into motion, Scolopendra retreated from the borders of its land, towards the shores and its hidden cave system. The trail of destroyed fauna describing this little journey would likely be visible for a year or two, before the rapidly healing jungle would swallow every trace of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 23 days ago

Krag and Grak

The twins looked at each other at the mention of a counsel. They had been out of the loop for quite a while and they were pretty oblivious to most going ons even though the counsel had been around a while but they figured the dragon wanted to help them out in some way and they were happy to comply. "I'll take this one brother." Krag said to Grak whom nodded in agreement "Well to keep things short we sorta got run outta our home a... Well a long time ago. We fled our home and found our way here while looking for some dragon like us. Lots of heads and... How to put this lightly..." He pondered at how to put his powers "Dead people powers?" Said his brother "yes, Dead people powers. Now we've just been living here training our powers and skills such as our magic, fighting and smithing." He said finishing up.
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