Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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After mulling over the masked woman's words Jacque, now content with the answers he'd received, decided to focus on the group as they decided to figure out what to do next. Everyone thus far seemed to have something interesting going for them. As he stifled a chuckle Jacque couldn't help but admit that things things were shaping up to be quite interesting, and the bokor soon found himself having to fight to stifle his burning desire to share about himself much to the chagrin of his guest.

The frustration he felt at being told began manifesting itself in Jacque's sudden compulsion to softly scratch at a spot just behind his left ear. 'I need to let 'em know what I can do.' 'Why not wait to see what they come up with first?', 'I wanna talk, it's rude to just stand here and gawk at folks y'know. Besides, if we're gonna be a team then I need to give these guys something to work with.' 'I don't like this.' ' I trusted you friend, now trust me.'. There was a hissing sound in the back of Jacque's mind, one that he swore sounded more like an aggravated sigh than an actual hiss, 'At least leave your real name a secret for now.' the loa said before the noise and the prickling sensation dissipated.

With the noise gone Jacque ceased his scratching and clucked his tongue softly. Leave out his real name? A bit rude, but a simple enough request he supposed. With nothing more to distract him Jacque coughed to catch the other's attention once more, "Well if we're going to focus on a plan then I guess now's a good time to share what I can do." he said, half expecting the noises to start back up again. When none came Jacque saw fit to continue, "I'm a bokor. To those of you unaware as to what that is, basically it means that i'm a practitioner of the voodoo arts; a priest if you would. Or a witch or warlock, i'm not picky about titles. The point is that like our infernal friend over there I can use magic, though i'm still a bit new to it all so i'm not as diverse in terms of what I can and can't do. Rituals, healing magic, potion brewing, i'm your man, but my real bread in butter is smoke and earth magic." He stated, punctuating his statement with a soft yellow glow from his eyes.

He'd listened and observed, now it was time to put what he'd learned from the group thus far to work. As a plan started to piece itself together in his head he looked to Jacklyn first, " With a name like "Shadow Ninja" i'm guessing you're quick and stealthy. You could maybe scout ahead on the ground below and take out enemy scouts n' stragglers.", he pointed Hoverfly next "You said you could fly-" he stated before his eyes darted to Nevan "-and unless those wings are for show then i'm guessing you can too. You two could be our eyes in the sky, compensating for anything Jacklyn might miss on the ground level. Maybe pick off some scouts n' stragglers too.". He turned to the second Chris, drawing a blank for a few seconds as to what he could do until an idea hit him, "You're smart, right? Maybe you could sabotage anything that you think would really screw 'em up? Lights, machinery, whatever. Maybe find a list or two to see who this guy was selling to while you're at it.".
Finally he turned his attention to Luna, Joshua, and Firefly "As for the four of us, we could run crowd control after getting the green light from our scouts. We could maybe corral 'em with our elemental abilities; water at their backs, earth at their fronts, fire at their sides. Once they're trapped in then we can work at disorienting 'em. The fire would give me plenty of smoke to work with, and if we added that to Luna's illusions we could disorient 'em enough for everyone to swoop in and take 'em down without too much effort or blood shed."

He allowed the group to digest his words a bit before he remembered he'd still failed to actually introduce himself, "Y'all can call me "Simbi" by the way. I'll save my real name for when we're all a bit more used to one another.".
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

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Chris sighed to himself as two other people immediately started challenging his mention of becoming leader. It was the Nearly-broken-door guy and the guy with the technology and stuff. He turned to both of them.

"Alright calm it you two, all I said was that I could be leader if people wanted me to. I didn't try and take control or anything. You two really need to get off your high horses a little. You being a prince means precisely jack here, I'm afraid. And you, how do you assume all this stuff about your intelligence? This hot demon girl seems to have been around the block a few times, she probably knows all sorts of crazy stuff.

Then he turned to the rest of the people.

"If you could really shrowd the area in darkness or whatever, I could take them out from above and carry them somewhere else. Or I could just act as an eye in the sky as suggested" The last part was added in acknowledgement to Simbi.

Confident that he had given a decent suggestion to help the group, and hopefully had shut down the two people squabbling over the position of leader, he turned to Luna again. There was something undeniably cute about her that Chris couldn't quite place his finger on.

