Farm house outside Austin, Texas. 1825HRS Local Time
"I am not so sure about this comrade." The light was rapidly fading as the two mutants sat in the barn to a nearby farmhouse. "What? We were told that the so called Purifiers are holding a mutant here. Do you think the Professor would have just sent us to keep watch? We're here to do something. I mean you're the man of steel! What are you afraid off?" Colossus just chuckled at his young friends enthusiasm, it was nice to see her come out of her shell a bit. While mutants were understanding towards eachother many of the children still found it disconcerting that Ruth had no eyes, hence the creation of her alias 'Blindfold'.
"I understand that another has claimed 'man of steel'. I shall stick to Colossus." He eyed the building and looked back to Ruth. She'd probably know that he was considering it, the issue with working with telepaths. They knew what you were thinking. "дерьмо""What does that mean?" He just gave her the most stern look he could muster, which still wasn't very good. "Do not concern yourself with that. Wait here, and I shall discover the truth of what is happening in this place."
"Aw, come on big guy! I can-""Heal? Deflect bullets with your skin? Let them pass through you without getting hurt?" She looked distinctly embarrassed for a moment before replying "Well... no." He pointed one of his metallic fingers towards her. "And that is why you-" He then pointed to the ground. "-Stay here." He heard her go to speak as he turned to walk away. "Not a discussion." He began walking towards the farmhouse as the sun continued to lower in the sky, maybe the Professors information ahd been wrong? This homestead looked too peaceful to play host to anything nefarious. He was sure it was just all a misunderstanding. As he walked up the wooden steps onto the porch the wood creaked and bent under his weight, though it held.
As gently as possible he knocked on the door. He was greeted by a man holding a shotgun. "This is private property son, and we don't take kindly to Mutants trying to rob us.""I assure you, I mean you no harm. I was told that there was a mutant here in need. The man laughed. "Well they're ain't none of you freaks here-" He cast his eyes looking back into the other room. "-So you best be on your way." He went to slam the door but Colossus just put his hand in the way stopping it with barely any effort. "I mean no insult, though I am afraid I do not believe you. May I take a look around?" The man simply raised the shotgun directly in line of his face. "I told you, you ain't welcome here. So be on your way."
Colossus just sighed. "I am deeply sorry for this." As the shotgun went off in his face Colossus grabbed the barrel and gave it a twist, the metal grinding as it was bent out of shape and Colossus barged h is way into the house, or what had been a house. He had to refrain from throwing up slightly at the scene, what he couldn't see from outside was that the furniture in the living room had been removed. An altar sat at the far wall with a bald man in robes standing behind it, the congregation of this... meeting surrounded the barely dressed form of a teenage boy. Bruises and cuts visible all over his body. He was glad Ruth had not followed him in, while she wouldn't be able to see this she would be able to get a read of it using telepathy.
Everyone turned towards him as he entered the room, obviously unsure of what to do. "I would prefer not to hit others, so please. Do not make this complicated."