Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

Marcus “Limbo” Clementine

The man introduced himself to Marcus as Erin Draven. For someone who dressed in such a dark attire, the demeanor he projected was actually quite friendly and pleasant. Marcus took this as a sign that looks were quite deceiving in this guild. It made him feel bad for being a bit hasty to judge the three who had come in and started challenging people to fights. They were probably good friends.
"Oh, you don't need to apologise." In truth, Marcus had also been distracted by the wave of new faces entering the guild hall. "It seems everyone is very busy around here." Marcus decided to take a seat at the bar, pulling up a stool and turning around on it to face Erin. His new acquaintance asked him about his reasons for joining the guild. Marcus was quiet for a moment, as if he was ashamed, but then suddenly flashed a smile and spoke.
"I've got nowhere else to go, I guess." He explained, nervously scratching the back of his head, "The circus was my home, but we were never as popular as we wanted to be. We couldn't sustain the cost of running the joint. Long story short, we all got booted and here I am." Marcus refused to mention his family. They were never an option to return to from the start. He let out a sigh and shrugged his shoulders to Erin, as if to say 'it was what it is'.
"So what about you? Any particular reason you joined? If you don't mind me asking." As he asked the question, a loud woman barged into the Guild Hall and began to speak to the group that were greeting an old friend. He ignored her, staring back at Erin with his question still present.

@Demon Grave

Alice Vetrov

Alice was pleased that Matt and Revan took her big news well. It felt great to be able to share something so important in her life with her old comrades. When Matt asked how long they were together, Alice sighed with contentment as she thought about it.
"It's been about 5 years I'd say since we were married. We met practically when I returned home, so I've known him for about 6 years." Alice laughed with delight, brushing her hair away from her face. "It's all gone so fast these last few years." Reminiscing on the past was always comforting to Alice. Even though it reminded her of the hardships she had gone through, there were certain moments in life that just seemed to make it worth it. She tilted her head over to Revan with a smile.
"James is only young, but I'd watch out if I were you. Hanging around this place is sure to give him some ideas and in a few years there may just be another knuckle-headed mage running around this Guild Hall challenging every S Class that breathes in their vicinity." Alice spoke as if she was telling some sort of horror story, which it may as well have been to Revan. Alice was about to suggest that she begin setting up her office, seeing as it was practically assumed by this point that she intended to stay and continue her work as a healer, but she was interrupted by a young girl challenging Matt to a fight. Alice sighed, but then smiled as she recalled where she had seen this all before. This wasn't a very uncommon thing to happen back when she was a part of a guild. What was even more surprising was that the young girl backed down. She seemed to be in quite a somber mood. One of those days, perhaps?

Revan brought up the white haired boy that had run off to go and fight with Hana. He was a curious lad, at least to Alice. Yet she couldn't help but notice how his spirit was quite familiar to a certain dragon slayer that Alice was well acquainted with.
"Call me crazy, but that boy with the white hair; I didn't catch his name, the one who challenged Ms Oshiro." Alice turned to Matt and Revan, smiling. "Does he not remind you of Natsu? My god it's been years since I've seen him. He probably spent more time on my operating table than anyone else in Fairy Tail." Alice couldn't help but feel the wave of nostalgia wash over her. She had a feeling that if this young spirit who reminded her of her former comrade was anything like Natsu, she'd be seeing quite a lot of him in her office as well. Before she could go into more stories about her time in Fairy Tail, a woman who Alice had not seen in quite some time entered the room as well. It seemed today was quite the day for reunions.

Stacy Kaiser was an interesting individual, which was Alice's way of saying that she did not particularly enjoy her company that much. However, the healer was far too polite to just ignore someone; especially after she hadn't seen them in years. With a smile that came surprisingly easy to her, Alice cheerfully greeted Stacy.
"Well, it looks like I'm not the only one making a surprise appearance today." Alice nodded her head politely towards the woman before Revan began to cleverly divert attention away from himself and hoist it onto Alice. She shot him a look of pure poison as he walked away to the bar. That demon knew fully well that no number of husband or children would stop Stacy Kaiser from doing whatever she wanted to Alice. If anything it probably made her a more desirable target for the woman's amusement. Quickly thinking on her feet, Alice remembered that she still had an office to set up.
"Let's talk over some drinks later, Stacy. I'm sure there is a lot we ladies can catch up on. Right now, however, I'm afraid I am awfully busy. Matt, be a dear and treat her to a drink or two." Alice made an apologetic look towards Matt before quickly turning around and walking towards the bar where Revan was sitting.

