Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

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@Scarifar@Grey Star

Gabriella sat on the roof for a bit, frowning. "Note to self: do not grope the cute girls. Really don't need to start off in chains." With a sigh, she stood, stretched and took flight again. "I need to find somewhere I can train these psionic powers I gave myself." With the city behind her, Gabby flew fast, her hair and toga flapping in the wind.

After a while, she saw two people standing outside a cave. As she flew lower, she took notice of how cute the girl was. "Ahoy!" she called from above as she spiraled down slowly. Once low enough, she landed heavily, nearly falling over. "Still have to get used to these wings." she sighed, standing straight. "Hi." she smiled, looking at the pair. "Gabriella Hawkwing, at your service." She offered her right hand to them both, hoping to receive 2 handshakes.

When she noticed the cave, she tilted her head. "Looks a bit creepy. I might need more arrows." she said, looking back at her makeshift quiver. "And it's empty." she sighed, throwing the now-useless rabbit skin to the ground with the poor excuse for a bow, which snapped. "And, now, I'm weaponless. Great. Let's just hope there are some rocks in there." she said, frowning. "Anyways, let's go."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ambush! Roll for initiative!

The sun was warm, and the breeze was cool. An ideal day for walking and probably his favorite kind of weather. He didn't know if it really was but he was enjoying it, that was certain enough. He didn't talk much as they travelled. He didn't take the letter and he knew he wouldn't be able to do much to defend it so he stayed quiet and took in the surroundings.

Yar seemed like a very nice place. He felt like he could just breathe in the atmosphere forever, it felt like a good place. He felt like he wouldn't mind living in this world even if what he left behind was something he'd never know. He wondered if any of his other party members wanted their old life back but he sort of doubted it. They seemed just as happy as he was after all.

Hmmm, the quest window said there would be enemies... He thought. I wonder where they are?

As soon as he thought that, there was a loud(I'm assuming) explosion right in front of them. He fell backwards, partially due to his light weight but mostly due to his surprise. The explosion didn't actually have that much power in it, but his reactions weren't great. He quickly scrambled to his feet as smoke filled the road.

"Be careful everyone!" He shouted.

The smoke was filled with the sounds of shouts and screams as the citizens of Yar who had been going around their daily lives fled the scene. He could still see the rest of the party, he'd been staying close to Ranca because he felt safest next to her.

"W-we need to stick together!" He said.
@Rin@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Mimori's Police Instincts Take Over

For a moment, everything seemed to slow down, promptly, as the explosion went off. Mimori shut her eyes, but it felt like it had taken forever, as opposed to the instant it had actually taken. The sound hit her, and she felt her ears ringing in the wake of the blast. It was hard to describe an explosion. It was more then just 'boom', it was kind of a very fast roaring sound intermixed with the sound of various objects breaking. After she felt it stop, more then she heard it, her eyes snapped open. There were a set of procedures to conduct as of now. It came to her instantly, as she took a deep breath and shouted, trying to project her voice as loudly as she could manage.


Mimori couldn't guarantee that this would work, but she hoped that at least a few people, especially those she was working with, would heed her advice and stick close to one another.

Miyu, oops

"... Aww, jeez, that didn't work?" Miyu frowned, folding her arms. Maybe she needed to work on making even more powerful explosions... that had to be it. Though... had it bounced back? It was moving so fast Miyu couldn't tell. What about these walls looked reflective? There was nothing that Miyu could see that made them look that way. Her explodey laser should have just exploded! There should have been some sort of warning! This was dumb! Really dumb! "That was just stupid, wasn't it, Takeyo..."

She trailed off as she turned towards the tengu and found him flat on his back and smoking. Oops. Realizing that he had indeed been struck by the blast, she quickly hurried around behind him and started to push him onto his feet, to get him back up. It seemed like the blast had decreased in power and not done any serious harm, but... ooops. Putting effort into her thin arms, Miyu managed to slowly get Takeyoshi back to his feet. It wasn't exactly easy given the angle and the fact she was physically a small nine or ten year old, but she managed as best she could.

"Hmph, stupid walls not just exploding like they're supposed to..." she complained, frowning deeply, "... Are you okay?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Takeyoshi Sakujima- 痛ー!

