Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Zento Ray

@Kitsune @Phobos

What came next, Zento could not fully prepare for, it was as if his mind had gone blank. Koyo and fired a Hado at the Hollow, who was charging a Cero that was aimed right at him. Zento had and idea of what he was going to do the Cero, but it helped that Koyo dealt with it, even if it meant putting him in harms way. Once the beam came in contact with the Cero a large explosion rocked the ground. Zento was thrown out of the air, but he was able to Shunpo to a near by buildings roof. "Shit." Zento mumbled.

By the time the smoke dissipated, the hollow was gone. No, it had been destroyed, completely annihilated. Zento raked his hands through his hair, Koyo was such stronger than she appeared to be. Zento deactivated his Kazuma, she returned to her original state and Zento placed her back on its sheath. Zento jumped down to Koyo, "Well that's over and done, call the Captain real quick, we still have to report this." he said glancing back at the smoldering crater that used to be the 3- legged hollow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Koyo stared towards Zento with a blank look that pretty much summed up all her feelings on the matter tat she would have to call in what happened. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out the small communicator and started to contact Sai "Hello? Ma'am? Yeah you see something happened-," While Koyo explained what had happened she really hopped that the captain would forgive her for getting hurt on her first trip to the human world. She could not bare losing such trust so suddenly, and that worry could soon be heard in her voice, which was not helped by the fact she sounded hurt already.

She didn't want to be kept away from the action because of this, but she didn't have any say about it given she was the one hurt. In fact she felt a little tired, likely from blood loss so she let a last bit of her sentence slip from her lips without noticing. "-And that is it Captain Yoshi... Please don't be mad" She said in a rather soft and cute voice, almost like a child asking not to be punished after owning up to something they did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yukios eyes widened when Akira propped himself up using his bokken, firing it down st her and causing her body to slam against the ground. She remained there for a small while This guy is like a machine, everything I throw at him he already knows what to do...maybe... Yukio quickly jumped onto her feet, rubbing the back of her head "That hurt...a lot but now its time for me to deal some damage" She charged at him an an unusually normal way, straight forward. She held her bokken down, ready to strike. Once close she swung her bokken and quickly released it, the bokken spinning towards his face. She immediately followed up by attempting to tackle him, hoping the bokken bought her enough time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Unexpectedly, the Captain's door flew open, which the sudden noise made Nairin jump a little as she was closest to the door. Swinging her face towards the noise, the girl's voice, Aya's, filled the room. Nairin was just about to scowl before noticing that she only had one arm. 'THE FUCK?!' Nairin's jaw fell open slightly as her eyes widened during the pipsqueak's speech. 'Was this... because I didn't call for the Captain's help?' Nairin knew that Aya needed medical attention, but the fact that she was missing a bloody arm wasn't mentioned to her at all, atleast she didn't remember it being mentioned. Her widened eyes skimmed to the girl's face, watching the left side of it as she spoke to the Captain, trying to take responsibility of the mission herself. It seemed the three of them blamed themselves for the mess. When Aya mentioned her name, Nairin tore her eyes away and scowled in a different direction, gritting her teeth a little behind her lips as she was reminded of the state she let those damn hollows get her in.

The girl finished talking, and that was when the Captain gave his opinion. Nairin re-adjusted her face to a neutral expression before looking up at the Captain to show that she was giving him her full, undivided attention. "Nairin, you failed to follow your superiors orders and allowed emotions to take control. Aya means well, if she hadnt done what she done then those hollows would of gone to the Rukon districts and massacred the citizens." Nairin looked down after hearing this, so if Aya hadn't done what she did, more bodies would of weighed on Nairin's conscience since she still probably wouldn't of called for the Captain's help. Whether it'd be one or a million, she'd feel the same, rotten for causing the deaths of souls she didn't intend to kill, for making a stupid a mistake. But, luckily it never got that far... It had turned out the Captain had been misinformed, and due to this he declared that the three of them passed the mission. Nairin wasn't happy with her pass, she was most likely the biggest failure out of the three since she could of prevented Aya loosing an arm and Shinzo from having to save her and go back to rescue Aya if she had just used that damn cloth! The mission could of been more successful, she had the means but was way too prideful to use them. Despite this, Nairin didn't regret her decision. She could of prevented alot, but if flung back into the same situation, she'd most likely do the same thing she did last time.