Near the bar there was also two young mages sitting down. One of them she recognised as the girl who had recently challenged Matt to a duel. The other was the young boy who Matt had effortlessly taken out earlier as Alice had entered. She stared at the crater left in the floorboards and made a tsk sound. Clearing her throat, Alice began to speak to Vivian and Belial who both looked like they weren't doing anything of importance.
"Not meaning to interrupt your evenings, but I have quite a lot of equipment to set up in the infirmary and I was wondering if a couple youngsters like yourselves wouldn't mind lending me a hand. I'll treat you to some supper after we're done as a token of my gratitude."

@Demon Shinobi

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Taka Shirokawa

Taka grinned in victory as the ogres fell to the ground, but then she noticed that the hand from the hooded figure was reaching towards her direction. That hand... it's like this person just stitched together a bunch of monsters together... and that eye... is it looking right at me? Taka thought and asked to herself, she took a look back to see the ogres convulsing like crazy, before all of them rose at once, which surprised Taka a lot. She noticed the features that was different, solid black eyes, and the skin gleaming with dark red runes that swift around.

"What the heck?" Taka grit her teeth as she was sliced in her arm, she slid back as her original skin was exposed and bleeding slightly. "It's coated with magic..." Taka said as she took a look at the blade, which was actually infused into the ogres hands. "OFF." Taka said as her body of flame had went out, her original body showing itself.

I need to conserve my magic if I'm going to win against them, and they're charging again! Taka said as she brought both of her arms out in front of her, fire started to slowly form as she prepared to chant out her attack.

"Fire Tornado!" Taka yelled out as two tornadoes made of fire formed after she chanted her attack, the fire managed to engulf the ogres but she knew that it wouldn't be enough, so she prepared to attack with another spell, so her arms were then engulfed in fire as she brought them up over her head.

"Fire Lances!" Taka yelled out as she brought her arms out, four beams of fire shooting towards the ogres, she saw them fall over as she panted slightly, the fire on her arms slowly going out. She then looked to see that Aiden had started to fight the hooded figure, so she ran over to Aiden.

"Need some help?" Taka asked Aiden as her hands started to get engulfed in flames, preparing herself to cast some spells onto this mysterious hooded figure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai

As Kuroku hid behind the rock, he could hear faint whispers from the darkness.

"C-Come..." the hooded figures says in an amplified voice, though his English mustn't be good, "N-need Silver He-"

But he would fall short as an Ogre punches the figure straight in the face, shutting him up for good. The Ice Mage realizes that this figure was calling out for the Silver brooch that he had in his hand. He must've been the one igniting the power of the brooch. Kuroku could only imagine what this thing would be used for... summoning a demon? Resurrecting the dead? What? The questions seemed endless. However, the ice mage will remain hidden here until the battle against the orges have ceased. Then he'll reveal himself...

And call Bristle to get over here cause' he must be pretty bored by now...

@Leslie Hall
Matisuki Kiryuin

"Indeed." Matt nods with a sigh, remembering the events just after the war, "It's nice to meet the one you love right after the darkness of war. Brings a whole new light to one's life you know?"

He then laughs after hearing Alice's statement on his son.

"Haha, I don't think you should worry that much." he answers cheerfully, "I'm sure he's a good lad. Good enough not to get into trouble."

Then later, Alice mention Isshum... and his striking similarity towards the great Natsu... personality wise.

"You mean Mr. Isshum?" Matt answers back, "Why he does have the spark of the great Council chairman. The champion of Fairy Tail! But perhaps a bit more brash then him... yet has great potential given that he keeps himself in check."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Erin Draven

Erin listened politely to Marcus as he talked. Moving with him to the bar, even ordering a drink for himself and Marcus. It was sad to hear that his life had been changed so by the failings of his home. Erin handed Marcus a drink when they were delivered, and sipped his quietly as Marcus finished speaking. Asking him about why he decided to join the Guild. He took another drink before answering.

"Well, much for the same reasons as yours. Though without the circus," Erin said with a small laugh. "I really didn't have a home of my own before I came here. Before the war I went from guild to guild, trying to figure out where I fit in without truly finding it. It wasn't until the war came that I joined Wizards of Fiore, and even then not until half way through. Actually they found me when I was caught defending a small town against villainous mages who thought to sack the poor place," Erin said, his polite smile always present upon his face. As if the horrors of the war he had taken part in never really happened. He did take a longer drink though.

"So I saw your magic just a bit ago as Belial came barging in. That was pretty cool, and I've never seen it's like before. What do you call it?" Erin asked as he remembered Belial passing through Marcus on his way to Matsuki.

@Leslie Hall
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I S S H U M.

Blood fell in river-veins down his body. Dying his already black clothes a darker color. As Hana complimented his magic and placed her hand on his head, ruffling it softly. Isshum began to feel himself blush. However, his dislike for lectures, regardless of meaning soon kicked him in the haunches, rousing him from his youthful stupor.