To say that Takeyoshi expected something to go wrong would be an understatement; to say that he expected to get hit, though, was an entirely different story. The young tengu had been knocked to the ground, feeling as if he had just been slammed into by a car or something. The pain was... Excruciating, to say the least. He had never had much pain tolerance, but something of this level...
Was this how it felt to get hit by a pro pitcher's baseball or something? It was probably worse, all things considered.

As the moment of pain dissipated, Takeyoshi attempted to bring himself back to his feet. Miyu decided to help, thankfully enough; it was probably an accident, all things considered, but...

"Yeah, I... I'm fine. Just hurts. Taking that hit outta my candy debt to you, alright?" he half-heartedly joked, trying to alleviate the girl's worries as he wobbled back to his feet. "So... That didn't work. Let's not try that again and just... Stick to walking for now, all right?"

Taking a deep breath in an attempt to ignore the residual throbbing, Takeyoshi looked at the three doors again. There had to be something...

"Hm. You know what? Let's try the sad corridor. Might as well, since neutral face got us to an identical room... Right?"

Without waiting for a response, Takeyoshi began to walk through, waiting for Miyu to follow suit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After a few steps inside the cave Reyo heard voices back outside and inched toward the opening trying to get a glimps of who was talking. She she peared over a rock she saw two people, no doubt going to the same quest whe had just started. She sat in waiting to see what the people would do next. "It would be a perfect time to try out my new power" she thought as she put her hands together and closed her eyes thinking about something small and quiet, Then she thought of a hamster and instantly her body became a black mist and reshaped into the form of the animal then solidified again. "Holly shit, I'm actually a hamster" she thought looking at her new paws.

Lookin at the people again she noticed anther person flying in on what appeared to be angel wings. She bag an creeping closer to try and hear there conversation. Untill she made a squeak from tripping on a pebble in her path. And saw that one noticed her. Using quick thinking she decided to play the cute role and come closer to the one who noticed her. "I'm insane aren't I?" She thought to herself. Hopping they would given in on the cuteness. @Belwicket@Grey Star@Scarifar
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Medjedovic
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Medjedovic Not a Smart Man

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Exorcist

Qaizan Dungeon

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 2 days ago

To the Citrouille Dungeon!

Tori was still skeptical, but she supposed Velte was right. Tori unsheathed her knife, keeping her eyes trained on the cave. If any monsters would attack them, it would be from the cave. As she stared into the cave, however, she was caught off guard by the one calling out from the sky. Surprised, Tori turned around a bit too quickly, one foot getting caught by the other, causing her to fall onto her back. As Tori began to recover from the shock, she spotted the winged person who had now landed on the ground and introduced herself as Gabriella Hawkwing.

Getting up from the ground and dusting off her back, Tori returned the handshake and gave her a greeting of her own, "My name's Tori Amos." Gabriella seemed nice enough, and that was good enough for Tori to trust her. "To the dungeon," Tori said happily, and was about to head in when she heard a squeak. Stopping, she looked for the source of the sound and spotted a little furry creature going over to them. At first, Tori stepped back and held her knife at the ready in case it was a monster, but once Tori got a better look at it, she saw that it was some sort of hamster. Cautiously stepping over to it and kneeling down, Tori extended a hand to it to pet it, speaking in a calm tone, "Hi there, little one, where'd you come from?". When she was able to pet it, Tori smiled and gently picked up the hamster. "Aww, you're such a cutie patootie," Tori said to the hamster as she gently stroked it with a finger. Tori then looked at the cave entrance, remembering why they were here, and decided to put the hamster back down. "You shouldn't be here, go on," Tori said, giving it a gentle push to get it going.

With that done, Tori looked back at Velte and Gabriella. "Sorry about that, let's go," Tori said, then she walked into the cave entrance. The path was quite narrow, but it more than enough for at least one person to walk through. Still, though, Tori was unimpressed. It still seemed like an ordinary cave to her. Nevertheless, Tori kept her guard up and her knife ready, in case something unexpected would come along. Sure enough, as they kept walking, the path reached some sort of room with a blue glowing orb, as well as three wolves with flames that glowed the same color as the orb. Tori was frozen, not wanting to aggravate the wolves into attacking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Magic versus Golems. Who are... Also magic presumably but still

Miyu sighed and followed Takeyoshi through. Stupid dungeon walls being all dumb and not exploding... and no-one told her that it would be reflective! The tiny mage was in quite a huff as she followed her tengu companion. She was glad he was okay, at least. If it had been a direct hit, he probably would have exploded... and then where would she get her candy?! For that matter, was he serious about taking off some of the candy she was owed? ... Maybe she shouldn't feel so bad... Miyu couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about it, however. She was about to bring up the candy again when she noticed it was very obvious that there was blood spattered on the walls and floor.

