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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 days ago


By the time Marci had put down his sketchbooks, Grimm would be done with his sketch. Feeling rather pleased with himself, he would turn around to show the piece to her. He'd cleaned up the lines, and had already inked out Marci, the jester, and his angered victim. He'd set the scene in an elegant ballroom, and from the ceiling came crystalline chandeliers, each one looking like a waterfall of diamonds frozen in time. He'd added some shadow to her eyes, which he had already began to color in a mysterious icy blue, in order to draw more attention to the high level of detail he'd put into them. Nothing else he had done was of particular note, he'd just filled out the people, put more detail in the clothes, things like that. He'd get to seriously coloring it, and the other one, when he retired for the night, but this was a good enough point to end it.

"Here we are, I hope it is to your satisfaction," Grimm gave her a smile, smaller than his earlier ones a bit cold, but it did seem a good deal more genuine as well. It faded a little as he saw her expression, though he saw what she was looking at and gave an understanding nod. "Most tend to have that reaction when they look through that one, it isn't for the faint of heart. . . probably should've warned you, now that I think about it. Oh well, what is done is done." Grimm placed the sketchbook he was currently holding in Marci's hands, and collected his other two and placed them into his jacket pocket, where they both vanished into the darkness.

"So, do you like it, if so i can give you a copy when I've finished."


"As many times as he's done the same, he has no right to complain or even talk about it." Xavier mutter, his eyes flashing a little in anger before he took a breath to calm himself down. He'd always had a problem with his father always bringing strange women over, no matter where they were. They'd been in the middle of the Sahara Dessert one time, and he still managed to find one, some tribeswoman that had been passing by. Though it was thanks to her that they didn't die in that stupid place, he still found his father's womanizing t be annoying, especially when his father seemed to not give a single shit about Xavier's mother.

To his dad she had just been 'one in a million', a woman he'd slept without a second thought and had decided to leave him with the result. His dad ad told him that as soon as he was old enough to comprehend it, and he'd be lying if he said that it didn't hurt, it had hurt a lot. And he knew exactly what happened to her as well, thanks to his gift. He knew that she was living somewhere in Maine with another family, with half-siblings he'd never see, married to a man who was everything his dad wasn't, and looking completely happy. It tore at his soul every time he thought abut it.

So wrapped up in his thoughts, he didn't notice his eyes were watering until they had already started to fall, but he was quick to dry his eyes when he did. "Sorry, it's . . . a rather touchy subject for me," Xavier put his arm down as he took another deep breath before turning back to Katja, "Also, a drawing would be nice and I'd very much appreciate one, if you don't mind."
@Evil Snowman
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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"listen here u lil shit"

Graiai shook and wriggled as she tried to escape the almighty foot, her head about to splat in a glorious burst of meat and viscera if the man were to press his foot down harder. Only at this moment Graiai remembered that she had her Eye, and that would've been more useful if she used it at an earlier time.

"Ooh! Revan, the little fuckin dipshit! Fucked once without a condom and here you are with a poor sod who has to deal with this one hell of a father! Maybe soon i'll pour in holy water on ya booze, and-"

And just like that, Graiai succumbed to sleepiness.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soph
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Oh, did she like it, she loved it! It had amazing detail, like from she saw from the sketchbooks, and somehow the whiteknght had managed to find out, or at least think, that she used ice as her power. It did seem a bit strange, but the 'you can think what you want' comment before also seemed strange. Maybe he could read minds? Maybe, because of the 'you can think what you want' comment that much was obvious and Marci was an idiot for not figuring it out?

Probably the second one.

Though, she did really like this, even if it was just a sketch, it was good to look at. She noticed what looked like the boy without pants and his female assaulter in the background (yes, she did look at that for a little while whilst she had been looking at the sketchbooks), which was a good detail to add. As stated before, the ice knives were a nice touch as well. She just thought the whole thing was wonderful. "I love it!" Marci exclaimed, before adding on, "I'm excited to see it finished. However, I should go and at least look at what they're all doing at the party, so I bid you farewell!" She said to the whiteknight, and as she gave him the sketchbook, she turned around to see the fool without pants and the female assaulter once again.

Time to watch.