Alot gentler than usual, he knocked aside Hana’s hand and looked off to the side, keeping her from directly seeing his embarrassment. “Don’t lecture me. I hate that crap. A hero shouldn’t need to be lectured too.” He had read that tid-bit in a rundown bookstore he had wandered into in his younger years.

Listening to her speak of another Dragon Slayer made him curious. So Isshum locked his arms behind his head and walked beside her. “Another Dragon Slayer huh? What type of Dragon Slayer is the guy? Is he like “Black Steel” Gajeel? I heard that guy was off exploring the World? I can’t imagine how strong he gotta be to put you down. Hmp! It’ll be me soon … just wait. If all I need is a burning determination than you’re done for,” he chuckled lightly.

Once back to the guild, he found Vivian and Belial quickly. Disappointment laid on him, alongside an unclear fear as he ran up to them, wincing with every step. At the bar, he grabbed a seat next to Belial, ruffling the kid’s hair with a warm hand and smile. “Yo!” he greeted, ignoring the blood still falling from his wounds from Hana.

“She was a lot stronger than I first thought,” he offered as explanation. “I’ll take her down next time for sure though. If she wasn’t so damn precise with that magic of hers, I might have stood a better chance.” For some reason he was wholly ignorant of the lady that sat between them. “Aye! I’m hungry. I want Taka’s living flame!”

@Demon Shinobi@j8cob@Leslie Hall@chukklehed
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Bristlebane woke up with a snort as the alarm went of, "I'm up I'm up!" he cried out before realizing there wasn't anyone there. Also figuring that he had spent more than enough time out of the cave he packed up his stuff and charged into the cave yelling wildly. Bristlebane skidded around the corner to see... that the fighting was pretty much already over. "Guys need any help?" he asked somewhat belatedly after standing there awkwardly for several seconds. A bunch of ogres were lying on the ground covered in scorch marks, ice, and slashes, along with a robed man. Weird.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Belial sighed, turning his head to look at Vivian before looking back down. She'd gotten a drink. Probably pilfered from another guild member. He couldn't help, but release a small chuckle before lifting his head as he heard somebody take a seat between him and Viv and then speak. "Hm?" He turned to look at the woman, giving her his full attention since he had nothing else to do. In response to the request he smiled. It wasn't training, but it was better than the nothing he was currently doing.

The young boy opened his mouth to agree to helping her when he felt a hand on his head followed by Isshum's all too familiar voice. "Haha I'm sure you'll get there big bro." He spoke cheerfully as he turned around on the bar stool to face Ish. "But um... Taka isn't here, far as I can tell. So you can settle for more fire from me... Oooooooor some regular food." With that he turned again. "Oh and you shouldn't ignore people Ish." He laughed as he smiled at the woman. "And I don't mind helping you. Although I'm not so sure about the other two here with us." He said with a small laugh implying laziness on Vivian and Isshum's parts. "So, what do ya need exactly?" He finally asked calmly, his worry and annoyance from before far from his mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tsukoreyu
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Z Y E R O.

Zyero goes places his jewels up back in his bag except a thousand jewel and place the bag on the rack in the closet. Closed the door and then place his right index finger on the lock and froze it. He looked in the mirror fixed his hair grabbed a book of spells and walked out his room. Zyero walks down to the lobby and stands above the breezeway. His mind begins to remember things that had occurred between his contractor and the target. It was as if he was there himself as if the memories belong to him. A few moments with these thoughts was all he needed to find his target. The way he moved step by step dance across Zyero eyesight, like a proud father watching his daughter in her first recital. His heartbeat pitter patted in Zyero ears like a honors student first day in class.

Zyero then walked down to the food court and sat close by the hallway, ordered himself some curry and holly soda he touched the waitress hand and looked into her eyes.

"Can you make that to go, I'm kinda hoping to get some rest afterwards."
"No problem" as she smiled and walk away

Then he closed his eyes and slowed his breathing and heart down. Seconds later It was as if he was in a completely separate world, where no one but he was in. The memories began to replay in his head he his ears began to listen for a matching pattern. There was only one that he could find that was remotely similar and he was not far from him. He could tell from how loud or faint the heartbeat was where he was, how far off he was and slightly the motional status of him. This is what assassines do this is how this we operate. His mission was clear find him and eliminate him quietly and quickly.

Zyero then began to count 15 clicks, 13 clicks, 10 clicks, At this time he began counting a separate count this one moved at a faster pace 15 clicks, 10 clicks. Eventually by the count of the 5th click the count was sync together, and 3, 2, 1. The target was coming up directly behind Zyero at the same time the Waitress was bringing a bag of food and placing it on the table in front of him. Zyero lays the money down on the table and grab the bag. The waitress looks up to thank Zyero for the tip and catch eye contact with the target

"You pig" she said in rage and picked up Zyero cup and splashes it in his face.