"... Well, it's a dungeon after all," she reminded herself. Not to say it wasn't disconcerting, but... things did die in here. Some of it was worringly fresh, though... nevermind! Whatever caused it, she'd blow it up, no question! ... Which was about when the golems unraveled into their full forms. Miyu hopped back, but it only took a moment for her to recover from their surprising charge and grin.

"Heh, there's no way you're reflective!" she declared, raising one hand and tracing one finger through the air. Four crimson orbs of magic formed in a vague cube following the motions of her finger, each coming into being with a rising hum.

"Spark Rise Red!" Miyu cried. In response to her voice, two of the orbs shot towards one golem, and two towards the other, set to explode on impact.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Omg I love being pet, but now is not the time I think I'll head in the cave now" she said transforming into a human again and peering into the cave. Then she saw the people she had just eavesdropped on and some wolves. "I should help them" she said to herself in a quiet voice. Ok I need something stronger than a wolf. Then she thought of a bear and her body became black mist again and shed into a bear and solidified again. And she charged down the pathway roaring and yelling trying to get them out of the way. @Scarifar@Grey Star@Belwicket
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Takeyoshi Sakujima- ゴーレムと戦う

The pain had dissipated by the time Takeyoshi had entered the next room, having become not much more than a dull pain by the time he reached the next chamber. He had, by some miracle, been able to keep balance on his geta even while remaining slightly off-balance, which was helpful enough, but...

"...Oh. That... Doesn't... Seem good."

The tengu let the words slip out unconsciously as he noticed the blood-splattered floor and walls in the room, along with two golems coming to life. While most of them looked dried out, there were a few that seemed to be... Newer.
Was that why the doors took a while to open just now?

His thoughts were interrupted again, however, when he saw the two automatons rushing for him and Miyu.

"Oh, shi-!" he swore, kicking off of the ground to take flight. Watching Miyu fire off more explosions, Takeyoshi subconsciously moved his rigth hand over his chest in protection before flying down to pick Miyu off of the ground. At the very least, it'd give them more area to move around in than being on the round.

Hopefully these things couldn't... Shoot laters or something. Assuming those golems didn't explode in one hit, at least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

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The Cake Dungeon Was a Lie

"...I hate this world already." Velte remarked with an almost bland expression on his face as soon as he saw the three wolves in the supposedly beginner dungeon, the elf already getting into the role of a sardonic straightman. Still, despite his look on the outside, internally the boy was all but freaking out at the sight of the obviously supernatural wolves that were probably a bit more dangerous than their mundane counterparts. The hamster turning into a ding-dong bear made him audibly twitch even more, not even having the vitriol to say anything about that. Still, at least it looked like it was on their side.

With a huge sigh to release pent up stress and frustration, the elf moved himself in front of the frozen girl and hefted his giant sturdy toothpick outwards with legs bent in a primal stance. At the very least the enclosed space made it much easier for the bear to be a meat shield and for the elf to figure out where to point the sharp end of the stick at in case it got past the lummox. "C'mon over here, fido. I got a stick with your name on it." Muttering under his breath to steady his frayed nerves, the reincarnator got ready to shove everything in one savage thrust at anything that made it past the bear-icade.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

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@Scarifar@Lunar@Grey Star

Gabby eyed the hamster suspiciously with a frown. She knew it wasn't a real hamster by the feel of its mind but decided to keep it a secret for now. Instead, she decided to look for palm-sized, sharp-looking rocks.

Gabby walked in the cave with them, her hands resting behind her head. She kept quiet until she saw the wolves. Then a sudden bear. At least, the bear seemed to be on their side. With a quick peek into the beast's mind, she could tell it was the same being who had previously been the hamster. Glad you're on our side. the bear would hear Gabby's voice in their head.