"Well, it's not so much flying as it is levitation, which does have it's downsides. Sometimes I'll be just daydreaming and when I snap out of it I'm lying on the ceiling. Also, can you sense my emotions?" Chris added that last part out of pure curiosity.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Jacklyn eyes were wide when the cloaked woman said she could be meta-human. She had a point though Jacklyn can take down groups of men no problem and even her mother thought it was weird that Jacklyn could take them all down with little to no help at all. Jacklyn always thought it was because she was just a better fighter then them but it does make sense if she was meta-human. The ninja just shrugged and listened to everyone say their part in being the leader or against who wanted to be leader. To be honest she felt a little intimidated by everyone though firefly,Luna and Hoverfly seem nice enough. Nevan seems cool and scary at the same time Jacklyn made a mental note not to mess with her. Joshua reminds her of a cocky rich kid from a highschool that is to far on his high horse to get him back down. Chris seems to be the same. For the sake of herself though Jacklyn will keep her mouth shut.
Hoverfly seems more leader qualified than the other two though. Even if one is suppose to be a leader and one is over the tops smart they are way to cocky. Jacklyn knew more than anyone that cockiness can get you hurt or worse; the people you're trying to protect get hurt or die. She spoke up on the plan to infiltrate.

"I can scout ahead take out the guards or get certain information. I also know how operations like these work as well-" She trailed off before realising what she just said" Not saying I have worked as a..ah never mind." She sighs before continuing," Look, I have stopped stuff like this before so I may know this guys set up and If this guy is a mob boss then I can probably guess all his moves no problem."

With at she closes her mouth and gauges everyone reactions to the information. She's sure some of them has busted a few operations like the one their about to do so she can't help be feel kind of stupid for say what she did like they never done it. She brings her scarf up over her mouth and nose to hide her mouth as she bit her lip. Looking down at her boots like they're the most interesting thing in the world.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“Ahh yes, I can cover an area with darkness and even more than that if you’d like.” Neval replied to Rose with a smile.” My darkness can also quite literally suck energy out of anything that’s inside it.” The demon stated proudly with a smile. It was one of her more useful abilities in her current state. Draining energy form enemies, meant she can use more energy later on.

“Careful what you wish for, atlantian boy.” Neval stated when she heard Joshua’s boasting about his eyesight.” This is no normal darkness that’s under my command. Do not underestimate magic. It will leave you dead if you do.” She warned and turned to the rest.” I can adjust my darkness magic to allow the rest of you to see through it pretty easily while only constricting the enemies, but that will require a little bit of time to actually tag all targets for the main force of the spell. I can hide myself with optical illusions while I weave the magic upon the targets, but that would require a rather coordinated assault, which also means we need to be able to communicate from distance… anyone here can pull out comms for all of us in the matter of well 10 mins?”

“Alright sounds like we are building up a fine and sound plan here.” Nevan finally stated and looked at the rest.” Still before we do anything at all we need to be able to talk on the moment. We need those comms ASAP. “ She stated and looked at the ninja girl, Jacklyn.” If we get comms with camera and video feed, I can target distant out of my sight targets as long as you show them to me also, so that’s good.” She added, wondering if there was actually someone among them who could even supply them with basic comms to start with.

“Ohh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself, didn’t I?” Nevan suddenly asked and made a theatrical bow.” Nevan Elaz Di Valesta, at your service. People have taken a liking to calling me Midnight though. You can call me whichever you choose~” She stated finally.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Me being a prince means everything as an Atlantean. I am stronger than my average brethren and the residents of the ocean obey my command. I also have diplomatic immunity but I guess that is not of importance.", he looked at Hoverfly, "So it does mean pretty much but I don't blame you for not knowing that."
Joshua realized he was already pissing most of them off. Well it was not like he was trying to make friends on the surface world. And if he was honest with himself they all seemed like relatively nice people.
Just as he had finished that thought Nevan made her comment. The condescending tone of the demoness gave Joshua headaches.
"Be careful who you are calling a boy witch. Atlantis has some of the most powerful mages of this world, we had mastered the arcane arts when the rest of the world hadn't even invented the wheel jet. You don't need to lecture me in magic but thank you for the explaination."
She was right about the communication however, nobody seemed to be a telepath.
"Fang. You say to have the highest IQ in here. How should we communicate in your opinion?", while Joshua was expecting an answer he continued speaking, "Like I said I will attack from the water. I would also take the role of destroying the merchandise, if nobody has a problem with that."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

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Chris liked how this plan was forming attacking from both land and sea while blinding the enemies with a shroud of darkness. The Demoness asked about communicators, and the Atlantean asked if he had a way for this group to communicate. "Ten minutes is kinda short notice, but it can be done." he said thinking back on the already established plan. "my mask has night vision so the dark is no problem for me."