Once the Captain dismissed the group, Nairin left the room, following after Shinzo again. She heard him speak, in which she sighed. "You're telling me" She casually answered. Atleast the Captain wasn't as mad as she had expected him to be, then again he did got to the hollow's nest and saw for himself what the three of them had to deal with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Sai stood back, watching both Yukio and Akira spar. The both of them displayed great talents that Sai couldn't help but feel a little giddy over. Within such a short time, the Squad Thirteen Captain had gained quite a few skilled fighters, what good luck she had! Smiling while watching, Sai felt a vibration emit from within the left pocket of her Haori. Stuffing her left hand into her pocket, she flipped her communicator open and answered the call. "Koyo-shi?" She responded, a little taken aback from receiving a call from her new recruit. Instantly in the depths of her stomach, Sai sensed that the girl may have bad news from the sound of her voice alone. But, Sai chose to keep quiet as Koyo-shi continued to talk and explain what had happened.

The whole time, Sai had her right hand over her mouth in shock. Even though Koyo-shi and Zento didn't return as she had ordered them to if something had happened, Sai wasn't mad, she was a little too worried to be mad at them at the moment. "Oh my goodness! You two return immediately! But first go to Squad Four and seek medical help! In fact, I'll meet you at Squad Four, I'll send out a replacement right this second to keep an eye on things just incase there is another attack. I order both you and Zento to go straight to Squad Four understood? We'll talk about this when I meet up with you two there later Okay?" Sai hoped the two of them weren't in too much of a bad condition, but she couldn't help but mentally curse herself for not sending out a supervisor. She did think about it at first, but she thought the two of them would of been able to handle being on a post together, which in a way she was right since they did take care of the threat while keeping themselves alive.

| Koyo-Shi already awarded 7 points for Mission via OOC |
| Zento Ray already awarded 7 points for Mission via OOC |
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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Aya Oda

Aya listened to the captains scolding lecture and frowned as she looked at her arm. "Better be a metal one, cause I ain't letting any of them jab my ass with a needle." She then smirked at him and shook her finger at him. "Besides you said later you would teach me that killing of multiple hollow technique. And just saying but that would of been really handy in that situation. So can you teach me it now? Pulease captain, I'll be your bestest friend! Ill sit on sittin buddy less.... maybe."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 day ago

An oddly specific claim, but Kamon wasn't going to say anything about it. So far the fight has been even between Zheng and Toto, Zheng gaining the upper hand after his Fist of the Monkey King had struck the clone. The most logical decision would be that his master was going to win the fight in a few moments now that the clone's flow of reaitsu had been hindered and yet Kamon didn't think that. "Master will lose and Ike will win." He didn't hesitate with his words; he was honest with what he though, painfully honest at times. It seemed that Ike had won though the man covered Toto in flames in his rage. It seemed like that the so called real Toto was a clone as well. Now all that had to happen was for Zheng to get his ass handed to him by the seated shinigami once the clone was done playing with him.

Success! The punch met its mark and it had taken effect of the clone's body, revealing straws that the clone was made off and a limp arm. But even when Toto was in a pickle he still didn't take the spar seriously at all. He was just toying with Zheng, humoring him with a spar only to just get a gauge of his strength. If Toto wanted to he could finish the spar in a quick instant against an unseated shinigami that just graduated from the academy. Thinking about that would only distract him from the spar at hand. The Fist of the Monkey King had worked, but it will only last for only so long so he had to make this fast. "How about this?" Zheng shunpoed and soon closed the gap between them and held his arms up with his elbows and shoulders up with the head down to protect his chin. He then began to send a quick barrage of flicker jabs; straight jabs that focus more on speed than power that seemed to look more like flicks. With his Tempered Iron Will around his fists still, the jabs would feel like iron slamming against the body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(Shizuka is...brutal...so there may or may not be some gory stuff)