She then turned to focus on the wolves. She lifted the first rock and threw hard, aiming for the smallest wolf's head. If it didn't hurt it, it would, at least, distract it, or so she hoped.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Reyo charged down the hallway she heard a voice in her head. It said "Glad you're on our side" once the hallway opened into the room she spotted the biggest wolf which was almost the size her and tackled it snaping at its throat and with a *snap* she broke one of its legs. After that she reared up and smashed on top of it with all her weight which didn't heart it to bad. Focusing on the larger one she tried to make a gesture with her head ot tell the rest to focus on the others.@Scarifar@Grey Star@Belwicket
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

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Rayo had hoped his friend would have moved out of the way. "I guess he doesn't use his brain a lot," the luchador mumbled to himself. Luckily, this experience taught Rayo that Orion's wolf form is mainly just animal rage. He was expecting the wolf form to have some kind of intelligence or animal instincts, but judging from the fight, Orion was solely focused on destroying the ghost.

"Can the same be said for the ghost?" Rayo talked under his mask and questioned the ghost's intelligence too. It's goal seemed to just kill then to answer questions. Rayo kneed down to the floor to look under the couch and could only see two shades of red underneath. It was unpleasant to think that Orion and the ghost were able to do that to themselves. Rayo scratched his head and began wondering if he could have taken on the wolf form.

The luchador stood up and looked at the cat hybrid. She took guard at the door with her sword prepared to strike. Dragon Rayo slouched and shrugged his shoulders. "Alright, I guess I will check under the couch. Mexicans always have to do the hard labor," he muttered. The luchador turned on his jumping boost in case the ghost and wolf decided to tag team him once the couch was picked up.

He picked up his speed and punt kick the couch; Rayo was ready to leap at a moment's notice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Medjedovic
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Medjedovic Not a Smart Man

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The Rhythm of Yazai

The Exorcist

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Medjedovic
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Medjedovic Not a Smart Man

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Rhythm of Yazai

Qaizan Dungeon


The Land of Yar

Citrouille Dungeon
@Lunar@Belwicket@Grey Star@Scarifar

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

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@Lunar@Grey Star@Scarifar

Gabriella eyes the sphere with a questioning look before shrugging and looking for more sharp rocks. By the time she's emptied the room of good throwing rocks, she had 12 rocks held in a "pocket" she had made with part of her toga, which she held up with her telekinesis. She looked down the corridors with a frown. "It seems we'll have to split up. Well, maybe not have to but that would be a smart choice. Either way, I can keep us in contact with my telepathy." With a smile, she turned to eye the other three. Looking at the bear, she tilted her head. "Oh, bear, could you show us what you really look like?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Rayo had his arms crossed and nodded his head to the landlord. Everything was happening pretty fast. He took a glance at the cat hybrid and his dragon-comrade covered in bandages on the couch. The luchador was fighting alongside two peculiar beings against a phantom and it still took him some time to process a corpulent jaguar.

Rayo wasn't certain of what the ghost had been moaning about. It was a gruesome sight when he had picked up the couch; seeing Orion biting down on the neck of ghost was horrifying. Rayo is a professional wrestler and he never suspected he would be seeing that much blood. Listening to the landlord, he hoped he would find what the ghost's history was before it had past. He was unfamiliar with the one of the terminology.

The masked hero leaned to the cat individual and whispered, "Do you have any idea what an Anathema is?" Taking a glance at the new sword in the cat's hand, he wondered if it would serve for another purpose in the future.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Orion - 完全なクエスト

Orion groaned softly to himself. He vaguely remembered attacking the ghost and being stabbed but after that it was pretty much zilch. From what he'd just heard they, well he really, had killed the ghost and earned the apartment. He felt like his entire body had been mauled, specifically he could still feel where he'd been stabbed. But hey, they had a home now! And he wasn't dead! So that was cool. Orion turned his head to look at the leopard and his friends. "Guess we won eh?" he croaked out with a silly grin on his face. That wasn't the only thing though. Orion couldn't sense the hunger inside himself anymore. Maybe it had been worn out by that nasty fight with the ghost. Hopefully it wasn't hiding and waiting for a chance to act up again. Eh, he'd worry about that later. "One of you kind folks mind getting me something to drink?" Orion was absolutely parched and wasn't really able to get up and pour himself a drink.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reyo made a few grunts and transformed into smoke again. Then she became her self again with her tails slowly moving and her ears occasionally twitching. She was leaning a bit forward with her hands behind her as she said "hi I'm Reyo" with a smile on her face as the bells on her lose comono twinkled. @Belwicket@Grey Star@Scarifar
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