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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Lucian's attention snapped to the lab as the professor opened the doors. Yes, it is a nice day to wait. If the wait was a short one... . He entered the room just behind the rest of the group. Lucian patiently waited for the professor to finish her speech,listening to what she said. so that man was a member of the elite four? Hm, interesting, I wonder what business he has with the professor .

After being given his pokedex and pokemon,Lucian read through it's pokedex entry and smirked. Satisfied with his new partner, he declined the offer to nickname the houndour and looked at the professor "Thank you professor Kalmia, I'm confident me and my partner are going to accomplise a lot together" Lucian turned from the professor after he thanked her and walked a short distance before halting to release his pokemon.

A bright flash of light filled the room as the houndour was released from its pokeball. The dark pokemon blinked, mildly confused before examining the area and noticing Lucian. The hound approached the darkly clothed teenager curiously before Lucian walked around him, examining his new pokemon. Still satisfied he smiled and gave the houndour a pat on the head, attempting to be friendly, "I think we're going to get along just fine, as long as you behave" Lucian took out his pocket watch to check the time "So professor,do you have anything else for us or may we-" He noticed the houndour now staring at his watch with a greedy glint in it's eyes before it approached even closer. Lucian's face grew into a grin "Oh we're definitely going to get along" addressing the houndour, his question to Kalmia forgotten as he took his watch out fully,chain and all , and moved it around. Houndour kept his gaze on it the entire time, occasionally raising his paw in an attempt to get it.

After Lucian was finished familiarising himself with his new partner ,the houndour had grown tired of trying to get the watch and followed Lucian's gaze to the other trainers. Lucian was curious to see what his...associates had been gifted.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Like most, Ren's attention to face toward the lab whereupon Professor Kalmia had made her presence known at last.

"At least she's not dead." Ren thought aloud with a sigh, standing herself and brushing off for some reason or another, and returning her attention to Erika. "I suppose we shall continue this conversation later, no? Call it selfishness, but I'd rather not wait out here anymore." Opting not to go into the details as to why, Ren made her way into the lab, following Professor Kalmia and the others, though not necessarily trying to be at the back of the line.

Despite her calm and quiet demeanor, Ren was actually quite eager to see what was in store for her. The lab itself was a marvel of science, something that she herself could hardly comprehend, with many of the machines standing out as foreign and in a league of their own! Offshore Island was not exactly the most technologically advanced place, to be sure, and was mostly driven by it's independence and cultural values. It was less about the growth of the technology, and more about the growth of the people.

Ren believed she'd grown up just fine.

Maintaining her quiet nature, she kept silent throughout Kalmia's talk. Though internally surprised that the man with the top hat was a member of the Elite Four, she realised she should've expected as much. 'I should've expected as much. The Elite Four are typically made up of oddballs.' She thought, recalling reading some books with regards to the Elite Four for reference. Reference to what, exactly?


She was in serious need of it, and she had a feeling that the experienced trainers of the Isson Region would have the knowledge she required. For now though, Pokemon.

'Alright, now it's your turn, Ren.'

Others had received their Pokemon before her, but now, it was her time. She stepped forward with a nod from the Professor, nodding back herself. Whether it was out of recognition that she was ready or respect, one couldn't be sure, however... the look she gave the Professor was downright serious. The level of determination she held within those orb of crystal green had the intensity of a dragon-type. As the Professor handed over the Pokedex and Pokeball, she spoke.

'I think this one will suit you excellently~!'

"Thank you, Professor. You're doing me a great favour." She said, turning away and walking a short distance to separate herself from the others. "Lets see who we have here..."

Tossing the Pokeball up, a brilliant light flashed within the room, and an emo-looking Shinx made his debut. As soon as he spotted the Professor, however, he ran straight over to her. "Shyn, Shyn!" He yelped, jumping up and down excited and happy. Though Ren was a little disappointed her Pokemon wasn't getting all friendly with her, she couldn't blame him. This Pokemon had likely spent much of it's upbringing alongside the Professor, so it was only natural it would go to her side first. Taking this as a chance to record data, she flicked open the Pokedex and aimed the camera at Shinx, letting it record Shinx into the database.

Pokédex Entry #403 – Shinx, the Flash Pokémon. When its muscles extend or contract, it generates electricity. When it senses danger, a Shinx will let the electricity run through it, causing it to glow. If threatened, it uses its muscles to flash a bright light to blind the predator while it flees.

- Would you like to give Shinx a nickname? -

Ren hesitated for a moment. A nickname? Although she didn't really feel the urge to be especially close to her Pokemon like the other trainers, she felt a nickname would be appropriate. It was her first Pokemon, after all, and besides, it had it's own practical uses. Something told her that later down the evolutionary line, Shinx's name may very well be harder to pronounce. So, she scratched her brain for something simple, which could be applicable in battle, and sounded relatively human.

"... Shyn..." She spoke softly, as the newly named Shyn turned back around, apparently recognising it's own nickname. He was a lot less excitable now, in fact he looked like he was about to nap, though he gave a light, toothy grin to his new trainer. Ren tapped away at the virtual keyboard, officially registering Shyn into the database, before seeing if she had any other entries in her dex. If not, she would attempt to record the entries of the other trainers' Pokemon, before pocketing the device and sitting cross-legged on the floor. Shyn himself curled up beside her and also began snoozing away, being rather tired.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Donna Riverwell

She was ready to focus on to the game rules, when the labs door suddently opened. Her focus slacken at the moment when Professor Kalmia showed up and introduces herself, but when she begin to talk with this weird hat man. She was rather confused about this, but when the Kalmia sayd that he was one of the elite four, made her shock 'Wait...what? That circus man is a elite four?' she thought, continuing to listening them silently.

Moment after she walked into the Kalmia laboratorio, as she invited them. Lab was bigger in inside than she was expected it to be, thought it looked like a lab and there was kind of weird smell around. She silently walked after her, next to the other trainers.

Few minutes later was her turn to get her first pokemon and pokedex. Smiling at the professor "Yes, He is..." she said proud of her dad "Thank you professor" she nodded.

She was so exited than ever, on her hand was a pokeball, which insided her pretty own pokemon 'Could I open it? I want to see it?' she thought, without breaking her gaze to this small red and white ball. She was little unsure can she free it there and now, so she looked other trainers what they was doing. Sighing for nervousness she looked at her new pokedex, opening it

- You've obtained Vulpix! -

Pokédex Entry #37 – Vulpix, the Fox Pokémon. Inside a Vulpix's body burns a fire that never goes out. It commonly inhabits grassy fields, and will feign injury to escape a stronger opponent. When born, a Vulpix has only one snow-white tail, but with age and care it splits into more, warmer tails.

- Would you like to give Vulpix a nickname? -

She looked at the Pokedex, then her pokeball 'a nickname? Uh!' she thought, releasing the little vulpix to it's pokeball.

Small fox-looking pokemon shaked her red fur, and turned her gaze toward her new trainer. For a moment Donna and the vulpix looked at one another silently, before Donna crouched toward the little pokemon "...Aww you're so cute..." she said with a smile. Vulpix just rolled her head and looked at her calmly, "Um! I am Donna your new trainer..."She continued thoughtfully "...Flame? I will name you flame" she decided.