"Oh? Anything? Really now?"


Literally, she could just do whatever she wanted with him, then say 'You said ANYTHING!' right after doing it. So, maybe helping out this drunk fucking idiot wouldn't be such a bad idea, it'd just be annoying. And even if it was annoying, she would still be able to do whatever she wanted with him, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"I guess I'll help you find Hana." She said, faking trying to be helpful. The boy was drunk as shit, he obviously couldn't catch on to the fact of how angry she was at him and exactly what she would want to do to him. Maybe she'd do nothing until they meet somewhere on the street randomly years later, have a conversation with him, and then kick his balls off. Maybe she'd not hesitate and knock him out right as they find Hana. Both ideas were so tempting, however, she just wanted to keep thinking about it so she'd come up for a plan when it was time. Under her breath, she muttered something along the lines of, "No pain no gain motherfucker."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Iyo stood up again but with a big smile, he raised his arms like he was celebrating. "YYYAAAAYYY!!!" Hr hugged the girl tightly, hopefully she would not punch or kill him... he was to happy. Finally he can be with his big bro twin again, he missed him even though he was an idiot. Still in a drunk state he stopped hugging the girl and gave outré another yawn,m he was getting sleepy...defiantly the effect of the alcohol. "YYeesshh! III Ddwwooo wwhhhaahhtteevvhherr yywwooo wwhhhaanntt!! OOrww rreehhhvverrhhesee!"

Iyo must be digging his own grave at this point if he was letting this girl do anything to him or he would do anything the girl says but he wanted Hana and that all he mattered. "Hwwaanna llwwookkss llwwiikee mmhee!! Thhwwinns!! Hwwee fwwightsss!! Ffwwinndd uuuhhh.... llwwoookk llwwiikkee mhhee!! Bwwuuttt aannggrrhhyy!" Iyo grabbed the girl's hand and waited for her to lead him to his brother...but mostly to to his death or something the lines to that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 days ago


"So the brat is a mindreader of some sort. Not a good one though if she think I've ever used a condom in my life." Revan chuckled to himself before he picked the girl up by the back of her shirt again and slinging her over his shoulder like one would a jacket. He walked back to the party only to see a drunk, pantsless idiot running towards him, seeming to be seaching for someone. Seeing the drunk's face, he easily put two and two together and decided to help out. But first, he decided to be a jackass.

As Iyo tried to exit the party, he'd be seny backwzrd violently after getting hit by Graiai, who Revan had 'lightly' thrown at him for no reason other than she was the closest thing available to be thrown. The girl he eas leading would also get caught up in it if she didn't move out of the way fast enough.

"Oi lightweight, your little shit of a brother is either on his way to the headmaster's office or home if Delilah decides to be easy on him, which I highly suspect. So, sober the fuck up, put your pants back on, you've embarrassed yourself enough for one night." Revan issued the order with Domination infused into his words, not really in the mood for dealing with drunks right now.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Graiai remains unconscious.

In the blackness of the night, a crow darted through the air with its feather-laden wings spread wide. Starting with a sudden dive, the bird flapped its wings about gradually slowed its own descent, until finally laying its claws and perching on a shoulder.

Revan's shoulder.

The crow seemed to be some pet of the man, or at least that's what many think so. But it neither recognized the brash and cocky security guard as its owner, nor it was a familiar summon from a magician's point of view, for it merely wanted to look at things up close. And yes, it has a mind of its own.

Why are we even narrating about this crow?

Because it's Catherine Macbeth, some manipulative bloodsucking girl who is observant as of right now to get some little tidbits of knowledge about these people.

And most likely use it accordingly for her own needs.

