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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Shadow looked sullenly at the red and white ball in his hand as he walked into Viridian City with Luvdisc behind him. He placed it onto his own belt, next to Luvdisc's, and looked up in an attempt to locate the police station, spotting it quickly. He gestured to the pink-haired girl, who looked just as sullen, and the pair of them entered the station. They quickly spotted Officer Sholtz from the door, Arclady and the Bouffalant from before standing not far away, talking. As the pair drew closer, the human caught on to their presence and looked towards them but neither of them said a word until Shadow placed a pokeball into the officer's palm and two belts of pokeballs at his feet.

"That's Luvdisc's Pokeball, and the rest of the missing ones. Find their trainers, or someone else to take of them. The two humans you missed, with the mullet and the slicked back hair, are unconscious along the road somewhere. Find them quickly, or they might not wake up."

With that, he left the station alone, leaving the three police members in shock as he walked out and turned into an alley before he slumped down, looking out into the street. He pulled out the remaining pokeball on his belt, his own, as he thought back to his last moments with his trainer:

"Do you like the name Didi? I hope we get to be good friends!"

Alexis smiled at Luvdisc and her arms to hug her, the girl had gave a small nod and went to return it but instead phased though her. Both girls were surprised and Shadow had looked at her in concern. Her skin faded slightly and Shadow grabbed her hand, only to have his eyes widen in shock. Alexis suddenly went from surprised to almost relieved.

"I remember now... I died 2 years ago. I had a medical condition, but I really wanted to be a Pokemon Trainer and win my first battle... So I didn't move on when I died..." She looked at Shadow and Luvdisc with a sad smile. "I know It wasn't long, but I loved being your trainer. I had fun... So, thank you. For everything."

It was hard for Shadow to speak. He was never an emotional person, but now his words were stuck in his throat. "Alexis, I... I couldn't have asked for a better trainer... Thank you..." With that, the ghostly trainer gave them one last smile before she faded away entirely, leaving behind two pokeballs, his and Luvdisc's. Shadow picked them up with a sad gaze before before he clipped them both onto his belt and began to walk in the direction of Viridian City, Luvdisc in tow.

They weren't walking for long before two familiar people stepped out in front of them.
"Well if it isn't the brat I 'found', and that emo kid that beat her!" The gangster with the Mullet sneered.
“And look at that! The creepy black-haired bitch isn't here! Whadda ya say we catch them again, and make 'em work for us? That sword-guy was real pain in the ass last time!” The Gangster with the slicked back hair suggested.

Luvdisc shrank a little in fear but Shadow, however, just kept on walking as he hadn't heard them. He stopped about a foot away, and said a single word. "Move."

Mullet leaned down to get into his face. "What was tha..." He didn't have time to finish his sentence as Shadow grabbed his face and his friend's too, forcibly drawing the life from his body. Their eyes rolled back into their heads as they fell to their knees unconscious before he let them go, to fall face first into the dirt road. He wasted no time unbuckling the belts of pokeballs and continuing on his way, belts in hand, as Luvdisc hurried to catch up.

Shadow drew himself from his thoughts to continue watching the street, a hollow look in his eyes. He watched people, both trainers and Pokemon in their humanoid forms, as they passed before he closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. He didn't have anywhere to go, but he just didn't care. So he stayed there, leaning against the wall, and waited.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Power... unending unyielding, the might to shatter mountains, to change nature... Yes, power was the answer. From the second he had been born he had been shrouded in darkness, the pressure of the world had been all around him and the warmth of the depths had forged his redder hue. Then he had dug, eaten and crawled, from the pits where he had spawned up to where the light of day finally met his eyes. He had bursted through the crust of earth, free from its bounds, to now make the world above bow down before him... or at least become the strongest he possibly could be. He was Larvitar, Son of Tyranitar... he had much to look up to, to achieve if he wanted to walk the same path as those before him... And so had his journey began, to seek power... as power was the only thing that mattered as those with power could have anything else they could possibly want.