Flame opened her mouth and waved her three pretty soft looking tails, "I guess you liked it?" Donna said, trying to touch this little fox, slowly so the vulpix don't get scared. Before Donna got to touch her, Flame walked to her and set her front pwas to her knees.

Donna looked at her before taking the little vulpix onto her arms. Smilling she looked at the other trainers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abigail was going to continue her conversation with Lucky when the door swung open, revealing a Professor who looked pretty, uh, scruffy. A look of disbelief crossed Abigail's face as she realised that it seemed as though she'd actually just slept in. Not that Abigail could really talk on that front, but she didn't have a job or anything, so that was totally different. Or at least a little.

She was pretty surprised to find out that creepy suit guy was one of the Elite Four. Still kinda creepy though, if she was honest about it. But she was still glad she hadn't said anything to him, despite her initial feelings. Not some low-ranked grunt from Team Virtue, that was for sure! Looking at Jacques, she kind of wondered if all high-level trainers were like that. Will I have to get a hat or something?

As much as Abigail wanted to be one of the first in, she didn't actually register the invitation for a few seconds, by which time a few people had already entered the lab before she could. Pouting a little, she followed the group and the professor into the lab. There'd be enough Pokemon there for everyone anyway, so it wasn't like she'd be held back or anything, she just really wanted to see everything in the lab! It was so new and exciting that she just couldn't wait!

Once she got in, she was too busy looking around the lab like a kid in a candy shop to pay that much attention to the professor, although as soon as getting her Pokemon was mentioned Abigail's attention went right back to her. She definitely hadn't forgotten the reason for spending all that time outside the lab.

She rushed forward as soon as they were given the go-ahead, grabbing her Pokedex and switching it on, her face lighting up as the screen switched on. Finally, she was getting to go on a journey! This was so cool. So, so cool.

'Take these and go make your own journey, just as you like it~!'

Looking up at Professor Kalmia, Abigail's face probably could've lit up a cave with how brightly she was smiling. This was always what the girl had dreamed of, getting a Pokemon and setting out into the world. Step one on her course to being a hero, so she was going to remember it forever!

"Thank you so much, professor! I'm gonna make the most of this, count on it!" she cried out cheerfully, although in her excitement her voice went a little squeaky. Checking the Pokedex, she read the entry for her new partner, mumbling it under her breath as the words appeared on the screen.

- You've obtained Wooper! -

Pokédex Entry #194 – Wooper, the Water Fish Pokémon. It lives in cold water, sleeping on the bottom and seeking food by the shore when it's cold. When walking above water, wild Woopers cover their bodies with a slimy, poisonous film that keeps them from dehydrating. It's slightly dull-witted.

- Would you like to give Wooper a nickname? -

Abigail thought it over, looking at the pokemon's picture on the screen. Hmm, what did that look like to her? Maybe she could name it something watery, or something that sounded really cool and powerful. After thinking it over for a second, she decided on a name that was neither of those things, but just felt right for some reason. It started with the same letter anyway so that counted as a good reason in her books.

She tossed the pokeball into the air, and her new partner appeared, a slightly dopey-looking smile on his face. "Winston! It's so great to meet you, I'm Abigail!" she was about to hug the Wooper, but then remembered what the pokedex said about poison. Maybe that wasn't the best decision for her health. Although, he was adorable. In a little bit of a compromise, she knelt down to the Wooper's level in order to greet him.

The pokemon in question looked at her blankly, antennae twitching in excitement as he let out a happy sounding cry. At least, Abigail thought it sounded pretty happy. It was hard to tell, since the pokemon's expression didn't seem to be changing at all. He was smiling, though, so that was a good sign. His tail wagged lazily from side to side.

"So, you ready to start a real journey, Winston?" she asked. After about ten seconds of waiting, the Pokemon nodded, to which Abigail let out a thrilled cheer. It was obvious exactly how excited the girl was about this.

Looking around the lab, all of the pokemon were really cool, but as far as Abigail was concerned, none of them compared to Winston. He was the best, clearly, because he was her starter! That made him a future hero in training, just like her, so he was totally the best! No matter what the future would throw at them, they would face it down together! She was feeling really inspired, like she could take on the world!

Winston faceplanted on the lab floor and shuffled along to his trainer. Okay, that one was a little less inspiring. They could work on it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin had slightly enjoyed the game before the professor had show up. Dawkin would have mentally berated her for being late for such a trivial reason as sleeping in, but his reason for being late wasn't much better. Regardless he, like everyone else, eagerly headed into the lab. After of course, having the identity of the odd person staring intently at the group revealed. To think that a member of the elite four was such a strange individual was slightly offputting. Well, there was a bad apple in every bunch after all. Putting off such thoughts Dawkin focused on the lab and current events. Pokemon were handed out and it came Dawkin's turn. He recived his Pokeball with a word of thanks and paused slightly at the professor's words.

'Time for you to write your own story. Good luck with it~'

Did she know what those words meant to him? No, of course not. Merely generic words of encouragement that happened to hit a little close to home was all. Still. "Thank you professor, I promise to make it one you'll want to hear." He said earnestly, with a grin on his face for a brief moment before his normal, solemn demeanor took over. He then quickly stepped out of line to a somewhat clear space and looked at his Pokeball curiosly. What had he received? A quick glance around revealed that releasing your Pokémon immediately was the common approach. Shrugging to himself, Dawkin pressed the button and watched expectantly. Mere moments later a short, dog-like Pokémon has appeared. His Pokédex quickly chimed in.

- Pokédex Entry #304 – Aron, the Iron Armor Pokémon. It usually lives in the mountains, where it feeds on the iron ore that makes up its steel body. However, modern technology sometimes lure wild Aron to cities where it feeds on cars or bridges. It makes a new armor in preparation for its evolution.

- Would you like to give Aron a nickname? -

It... Ate iron? Jeez that was cool. It also explained how something so small could weigh over 130 pounds. Aron looked around, then promptly began staring intently at the machinery in the room. Dawkin, not oblivious to this, knelt down and rapped Aron on the head firmly, but not too hard and stared into his little blue eyes. "No eating those. And no eating anything unless I okay it. Got that?" Dawkin didn't want to have his Pokémon eat a bridge support while he wasn't looking and cause a disaster to occur.

Aron stared back for a few moments and for a second, Dawkin thought that something troublesome might happen. But Aron simply nodded and shrugged his shoulders somehow, as if to indicate he hadn't wanted to eat them anyway. Dawkin let an internal sigh of relief. He had a feeling this was going to be just like dealing with one of his brothers. "Don't worry buddy, I'll be sure to stock up on some treats for you." Raw iron couldn't be that expensive, right? Maybe some iron flavoured Poképuffs, those were probably a thing. Aron response was immediate, he let out some sort of noise equivalent to a gravelly bark and stuck his tongue out, picking Dawkin's hand roughly. Dawkin let out a short, one syllable noise of amusement. This really was going to be just like dealing with his brothers.

"Calm down I got nothing for you right now. Hm, now there was something about a nickname." Dawkin mused, turning from the over excited Pokémon and looking at his blinking Pokédex. Gluttony? No, that was unfair and more than a little harsh. "Maybe something that can wait until after our first battle eh little fellow?" Dawkin asked while vigorously scratching behind at the base of its spike, without any visible ears it seemed the next best thing and judging by Aron's enthusiastic leaning into it, he was correct. Perhaps the waiting before had seemed as though it were an ill omen, but now Dawkin was feeling rather hopeful for what lay ahead.