But right now, she'll keep on watching.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Iyo was about to leave with the girl help until he got it by...a person!? It happened so fast that he didn't even know what just happened and landed on the floor. He grumbled out as he stood up, wondering what the heck just happened but it was kind of fun!... Maybe... He wasn't sure because you know alcohol. Though when the guy who might have thrown the person at him said something about his brother his eyes lighten up. His onii-chan yay! "YYaaayy!! Hwwannaa! Hwwaannaa!!" Iyo cheered out, his big bro finally! HE missed him but rurally he can see him everyday but...he is drunk. "HHwwaannaa!! HWwaannaa!!" flailing his arms around with excitement to finally be with his big bro.

looking at the man with excitement to see his big bro but somehow all of the excitement that made him super happy drained down...he looked scary and mad...really mad and even if he was drunk he can feel how angry the person was. "Oowwkkaay...." He bowed his head like a little puppy who got scolded and put on his pants....badly, he was tripping and couldn't keep still, almost like a child he needed assistance. "hweellpp..." Iyo fell on the ground again, unable to pull his pants back up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 days ago


Revan payed little attention to the crow that landed on his shoulder, instantly able to tell it wasn't a normal crow for three reasons. One, crows didn't just land on people's shoulders, Two, Animals never willingly got near him if they could help it, and Three, crow breath didn't smell of blood, at least not how this one's did. It was a faint scent, but he was much too familiar with it miss even a molecule lf it's stench. But even the strange bird's arrival couldn't take his attention of the pathetic display this boy was putting on. And all of thiswas from one fucking cup of Vodka?!?!

"You know what, fuck this." Revan grab the boy by the back of his shirt and lifted him up, then pulled his pants up in a quick, non-too-gentle manner, then zipped the zipper and dropped the boy. Putting a hand on Iyo's shoulder, he then began to force him outside, shoving him forward roughly while he kept him on his feet. "A boy your age being this much lightweight is physically painful to watch, so ou're coming with me and we're going to trainyou up until you can drink with the best of them. Now come on then, to the bars!"

Revan would then take Iyo, along with the crow and Eli is they chose to follow, on a crazy barhopping run that would circle the city, taking them a few hours to come full circle back to the party. Revan was easily able to convince patrons and owners that the minor(s) following himwas of the drinking age, and they'd all have a merry time . . .probably.

((OOC: Basically, my way to keep this conversation going past the timeskip, Revan takes some kids out to barhop for a few hours before they come back to the party, after the timeskip.))

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Well then. thought the crow-bodied vampire as she began making her first observations. This brazen security guard, which I'm kind of surprised the heads at Orean Cause hasn't fired him long ago, has a thing for abusing people and taking in good doses of booze. It's quite obvious that his tolerance for alcohol is absolutely ridiculous, but he loved it anyway so a bottle of bourbon ought to be a bribery tool instead of a mind fogger. And he said something about that poor sod being lightweight and drunk-easy.

But before delving further, Catherine flew out for a moment, shifted in the alleyway, and came out again, this time as a black cat . Not exactly black, but a dark shade of grey. But still, she's now being a cat because plenty of people have a thing for cats. There were few things people could see with this cat: Siberian breed, with slightly trimmed fur, no name tag, red tie bows on her ears, ribbon of same color wrapped around her tail, and to finish it up, looking between its kitty and its adult age. All of these adds up to a fair, and fairly adorable feline creature.


And now Catherine walks back into the bar, nudging the door a bit before entering and then clutching and scratching the other boy's clothes. In a cute way.

This might help her lay out a few ideas for the coming days. They're not exactly evil plans, but they're not benevolent and selfless either.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As time moved on...

As time moved on within the school, the party began to slow down until it where everyone went back to their dorms or homes. It became quiet in the school but who knows who are still up that night. Maybe we got some folks who decided to sneak around their new school or instead stay up all night with their roomy...or get drunk with their teacher...It still not sure what they would do now but hopefully panic and chaos will not be made.



Iyo came back...even possible drunk than ever! With that man who took him bar hopping, he had a low alcohol tolerance and goes bar hopping!? At least he didn't puke once or at all. He can barely stand up on his own and if he did he immediately fell on the ground crying, he and no idea what just happened to him... he went party town. He was stumbling on his way to the bathroom, he needed to go quickly but as the alcohol buzz shock him 10x worst he and forgotten or even not sure there was a bathroom near by...and he really need to go... He feel on the ground and looked up the people who he had a party time with.