Fearlessly he had gone forward, on unsteady legs until the bearing of a bipedal stance settled in. He went forth, until his belly growled and then he would look for food... berries on the ground would have to do, as he didn't know how to climb a tree yet and quite frankly he had been able to bash his head towards it hard enough for any fruits to fall down. So early in his quest to power trees didn't yield to him, and they still remained hard even as he tried to bite its roots and scratch at its bark... it was to no avail as he was unable to topple it, but he didn't let that fact discourage him.... one day, he would topple a tree, but for now he would eat to remain strong, and to settle that annoying noise his belly made whenever he had been out of food for too long.

When he first took the form of a Gijinka he didn't question much how it had happened, he was content with the change as it didn't raise his stats to those of a Tyranitar, he was still the same no matter how he appeared a fact that didn't bother him too much. After all he didn't want a shortcut to power... he liked to train himself against flora and fauna... other pokémon that he would pick a fight with for no specific reason other than to test himself against them... its didn't always go his way, yet he faced them fearlessly and kept on fighting every day. He was determined to grow more powerful, and as he learned more about the world from wandering the forest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Bright_Ops@Holy Soldier ( I'm Back ! )


Phantump was stumped. A trainer wanted to give her something for her help ? " Maybe they are not all bad..." Phantump thought.

She looked at the trainer, took off her mask and smiled at him. " I don't think you can do anything for me, Mr. Grady but I think I can do for you. As long as you promise me, you won't keep me...in there " she pointed at one of the Pokeballs that were hanging by Grady's belt and the continued talking. " I'm...afraid of those stuff. Trainers are bad people because they trap us in there...not all of us like it. "

With a determined look she nodded at Grady and finally asked " Do you want...me to accompany you in whatever quest you have ? As long as it doesn't involve stealing or attacking the innocent, I'm in. What do you say ? " she extended a hand towards Grady and "turned" off her draining power.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Make it double...

Situation Location: Park to the right of the Pokemon Center [refer to map]


The pokeball was lobbed into the center of the battlefield. The female opposing trainer’s heart sank into a frigid pool of fear at her opponent’s cry. A Machamp? How could a beginner trainer possess a Machamp so soon? She couldn’t believe it! The light bent and molded into a hulkish, glowing silhouette. The opposing trainer’s face paled when the light faded, revealing four iconic arms. The burly gijinka appeared—gray skinned with four massive arms and yellow lips quirked into a malicious smirk as its red, gleaming eyes gazed down upon the small Buneary.

The trainer of the Buneary fell to her knees as her legs gave out beneath her. Her opponent pointed and laughed at her reaction and the terror that made the Buneary shrink back toward her Pokeball.

“Ha, ha, ha! I told you I was strong!” her opponent gloated. “Go, Champ, use CROSS CHOP!”

Machamp tsked. “What an unworthy opponent. You want me to crush this baby bunny? Whatever.”

Buneary’s trainer rose to her hands and knees and screamed, “BETHANY RUN! DON’T FIGHT, RUN!”

The Buneary whirled and started running toward her trainer. Tears of fright spilled down her cheeks as her brown dress swished at her knees. She looked to be only about seven-years-old, a rather young Pokemon that had to be still learning moves.

“Rinny-chan!” Bethany cried, fearing for the worst.

“I yield, please, call your Pokemon off!” Pokemon Trainer Rinny begged her opponent.

Her opponent only continued to smirk, his eyes sadistically twinkling as he imagined the power his new Machamp would display. The titan charged, arms curling and muscles bulging with boulder-like strength. Bethany made it to Rinny’s arms who immediately embraced her and rose off the ground to flee. As hard as she ran, she was in no shape to outrun the colossal Machamp that closed the distance. The Machamp snagged her Buneary by the pigtails and wrenched her from Rinny’s arms.