Standing and turning abruptly, much to the dissapointment of Aron, Dawkin located the odd member of the elite four and spoke up, "Excuse me Mr. Jacques, but I have a request. Would you please allow us to see your starter Pokémon?" Dawkin could provide no real reason for the request, other than curiosity. Dawkin simply wanted to get a glimpse at how far they had to go from here. Of course it was an entirely unreasonable request and Dawkin fully expected it to get denied. But it never hurt to ask, the worst he could do was say no right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 1 day ago

❄Erika Olson❄

So this was it! The doors to the lab flung up with an enthusiastic Pokemon Professor inviting them all inside at last, and not a moment too soon as things were a bit uncomfortable out here...

... But before they managed to get inside, Professor Kalmia addressed a man who Erika had not noticed until now. A man with a very ludicrous outfit for a more modern age and in Erika's blunt opinion, he did not pull it off. That made two odd characters today but that whole image was a bit dampened by the revelation that this man was presently a member of the Elite Four. Someone that Erika would probably face one day, according to her mother's wishes. Speaking of which, I wonder if they battled each other. A mystery for later as Erika's attention was brought promptly back to Professor Kalmia and definitely what was bound to be the most memorable event in Erika's life. Her first Pokemon.

'Oh, yeah, you. Erika. Hm-hm.' Kalmia smirked as Erika was up next. 'I don't believe the idea of Pokémon battling will be all that new to you, eh? Well, it's still your first Pokémon, but I saw it apt to give something a little more... complicated. Ti-hi.' Kalmia handed over a Pokéball and a Pokédex.

'She should remind a bit of home~!'

Erika felt pure elation as she stepped forth and claimed her items. What did the Professor mean by complicated? The question was quickly out of her head as she heard Kalmia's last bit of information. An Ice-type! Surely! Erika thought back to her mother's teachings about typing and all that, recalling that Ice types were tricky with hardly any resistances but strong offense effectiveness to several other types. Erika's mind pondered that for a second before quickly getting lost in the thrill of receiving her first Pokemon and more than that, what was bound to be a lifelong friend. She stepped off to her own corner of the lab, just like how the others were doing, and opened her Pokeball to reveal a...

- You've obtained Snorunt! -

Pokédex Entry #361 – Snorunt, the Snow Hat Pokémon. They're found in snow-regions in groups of five. In warmer seasons, they tend to sleep deep in caverns. They can survive on only eating snow and ice. According to old folklore, a house visited or inhabited by a Snorunt is sure to prosper.

- Would you like to give Snorunt a nickname? -

So read the text on the Pokédex, and upon the last bit it offered a virtual keyboard on the screen.

...Snorunt. Erika beamed with delight the moment she laid eyes on her first Pokemon ever! In fact, she felt her eyes water a little as the possibility of her crying with joy was almost a reality given the circumstance. "H-hi!" Erika stuttered slightly as she knelt down on both her knees to be more level with companion. She left her mouth open and a few quiet sounds came out in her many attempts at trying to say something, but she just couldn't find the words! With everything happening, it was just too much to handle. The promise of adventure, life on her own, and of course, her very own Pokemon! Erika just couldn't help it anymore, she broke slightly and cried as she reached out with a smile to embrace her new friend and Snorunt eagerly leapt into her arms.

The two hugged for a moment before Erika finally set down Snorunt. She had gotten a bit lost in the moment but finally returned to reality, wiping her cheeks from the running tears. She had hoped nobody saw that as it was a tad embarrassing to have been the only one to cry. Anyway, continuing on.. Erika finally picked up her Pokedex and saw that she had a chance to formally name her friend, but honestly, Erika was never too creative so she just entered three letters to keep it short, just like how a nickname is supposed to be. "S-N-O." Erika spelled aloud before saying the name. "Sno!" She gave her Snorunt a pat on the head to try and indicate that this will be her name. "It is nice to finally meet you, Sno. I'm Erika." Erika introduced herself in a bit of a hushed excitement, afraid others would listen in. Sno returned the introduction quick bow and a matching smile.

Thrilled, Erika gave Sno another pat to the top of Sno's cone before returning to her feet and trying to focus back on the Professor but couldn't help looking down to her little friend every so often.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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'Teh-heh! Looking forward to it!' Kalmia happily replied to Claire's words, regarding the show which the girl was going to dazzle Isson with, before she turned to the next person.

She nodded to Reiji's words that Riolu was perfect, with a bright smile. 'I suspected he might be~ You're welcome~'

Kalmia smiled brightly at Martin's words that the trip was worth it. 'Every trip gives us something new. I'm happy you feel it was worth it~'

She smirked and nodded to Lucian's thanks and words to that he and his Pokémon would accomplish a lot. 'I'm looking forward to hearing about it~' The Professor then heard the first part of what was interrupted. She giggled a little. 'I do, actually, but wait until everyone has gotten their Pokémon~'

Ren said Kalmia was doing her a favour... 'Oh, this is no mere favour. I'm also confident that you can accomplish whatever your heart is set on, which is why I'm giving you the chance~! You're welcome~!' The Professor smiled happily at her, before turning to the next.

Though, in the middle of turning to the next she suddenly got a Shinx jumping by her. Kalmia smirked, bending down to pat the little guy a little. 'There, there, I know, I know, but your new trainer's over there. I'm confident that you two will get along excellently, so take on the world for me, alright? And feel free to come visit me when you're done~' … And that should be about the time when Shyn was given his name.

Kalmia nodded proudly to Donna, wondering perhaps if she shouldn't have spoken as much about her father when it was her journey starting, but eh! 'You're welcome!'

Abigail said she'd make the most of this, and that the Professor should count on it. 'I will! I'm confident that you will! You're welcome~' Kalmia responded with a voice of happy confidence, smiling at her.

Dawkin said he'd make his story one she wanted to hear. 'Oooh, now I'm excited. I'll remember you said that, you hear? Haha! You're welcome~' Kalmia laughed a little, smiling excitedly at Dawkin before turning to the next.

And then Erika simply accepted her Pokémon, and Kalmia smiled happily and understandingly, her moment hers alone.


Jacques watched them each getting their Pokémon, and seeing each young hopeful filled with such excitement and happiness and various other emotions... He almost got teary-eyed. This was why he liked watching hopefuls at their important moments in life, they're always so full of emotion. He smiled sombrely, leaning his head forward a bit to hide his expression with his hat as one hand removed his glasses and the other dried up his slight tears. Oh, so emotional. … But it would appear one of them was approaching him. Jacques lifted his gaze, glasses in place, and met Dawkin with a proud smile and confident expression, before then hearing the request.

He... wanted to see Jacques' starter Pokémon.

'… Ah.' Jacques opened his mouth, still with the confident smile in place, but he was seemingly left slightly stunned by the request. 'That's... the Pokémon I started as a Pokémon Trainer with...' … Jacques lifted his left hand and pulled his hat down over his eyes, his smile promptly turning upside down as he looked like he was considering his answer.