"bbaa...bbaahh...tthhaarroo..oomm!!" Iyo spoke in a drunken slur, he diode need to use the bathroom badly. The amount of alcohol in his system must be off the charts, he never had much alcohol in his life...he only had one cup and bam party time but it extreme party time now. Standing up again but to only slip from nothing but his drunkenness and land on his butt. "Iiii....nnnee...nneewwwedd....twwoo..ggwwooo!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 44 min ago

Hunter made it back to his dorm, he was tired, he was wore out, he was also pissed off. He never got along with David, especially when spiked punch was involved. Though Hunter is pretty sure that David has an idea what will happen to him if they get into a fight, He may have more experience with the electrical powers, But Hunter has what he believes to be a stronger ability. For now he was going to go back to his burnt an damaged room to sleep. He has classes soon and needed to take care of them before he got kicked out for destroying everything.

David didn't remember the last few moments, He remembered leaving the party, then he saw a flash. Next thing he knew he was in a dumpster with his hands tied together with some type of cloth. It didn't take much to remove it but someone made a fool of him, he was going to find out who. Then it accord to him, he has one maybe two major enemies in this school right now, But as far as he can tell only one knows how to take him out in one blow. "HENRY!" Some people stared a bit as he screamed but he didn't care, it was time to get even. No one makes a fool out of Sparky. NOBODY!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It took only several seconds for Katya to see she had hit a touchy subject for Xavier and somewhat regretted it. Still these things would happen it was part of the getting to know someone process, so simply made a mental note to avoid the topic until they were better acquainted. Still having given a little thought he more than likely knew all the touch subjects with her, which to Katya feel it was a little unfair. But then again it would have to be the way things are between them and she have to accept that if she want to be his friend… still it didn’t change how she felt given he already seemed to know much about her.

As time moved one Katya felt herself getting tired and decided instead of going with Xavier she’d return to her room and go to bed to sleep… well after she messed around on her laptop for a little while. She also still wanted to meet her roommate before the day was over so she’d at least know who she was living with.
“ So… um Xavier I’m going to head back to my room and rest, First day of school I want to be well rested… so I’ll take you up on your offer some other time okay? So although I’m sure you know it here’s a card with my contact number on it, I guess call me if you want interact or something, just make to be reasonable about when you call and don’t get upset if I don’t answer I might be out... of… well I’m sure you know.” She stated giving him what looked like to a business card and left for her room.
Once back in the dorm room Katya changed into a pair of long pyjama pants and black t-shirt with a printing of a purple heart a character for an anime she loved. Once changed she picked her clothes form earlier and sat on her bed with her laptop and started to surf the web, feeling pleased she had made a friend.

Ken had been in the middle of a walk when he felt someone bump into him. At first he simply ignored it too deep in his own half maddened thoughts about eating several members of the student body he thought would taste nice. It took a moment for the fact he had been bumped into to register with Ken who then slowly turned to look at the boy a little sting of drool hanging form his mouth as thoughts eating things he shouldn’t still plagued his mind. Looking at the boy it took keen a mere second to size him up and have several plans of attack worked out. This showing by a slight glint in Ken’s eyes, his eyes also showing a fragment of the brutal ways Ken had already thought of to end the boy’s life. Luckily for the boy he didn’t look to appetising that and Ken didn’t want to get locked in the school basement for the rest of his life. Ken shook his head trying to push such thoughts out of his head after all the good guys don’t kill and eat innocent people… they didn’t right? Or did they? Was it a good guy thing not to eat people?

Still staring at the boy Ken thought since he bumped into him he’d give the boy a scare… although he’d probably get in trouble for it, the sight would so be worth it. Letting go of portion of his self-control Ken gave into the underlying urge to change forms. His body reacting nearly instantly to it as his eyes went wide and the sound of bone breaking and reforming start to sound from Ken as his body began the painful process of changing shape. Within moments Ken expression became pained and fur began to rapidly grow across his whole body and a tail began to from. Ken clothing tore as his body shape changed and grew bigger, but wait remained still hung of him covering up anything shameful the boy might see. It several minutes for the change to be completely and provided the boy hadn’t run off Ken merely looked at him with a semi wild and hungry look in his eyes before running at him and taking a swipe that would just miss him. After that Ken would run off to do his own thing.