“NO! BETHANY! GIVE HER BACK!” Rinny screamed. She hammered her fists against the brick-like abs that covered the Machamp’s stomach. The Gijinka was unfazed. Still holding the dangling Buneary by her hair, he tossed her into the air and stretched out all four of his arms.

“RRRrrr!” the Machamp growled as it frowned with concentration.

The Buneary screamed as she fell back toward the earth. Before she hit the ground, the Machamp’s arms closed like scissors, crushing her body like a pair of plyers and instantly draining the Pokemon’s health to 0. It was more than super effective, it was overkill. The life left the Buneary’s eyes as the Machamp spread his arms to allow the limp morphing body of the Pokemon to plop upon the grass. The girl had transformed back into a Pokemon. The bunny laid there unmoving as Rinny screamed immediately diving on her Pokemon and snatching it away from the Machamp and her opponent. As the trainer raced for the Pokemon Center, Machamp and his trainer laughed victoriously.

“Yes! I love it! You destroyed that Buneary. Wow,” the boy praised.

Machamp grinned. “I only wish she had been fully evolved, then maybe she would have given me a better match!”

“Don’t you worry Champ; our next destination is the Pewter City gym.”

Machamp’s fists crashed together with a thunderous thoom as he exclaimed, “My fists can shatter boulders. I can’t wait!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago


There was naught but silence at first,though Noibat's hold on her friend tightened a bit, this was soon broken by the girl's light giggling as Z began to lick her nose. Sitting herself up, she held Z up by the scruff, looking him straight in the eyes.

"I'm taking you up on that, so don't go claiming you forgot. Also, the next time I say that the situation's bad, then we get out, okay?" Her golden eyes would bore into Z's blue ones until she was sure he understood, in which case she'd set fluffball on her shoulder, getting up with an exasperated sigh. [color=Dark Orchid]"You always get overexcited whenever you set your mind to something."[/color]

Giving her friend a light flick on the nose for all the trouble they put her through, Noibat set off for the forest, planning on setting the little Zorua down in his usual spot and, after making sure he had some Oran berries to help with the scratches, went off on her way to her own home. It had been a bit of a stressful day, so she figured she might also go berry hunting for a bit, see if she could find any of those delicious Leppa berries around, then sleep wherever she happened to be once night rolled around.


Jaden Locke

"*sigh* . . . I guess it would be hard to adjust. Still, just make sure you at least let me know, okay?" Jaden would've gone on, wanting to hear more about these suspicious trainers, but the sound of a pained scream cut him off before he could finish. Looking around for a possible source of such a disturbance, Jaden noticed a cluster of people not too far away. Hurrying his way into the crowd without more than a beckoning motion to his pokemon, he arrived just in time to see the vicious final blow. His eyes would widen in shock at the brutality and ruthlessness of the blow, then narrowed as he saw the Machamp's trainer congratulate his pokemon for his over-zealous attack. His hands curled up into tight balls of fury as his feet carried him forward at a steady, stomping pace.

Before he knew it, he had walked right up to the trainer and as the bastard turned to face him, a fist would be flying through the air to meet his face. After striking the trainer, Jaden would reach out with his other hand to grab the boy by his collar, pulling him up until they were looking into each other's eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM, YOU PATHETIC SACK OF SCAT!!! DO YOU THINK THAT JUST CAUSE YOU HAVE A STRONG POKEMON, YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH ALMOST KILLING OTHER POKEMON! OTHER PEOPLE!!! Jaden's anger was so intense, flamed seemed to spew from his mouth as he spoke. With a disgusted grunt of effort, he threw the boy down to the ground, looking down upon him like he was a pile of crap on the ground. This time when he spoke, the scalding heat had becoming biting cold. "You're no trainer. You're nothing more than a bully, abusing others just so you can feel good abut your own pathetic self. If you have any dignity left, then you should beg that girl for her forgiveness and if you permeantly injured the Buneary, or worse, turn yourself into the police. It'll likely give you time to think on what it truly means to be a trainer."