Chris gazed over at the ninja girl thinking about what she said. 'Everyone here has probably already taken down a mob boss or something similar, but why would she say that she can predict his moves no problem without giving everyone some idea of what to expect' ,he thought and decided to finally act on it "Could you maybe give some insight on what we're to be expecting even though it might not be what you say. But I think it wouldn't be a bad idea for all of us to know what you know."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

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Everyone seemed to go into a bit of an uproar after Firefly had decided to direct the conversation towards making an actual plan. She was happy that she could help, biting her lip slightly as she smiled. Though to be honest, she didn't feel super important in that moment and more like a passing thought - but who knew if her feelings were actually right or not. A lot of times her gut reaction wasn't quite right. Either way, she kept mostly quiet as others decided to take charge of the conversation and if she had a pick, she would've chosen Simbi to be the leader even though in some small way she wished she could be too - if only to be recgonized and appreciated, which was the wrong reason to be any sort of leader at all.

Her only other thoughts on anything were when she saw Chris hitting on Luna. It was a small tinge, a silly thing like it normally was, but Rose had felt a certain attraction to her too. So when Chris approached her, she knew she didn't have much of a chance. After all, Luna was probably into men and second, Rose wasn't exactly the most forward type of girl as it were. Biting her lip slightly again, she spoke up a little towards Simbi. "I like your plan.. I can definitely work crowd control.." She nodded with a slight smile towards the geomancer. She quickly wondered to herself how powerful everyone was and what sort of tactics they used in their own fighting styles - for one, Firefly was fairly certain that she fought in a way that wouldn't be expected.

Meanwhile at the center stage, the masked woman simply sat and observed. It didn't seem to bother her that everyone was talking among themselves, her eyes causally drifting over each person as they spoke. The only thing that could be a tad out of place was when she seemed to linger her gaze on Simbi in particular after he had spoken and again, another odd glance towards Firefly, which caused the redhead to look away awkwardly. Though she did eventually speak up when Chris, the metagenius, had said his say. "Do remember you have more time than ten minutes. The ship doesn't come into port until tomorrow night.. I did this specifically so you had time to talk, prepare, and get familiar with one another." And that was all she said, going quiet once more, like some sort of narrating guide.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

there was so much going on, that Luna didn't truly know what was happening. Yet she knew one thing. Those fighting to be leader didn't deserve it, and she was going to let them just squabble amougst themselves. Until the Atlantaen spoke up again. She turned to him, and said in a loud, calm voice that shocked even her, "You know, you sound like some jumped started prep school-I-live-of-daddy's-money- wannabe. Just because of who and what you are, you think you are perfect to be a leader? If you think like that, or hey, even bring that into an argument, it proves that you are not worthy to be anything, let alone a leader. In case you haven't noticed, there's something special about all of us. You're just one of the crowd here, buddy"

She shook her head, looking as Chris spoke to her, and now she was a little wided eyed. is...is he hitting on me? Luna,generlly shy, not wanting to approach people, had rarely been hit on. of course, you actually had to go out to get hit on, but that was beeside the point. She was about to respond, when a particularly sharp emotion had her turning her head towards Rose. She tilted her head, as if studying the other girl, and gave her a smile, before looking back to Chris.

"Um. Yeah. You felt curioisty when you asked that. It really isn't something I can turn off, just yet. so I feel everything. Most of the time, I can push it to the back of my conscious, but somethings it gets overwhelming. Like now" She could feel her cheeks flush, and she looked away, giving a shrug. "Um. Still. Levitation is pretty cool."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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After issuing an apology to hoverfly for his mistake Jacque contented himself momentarily by listening to the others speak amongst themselves yet again. After a bit of tweaking it appeared for the most part as though everyone was willing to go along with his suggestion. This pleased him greatly, but he could tell that it would take a bit of work before everyone started to act like a team. The mysterious woman had stated once more that the plan wouldn't be put into effect until tomorrow, giving him plenty of time to whip up a few potions for when the time came. First thing was first though, tempers were on the verge of flaring, and that simply wouldn't do. It was time to micromanage.