Shizuka continued to sit in the tree looking at the bird on her hand, then she felt the tree begin to shake a little as another bird flew up to her and chirped, that was when Shizuka looked down to the cause of what was making the tree shake. The birds then flew off as Shizuka stood up on the branch and held her right arm out infront of her, aiming it down at the man as she pointed her index finger at him before firing a hado 4 off at him, aiming straight for his head...yet her aim was off and instead it only grazed his left cheek causing her eye to narrow in annoyance...she knew she had to practice these stupid skills but to miss such an easy shot?...that truly annoyed her...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nishi Matsuro

After some time of walking they finally arrived at the distract and looking around it was in ruins "They really hit this place hard..." As Nishi was about to take a step forward two Shinigami popped up infront of her, one holding the other on his back "You two here to take over? just in time...we're truly spent. We did what we could...hopefully you can heal the rest" The man then nodded and walked off past Nishi and Nene. That was when Nishi looked to Nene and spoke "How many others do you think they've sent out here? I don't know why but I feel like this was more than just some attack by hollow...maybe I'm thinking to much about it..." Nishi then turned and began to get to work on healing the wounded people she could find...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Akira landed on the ground and looked at Yukio...it seemed she wasn't fairing well here but Akira wasn't aiming to attack her properly...this was a test of her abilities after all. The Captain already knew Akira's abilities and so he was making sure to be somewhat on the defensive as to test Yukio's abilities which seemed lacking in some areas. Akira wasn't quite sure if Yukio understood the situation she was in but regardless...Akira wasn't here to lose or win...but being beaten up was something that was out of the question and so when she threw the Bokken towards him he had initiated the pincers...Akira swung from the ground up with the bokken in his right hand and with his left hand caught Yukio's bokken and brought it down on her...effectively hitting her back and front and trapping her "You shouldn't give your opponent your weapon...however I think this will do. I'm not sure about the Captain but I think I've seen enough..." Akira showed yet another odd side to his personality...he seemed a lot more serious now and the expression on his face was much more serious also.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakima scowled Aya as the other two left "Thats if I decide to still teach you after you threatened me. I expected you to honor your word, I am not sure if I am willing to trust you with this if I cant even trust you with this deal" He said with a stern tone. It was obvious he was mad at Aya, but he fully didnt show it. He stood up "Besides, as you are now, you arent strong enough to perform the technique. You would have to go through training which I had planned. Now folpw me if you like, I have many things I need to think over." He walked past her and out the door, plannng to assign the new recruits a mission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Toto was getting smacked around like a ragdoll, each one of Zhwngs hits connecting. The dolls eyes were white, as of he had lost consciousness but yet he retained his wide grin. He caught Zhengs last punch, his hand feeling unusually as the rest of his body looked more limp. He giggled "Dont you get it, there are enemies that fists cannot defeat. You made me lose half control over my doll? All I have to do is focus my reiatsu into a certain area~" He said pulling in Zheng with his hand, which immediately loosened up omce Zhemg was pulled in "And strike hehe~" He said with a mischievous chuckle, sending a right knee towards Zhengs stomach. The look in his eyes was deranged, that of a madman as he actually tried to deal real damage to him. The attack hit, a shockwave of pain going through Zhengs body. Toto knelt over to Zheng who would most likely be on his knees after that. He had a wide grin as he inched closer to Zhengs ear "I expected more from you Zheng, especially after I made him for you. is this the difference between your hard work and my knowledge? Tata~" His body vanished, long gone and no where to be seen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ike Tsugi

As he headbutted the tree one more time, he saw out of the corner of his eye a Byakurai strike and graze his left cheek. A little trickle of blood flowed as he looked up at the woman, while most woman would call him a perv for looking directly up at her, his eye twitched as he raised his middle finger before pointing it at her. "Two can play that game fuckface. Hado number four! Byakurai!" Ike stated with his hado going in a dead line straight for her head this time. His little birdy friend tweeted as it flew off and landed on a wall to watch the little spite.