@Holy Soldier
[@The Black Panther]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Raijinslayer@Holy Soldier@Feisty-Pants
Location: with Jaden

Pikachu flinched at the sound of the shriek. He looked up at Jaden before taking off beside the trainer. Small yet surprisingly fast the small yellow fluff kept up with Jaden. He watched the other trainer run off with their Pokemon and slowly looked at the one who had done it.

Anger came off of him in waves sparks shooting off his cheeks. He saw Jaden go to punch the....trainer and listened to what he said. This one....might not be so bad. He ran forward and morphed to his humanistic form. Sparks shooting as he stood in front of the white haired teen. His hands were balled into fists and those large ears were swiveled back. The sparks managed to make his eyes more green and reflect the hate flowing from them.

Pikachu had made a decision.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vix -- Fire Unbound

Just as Jaden moved towards the sound of chaos and fury, Vix moved with him. Her anger growing even further as she saw what had happened. Monsters, those two trainers had been, to give a novice, who held no true grasp on the consequence of their actions, something as powerful as that four-armed abomination. So angry was the little fox as she joined the Pikachu that the air about her seemed to ripple with furious heat. With grit teeth and sharpened fangs, the little fox looked to the rodent.

"Seems like we're in agreeance." She began, turning her infuriated gaze back tiwards the fighting type. As she grit her teeth even toghter, spurts of fire could be seen surging from between her lips. "Nice to have you on the team, but we've got to protect Jaden, I don't want to even think what that Machamp will do to him. I go left, you go right, You thundershock his legs and slow him down, I'll try to burn his upper body." She added in a hurried whisper, while the Machamp was glaring at their master.


With a surge of movent, the little fox swiftly blurred towards the Machamp, with the temperature in the air rising by the second. She took in a deep breadth as she ran, and she leapt into the sky. Arcing over the Machamp gracefully through the air as a distraction so that the Pikachu could sneak in and get his legs with an electrical shock. As she arced over him, all the heat she had built up abruptly erupted forward in a massive ball of fire, aimed straight for his face in the attempt to burn his eyes and disable his vision.

Landing neatly on the other side behind the fighting type, Vix sharply inhaled once again, and this she unleashed a quartet of bursts of fire in the form of brightly glowing embers. This time, each kne was aimed for his arms, with the intention of severely burning and further dampening the Machamp's ability to retaliate against his attackers. If they made contact, they would burst brightly with painful flames once again.

Monsters like him needed to be put down. For even at the command of a trainer, he could have shown restraint. Now, Vix was determined to make him pay.

@Holy Soldier
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seth Halen

Seth shook his head from side to side as his physical form re-materialized out of thin air. Traveling by Teleport was always a strange feeling- how Dad had ever gotten used to it was something he'd never figure out. The disorientation was the worst part though. His head was woozy, his balance was off center, and his vision was a little blurry for a few seconds. But, he was here... wherever here was.
"Feeling alright, Seth?" came a familiar voice from right next to him. It was Celes, his father's beloved Gardevoir, and the one responsible for the Teleport.
"Yeah," he replied, "Just a little dizzy is all. Where are we?"
"Just outside Viridian City," Celes answered.
Fuchsia City was a fairly long way from the western side of Kanto, which was heralded the world over as the great starting point for any new Trainer. Rather than send his son alone on what would have been many days' journey by foot, Dad had sent Celes along with Seth on a ship to Celadon, where her Teleport could easily take them to the starting line. She'd also served as an escort of sorts, making sure he got there safely.
"If you go just up that road there," she continued, "You should reach the Trainer's House. That's about the best place to start out."
"Right," Seth said as he tightened the straps of his backpack.
"And remember, your father had me accompany you so you'd be safe, but I'm going to run some errands and then head home as soon as you're over that hill. From here, you've got to handle yourself, alright?"
"I know, I know. It's just..." Seth sighed with uncertainty.
"Just what? This isn't like you."
"Well... Celes, what if I can't find any Partners? What am I gonna do if I can't catch one?"
Celes's eyes widened for a bit, then she lightly chuckled at the notion. "Oh Seth," she said as she placed a hand on his shoulder, "Let me tell you a little secret. The best Trainers don't catch Pokemon- the Pokemon come to them and follow them because they want to. So don't worry about going Partnerless; just be yourself, and I have no doubt they'll come in no time. Now, you should get going. Day's still young, let's not waste it!"
"Gotcha, thanks Celes," Seth said as he turned and began walking down the road, "Tell Mom and Dad I love them!"