After plastering a disarmingly dopey smile on his face Jacque raised his hands and waved them at the group in a sort of 'settle down' motion, "Hey take it easy guys, no need to start firing shots at each other, let's save that for the criminals, yeah?". He walked over to Joshua and began to place a hand on the prince's shoulder only to rethink the gesture halfway through and let it fall limply to his side, "No one seems to take issue with you attacking from the water, just please be sure to coordinate with us. We need everyone on board, Your Highness" he said placatingly, being certain to add in the appropriate royal title in an attempt to further soothe the sea dweller.
Chris seemed able and willing to scrounge up a means of communication and everyone else was down with their part from what he could tell. That left only one thing to be sorted out. Turning from the prince Jacque made his way over to Jacklyn and hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder after a brief mental debate as to whether or not she was as likely to break his hand for touching her as he figured Joshua was. "Hey now, don't go shutting down on us. Fang is right; you've probably got some really valuable info we could use.".
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Jacklyn/ Shadow Ninja

Jacklyn felt bad at the pit of her stomach and watched as everyone shot angry comments at each other. She listened and fell more into her scarf. She felt a presence behind her and stiffened before feeling a hesitant hand on her shoulder making her look at the Simbi. The man seem kind enough.

"Hey now, don't go shutting down on us. Fang is right; you've probably got some really valuable info we could use." He says kindly.

Jacklyn comes out from her scarf and pulls it off her mouth looking at Simbi giving him a nod before looking at the others."F-from experience, I have seen this done in a few ways depending on the poss. An overly cautious way is that the guards have the high view. And by high view I mean tanks,roofs and at one point I found one in a freaking crane once. Then they place the guards in the general area's around the area...even scuba-divers at one point. I am not sure if this guy will do this but its always good to be cautious." She looks at Joshua." Also there were men in the sewers...do you think if thats the case you could flood them? T-that's if you want of c-course."

Jacklyn felt shaky but took a deep breath." Then there are the regular bosses. Men on the ground and a few on the perimeter. But most are in side though thats the difference the more cautious bosses have their men spread out while the regular have their men closer and more clumped together." She smirks at that," but those are usually the real cowardly bastards" The ninja says clenching her fist before taking a deep breath.

" then there are the more..cocky bosses. The ones that have everything under their finger so they don't even bother trying to have guards. The most they will have are a few round abouts and done. But they are the very disorganized kind of bosses. They have no clue on what to do once everything is out of their hands." Jacklyn says spreading both her hands out as emphasis.

She shifts her feet taking a breath sounding more confidant," This guy probably has had a lot of experience. So he may ride on the cautious side look normal. If it is weapons then he doesn't want anyone getting in or out. So traps maybe laid...that is all I have to offer Boss wise."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 15 days ago

Joshua looked to Fang and gave him a nod of respect. "I like your efficient attitude. But I think a little more time is in all our favor." The Atlantean was wearing a blue shirt and black pants, not really clothing designed for combat.
He was just finished speaking when Luna loudly stated her opinion about him. If it was supposed to make Joshua feel bad or change his behavior she failed. He turned around to look her directly in the eyes, he had to look down being quite taller than her. The surface-dwellers acted like they knew him, they all knew nothing.
Just when Joshua wanted to say something to her the young Voodoo Priest pierced the awkward silence, "No one seems to take issue with you attacking from the water, just please be sure to coordinate with us. We need everyone on board, Your Highness."
The blue eyes of the young prince looked at Jaque a few seconds in confusion before Joshua spoke to him.
"You do realize that you are no Atlantean and even if you were, I am no King. So just call me Joshua, that is the whole reason I took this surface name."