'… Unfortunately, that is not possible. For that Pokémon is...' His voice trailed off. He wasn't able to continue. A couple more seconds would pass, where he stood rigid, unable to answer for an unspoken reason.

'… HOWEVER!' Jacques lifted his head again, his eyes blazing with eagerness all of a sudden, his voice suddenly filled with vigour and pressure. His legs bent and made his stature lower, his left hand swiping from his hat, flashing over his clothing, and emerged on his right with a Pokéball in his hand, despite the hand seemingly not having entered any pockets or anything. 'I can provide you the next best thing!'

'Vivia, you might want to vacate that corner.' Jacques gave a friendly warning, his voice a lower pitch than before, and the assistant by the bookshelves flinched, eyes wide, attentive, and slightly panicked. 'It's about to get tight.' … Upon these words of Jacques, Vivia nodded desperately and fled across the room to place herself next to the Professor's Slowpoke, which currently was staring what constitutes as a stare for a Slowpoke in the general direction of the faceplanted Winston, as if it felt a connection.

'I don't know if seeing the end-goal will be good or detrimental to your inspiration... HOWEVER! Request, and you shall receive! Come, my comrade!' Jacques grinned his sinister smile, as he dropped the Pokéball onto the floor. A large flash shone, and from it emerged a large Pokémon. It stood on two, huge legs. It had a massive bulk, two-and-a-half meter in height and almost as wide, lined with orange rocks as armour. Two large arms with the colour of mountain were held, longer than to its elbow in length and strong in their appearance, with small holes in the palms. A large, club-like tail hit down into the floor behind it. And in its face, a large horn extruded like a drill... The beast flexed its arms, lifted its head and roared.

'RRRRHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY... perior!' The Pokémon roared.

'… Oy. Don't show off like that in front of the new trainers! This is their moment!' Kalmia complained lightly to Jacques.

'He requested, who am I to deny? Fu-fu.' Jacques smirked proudly and poked his glasses in confidence, seemingly more than happy to take any moment. … Rhyperior was currently filling ALL the space in the right part of the lab, opposite of where the new trainers were receiving their Pokémon.

'Rhy-rhy!' The Rhyperior sounded out with an amused expression, seemingly copying the laugh of its trainer as it lowered its arms to stand around more casually.

'Anyways.' Jacques smiled at Dawkin as he lifted a hand and placed it gently on Rhyperior's arm. 'This guy has been with me through thick and thin, from the time when I decided that I would take Pokémon seriously. They call me “The Servant of the Mountain”, and this guy is very much my mountain. He's seen me through countless obstacles, and I believe he'll see me through many more from here on as well. So while I cannot show you my starter, for I no longer posses it, I believe this should be the answer you were seeking, hm?'

'Rhy-rhy!' The Rhyperior appeared to grin. Seems like it liked to show off, too, and was pretty happy with his trainer's praise for him...

And since somebody is probably going to aim a Pokédex at him.

Pokédex Entry #464 – Rhyperior, the Drill Pokémon. Evolving its intelligence further from Rhydon, Rhyperior uses the muscles in its arms to shoot rocks or Geodude as cannonballs from the holes in its palms. Its armour can withstand the force of a volcanic eruption.

'… Alright, now that this guy is done showing off, allow me to explain to you guys what the Pokédex does.' Kalmia said, intending on taking center stage again as everyone had gotten their Pokémon. Jacques and his Rhyperior stood on the side, watching the young trainers and their Pokémon while Kalmia talked.

'First and foremost, your Trainer Cards. They're your ID as a Pokémon Trainer, showing your name, index number as a Pokémon Trainer, a picture of you, the date you got your card, today, and it also shows how many badges you currently have. At the moment, that's zero. If you ever enter the Pokémon League, the Battle Dome or any Pokémon Contests, it will also show your results there.' Kalmia said. 'I took the liberty of inserting your new Trainer Cards into your Pokédexes, for the Pokédex won't function without it, but you can take it out when you need to show it or add a badge to it. It's in the back of the Pokédex.' (You know how the Pokédex looks like a Game Boy Advance? It's in the place where you'd insert a game cartridge. You may pick what colour yours is~)

'Your Pokédex has multiple functions. The main function is to give you information on every Pokémon you encounter and register the Pokémon you have caught. Scan a Pokémon by simply holding the Pokédex towards the Pokémon in question and press the scan-button. You'll be told information about said Pokémon, and by capturing the Pokémon you can also see its expected sizes, what moves it knows, what level it is, what types it is, where it is expected to live, all sorts of stuff. Note, Pokéballs needs to be registered to a person in order for them to function, and the Pokédex does that for you when your Trainer's Card is inserted. It's already linked to the PC as well, so any Pokémon beyond the six you're already carrying will be transported to the PC, and you can retrieve them at any Pokémon Center PC.' It is common knowledge that you can only have six Pokémon at you at any time.

'If you check the Pokédex, you can play the cries of a specific Pokémon you've previously caught. Use that as you wish. You can also use the Pokédex to find out where you might be able to find a specific Pokémon that you've scanned and want to catch... Or, well, you WOULD be able to do that, but the Pokédex has never existed in Isson and as such that data is not recorded. However, you can input it! So, if someone ELSE of you guys has inserted the data of where one might be able to find a specific Pokémon, then it will display on your map similarly! You can also supply each other with information about your previously caught Pokémon if you wish! Do help each other out~!' So no need for ALL of you to complete the Pokédex if you don't wish to, you can do it as a team.

'In addition. Since we are doing this on mission of the Pokémon Research Association, we're actually getting paid. For each Pokémon you catch, the data of where the Pokémon was encountered and such will be recorded, and a number of Pokédollars will be transferred to your accounts. Also, assuming you register a Pokémon trainer battle, you automatically get the winnings transferred to you should you win the battle. Really easy, and you don't lose anything by losing, so you don't have to worry about running out of money out there!' The Pokémon Association has to do SOMETHING so that Pokémon Trainers don't go broke out there.
(… And please ignore the financial contradiction caused by not losing anything by being defeated. I feel you shouldn't have to fear getting into Pokémon battles for monetary reasons!)

'It's also a communicator that can be contacted by both phone and Pokégears as well as other Pokédexes. I took the liberty of inputting the contact information of all the other Pokédexes I've handed out today and to my own central Pokédex, but you can register any other people just as you wish. Give me a call anytime you're in trouble and need some advice! I'm not a Pokémon Professor for nothing!' Kalmia smirked happily, looking out over the new trainers.

'Any questions?'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Claire Blackwood~


Hmm, it seemed like quite a few people had some cool looking pokemon. Erika has a Snorunt - she was completely jealous, Snorunts were cool. Her mom had one - well a Froslass. A Riolu...meh. She honestly wasn't all that interested in fighting types herself. While she did like Medi most fighting types were...not entirely fabulous. Though, she supposed as far as fighting types went, Riolu was alright. Ren had a Shinx, and she was once again, totally jealous. That little thing was just adorable looking and she wanted to cuddle it. Considering the owners disposition though, that was...eeeh, bad idea. And a houndour. Fire pokemon also weren't entirely her favorite, though she admittedly had a soft spot for Fletchling. That little bird was adorable. The rest of the trainers pokemon Claire either didn't recognize or take much interest in. Not that she got much time to take interest in all of them.