After some time had passed Ken had begun his normal nightly prowling of the school grounds currently he was hassling his favourite cafeteria worker. A woman for whatever reason never seemed to leave the cafeteria or never seemed to sleep. But that didn’t matter what mattered was this worker always feed Ken when he came by no matter what time of day it was or what form he was in. So after several minutes of hassling her he had gotten enough meat to feed several people and was hungrily chowing it down form a large metal blow labelled Kenneth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Bride looked up at the man who he had bump into, he didn't look to mad though he had some droll coming out of his mouth for odd reasons and looked pretty hungry. Bride was about to apologise until the guy's eyes went wide...something... something change... a monster...bones breaking...growing fur... teeth baring... Bride watched as the man he bumped into turned into creature...a monster, something only in fairy tales books. A werewolf.... no it was impossible, Bride couldn't believe what he was seeing, it can be...How... how!? This is impossible, not even close to reality.. Before anything he let out a very loud scream. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He screamed and ran off, hoping to get away from the beast. It was a real nightmare...it can't be real. He ran and ran, hoping to get away from that thing. In all of his life he never ran so fast but then as he was somewhere outside the school his heart began to ache.

The pain grew worse, he had to stop running and hall onto the ground clutching his chest. The fear of the beast and all the running must have tattered or torn his poor heart into having a heart attack. Fear mix with force equals almost death for Bride, he had many close calls in the past...really close calls about heart attacks and sudden organ bursting diseases... He was having a heart attack and there was no one there to help him, no doctor, no loiterer or anybody he was alone...he may even die alone. Bride struggled, tried remembering those breathing exercises he had done to homely help. It was helping but he need a doctor or go to the clinic quick or maybe someone who has a defibrillator oddly..anything! With all of his might he cried for help. "..H-H-he-hel-help-p!!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

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It had been a long day for Kate. First it was getting settled at Orean, then exploring the area, after that the party where she found a potential band member and...something else which she still wasn't sure about. All in all it had been a busy first day of school and she was glad to get back to her dorm and call it a night. The same couldn't be said for Aaron and Jessie who ran off to that skate park of theirs, "Hopefully they don't get into too much trouble" she thought as she opened the door to her dorm. After taking a shower, changing into some night clothes, and brushing her teeth she laid back on her bed with her phone in hand and headphones on her head. Listening to one of, if not, her favorite song. It was then that Kate had the realization that this was still school and shed have to wake up tomorrow for classes, "Huh...well it's what I'm here for" she shrugged her shoulders before turning on her side to go to sleep.


Excluding...whatever it was that happened in that one guy's dorm, today had been pretty good for Aaron. Orean's party was pretty good but the real fun came at the afterparty. Now he was returning to his dorm, crossing the campus grounds occupied by scattered groups of either drunk or overly energetic students looking for some more fun before night's end. As for Aaron he had his fill and was happy to get back to his dorm. That's when a problem occurred...he forgot his dorm number. "Son of a-where the hell is this damn dorm!...oh it's here", he said with slight surprise and a growing feeling of stupidity after realizing he was standing at the door. Upon unlocking the door he immediately kicked the door open and it swung with the speed of a cat chasing a laser pointer. Unfortunately for Aaron the door bounced off the wall and hit him in the face. "....fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!", he yelled as he stumbled into the dorm, throwing his skateboard somewhere on the ground and plopping himself on the couch. He flicked on the tv and laid there as he went through channels upon channels of nothing. "Nothing. Of course", he said as he got up to make himself something to eat before going to bed. That's when he noticed someone laying on his bed. He knew it was his because the crumbs from Kate's poptart were still there. "Unless you want brown sugar cinnamon on your ass, you might want to move from there", he said lazily as he opened the fridge to find, oh yeah nothing, because he only bought candy! "Oh yeah no food...hey roomie I'm headin' out to get groceries you want anything?", he said slamming the fridge door and looking back to Katya.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 days ago


Revan walked in with a bottle in both hands, feeling a lot happier than he had when he left. The boy had failed to actually improve his tolerance, but it took time to do that, and the boy had plenty. He took the boy by the shoulder's and pushed him in the direction of the bathroom. After that, he began to roam the halls of the school, as the party was over and everyone was leaving for their dorms at the moment to get a good night's rest, or continue the festivities in a more private setting. And while he was walking the halls, popping the cork off one of the bottles he had, when he heard a hoarse cry for help. Curious, he began to walk towards the sound, quickly picking up the scent of fear and panic as he did so. Quickening his pace ever so slightly, Revan soon found the source of the fear he had smelled, a small girl was on the ground and seemed to be having a panic attack, an intense one by the look of it.