Not much later, Seth was into Viridian City proper. A map had shown him where the Trainer House was, and along the way he passed the Pokemon Center and the park next to it. His attention was drawn toward the park, however, as a crowd was forming in a circular fashion. It could only mean one thing, he realized with glee; a Pokemon Battle was about to start! He dashed toward it hoping to catch a view of the action. He loved watching battles, breaking them down, analyzing strategies, figuring out what he would've done in the situations, it was the best!

Dad's Words: It's alright to be angry. It's not alright to let that anger goad you into making poor decisions.

But what he was treated to here was nothing but a disgusting travesty. Anger rose up in him at the mockery of Pokemon Battles he was witnessing. Not only was the battle a one hundred percent mismatch, the boy commanding the Machamp didn't even show his opponent common courtesy! Seth managed to keep Dad's words in his mind though, and funneled the wrath into his clenched fists and away from his brain. A burst of movement told him another person in the circle, a rich-looking boy with white hair, had less success with his self control. As soon as the punch was thrown Seth was forcing his way through the crowd to the center. "HEY!" he yelled as he pushed his way in, determined to stop things. Disgust was one thing, but turning this into a street fight was certainly not-
Another motion caught his eye and made his heart leap into his throat. A Pokemon, had to be a Vulpix with those tails, was jumping about and trying to fire on the Machamp! Ordinarily he wouldn't have had a problem with things, but with a Machamp already wound up by a battle, a trainer that had a bad enough attitude without the assault, a clear power difference at hand, and the whole situation about to devolve into a complete mess...!
He had no time to think twice. He tossed his backpack onto the ground and nearly ripped his jacket in half trying to get it off in time. One reason he loved that jacket was because it was one of the best pieces of outdoors gear that could be found- which included shock resistance and fire retardant being used in the treatment. He just hoped it was enough as he swung the clothing into the air to intercept the first Ember. The jacket nearly flew out of his hands in the impact, but the threads held and didn't catch fire- which was a good thing. Relief was slow in coming, however, as the Vulpix landed and showed clear signs of throwing more fire. Once again, time for thought was in short supply as Seth stepped around and threw his arms out, standing between the Machamp and the Vulpix. "What are you doing?!" he shouted as he locked eyes with the burning fox. The Embers still smoldered in her mouth as she seemed to measure his actions, with notable distaste... but she held her fire. For the time being, anyway.
"Look," he said, addressing both her and the white-haired boy who'd thrown the punch, "I don't like what just happened any more than you do. But attacking him and his partner is only going to make things worse. It makes you no better than he was for crying out loud. Cool your heads!"
"And you," he continued sharply as he rounded on the Machamp's trainer, "Your opponent conceded the match! You had no business doing anything but ordering your partner to stand down. If this had been a Tourney or a League Match, you'd have been disqualified on the spot and forced to pay damages. What on earth were you thinking?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Gredy Silvertongue

Gredy was more then happy to take the ghost girl's hand, being firm but clearly trying not to squeeze too hard. "It's pronounced Gredy. Gr-e-dy. And I would be honored to travel with you by my side." Smiling widely for a moment, it faltered a little as he ran into a small problem "I can respect the fact that you don't want to be in a pokeball. Understand that completely... but I'm not quite sure how that works out when it comes to things like pokemon centers. I don't want you to be denied help because of a technicality..." Would they deny her service just because she was a 'wild' pokemon? Doubtful, but there was a pretty decent chance they might not give her back to him and there wouldn't really be any legal grounds for him to stop him...