The sound caught both Claire and Ralia off guard, causing the redhead to jump slightly. The little Ralts in her arms held its little hands to the side of its head, almost as if it was trying to block out some ridiculously loud noise or try and futilely get rid of a headache. It was certainly a good looking pokemon, fitting of someone from the Elite Four. She was definitely glad she hadn't gone off on that tangent and challenged him to a battle - that would have definitely ended badly for her fabulous self. More importantly though, Kalmia was saying something that was probably important.

Trainer cards? She fiddled with the pokedex for a few moments before finding it and taking it out. Yep, hers was there in the pokedex, and of course she had a fabulous photo of her on there. No badges hmm? She'd have to fix that ASAP. Wasn't there a gym in Pureplain? Stupid idea, she'd need something more than Ralia for that probably...hmm...

Kalmia then continued about the Pokedex Itself. Claire made sure to at least pay some attention to the professor instead of completely drowning her out like earlier. A lot of technical stuff that went over Claire's head, but she understood the gist of it. Point it at pokemon, scan, get info about them. Which means - she should start by scanning all of the Pokemon present in the room, right? That would be a definitely good start...asking Jaques to show her all of his pokemon seemed like a really good idea now! It also served as a communicator and phone, much like her old Holo Caster would have. And catching pokemon and winning battles earned her money too...not that money was really an issue for her if she absolutely needed it but it'd feel kinda like cheating if she just took all of her money from her parents despite the fact they'd probably gladly give it. She wanted to earn everything on her own, after all.

And soon enough, Kalmia had finished explaining the pokedex, asking if they had any questions. Claire had none. She honestly just wanted to get right to Route 2 and the infested woods so she could find some cool pokemon.

"Nope, I'm good here Professor." Claire replied, Ralia echoing her thoughts by giving the professor a bright smile and friendly wave. For now, Claire began scanning every pokemon present in the room. The Nincada, Riolu, Shinx - all of them. It was a quick and easy process mostly, and the Pokedex was swift to log them. After that was done, it was probably time they should get going, shouldn't they? It didn't seem like there was much else that they were needed for here. Hmm...traveling alone would actually be kinda boring now that she thought about it. While certainly she didn't mind since it'd mean she could go her own pace without having to worry about being slowed down by others...hmm. Her head turned to Erika and her Snorunt. She was at least friendlier seeming than Ren was, and she didn't feel like making acquaintances with everyone. She wanted to get right to route two. So Claire quietly walked over to Erika, careful to be quiet so that she didn't interrupt the professor if she continued talking. though Ralia hopped out of her arms and landed gracefully on the ground following behind her legs.

"Hey Erika." Claire greeted her again with a bright grin. "So, so, After this I was thinking about heading right to route 2! Wanna come with? I dunno what kind of pokemon are there, but the Infested Woods sounds like a cool place to find some pokemon." Ralia, though, simply observed the Snorunt from behind Claire's legs before quietly moving behind it...and poking it on its back. If or as soon as it turned around, Ralia would swiftly turn as well just so that she could stay behind Snorunt in an attempt to not be seen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Lucian stood with houndour next to him, attempting to listen to the professor but his interest quickly faded. At the end of the day completing the pokedex was not his top priority, although the cash could help. He wanted to capture pokemon for HIS benefit, not to fill in some pages on this digital encyclopaedia, although he supposed he should at least feign an interest and proceeded to index all of the trainers starters.

Ok, so when the professor has finished her speech, where am I going? Perhaps I should go down Route 2, the infested forest sounds like it will have a variety of marvellous pokemon for me, and perhaps I should be concerned with who I'm going to travel with? The journey will be remarkably boring without something to keep me entertaine- 'RRRRHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY... perior!' this sound ,accompanied by a flash of light, startled Lucian slightly before he regained his composure. Looking aroud for the source he quickly saw the rhyperior, clapping his hands together he quietly muttered "Brilliant, the fellow must be incredibly powerful..I wonder if houndour will end up on a comparable power level to him". Houndour gave him a look of disbelief, his gaze shifting between him and the huge rock pokemon. Lucian chuckled and looked at the dark dog "Perhaps not...I suppose we'll see". His attention regained, Lucian quickly added rhyperior to his pokedex and continued to listen to Kalmia as houndour's interest still waned and looked around the room at all the shinies and bright things.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pikmin Eye
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Pikmin Eye The Simple Distraction

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Martin was impressed by the wide variety of Pokemon. Looks like everyone else had the same idea. Skip the reading and get right into the best part, seeing your own Pokemon. He took out his Pokedex to scan all of the starting Pokemon. Looks like Ground was a common type, poor Shinx didn't stand a chance. Still, there was a lack of poison or ghost types. Martin was kind of hoping to spot at least one of them, they were cool to look at. That just means he will have to add them to his team later. He looked at his Nincada, now he was pumped to get started.

This lab was already starting to fill when Jacque decided here was a good place to show his Pokemon. With a flash of red light, a gigantic orange rock showed up. it immediately roared it's name, "RRRRHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY... perior!" Nincada was trying to figure out what was going on. All it understood was it was suddenly loud and that something big was there. It was trying to back itself away from the irritating source of the noise. He responded with some kind of shriek in confusion. Martin covered his ears from now two Pokemon yelling. He had to stop and comfort Nincada, guess the little guy isn't a fan of sudden loud noises. That, and this bug is really loud.

Martin grabbed his Pokedex, what was this thing? The thing said it was a Rhyperior, so a ground/rock type. Now he was sure Ground was real popular around here. Kalmia already was talking again, the first few lines lost to Martin thinking of what to do next. This thing can make the sounds of the Pokemon? Well, that could actually be used as a good lure for future Pokemon, after he caught one of them anyways. Let's see, you can map spots you find them, and share them. That could be pretty useful, easier to work together to find them all rather than everyone running their own direction.

The pay was actually an interesting thing. Guess that covers how they were to self fund this journey. Got to buy Pokeballs to catch Pokemon to get paid, to buy more. There even was incentive to beat other Trainers, with no penalty for losing. This thing already was a technological marvel, but it still had even more things it could. Phones and digital storage, along with Trainer Cards linking everything to you... Martins head was spinning from how long this list of things was becoming. How can you possibly put this much stuff in such a small thing? It was for the best to put it in his pocket for now.

Yes, absolutely he had a lot of questions, but he didn't want to be that guy to question everything. Instead, he asked a question he felt was a much better choice. "I have only one question. Which Route would you suggest to go down first, Route 1 or 2?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Donna Riverwell

As the jacgues showed his pokemon, this massive and kind of scary looking pokemon Rhyperior. For Donna this was first time to see real Rhyperior, and she was little exited to see it, but Flame wasen't. The little fire-pokemon was shaking on her arms, first Donna thouht that maybe she was just cold, but noticed that the little vulpix was afraid to this giant creature. She peted the little pokemon to calm her "No need to fear, It alright" she said quielty to Flame. Flame relaxed a little bit, but not fully. Donna didn't see it too odd, because Vulpix was not more than a baby pokemon compared to this fully evolved pokemon.