"And Luna, read my emotions if you want to know how much I care about your opinion of me.", Joshua gave her a small smile. Joshua almost forgot Jacklyn's question. He turned around to her with a stern face, "If there are any henchmen in the water or the sewers, I don't know why there should be I doubt they are expecting an attack from the water, they would be no problem for me."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Nevan was about to reply to the bratty prince about where he exactly stood in the respect ladder, but decided against it. She simply smiled and turned her attention towards the rest of the group. After all what was the point with dealing with a brat for that’s what he was a royal BRAT! Not that it mattered, as long as he had the skills to do the job it was fine. If not… well he replaceable as each of them really. Heroes were born, died and or retured by the day pretty much.

“Anyhow, before doing anything we still need that communication system done. Give me a couple of days and I would create a magical one, but we don’t have the time.” Nevan suddenly stated, reminding of this thing that needed to be done right away first.” We can use our mobiles and so on, to set something temporary up though it won’t be exactly the most secure thing. Still should work us for a night or two until we get something more permanent down.”

“That or we should go buy some real comms right now… if all of you are serious about doing this. Last thing we need is tomorrow for something unexpected to happen and with us spread about the place not to be able to convey the new information right away to the rest. Lack of coordination and ability to communicate would assure failure or that something goes wrong…”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 7 days ago


Chris chuckled to himself as he could see Luna getting nervous. Or was it uncomfortable? Despite what it may seem, Chris still didn't know too much about women, especially about their emotions. It was all so complicated to him. Either way, Chris decided to politely leave the conversation, before she got too nervous or uncomfortable.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be able to control it soon. I still think it's a pretty cool power anyway. It was nice talking to you, Luna.

Chris gave her a smile before floating off to see what other conversations were taking place. He floated over to where Nevan was talking to the group about communications. He realized that she was right. There had to be some form of effective communication between them, or the whole plan would simply fall to pieces. Nevan suggested using the idea of mobile phones as a temporary communication form. Chris liked the idea, it seemed quite easy to pull off. He floated slightly higher, and addressed the group.

"I think using our personal mobile phones as a temporary communication resource is a good idea. You have different formats - text or call, and it's not like the people at the weapons drop off know we are there, so they won't think to hijack them.

He then turned to Nevan specifically.

"While I do think buying some professional comms would probably work better, I don't think any of us have the cash right now to go and buy them."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The masked woman observed the group she had gathered silently as they went about plotting their course of action. The heroes were young and still had much to learned, however she had faith that they would learn quickly how to act as the team that they so desperately needed to become if they were to survive the dark days ahead. Her voice rang out once more, a soothing and even tone that somehow commanded attention despite it's gentle nature "It appears as though you all are capable of handling what comes next without my needing to get involved too often. I shall take my leave for now, but rest assured that I will be watching all of you. Meet back here tomorrow before nightfall." she stated before she began to fade from everyone's view. Before disappearing entirely, the masked woman's head would appear to hang freely in the air as her eyes bored into the group, "One last thing, remember to be careful and watch each other's backs as you would your own. I may not be the only thing that is watching you..." She warned, her words echoing slightly as she disappeared completely and left the group to their own devices.

After the meeting was brought to a close the group would split off to prepare for what was to come next, each of them with their own tasks. Jacque for his part would spent half of his remaining night preparing potions, a few spells and small golems, and other little knick knacks for the mission. The following day for him would consist of a morning shift at the tea shop along with a bit of idle chat with his boss, this would be followed by him rushing back to his apartment to change into his costume and grab his supplies and pet before he bolted right back out the door, doing his best to keep a low profile as he made his way downtown to the Archer.

Upon arriving Jacque took it upon himself to sit near the door to the back room, where he soon began to alternative between eating mint leaves and muttering lowly, seemingly to no one at all. To the average Joe Jacque may have looked like a complete crazy person, however as far as the bokor was concerned, his muttering was completely justified. His pet had been fussing at him for the better part of an hour and he was tired of it. "Look, I know the shrinking potions taste bitter, but if I go adding something to sweeten them then they may end up having residual side effects." He said before his hat began to shift around on his head, "I don't know what kind, that's the whole point!". Yet more shuffling came from the hat, this time accompanied by a small hiss, "Well it's not MY fault you always wanna tag along! Most places aren't exactly pet friendly you know. I mean really, if people were to see you in here right now then this place could get shut down for health code violations.", more shuffling still, "Ugh, ok Juju look, I will *try* to figure out how to get rid of the bitterness safely, but no promises. In the meantime quit yer fussin'. If you cooperate and we pull this off without a hitch then you can expect and extra rat this week.". Jacque's had gave one last shake and then lie still, prompting a relieved sigh from the bokor just moments before he consumed another mint leaf and proceeded to wait patiently for the rest of the group to arrive.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Luna gave a soft sigh. Had she ruined something by being twitchy? She watched Chris go, frowning slightly. She couldn't tell just what he felt, they all seemed to have powerful emotions, but it was more complicated then that. She was about to call Chris back, when Joshua spoke to her.