He is confused he never seen this girl a day before in his life, Excuse me, i don't think you know who you're dealing with do you know who i am

Zyero slides back his chair to move out the two way stepping on the target foot in the process. Suddenly the guys remembers her he apologies leaving her so many years ago the they argue for a little while longer until security arrives to settle the situation. During all the confusing the target starts to feel discomfort in his back, pressure in his arm. So he clinches it and looks over to the girl and collapses on to the floor. Security calls for medical assistance it take forever for them to get through to the target. He looks to the girl and start blaming her for this and the guy sitting in the chair between him.

"This is all your and his fought"
"Whom are you talking about baby? there is no one there."
"He's right there" pointing at the chair

The girl and security stares at each other and look at the chair, They know at this point his condition is getting serious. The target became extremely weak, his heartbeat began to beat rapidly. He felt like he was choking feeling, Sweating, and he started to get dizzy. Then he started seizing up security started pushing people back to give the guy room. Medics gets through the crowd just in time as he finished shaking, his heart had pump for the last time. But when stubborn medic checked his pulse and decided to get him to hospital as fast as possible, maybe they could save him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

When Isshum asked about the Dragon Slayer that Hana had mentioned, she completely disregarded the strange feeling and brightened up. "Oh, he is an amazing man. Solid like a rock but gentle like the breeze. His composure is almost as awe-inspiring as his power. He can be a bit too pragmatic at times and he doesn't like talking much, but he's the kind of person that can always be depended on. Perhaps that is why... Isshum? Where'd you go?" Hana had stopped walking as she began to rant on, completely spacing out and failing to notice that the white-haired boy had continued on and likely missed every word she said. "Oh. Well, another time perhaps."

It wasn't until Hana arrived at the guild hall herself that she deduced what the strange feeling was. A very familiar white-haired girl, a woman now, was bothering her guildmates. Stacy Kaiser had worked for the Magic Council in the past and was even trained by three Wizard Saints. Hana was very familiar with her, especially considering she had worked under Ajax Thera in the past. But, years ago during the war, Stacy had been sided with the Magic Council, much like Ajax initially was. However she remained loyal to them, even after the corruption was brought to light and war declared on the Council. Hana didn't know why she had made that decision in the past, and she didn't know why Stacy was here now, among the people who had defeated her years before...

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

"Aw, you don't have to be like that," Stacy complained as Revan refused to buy her drinks. "Think of it like being for old times' sake. I mean, I was way too young to drink in the old times but still. Didn't stop me much." Regardless of her protests it seemed that the half-demon wasn't going to help her any. With a sigh she resigned herself from trying. He had mentioned Alice. Stacy had only met her once before, and it was when Alice was saving her life from injuries received losing a fight against Fairy Tail. Despite being the enemy the woman was compassionate enough to heal her. In a way Stacy was grateful, though since then she had heard that her former comrades had tortured Alice. Perhaps the association with the old Magic Council would reflect poorly on Alice's view of Stacy post-torture.

But that wouldn't stop Stacy from trying to bother her. Just as Stacy approached, her arms already stretched out to grasp Alice in (most likely an inappropriate) embrace, the older woman declared that she had business to attend to and that they could socialize later. "Hey, I know what it's like to be busy. I just happen to not be busy anymore. Probably won't be for a while." With a laugh she redirected her attention to the man named Matt. Stacy couldn't recall if she really knew him personally, but she certainly knew of him. "Oh, you're a big guy. I don't have a very good track record of getting along with big guys, but maybe you're actually a nice guy who will give me booze and all that," Stacy greeted, approaching Matt. "I don't have any cash right now, but I can pay you back later. I promise."

"Hello Stacy." The familiar voice startled the pale woman, prompting her to turn around and face Hana with a look of fear. But after affirming that she was by herself she let out a sigh of relief. "Never thought I would see you around here. How have you been lately?" Stacy wiped some sweat off her forehead before grinning with confidence. "Nothing much. Just got fired. Figured I'd bother you guys, because in all honesty I would probably be arrested by my former co-workers if I bothered non-mages. You scared me a bit there, Hana. I've only ever seen you before with Ajax, and... well... he's terrifying. Good to see that he isn't here." "I'm sorry you lost your job at the Council. Why were you fired?" "Eh, I got drunk and accidentally ripped off someone's shirt. Erza was super pissed. It might've been her favorite shirt or something, I dunno." "You know, we can help you with your drinking problem if you-" "Nah, I'm good. Life's pretty fun this way."