Pokédex Entry #464 – Rhyperior, the Drill Pokémon. Evolving its intelligence further from Rhydon, Rhyperior uses the muscles in its arms to shoot rocks or Geodude as cannonballs from the holes in its palms. Its armour can withstand the force of a volcanic eruption.

Donna looked at the pokedex, exited, even thought she wasen't very interested about ground types, but this Rhyperior looked very cool. Unhearing when Martin asked the proffessor about the routes. She forgetted about this pokemon for a while and thinked to her upcoming journal 'route 1, route 2....' she remembered the map she was got yesterday 'route 1 go to a Highhill and route 2 Lakewatch' she thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin was initially a little worried, for the question seemed to momentarily paralyze Jacques and there was an awkward moment of silence where Dawkin cursed his own tactlessness, true he couldn't have known but the question was unneeded all the same. These thoughts were overridden by Jacques quick surge of energy and release of his most trustworthy companion. As fitting of a member of the elite four, it was quite impressive. Dawkin knelt down and pointed at the massive Pokemon. Aron followed his indication curiously and then looked back at Dawkin. Clearly he couldn't eat that or could he... "You're going to be stronger than him before we're done." Dawkin said with the complete confidence of someone speaking an undeniable truth. Aron looked at him doubtfully and then back at the Rhyperior as though pondering the sanity of his new trainer and his abilities of deduction. Then Dawkin straightened up and bowed to Jacques, "Thank you very much for showing us your Pokemon." His focus then changed to Kalmia and her explanation of the Pokedex. It seemed some people were already scanning the Pokemon here. Dawkin refrained, there was no point in taking freebies, besides, you couldn't even list the location of the Pokemon so it was an incomplete entry. The system that was designed to encourage trainers to battle as well as the ability to fund themselves as they progressed was welcome news, Dawkin had planned on taking a group to earn money to continue but he saw now that that wouldn't be a problem. Now Dawkin waited to hear Kalmia's answer to Martin's question, as it was one he was curious to hear himself. Other than that, he didn't have any questions. It seemed as though the beginning would be fairly straight forward. Take your starter Pokemon along a route, training on wild Pokemon along the way and possibly challenging other trainers and arrive at the next town. Though he thought he remembered something about starting trainers receiving a Pokeball. No matter, he could do without until he won a battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 1 day ago

❄Erika Olson❄

Erika diligently ran a scan of Jacques's Rhyperior and noted the entry with awe. If she was ever going to get to that level, she surely had a long way to go if a veteran Rhyperior was but a taste of what the Elite Four had. Surely, Jacques would be open to questions, Erika thought. But perhaps later after the Professor had finished their briefing...

As the Professor outlined everything, Erika fiddled with her Pokedex and took visual stock of all amenities provided. It was nice to know that they weren't being thrown to the Houndooms, figuratively speaking, and there were plenty of things already taken care of by the Professor and a whole bunch of other things. Like the money thing, which Erika hadn't even realized she was never given any money by her parents. But this was nice, it seemed like everything was thought out ahead of time so that Erika and the others could enjoy themselves. It was no wonder that Erika's mother had spoken so highly of her adventure.

After the Professor's briefing, Erika thought she had many questions but found herself eagerly wanting to get out there so she merely shook her head. She figured if she had any questions, the Professor was just a call away. That and Erika had been briefed thoroughly by her mother, who provided her plenty of little additional tips here and there. So Erika would probably be alright.

As Erika eyed the rest of her colleagues, she noticed that Claire had already began scanning the other trainer's Pokemon, which honestly seemed like a smart move early on. Erika began to move in order to the same but remembered what the Professor had mentioned earlier. Their data could be shared and Claire seemed like she was nice enough to share... That's when the thought dawned on her that she should probably travel with some of them. Even with Sno accompanying her, it was bound to get lonely. Claire would have been nice company as she and Claire had already introduced each other. Erika didn't know about the others outside of Ren, who was an oddity but Erika wasn't prepared to write her off as a travel companion yet. She didn't seem that bad ... right?

Well the mystery of who Erika was going to travel with solved itself as Claire with her Ralts came over, asking Erika to join her along Route 2. Honestly, Erika was thrilled to hear her colleague's offer, her face lighting up with smile. "Yea, okay!" Was Erika's answer plan and simple. Sno must have understood, or rather, had just felt Ralia's mischievous tap as she quickly turned around to not notice anything.

As Claire's words settled in, Erika remembered exactly where Claire was wanting to go. The Infested Woods was aptly named due to the number of Bug Pokemon in that area. "...Uh, yea... Lots of cool.. Bug Pokemon there." Erika added, sounding a bit hesitant but still trying to sound as enthusiastic as her partner. She hated bugs. Even the Nincada that one boy got was putting Erika on edge. Being raised in Cooldome, she never really had bugs and that was for the better.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abigail was too busy trying to get Winston to stand up to notice the guy talking to Jacques, so she was completely unprepared for the Rhyperior's sudden appearance. This was punctuated by a noise halfway between a shriek and a whimper as she jumped halfway out of her skin and copied her starter's technique of falling flat on the lab floor. Where did that... Like how... What?

It took a second of looking around from her place on the ground before her gaze landed on Jacques, who looked really proud of the massive rock pokemon that had just scared her half to death. She knew it was a Rhyperior, of course, once she'd started paying attention. Saw them on plenty of shows and stuff, mostly because they were so... well, big. It was really, really big. She was distracted by a soft bump to her leg, and a smiling face looking at her, oblivious to the massive pokemon behind him. "...woooooooop." she glared at her pokemon playfully, poking him. "Oh, now you decide to get up, huh? You're not the quickest, huh?"

Standing up straight, she took a moment to admire the Rhyperior. It was pretty impressive, that was for sure. Definitely the kind of pokemon you'd expect from an elite four member. She looked down at Winston. Yeah, someday she was gonna train him to be so strong he could beat up a Rhyperior. Ten Rhyperiors. One hundred- Actually, ten seemed high enough. She'd settle for ten. Heroes had to have mercy on their enemies anyway, right? Something about always being the good guy and everything.

The professor spent some time telling everyone some vital stuff about their journey, to which Abigail listened intently while Winston stared off into the distance at something that he no doubt thought was incredibly important. She was happy to hear that she'd get money, though, and took a moment to appreciate the yellow trainer card inserted into her Pokedex. It was good to know this kind of basic stuff and get a refresher, even if all her time learning about trainers and stuff had kind of prepared her for it.

Once the professor was done talking, Abigail took a moment to think about which way she'd travel. There was some pretty cool stuff both ways, but she figured she'd probably go down Route 1. That was how you were supposed to start a journey anyway! No-one started counting at two, right? Unless she'd been lied to her whole life, which seemed like a really stupid conspiracy.

She looked down at Winston, who was nuzzling into her leg, looking happy. Or at least she thought he looked happy. It was really hard to tell since he was always smiling. But this one seemed like an especially smiley smile, or something. "You're as ready for this as I am, huh? Once we get out of here, it's straight down Route 1 for us, Winston!" she laughed.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reiji had enjoyed the conversations and little moments each trainer had with their pokemon. Looking down to Riolu he smiled at the little pup before looking up in time to see the bright light of the pokeball and the Rhyperior appearing before them all. Oh man thats some power already. he thought to himself as the professor began and finished her speach. Hoping no one would have a question
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Jacques smirked at Dawkin's comment to his Aron, and the Elite Four could already imagine... Now, wouldn't that be something to look forward to? Rhyperior grinned down at the little fellow, a challenging rather than intimidating grin that pretty much told “I'm looking forward to it!”