"No, I'd rather not. Your pettiness is depressing." She turned away, effectively dismissing him from her presence. At Chris's words, she looked down, her shoulders slumping. She said softly, "I don't have a phone" Luna struggled to make ends meet as it was, when her mobile had died she hadn't had the money to pay for a new one. And so, for the last few months, she had been without one. She caught Rose blushing, and wondered what that was about, trying to get a read on her emotions, but in such a group it was hard to isolate just one if she wasn't near them. She gave her another smile, which faded quickly.

Admiting she was poor just wasn't something she wanted to do, and she looked away from everyone, moving away to a corner, she sat down, lowering her head into her hands, she merely let herself concentrate of remaining in control, part of her just wanting to run out the room. She sighed heavily, and with an effort, she managed to push the groups emotions away from her, to the back of her mind.

I blow everything before i can even try She thought to herself, finally though, Luna knew she had to head home, if only to make sure it hadn't been broken into or burst into flames, She rested, and tried to figure out if she could get a phone before the mission, but iuut was hopeless.

When she returned the next night, she tried to keep to herself, knowing she'd do what needed to be done, but also wondering why she was even here, when she coouldn't seem to hold her illusions long enough to be any use.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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After the meeting ended, Nevan slowly flew back home. She enjoyed flying at night, something many actually disliked due the fact the visibility was very bad usually, not to mention the temperature was quite lower up in the skies than down on ground level. Still both those were not much of a problem to her.

Being attuned to darkness and light she could easily adjust her eyesight and as for the temperature, she simply didn’t really find it much different. She was not a human thus her body could stand a whole lot different degrees of temperature range. Granted she wasn’t like some metahumans who could withstand even down to absolute zero and the heat of the sun without breaking a sweat, but for most things one could find on this planet she was recently alright with…( jumping into volcano not withstanding!)

After about an hour, flying about in the most roundabout ways, she finally landed on the balcony of her apartment. It was a nice 3 rooms abode with which she was quite satisfied with. Once upon a time she used to live in a home that was the size of a stadium, but those were the old days in her world… And she lived there more out of obligation from her status back then. In fact she loved smaller homes like this one. They had a lot more homey feeling and she loved it!

The next night

Nevan was dressed in her usual ‘uniform’ for when she was doing hero work as she was already descending towards Archer. She also had a small custom tailored bag attacked to her left leg similarly to how a gun holster would be.

Finally she gently landed by the side alley and then walked over to the front door, entering and heading to the back room where they had the meeting last night. The demoness had a gently happy smile on her face as she entered.

The first person she saw was Jacque.” Good evening, Jaque. How are you?” She asked as she made her way deeper into the room, before noticing Luna.

“Good evening, Luna.” She greeted the girl, reaching over to her small bag and pulling a small phone from it. She next reached it over to the girl.” Luna, you can use this one for the time being. I heard you last night and since I don’t really use it myself right now, you can make use of it during missions for the time being.” She stated, slightly minding her words as some people would take offense if they are shown pity. She hoped by wording it like this, it would make the girl feel better towards the idea of using the phone for now.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After leaving the Archer, with a slight blush, she wrapped her cloak around her waist and flew off. She certainly wasn't the fastest flyer - though not the slowest either - but she enjoyed her unique mutation. Regardless of that, she spent the night gathering a few things before falling asleep, her mind whirling until two in the morning... she wondered what this would be like. Being a mercenary was far different than being part of an assembled super hero team.