Nene Sanada

Nene looked at the devastation and sighed, many people were indeed injured. The attack must of been huge in this kind of scenario. Nishi seemed to be thinking the same thing before shrugging it off. "Maybe indeed." Nene said as she herself began to start healing, but somewhere along the way, some kids shes healed began to get obsessed with the fact she was a blind healer, to which their child minds found amazing. However, she could of dealt without the four year old clinging onto her back as she tried to heal people.

Aya Oda

"But, but..... I only said that so you wouldn't blame them.... Besides I would have just said something like you farted in public. The real one is mine to know. I'm an Oda! And once we say something we........ never lie...." the last part of her sentence began to slow down as her face looked a little sadden by some event that must of happened but she shrugged it off and grinned as she jumped and clutched onto his back grinning as her face poked out by his. "Woooo piggyback ride!!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 day ago

No way, how can this clone take such a beating?! Even if this thing was made of straw and at seated level even a seated shinigami shouldn't be able to take such a beating without some consequence! Let alone grabbing his punch when he'd seemed to be unconscious! But why, why did this guy seem so familiar all of a sudden? The insanity of his eyes, the way he spoke was much too familiar. The next thing he knew the doll had somehow countered The Fist of the Monkey King, a move that he had only shown to one person before in his life, and then received a blow to the stomach so hard that it broke through Iron Tempered Will. His eyes bulged out of their sockets from the sheer force and fell to his knees, holding his stomach while trying to keep himself from vomiting his lunch. What he heard Toto whisper in his ear made him ignore his pain and froze. It...it really was him. Even after the clone had disappeared he stayed down on his knees and kept his eyes down towards the ground. "Enemies that my fists can't defeat..." Zheng repeated to himself. His fists began to shake and then he smashed his right hand down towards the ground, creating a small crater beneath him. "Fuck it all!" He yelled out to himself as Tenzai reformed around his wrists again. It was after that he stood up and walked away, walking past Kamon without even a glance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo rubbed the back of his with his right hand as he walked off, his head wasn't exactly held high and like most...he was going to drink his sorrows away. Nairin was likely going there to do the same and so the walk to the bar was pretty quiet, Shinzo had hardly anything to say at this point in time...it seemed like the Captain just slapped them in the face with what he just said...how they passed the mission? did he think that'd change that they all knew it was a failure deep down? if anything it felt like he was trying to actually be somewhat nice about it. In honesty it felt like they were children at some sort of running event, they never passed the finish line yet they were still considered winners along with all the other children...to be treated like a child after living this long was just humiliating...

Shinzo then let out a sigh as they arrived outside the bar. "About time..." Shinzo walked into the bar and went straight up to the counter and literally reached into his pocket, pulled out nearly all the money he had and slammed it down on the counter "Get me everything I can have for this much...." Shinzo watched as the man behind the bar nodded and began grabbing a few bottles...literally...a few bottles. He then placed them down on the counter and took the money...Shinzo stared at the few bottles then mumbled to himself "Thought I would of got a lot more for that but whatever..." Shinzo just took the bottles and began chugging them down instantly, not wasting anytime on getting drunk
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(Shizuka is...brutal...so there may or may not be some gory stuff)


Shizuka continued to look down at the man as he then fired a hado 4 of his own, yet Shizuka tilted her head slightly, just enough for the Hado to fly right past her head. Shizuka then jumped down off the branch and aimed her left palm at the man before firing a Hado 33 at him, if the man dodged then the Hado would smash into part of the Squad 10 barracks and likely cause some serious damage...but right now...Shizuka didn't care for that. In truth she kind of wanted to kill this person...despite knowing she couldn't, it didn't mean she couldn't beat him within an inch of his life!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nishi Matsuro