Now Stacy turned back to Matt. "So, about those drinks?" With a disappointed sigh, Hana turned away and walked deeper into the guild hall. She took a seat at one of the empty tables, crossed her legs, and removed a small book from a pouch on her waist. "I feel sorry for that girl," Hana muttered to herself, opening the book to the bookmarked page and beginning to read from where she left off. The book had no title on the cover, but if one were to pry it they would find the words seemed to be about meditation and spirituality.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Annabeth Justenfant

The Guild Hall was a rowdy, cacophonous mess of activity, same as any other day. Sometimes Annabeth wondered why anybody thought combining every Guild in Fiore under one roof on a daily basis was a good idea. The fact the building was still standing was, in her mind, nothing short of miraculous. But then, that was partially her responsibility; she was, after all, one of the S-Class mages, and that meant she was expected to help keep the building in one piece as best she could. Though that didn't mean she had to like it, she thought, as a group of four mages began to start brawling with one another at a table nearby where she was peacefully eating. Initially, it was alright- just fists and boots, nothing dangerous. Brief, comical fisticuffs were usually not the issue.

And then one of them threw a fireball.

Annabeth smelled the spell before it even fully formed in his hand; fire magic always had this odd sort of burning scent that went before it, and she was very acutely aware of that. The torch bolt went wide of its target, but just as the others began to call up magical counterattacks they were all stopped by an ornate spear flying through the air and impaling itself in the middle of their fight. A second after, Annabeth appeared next to it, standing in between them. "I certainly hope," she said in a polite but firm tone that had all the feeling of a disappointed mother, "That I didn't just see any offensive magic about to be cast. Because I'm certain such fine, upstanding young mages are aware of the Guild Hall rules, and would never, ever break them by using magic against one another outside of the sparring ring. Riiiiiight, boys?"

The color drained from the faces of all four lads as they sheepishly apologized. While she was not the strongest mage in the Wizards, the threat of an angry Anna was still quite potent as an enforcement tool. But, then, there was also her sweet side. "Good!" she exclaimed as she smiled and patted each of them on the head, "Because the last thing we want is any of you getting hurt. Go on, get back to the table, your food's all getting cold."

Mages these days. rang a voice in her head that only she could hear, They're all so quick to reach for the mana. What ever happened to talking about your problems?

This, coming from a mystical artifact for the express purpose of solving problems with his pointy end?

I was a last resort, and I solved any problem I was confronted by with dignity! I didn't Magic Missile first and ask questions if anything was still alive! By the by, it seems there's someone over there looking for you.

"Hmm?" she asked as she turned her head about. Sure enough, there was Akatsuki, waving at her as she tried to edge through the bustling crowd. "Ah, there we are. Thanks, Gungnir."

At your service, Mistress.

By then, the teenage lady had made her way over, and Annabeth greeted her with a smile. "Miss Kawashiro! What can I do for you, hmm?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Saltwater Thief
"Ah Annabeth I need to ask a few questions if you don't mind?" Akatsuki spoke as she could barely contain her excitement if things when well she might have a lead on her brother finally. "Well anyway as you may or may not know my brother vanished years ago with nary a word on where he went. Well beyond that he left a message about a lost temple "Carleon Medb" and the lost weapons they were supposed to contain. Well after much researching and a rather poor decision on my part of pursuing something in a obviously trapped temple I managed to find a item that is connected to this temple. Well inside I found this key I was wondering if you would know anything about it or the temple itself." Akatsuki said as she carefully took out the key which she wrapped in a blue cloth to protect it somewhat and presented it to Annabeth. "This is the key I was talking about I can't figure anything about it beyond the fact my azure flame magic seems to reflect off it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Demon Grave

Marcus “Limbo” Clementine

Marcus intently listened to Erin while he recalled a short tale of his life before the Wizards of Fiore. It was quite fascinating, talking to other wizards. Carnival folk had interesting backstories, but none of them were quite piqued Marcus interest as much as the story of how a wizard has lived their life. Marcus often found himself in his youth begging Master Henryk to recall the tales of how he became known as Henryk the Magnificent, Master of the Rift. At the time he didn't even stop to consider that perhaps his mentor was just making a lot of his tales up, but he didn't care; they were quite the investing stories. Listening to Erin talk about the wars, Marcus could feel his mood somber, even if the cheerful man didn't show it on his face. The war was a difficult time for many people, and Marcus felt guilty that he had no words of empathy to impart. He wasn't involved in the war, and neither was his family. He sighed at the thought of losing his family to war; even his despised father, which surprised him.