'… It was my pleasure.' Jacques answered Dawkin, a little hesitation in his voice but the sentence genuinely meant.

'Jacques. Your Rhyperior is scaring the Vulpix.' Kalmia commented.

'Rhy!?' The Rhyperior flinched, it's expression suddenly turning distressed as it saw the quivering little Flame in Donna's arms. It looked completely taken aback. All of a sudden, it backed away into the wall a bit... before lying down on it's stomach, trying to make itself as low as possible and as a result made itself as wide as possible, lying spread across that side of the room and looking apologetically and worriedly at the Vulpix. 'Rhy... rhy...' It sounded really sad and sorry.

Jacques smirked. 'Don't worry. This guy wouldn't hurt a fly...' … And then he grinned his sinister little grin. '… Assuming said fly isn't challenging him to a Pokémon Battle.'

'Rhy!' Rhyperior smiled on the floor where it was taking up so much space, and lifted one of its three fingers on the right hand to copy a thumbs-up gesture.

Kalmia looked over the ridiculous Rhyperior on the floor, then shrugged, and moved on to questions.

'Route 1 or Route 2, eh?' Kalmia smirked a bit. 'Depends on what you're looking for. Now, Route 1 is the most commonly travelled Route and it is considered the main entrance to Pureplain City. It is very beginner-friendly and a really nice place for anyone to get experience finding out what this Pokémon Trainer thing is all about...' She waved her arms in a descriptive manner as she talked.

'Route 2, on the other hand, is a lot more likely to contain more rare and widespread kinds of Pokémon. Between the presence of rivers, Infested Woods and Wet Caverns, you're bound to have an interesting journey on the way to Lakewatch Town. THOOOUGH...!' Kalmia smirked wider. '… It's a lot more difficult a journey. Risking that the closest Pokémon Center is in Pureplain City, attempting to brave by Route 2 and the Wet Caverns to get to Lakewatch Town is taxing even for an average traveller. I trust you'll make a calculated decision.' She smirked at her own words, liking her own warning. … Then she smiled a little kinder.

'Though, yes, there's nothing stopping you from just looking into the contents of Route 2 and its close terrains for Pokémon to then return to actually get further through the much easier Route 1, or training to get tougher on Route 1 before actually going through Wet Caverns when you believe you're ready~' She suggested briefly, as some tip to consider. 'Oh, and it probably helps a lot if you help each other out. Travelling on your own can become really lonesome after a while, and working together works really well~!'

Seeing how that appeared to be the only question, Kalmia happily clasped her hands together.

'So!' She said happily. 'With that, you should all be ready to begin your Pokémon journeys! Let me just hand-' She started to reach for and open a box that was placed in one of her book-shelves, that may have contained a bunch of Pokéballs...

'If I may have a word.' Jacques raised his hand, taking a step forward with a happy little smile on his lips as he interrupted Kalmia. Professor Kalmia blinked a bit as she turned her eyes and looked with a bit of confusion at the man, not completing her action of retrieving said box.

'Ueh?' Kalmia confirmed she had heard him and paying attention.

'You see, I might have been a little bit dishonest. I have one more reason to come by. You see, I've gathered a few young hopefuls of my own.' Kalmia's eyes blinked in stunned surprise at him, and Jacques seemed to enjoy every moment of it. '… And I arranged a deal with Professor Sycamore of Kalos to ensure my hopefuls would also be given Pokédexes.' He said, smiling kindly at the crowd.

'Huh? What? But we're the ones tasked by Professor Oak...' Kalmia started in confusion, turning away from the box to face him, her movements a bit unsure and hesistant.

'I unfortunately didn't know that when I initiated this project. Let me tell you, when I contacted him, Professor Sycamore was very enthusiastic about letting a number of young hopefuls with Pokédexes explore the region of Isson and he ordered my requested number on the spot. He was very helpful. Imagine my surprise when I learned that Professor Oak had already tasked you with the same duty. Fu-fu.' Jacques chuckled a little sinisterly.

'But, er. I'm a Pokémon Professor of Isson...' Kalmia defended, frowning a little bit towards him.

'But Professor Sycamore doesn't even know you exist.' Jacques happily reminded.

'Ptah!' Kalmia recoiled like she had been dealt a physical blow. She was a rather new Professor, yes, but woah, that stung.

'Besides, as I said, I had no idea you were even gathering young hopefuls! It might have been because I was on a trip to Kalos, but you seem to have kept this mostly within your own contacts...' Jacques eyes suddenly slowly trailed to Lucian. '… as well as other, less honourable sources.' His eyes went back to Kalmia, who's eyebrows twitched. Was that an accusation? 'I assume this was to limit the number of applicants, you always liked the thought of giving underdogs a chance, and as such, by limiting the number of people who knew of it you could increase the chance of some children who's abilities would never normally have been offered this opportunity to rise to stardom...' His eyes briefly trailed to Abigail, before going back to Kalmia.

'Euugh. That's, uh, not entirely true.' Kalmia frowned with a troubled expression, raising her finger in objection. 'Besides, I'd never heard of you gathering kids either! You were doing the same thing!' She accused.

'Alas, you may be correct. My fault. I apologize.' His expression turned apologetic and sad-looking, raising his hands palms-up to show how he was exposed. Kalmia blinked in confusion, not having expected this reaction.

'Er, um. It's okay, but...' Kalmia started, but Jacques was swift to open his mouth again.

'However.' Jacques gained a serious expression, startling Kalmia. 'The reason I kept quiet about it, is that I didn't want applicants. I sought out promising, outstanding hopefuls on my own, the kind that could definitely rise to stardom. They didn't negotiate with me, and certainly neither did their parents. I came to them with an offer, plain and simple. And they accepted.' … Kalmia opened her mouth, seemingly about to say something, when Jacques expression immediately softened.

'… However, I'm not here to argue about means or open any kind of hostility.' He said, with a kind tone and smile. 'I'm here to offer my friendship. After all, more young hopefuls with Pokédexes is simply a good thing for Pokémon research. Doesn't matter whose rights it is. Let's all be friendly, alright?' He asked, with a happy tone. Kalmia stared at him a bit dumbfounded, but...

'Yeah, sure. Doesn't look like it's gonna hurt anyone, after all. More kids who get their chances!' Kalmia grinned eventually, and the matter appeared to be cleared up...

'That's why, I wanted to offer a friendly competition. Your young hopefuls, against mine. In all manners from Pokémon Battling, catching the most Pokémon or maybe even in Pokémon Contests...' He smirked, looking across the kids for a bit before looking back to Kalmia. 'We can see which will perform the best. That should serve as ample sentiment for them to strive to become the best they can.' He offered, a sinister smile on his lips.

Kalmia opened her mouth, staring at him for a bit. Jacques had already bragged about that he had gathered only the best of the best, yet he wanted a competition? … His reasons didn't matter. Kalmia gained her own sly smile, a determined gaze meeting his.

'My trainers can totally beat your trainers.' She said the most mature line, ever.