The next day, she did the same as before, flying into the back alley before donning her cloak. It was mostly so she wasn't stared at than shame, since it had grown annoying over the years, though she wouldn't mind if her new team was curious. She quietly made it to the back room, just as Nevan was offering a small phone to Luna. Rose paused for a moment and looked down at a small pocket in her cloaked. Biting her lip shyly, she walked up to the two women and cleared her throat awkwardly. "Um.. guess great minds think alike?..." she offered bashfully, pulling out a smart phone and offering it lightly to Luna. "I didn't think anyone else would.. um, y'know... so I bought another phone... and another line on my plan.. so you had something. I'm not really rich, but... being a mercenary pays well enough.. I-I get it if you'd rather not though.." Rose felt so awkward trying to offer the phone and felt the blush crawling across her cheeks.

She hoped she hadn't been rude to Nevan, but at the same time, the smart phone would be better - she figured. Of course, it didn't help that both women were beautiful in their own ways. Giving a glance to the witch doctor, she gave the man a small smile and wave, making sure he didn't feel ignored or anything - though she wasn't sure how much everyone had really paid attention to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shadow Ninja/ Jacklyn

Jacklyn left first after Jacque spoke finding as she wasn't needed anymore. She slipped out of the building and back into her comfort zone; the shadows and alley way's. She sighs in relief letting all the built up tension go she slips into the shadows as she saw an unusual pair of men following a pair of kids. Turning back into The Shadow Ninja and went to put down the evil.

The Ninja flipped down from the roof the building landing on different objects as she went before landing on the ground. Getting up she made her way into The Archer. She brought down her scarf as she entered the Archer and made her way to the back opening the door she smiles."Hello! How are you all today?" She ask with a small smile.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 15 days ago

After Joshua left he went to his apartment. It was a shithole. All his accounts and his trust fund had been frozen by his father and for the first time in his life he was dirt poor. He hung his shirt up in his closet, "That's probably the most expensive thing I own now...", he whispered to himself. 'Learn to life amongst the humans, as a simple man not royalty.', the words of his father echoed in his head. "Yeah, thats bullshit."


The next day Joshua went to the bar again, dressed in a long trench coat. He noticed that he was not the first to get there, "Good day.", he simply said when he entered the room. He entered the bar just after Jacklyn and immediately noticed the demoness and Rose offering both a phone to Luna.
"By Neptun, dammit!", he cursed quietly. He did not own a phone either. Father why did you think stripping my assets was a good idea? Joshua stared at the ground and then back at the group. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life.
With a swift motion he let his trench coat fall to the ground, revealing a orange scaled armor and green pants. He then stood their armed with a golden trident, dressed in the iconic colours and armor. I am not even worthy of this costume, no one but him is and will be that...
Joshua had to gather himself, he could not let them see that he was poor. In his most cocky voice he spoke, "I must have forgotten my phone, I will take the surplus."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Luna was surprised when Nevan approached her, offering her a phone. is she just doing it, because she pity's me? Luna wondered, staring at the phone, she was nevertheless thankful. She was about to say something when Rose approached, the girl that had blushed when Luna had looked at her. She gave Rose a smile, and she took the offered phone. She felt that Rose would be devestated if she didn't take it, and she wanted to put the girl at ease. Besides, she was cute.

"Thank you, both of you" She said, giving Nevan a smile, hoping that Nevan would understand. She didn't want to offfend either of them, yet Rose seemed to be more suseptable to feeling rejected, and Luna didn't want that.

She craddled the phone, wondering how long it would be before she smashed it or something, but vowed to make sure she didn't. Or at least make a very good effort not to. "Um. Maybe you could put your number in it?" She said, making it a question, and holding the phone back out to Rose, with a small smile."After all, I might need it today" She felt like just asking outright for Rose's number might make the other girl unable to speak for a bit. This way, she'd have the number, even if Rose just thought it was for the job.

She looked about at the others that were there, noting Jacklyn's appearance, but she was looking about for Chris. She wanted to apologise for her behaviour yesterday, and maybe figure out if he had been flirting with her. Her gaze slid back to Rose and she smiled brightly again.

She looked over at the spike in emotion, seeing Joshua. She frowned slightly, and when he spoke, she raised an eyebrow, but decided not to say anything. Why cause a fuss? "Thanks, i really appreciate the phone. I'll take good care of it, I promise" She said to Rose
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