Marcus took a swig from the drink that Erin had kindly placed in front of him, gagging as the alcohol burned the back of his throat. Not wanting to seem rude, he swallowed the booze with a painfully forced smile. He also didn't want to seem like a kid who couldn't handle a little drink in front of his new comrade.
"Pardon me. So you saved a village during the war?" Marcus said, flashing Erin a proud grin, "I guess that makes you a hero then. I'm honored to share this drink with you, Erin." Marcus took another swig from the glass, instantly coughing it back and keeling over as he tried to remove every last ounce of the horrid stuff from his tongue.

He tried to laugh it off, but he obviously wasn't fooling anyone. Thankfully, Erin was compassionate enough to change the subject back to Marcus' magic. It never occurred to Marcus the rarity of his masters craft, since growing up he'd spent so much time around it with Henryk that it felt normal. Clearing his throat, Marcus decided to keep it simple as to not bore Erin with the details.
"I'm a Rift Mage. I can slip in and out of existence and bring people to an alternate dimension where I hold all the cards. That's why that kid, what was his name? Belial, you said. Yeah, he looked like he passed right through me. Technically he didn't. Technically I just stopped existing in this dimension for short period." He shrugged, smiling mischievously at Erin. "Call it foul play if you'd like, but I prefer to think of it as fighting on my own terms." While normally a showman like Marcus would provide a demonstration, the day had been quite long and arduous for the young mage. It would probably be a lot less effort to leave it at a simple explanation and order another round of drinks for Erin and Marcus; although this time he made sure his wouldn't be alcoholic.

@Demon Shinobi

Alice Vetrov

Alice couldn't help but find the young man who spoke to her quite charming. He was quite charismatic for someone who looked as young as he did. She was even more delighted that he was willing to help her. Suddenly the fear of sorting through all those files and medicinal equipment faded away. She placed a hand casually on her hip and smiled at the young boy.
"It's very kind of you to take me up on my offer. I'm sure there are a hundred other things a dashing gentleman such as yourself could be doing right now." She nodded her head respectfully, about to comment on how grateful she'd be when the familiar looking white haired individual came practically hobbling through the door and towards Belial. He looked like he was in pain, but from her viewpoint it didn't seem that bad. She withheld a comment about Ms Oshiro's power, figuring that it was the last thing Isshum wanted to hear right now. Belial scolded Isshum in a friendly way for ignoring Alice, redirecting his attention back to her.
"Glad to see you so eager. First things first, introductions. My name is Alice Kisaragi, I'll be resuming my role as a medic here at the guild. I've brought a lot of my medical equipment with me and require it to be set up in the infirmary and an office. Nothing too hard, just need to make sure all the files are in the right place. It's quite an extraneous task to tackle alone though."

Alice began to be mindful of the time, staring at the Guild Hall. With a quick moments thought, she decided to change her mind.
"You know, on second thought. It's been a very long day, and I feel like you three would agree. So why don't we make a deal. It'll be my pleasure to treat a lovely lady and two handsome young men to a meal tonight in exchange for your help tomorrow." Alice smiled, including the young girl who had wished to challenge Matt earlier, even though she sat quietly and kept to herself. Alice took note of Isshum's remark about eating fire, deciding to tempt the Dragonslayer a little more.
"I'll even let you taste a special fire of mine, one that you've probably never encountered before."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Erin Draven

Erin laughed at Marcus calling him a hero. He never thought of himself as one. What he did is what he's always done. Helping people when he's needed, and doing his best to make someone's day a bit better.

"Not at all. I only held the enemy off for a couple days. It was the Guild who's the heroes there, if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here right now, and neither would that town." Erin said easily. Taking another long drink as he tried not to linger on the memories. The smile never leaving his face.

It was almost comical to see Marcus struggle with the drink that Erin had gave him. It didn't seem to be that strong, but some people had different tastes. Still, it made Erin eye his own drink as if he could see anything different about it.

"Rift magic? Sounds interesting. Now, forgive my curiosity, but how does it affect another to be pulled into your dimension? Could another wizard still use their own magic in there or is it meant to cancel it out?" Erin asked, honestly interested. He liked to know about other magics in case he had to face them someday.

@Leslie Hall
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I S S H U M.

Isshum let his eyes wistfully slide towards Alice. He raised his brow before sniffing the air around her; she smelled pleasant. He shrugged his blood-stained shoulders with indifference before planting an elbow on the table, holding his cheek up with a firm fist, and smiling kindly at her.

“My bad. Nice to meetcha lady. The name’s Isshum Wyvern and I plan on being a hero someday. Will you help me accomplish that? he asked, sincerity gleaming off his smile. Then his eyes widen and his smile arced up into a giddy grin. You have a unique fire!? Like a never before seen type of flame? What kind? Can you show me now? Wait, no! save it for dinner!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Aftermath of the Orge Cave Mission

Aiden, Taka, Kuroku and Bristlebane had eventually beaten back the vicious orges that were in the cave. It was indeed a long enough battle, but they persevered none of the less. However, at the last leg of their journey, they were interfered by a mysterious woman who attacked the wizards. They fought hard, even with Aiden trying to subdue the woman, but unfortunately they were forced to retreat and call off the mission, with a trounced Aiden in tow. Kuroku still has the silver brooch in his pocket and keeps it for himself, remembering the time when the mysterious hooded figure tried to call out for it. Whoever it was, he thankfully did not get it... but what if he did? What would happen? But perhaps some things are better left unsaid...