Shaking his head a little, Gredy quickly brightened up. "Alright, I guess step one of our journey is to go to the pokemon center and ask if there is a way to have you registered as my pokemon without having to put you in a pokeball. Be a good chance for us both to get something to eat for lunch as well... Maybe I can even replace my bag." Was it the most well thought out of plans? Maybe not but as far as Gredy was concerned it was as good a place to start as any other. It would give them a chance to get to know each other a bit better and they could bum around at the trainer house for the night after they got all their affairs in order.

With a plan in hand, Gredy decided to take the lead as he had a pretty decent idea of where the Pokemon Center was from their current location in the alleyway. It wasn't even that far away from if he was remembering things correctly. There was even a park next door that they could hang out at! There was one thing that had to be cleared up before they got there through. "What should I call you? I mean I know you're a Phantump but what kind of name would you like to be-" the sentence was cut off before it could be finished by a nearby shriek that sounded like someone had screamed it at the top of their lungs. It had come from the direction that they were heading towards.

For a moment Gredy stood still, somewhat confused by what he had just heard before his brain started to kick into gear. "...Phantump, can you go invisible and follow me? We need to check this out now." Waiting only long enough to make sure she was going to follow, Gredy started to jog towards where he had heard the shriek come from; He didn't want to be exhausted when he got there in case whatever had caused the shriek was still around.

In less then a minute and slightly winded, Gredy managed to set foot in the park that was near the pokemon center he was heading to and saw... he didn't quite know what it was he was seeing, but it looked like an absolute brawl with three boys around his age and their pokemon... one of which was a MACHAMP!

Deciding to stay on the sidelines for now in order to try and figure out what was going on, Gredy reached into his pokedex and took the time to gather what information he could about all three pokemon in front of his as he could... as well as get an idea of what the Phantump that was hopefully still there with him could do too.

@Saltwater Thief
@Holy Soldier
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


For one so technically new to the world, He was quite oblivious to his surroundings. He had no clue that there was a human settlement nearby, nor to be fair what a human even was or that there was something called a trainer. Larvitar was more curious about his surrounding in terms of what he could use to test his strength, the ground had already yielded to him in terms that he could chew through it even if the progress for now was rather slow. The Grass seemed to be cut by his claws even if it didn't taste as well as the earth did it was edible in its own way... however berries still tasted the best and didn't seem to upset his stomach as much even if they all tasted different from the next.

In this stage in his life one could say he learned about most of the world by tasting it... rocks was crunchy.... grass was soft, and the blue berries had a wonderous mix of flavors that blended in his mouth, he also felt like he grew healthier by eating them making him more courageous to take on new challenges. A Weedle would be one of the first things to taste his test of might... he would bite it and it would protect itself by spraying strings all over him. The Strings was sticky and made it more difficult to move, it tried to sting him and from the sensation Larvitar got he knew to avoid that sting as it was dangerous.

Sticky he withdrew until he could get the strings off himself, and in the meantime the Weedle ran away as it didn't want to fight. Walking around trying new things tired him out pretty fast, and soon enough he would curl up to try to nap for a while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Noibat flue him back to the forest, and the black fox stayed his pokemon form all the way. It was more practical that way. They landed and his friend left him a few berries to eat that should help his wounds to heal. It was nice, it was calm. Zorua yawned, a lot happened that day, switching to his humanoid form once alone he putted the backpack down and changed clothes from the trainer outfit back to the black pokemon clothing. It was more suitable for him and more comfortable as well.

That done he switched one more into his pokemon form dragging the clothing under the roots of a tree where his hideout filled with stolen garderobe pieces were.He was debating if he should eat the oran berries or maybe take a short nap first, Z wasnt too sure. The decision was taken out his hand as he heard something outside. When he peeked out he saw a Weedle hurrying away.