Nishi had started on healing the old seeing as they were likely the most at risk due to their injuries, however as she looked at their injuries she couldn't help but notice that some of these wounds were more like fine cuts...it was odd for hollows to have a body part like a blade, even more so when it was one similar to the size of a standard Katana...however some of the wounds she saw were indeed that caused by hollows. It was odd but Nishi couldn't help but think that there were people with weapons here fighting the hollow...but at the same time, also trying to harm these people...just what happened here?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Nairin watched the Captain walk out the door and pass by her. He was clearly angry but Nairin didn't care enough to follow him and ask what was wrong. Instead, Nairin followed Shinzo, no doubt making his way to the nearest pub to get crunk. Streching her arms up, Nairin rested her palms on the back of her head as she walked casually beside Shinzo. It was quite, but it wasn't an awkward type of quite, more a comfortable quite. Nairin didn't mind, she was much too busy giving herself a mental pep talk to cheer herself up over the failed mission. No matter what the Captain said, Nairin considered the mission a complete fuck-up, but that didn't deter her spirits, instead that just gave her more urge to train harder and get stronger sooner. But first, a drink!

Stepping inside the pub, Shinzo had already stormed over to the bar and pulled up a stall, ordering his drinks. The guy definitely seemed down in the dumps, Nairin felt he was taking the failure way too hard, it wasn't like they were the cause of the whole Seiteirei and Human world being massacred or something. Taking a look around to soak in the atmosphere and sweet sent of alcohol, Nairin finally claimed a stool beside Shinzo and sat her sweet ass down. Waving the bartender over, Nairin pointed to one of the bottles Shinzo had using her thumb. "Fetch me one of those" She demanded, pulling a note out from under her trouser belt. Nairin had always kept her money on her tucked behind a bandaged wrapped around her left leg's thigh for safe-keeping since if she didn't, she would definitely end up loosing all of her money every time she stepped out the door. The bartender grabbed the money and gave her what she wanted along with her change, which she stuffed inside her left pocket. Glancing over at Shinzo, she noticed just how fast the man was downing his alcohol and couldn't help but chuckle. "Someone's in a rush to get smashed heh" Opening her bottle, Nairin took a couple of swigs before wiping her mouth with the back of her right hand. "The mission affect you that much? Come'on, not all missions go to plan you know" It was odd for Nairin to try and cheer up another peer, but she couldn't help it, being around such a down person was making her start to feel bad and there was no way in hell she would let someone else's mood affect hers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Placing the communicator back into her pocket Koyo looked back to her fellow shinigami before taking a big breath, signaling that she was thankful that the captain did not decide to chew them out right away. "She told us to report to squad four, well at least I am meant too. She will meet us there, there are people coming to replace us so don't worry about leaving the town undefended" She knew he was not really hurt right now but orders were orders, and she felt kind of bad that he had to head back because of her...

Koyo-Shi peered down to the floor for a moment, her fingers tapping against the side of her sword "Umm... Could you... You know; open the door for us?" Sure she was hurt but she had to be honest she was not the best at doing such things, even blushing as she could not really do the task herself.

After taking the doorway home Koyo would head straight anyone in squad four, who would thankfully take her to be treated at their barracks. It was strange, she should have been feeling pain from the wound and yet unlike before there was nothing, no pain or discomfort and yet instinct stopped her from placing weight onto it. She suspected it was just a delayed combat high, after all she was being patched up now so it likely meant little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ike Tsugi

His hado missed causing him to grumble as he watched her jump off the branch and aim her palm at him, once he saw the blue light start emitting he jumped to his left to avoid it and watch it crash right into the barracks. 'Wow this is one crazy violent bitch..... awesome.' Ike thought to himself with a grin as he kicked off the ground with his right arm arced back before he swung it forward in a straight jab to her stomach. Well.... his first day here, and he was already a part of destroying the squad.... Sounded like a good day to him.
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