The group heads back to the main guild to rest and perhaps go on another mission... one that would be hopefully less predictable then the last...

Matisuki Kiryuin

The warm early morning sky greets the inhabitants of Magnolia as the sun begins to slowly peak from the horizon, casting a seemingly holy glow from the guild building. It was only 6:00 AM, but on a Saturday, not many people are up at this hour. Matt however, was one of those early risers. Normally he was in fact a later sleeper, but he had a good nights' rest last night and was feeling pumped. On days like these, it would be nice to walk around the town and breathe at the cool, crisp, morning air. After his morning warm up, Matt heads to the guild hall, with his stomach on low fuel. He rings a waiter bell, hoping to grab the attention of Tessa or anyone of the bartenders there.

While he waits, Matt reads the daily newspaper and again skims through the pages. He finds the section for guild jobs and reads through it. Various missions are available, such as calming down a drunken mage, a fake mage causing identity theft, a harem of Vulcanians blocking the way near Mt. Hakobe, a missing girl, a potential dark guild in the works, and vice versa. There was a lot more then usual, but Matt didn't mind it at all. Just then, Kuroku came in and sat right next to him.

"Morning Matt." the ice mage says slickly, "Seems you've been up early. I thought you'd still be sleeping at this hour."

"Hm," Matt grunts in response, "I had a good nights' rest, which is something which I rarely get these days. And my body wanted to get out of bed so I decided to walk around town. I've almost forgotten how magnificent the early morning sunshine is like, you know?"

"I suppose." Kuroku answers back as he glances over at the newspaper Matt was holding, "What jobs do we have here?"

He inspects the newspaper, looking at all the jobs that one can partake in. All of them looked to be pretty average jobs, with none catching his eye.

"I guess just average ones..." Kuro responds, "I want something cool and exciting like yesterday's job."

"How was that job?" Matt asks curiosuly.

"Due to... difficulties," Kuro says slowly, "We were forced to retreat."

"Getting soft eh~?"

"No... not really. We were ambushed by a strange woman. We managed to almost sub due her, but then her fury of rage forced us to head out. She was unusually strong..."

"Y'all be getting soft. I would've punched her into oblivion."

"I don't think it's as simple as that... I mean. We were fighting Ogres and they were pretty easy."

"Naturally. They're all brawn but no brains."

"Heh, kinda reminds me of someone else I know..."

Thankfully, Matt didn't hear what Kuro said as he continues reading the newspaper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Ira Amaterasu

Ira awoke to find himself curled into a ball on the stolen carriage’s bare floor. He suffered from and terrible headache and felt quite drained. As he drifted more into reality he would remember the ritual he’d performed the previous night. When it finally sunk into his mind he jumped in excitement to see the flute , all in one piece, laying on table where he was working. “ Food. I need food.” He reached into his bag to find the animal he’d preseasoned and preserved for cooking. After Ira found what he was looking for he went outside and started a fire, placed the meat on wooden pikes , and went back inside to grab his manuscript. He was anxious to find a way to make the flute work.

He sat on the ground near the fire, crossed legged, with book in hand. He studied the book, almost forgetting about the searing meats. Thirty minutes later he decided it may be best to take a break and fill his stomach. After scarfing down the freshly cooked meat in only seconds he was right back into the book. It seemed he was looking for answers his manuscript didn’t contain. He tried blowing the flute but to no avail. It never even made a sound. “Piece of shit. I didn’t put my power into this thing for it not to respond.”

“The soul of another is what you need. , said the manuscript. Ira was now officially fed up with these quests. He wanted the power now , not after a hundred years travels. “ Fine. Lemme guess. Mage’s soul = flute’s power. Just to let you know I’m not leaving until I take her out. Later. I need some me time.” , Ira said as he grabbed his bag and headed out of the carriage. His destination was Taka. He might take some detours but only time could tell.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A Silent Mage, A Brooding Sage

Song of a Former Devil

"......." Grey eyes scanned the guild as the sun rose over the town. Not a lot of member of the United guild were around. That was expected: Mostly the main member of the T.W.O.F would arrive around about midday. Sage Ruzuzaki was not a member of the core group, nor was a apart of any team. The White haired Mage was just a member of the large guild. Doing mission, Paying bill and adventuring time to time.