Bending down, Revan picked them up by their shoulders, grabbing their face so that they would be forced to look into his eyes. Scarlet eyes, full of the weariness from an eternity of living without a foreseeable end, pierced through the fear that held their golden counterparts, as his voice spoke with magic-laden words. "Take three deep breaths and Calm. The Fuck. Down." Revan's voice would resonate with in Bride's mind, pushing to force a sense of suppressive calm on him, to slow his heart and calm his panic. This was the more benevolent side of his Domination ability, as it allowed him to enforce a sense of calm into the enraged or panic rather easily, as those are the times when one will is almost always at it's weakest. Once Bride calmed down, Revan would push the bottle into his hands would one word. "Drink." It wasn't a suggestion.



"Okay, later Katya." Xavier accepted the card graciously and out it into his pocket. After that, he turned towards Katja. "I think I'm going to head to my dorm to, so see you later then. We can talk about Aleida later, okay?" With that, Xavier gave a small wave before he hurried back out of the building, and after a few minutes, found himself at the door of his dorm. Xavier stretched a little before he opened the door to find that Aleida must've sleepwalked a little, as she was currently sprawled along the ground in her dragon form, her sides rising and falling softly as she slept. Xavier gave a small sigh as he picked her up and carried her to her little cubby space, which he had wished into existence his first day. It was invisible to everyone but him, and was exceedingly comfortable as well. He had it there to make sure that he wouldn't have to worry about finding Aleida a place to hide from his inevitable roommate.

After tucking her into her little blanket mound, he began to get ready for bed, stripping down to his underwear before flopping down onto the bed with another sigh, allowing himself to slowly drift into unconsciousness. He still wasn't quite used to staying up this late, something he had to work on if he wanted to go to more parties like this, which had been fun despite the awkwardness that had occurred. He only hoped that he wouldn't have to move anytime soon.



Grimm had nodded to Marci as she went off, before he packed up his things and left the establishment as well. He had a lot of work to do right now, these two pieces would take a while to get to his opinion of perfection. With that in mind, he quickly walked to his dorm, sat down on his desk, and would continue to work on the two pieces for the rest of the night, and possibly into the morning if he had to.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Bride could almost feel it, he could feel his life slipping away and he couldn't do anything about it. His future, his dreams he wanted he will never have a chance again because of his heart. Yet even though he felt like he was going to die he already felt that...the multiple brushes of death somehow made things easier for some what. As the pain build up too much someone...someone so very luckily found him, it must be a miracle because he was almost close to kicking the bucket. He was forced to look at the eye of the one who found him, at the moment as the man told him to take three deep breathes and calm down he can feel his body do so.

It was like a sudden impulse of some sort. Bride somehow get better, his heart was in pain that much and he really was flaming down. He was still clutching his chest when the man gave him some kind of alcohol to drink, he didn't know why though...would it help with his situation...he didn't think much about it and drank. It burned his throat...he never had alcohol, it was defiantly not ever recommended for him to drink because of his health but he forgot about that. "G-gaah!! bleg!!" he gagged a bit from the burning sensation from the drink, he could feel his body getting a bit warm... was it going to help? Not sure but his body felt defiantly better from a heart attack but different like something is still wrong. Bride look back at the man and breathed out as he was very tired from that incident, he though had to thank him...he was going to die if the man didn't appear. "T-th...th....h..aan...k-k..ss...."