'We'll see about that. Fu-fu-fu.' Jacques chuckled. 'Then, how about we start it off with a Pokémon Battle? Your young hopefuls versus mine. They've also just been given their first Pokémon, and I've left them somewhere nearby. They've been left waiting for quite a while, I bet they're rather eager to get started just about now...' Jacques smirked, giving the offer to Kalmia.

Kalmia, smirking, turned to face the present kids. 'So, you all don't NEED to do so, this is completely optional, but...' The Professor grinned widely and threw up her hand with a thumb pointing at Jacques. 'Would you lot like to kick this guy's asses for me?'

'… My young hopefuls'... a-asses...' Jacques frowned and attempted to correct her immediately, but appeared to have trouble saying that particular word. '… I assume you mean. I don't have... multiple rears... and besides, I sincerely doubt they could, if you actually meant me...' Jacques suddenly looked troubled and deeply uncomfortable, due to this sentence of Kalmia's. She just happily shone with her smile, maybe from Jacques' displeasure.

During this conversation, Vivia had been distressed over there beside the expressionless Slowpoke, staring rather wide-eyed and mildly panicked at the conversation between her Professor and the Elite Four member...

Meanwhile, the Rhyperior was still on the floor, staring at the Vulpix it had previously scared, trying to look non-threatening by rocking lightly back and forth on his side on the floor, it's voice letting out low-pitched noises that seemed to try to hold a tune. 'Rhyy~ Peeer~ Rhyyyy~ Peeeer~ Rhyyy~ Peeer~ … Ior~!' … Was it trying to sing a comforting song to the little Fire-type? It's voice wasn't particularly talented.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Donna Riverwell & Flame the Vulpix

Flame stopped shaking, when the big ground type got to his belly, and singed something. She looked little bit confused about the sudden situation, glancing at her trainer, but Donna was focused to listen what the professor and Jacques was talking about.

Flicking her ears the small fire-type jumped out to her trainers arms and walked into the giant pokemon. She landed her little paws to it's hard head, she beginned to wave her little tail happily and peted the Rhyperior "Vul.." she said, before jumped around and run to her trainers side.

Donna listened the Jacques words carefully, hearing him saying that he wanted them to battle with his trainers. This sudden choise of words maked her unsure, not really sure what she could do. She looked at Flame which walked around her legs happily, even thought she seemed to be really shy pokemon at first, but not anymore. Sighing looked back at Jacques, thoughtfully 'I have not almost any battle skills, and Flame is still so young...' she thought, feeling something puchink her leg. Looking down she saw the Flame looking at her with sparkling strong eyes, it like she knowed what she was thinking about " So could we try it?" Donna asked to her Vulpix, which answered waving her tail.

Giving a smile she turned to Kalmia "Battling with them is good chance to train Flame" she said silently "I guess Me and Flame will take the challenge".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin nodded. Route 2 it was. If he was truly outmatched he would retreat to Route 1, either for training or to complete it, but he doubted that would happen. Perhaps he was being overly confident, but it was also true that confidence in one's success lead to that same success in the same fashion of a self-fulfilling prophecy. When Jacques spoke up Dawkin was just as confused as Kalmia and he immediately held his Pokedex a little tighter, did this mean some of them would have theirs taken away? However from what he could tell that that wasn't going to be the case. However his ears did perk up at the sound of a Pokemon battle. Already? This was a perfect chance to get a little bit of training to help prepare himself for Route 2. Dawkin nodded and whispered to Aron, "Next time you come out be ready for a battle." If their opponents were entering it was likely they wouldn't have their Pokemon out and would seek a type advantage. It would be the natural thing to do, plus Dawkin planned on waiting for his opponent to have their Pokemon out, then release Aron and immediately give a command to guarantee the first blow of the battle. Of course that meant Aron would have to respond to his command that quickly, but that was out of Dawkin's control for now. "Proffesor Kalmia I will help battle Jacques's trainers." Dawkin said, stepping forward confidently. This should be interesting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pikmin Eye
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Pikmin Eye The Simple Distraction

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Martin was back to paying attention to Kalmia as she resumed speaking. There were a lot of Pokemon in the room as it was, but watching the mighty Rhyperior on it's belly was actually kind of funny. As she explained the routes, it was as he figured. Route 1 was pretty safe, he barely spotted anything along his way here. Route 2 sounded a lot more interesting. Infested Woods, Wet Caverns, sign him up for this stuff. It might be a bit riskier, but perhaps he could find some people to travel with. Beat having to walk by himself, which was so boring as it was. He was a bit torn on wanting to properly train on Route 1 due to how close it would be to a Poke Center.

Still, Jacques was ready to swoop in with whatever trash he was spewing. It turns out he also had a group of new trainers, and that meant competition. The back and forth conversation just confirmed that the two didn't like each other. Martin couldn't blame her, it wasn't easy to listen to him. Still, new trainers meant that there would be a new opponent, rival even. He noticed Dawkin recalling his Pokemon. Looked like a good idea, if anyone were to be picking, wouldn't want to influence their choice from something they wanted for a type advantage instead. He looked crouched down and looked at Nincada. "Hey, we're gonna be doing a fight soon. So I want to make sure you get the rest for it. Time to return for now." Nincada nodded before a flash of red light recalled him. Martin picked his hat back up and put it on his head again.

Martin stood up again and looked at Kalmia. "If there's a fight, count me in. Got to show people why bugs are no laughing matter." He was pumped for this, but what would be next? He should find others who were going for Route 2 later. It's a lot safer to travel in a group after all. He swapped the bag to the other shoulder and stood to the side. It might be a bit until that's ready. For now, it was time for a snack, he pulled a granola bar out of his bag. He was already wondering what Pokemon this new group would be using.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abigail had noticed Jacques looking at her in the middle of his speech. Is he saying I shouldn't be here? she thought, scowling at the implication. Just cause she wasn't originally meant to get the Pokedex, didn't mean she had any less right to be here. Weren't the Elite Four supposed to be nicer than this? Like, inspire new trainers or something? Not be all arrogant like this guy. Although now that she thought about it, being an Elite Four member just meant you were good at battling. Being nice to people didn't really come into it.

She did find his reaction to Professor Kalmia's comment pretty funny, and snickered a little while he was busy getting flustered. As for the earlier stuff that the Professor was saying, Abigail didn't pay that much attention to it. After all, she'd already kinda decided that she was going down route 1, and that was that. Maybe she could find some other people to travel with before she headed off, though. For now, she kind of had other priorities. Like making Mr. Elite Four eat his words. He thinks I've not got ability, huh? Like I just lucked out?

Keeling down to return Winston to his Pokeball, she spoke softly to the Pokemon. "I promise you'll be out again in a little while, okay? I've just gotta show this guy, alright?" she said, returning him to his ball before turning to look at Jacques. She seemed a little hostile - his little comments earlier seemed to have struck a nerve, and her eyes shone with determination as she glared at him. "I'll do it, then. Are you gonna go get your oh-so-special trainer team, mister? 'Cause I kinda want to get on with starting my journey if you're not."

After all, Abigail had herself a legend to write! Every good hero needed a rival, though, so she guessed she could take a moment to have a battle. She needed to prove that she was more than just some kind of charity case! She couldn't just take that kind of thing lying down.

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