".............." Hear the conversation of Matt and Kuroku meant nothing to him, except for missions. Laying on top of the rafters. He gently sat vertically and yawned, before he tilted his body right as gravity took over as sent him tumbling to the ground. However shift his weight around he soon found his safe landing, away from anyone in his area. his knees bent a little before standing upright as he yawned once again. Sage eye'd the mission board as he quickly made his way there. Scanning the papers for his ideal mission for the day.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Beatrix Durandal

I have arrived!

The doors of the guild sudden burst open, two angel like beings flanking each side and keeping the doors open for their mistress to come through, their elegant wings folding flat against their back out of respect of being indoors. Beatrix leaned onto one side of her chair as it made its way through the door at a steady pace, but once she was inside she made sure to announce herself in a commanding voice! "Do not worry, I have returned! " Swinging out her open palm the two angels responded by picking up their mistress while still in the chair, giving her a sizable height advantage over everyone else.

Peering around at everyone she could not help but feel she was a little late after her holiday to work at her shop. She often had to take time off lately, after all more and more orders were starting to pile up from, but she made sure to keep in mind the more intresting and promising members to interact with. "Hmm... Take me over there."She pointed towards the bar where her guardians placed her down, though she was much shorter than the others at the bar she made sure to fix that by tapping on her chair, which caused its legs to raise up so she was at least the same height as everyone else, though it did struggle to get up to Matt's size.

"Mr Matisuki, I do hope your day has been promising"

Despite the fact that she was currently reading the news paper over Matt's shoulder, she did hold a good amount of respect for the man in qrestion, after all it was not easy to make S-rank with so many people around, still Beatrix was still herself.. "I think I am suited to finding this missing girl, after all others should be allowed to take out a few dark guild members." She nodded, clearly thinking she was being so nice to give others the chance at some action.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A Silent Mage, A Brooding Sage

Song of a Former Devil

Scanning the board for the mission, he came across something that fancied his interest. "............." Scanned the slip from where he was standing, his emotionless expression remained. It was a search and rescue mission, and it was for a little girl that went mission last week. A mental nod to himself he grasped the paper and examined it more closely.

Have you seen this girl?

This girl was last seen of the coast of Cedar city, there is no signs of struggle or anything to lead us on. Please help us in finding her!

"I think I am suited to finding this missing girl, after all others should be allowed to take out a few dark guild members." Not to far from him, came the voice of Beatrix Durandal, another well known mage of the guild. Unfortunate she would not be taking his mission, nor would Sage allow her to. Walking away from the mission board Sage held the mission slip in his hand as he made his way towards the bar, passing over the trio that were still talking as he arrived at the bar. Seeing no one at the bar to take his recording, he took out a small notepad. Before he could write on it, he paused.

He regained his voice after fusing with the devil slayer, but why did he still opt to using the notepad? He strugged, it must be a habit now....

Snapping back to reality, he pulled out a pen and wrote a quick note to whoever was in charge of overseeing mission. placing it with a paper, he quietly left the two notes on the bar.

>I'm taking this mission, alone- S. Ruzuzaki

Sage yawned for the third time as he left he guild and headed back to his home to get everything ready. It was going to be a easy mission, but then again. There was always a hiccup with these kinds of mission.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Akashi Mayhiro
Matisuki Kiryuin

Beatrix's arrival made Matt and Kuro look up from where they were sitting. The puppeteer had indeed arrived and is looking as well as ever! The two then look back at each other and began finishing up their conversation.

"If you don't mind," Kuro says, "I'll be looking for my comrades. Catch you later."

"Farewell." Matt simply replies, still looking at the newspaper as Kuro moves somewhere else. It was then when Beatrix came up to Matt and sat next to him.

"Mr Matisuki, I do hope your day has been promising."

Matt looks over at the girl with a chuckle as he lowers his paper.

"Ah Ms. Durandal!" he replies with jolly, "Welcome back! It's been quite sometime."

At the same time, the puppeteer was reading the newspaper over his shoulder, which he didn't mind at all. He knows that she must be looking at the job requests.

"Anything that catches your eye?" Matt asks.

Beatrix then points to the missing girl mission.

""I think I am suited to finding this missing girl, after all others should be allowed to take out a few dark guild members."

Matt gives a 'Hmm', stroking his chin as he looks at the job.

"Perhaps." Matt answered, "But there seems to be little info about this... dark guild. Maybe once there's more info one may consider going to~"

He was then interrupted by a note placed right in front of the job, with the person then walking away immediately afterwards. Matt inspects the note at hand:

>I'm taking this mission, alone- S. Ruzuzaki

"God damnit Sage..." the buff man mutters under his breath, waiting for Beatrix to make her comment on the situation.
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