@remipa awesome

Iyo was pushed towards the bathroom but being completely drunk and a mess he went the direct opposite of where he was going. Not sure but he was now outside and had to really go, he missed a couple bathrooms but only because he didn't know they were bathrooms all he could see was "Fferejnfdsf" because of his alcohol infused brain. he crossed his legs as he really wanted to go quick, though in this situation no one was really there to help him. "NNgg... bwwaa...bwwaa...bbwwaaatthh...rrwwooo...oomm...." He mumbled out, he sat down near a dumpster and hiccup...too much booze...too much. the hang over is going to be pretty intense for him but that for slater story. There was a guy shouting there, Iyo shouted back at the guy maybe he could help. "Mmwwiii...mmiisssstt...eewwrr!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 44 min ago

Hunter went outside to see how David was handling the dumpster, Though when he got outside he heard David loud and clear. He was pissed, really pissed. He decided it was best to take an alternate route and avoid David for now. He went around one of the buildings and he saw Iyo, drunk out of his mind. "I thought that kid made it home. Then again...he's really drunk." Hunter walked over to Iyo and grabbed him by his shoulders. "Hey, Iyo, Can you hear me? And if so can you understand me enough to tell me where you live." He hoped Iyo was at least sober enough to guide Hunter back to his home, Though if not the couch wasn't on fire yet so he could sleep there if need be.

avid was pissed, pissed beyond pissed! When he found Hunter he was going to beat the living crap out of him. For now he needed to get the smell of garbage off him. He smelled like a dump truck that crashed in a manure plant then caught fire. He made his way back to his dorm and cleaned himself off, He was sick of the smell, he was sick of Hunter. The war had begun, and Sparky planned on Finishing it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Edward ate his steak alone, everyone had left and Penn had gone up to his top bunk to do who knows what. The bickering twins left without saying good-bye, the red-head made sure Penn was ok and left and Winni followed directly after. He was sure at least Winni would stay and spend time with him. 'Maybe I don't have any friends.' He crawled into bed and he rolled over onto his side. As a single tear went down his face he thought, 'I was stupid to have fun with someone in real life and think they would stick around, everyone leaves you in the end. I will never get close to anyone again.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


@Remipa Awesome

Iyo hiccuped again, gosh the booze is really kicking him deep. He felt something and saw...who is it again....hun...han...huen... hun...ter? Maybe, he turned to the guy still trying to remember who he was, it was all a fuzzy mess. What was the guy asking about? Home... he though hard but it was again a fuzzy blur. "hw-o...m..mmee....n...ne...aar....cwo-o...we..in-ce... st-o...re...." That all he can remember at the moment, he stood up but but dizziness he fell onto of Hunter. He looked like he was about to hurl, he felt heavy and man he really had to use the bathroom or else...well another embarrassment of the night. Iyo couldn't stand up still and clung tightly on Hunter's shirt. "Bwa....t...h...th...rw..oo...om..m-m..." Groaning out tiredly he wasn't having the best night ever.


Penn wanted to sleep, as much as he wanted to...well he usually doenst like to sleep but after the events well he needed the rest. Everytime he closed his eyes he takes back to the vent when he was eight. It would always scare him and he would hide even though nothing was going to get him. The memory of the past was his nightmare and its hard to forget it. Once he closed his eye he dreamed out that memory...that night... where he was going down the cellar with the key he found in a small chest, opening the door revealed a nightmare to him and he would almost take part of it. The struggle and as the hands were about to get him he woke up but in such panic that he fell from the top bunk.

"Ggaaahh!!!' He shouted as he landed hard on the carpet floor and face first. He groaned out in pain as he slowly got up but sat on the floor. No sleeping tonight...to much memories...nightmares...its since though he can last at least three days of no sleep so he can be fine for a while. He sighed and didn't bother to go back up. Nightmares...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 44 min ago

Hunter Attempted to carry Iyo back to his dorm, He guessed he was explaining instructions but all he was getting was Bathroom. "Just hold on buddy, We aren't far from the dorms."

Hunter got Iyo into his dorm room and stood him by the bathroom door. "Try not to get yourself hurt okay man?" When he seemed situated Hunter went and grabbed a spare blanket from his bag and put it on the couch. He set up the pillows so that Iyo had something to sleep on as well. Hopefully he made it out of the bathroom in one piece.

Hunter realized he wasn't a minor...Iyo seemed to be one though. He just took a minor from a party back to his dorm room well he was unable to speak for himself. "Oh shit...IYO! I NEED YOUR WALLET!"
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