Running away?

Smelling the air he picked a more earth rich smell. Curious his tail swinging and the fox pokemon decided to quickly investigate what came so close to his lair. Several bushes and trees away in a patch of grass he found the origin of the smell. On silent pawns he leaned over the small body seeing a few sticky webs still clinging to him. smelling him Zorua determined that he had to be some earth type or the like.

He sat there and watched the pokemon nap for a while, till he got bored. Getting an idea, Zorua quickly still trying to not wake up the other pokemon, make to work. Several minutes later the Larvitar was covered by a layer of nice smelling forest flowers freshly picked by the black fox. He shifted one of the yellow flowers and started to tickle the other face.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

To Protect the World from Devastation...

Situation Location: Park to the right of the Pokemon Center [refer to map]

Jaden had caught the boy in the middle of his triumphant laughter. The Machamp was quick to stop laughing when Jaden snagged his trainer by his collar and slugged him in the face. With a growl, the Machamp made a motion to stop Jaden when a yellow rat leapt into his path. That hadn’t been the only Pokemon to attempt to get in his way. Like the Pikachu, a Vulpix emerged out of the crowd and just as quick did another boy. Machamp’s fists clenched tightly as he bore his teeth in offense. The other trainer seemed to counter the Vulpix’s fireball before it struck him and even had some nerve to stand before him and the fox that apparently wanted to die. The Machamp made no motion to attack, however. Instead, his tense eyes glanced back at his trainer, anxiously desiring a command.

The boy pushed away from Jaden, hardly caring about the scolding Seth had given the white-haired boy. He rubbed at his aching cheek and glared daggers at both of them.

“If this had been a Tourney or League Match, then the victory would be still mine. Who cares if I would have been disqualified? The fact of the matter is that my Pokemon are the strongest in the world!”

The boy’s face then twisted with a crazed and threatening smile. “I should call the cops on you for assaulting me. Then you and your Pokemon would go to prison—one less scrub I got to deal with later. My Machamp could obliterate every single Pokemon you got on your belt. If you don’t want them going to the Pokemon Center, then you best stay out of my way!”

Another trainer from the crowd stepped forth behind Vulpix and facing the Machamp trainer. His cap was low over his eyes and he was also wearing an unsettling smirk.

“If it’s a battle you want, then fight me. I got the match your Machamp is looking for.”

The second trainer reached down to his belt to remove a pokeball that he lobbed on the ground between the Vulpix and Seth. Emerging from the ball was a large, draconic creature with a hammerhead skull.


The dragon Pokemon’s black eyes peered down at Seth before they motioned over to the Machamp that the creature determined was its true opponent. Before the match could start, a third! trainer stepped from the crowd. She was a female trainer also wearing a cap and with two pigtails trailing down her back. She had a bubblegum bubble inflated before her lips that she leisurely popped.

“Impressive Pokemon. Mind if I join?” she asked, and didn’t even give the trainers a chance to respond before she also removed a Pokeball from her belt and tossed it on the ground. The ball opened and emerging from it was also a dragon type, the most iconic one of them all.


The Dragonite trainer who had been battling trainers earlier had stepped forward to fight the two misfits. Grasping the bill of her cap as she glanced to her left and right at both trainers, comparing herself to the two, she didn’t look green behind the ears. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she silently scrutinized both trainers.

“I can tell just by looking at you two that you’re a couple of greenhorns. Where did you get those Pokemon and how are they obeying you without badges?”

The girl unzipped her jacket and opened it to reveal all the badges she had collected in the Kanto region. She was on her last badge before the Elite Four trials.

The Machamp trainer smirked though there was a bit of hidden anxiety in his eyes. “Wouldn’t you want to know?”

It was a weak answer, and the trainer simply called to his Machamp: “Champ, we’re leaving.”

The Machamp frowned. “Just when I thought I’d finally found my match.”

Obediently, the Machamp turned away from Seth, Garchomp, Vulpix, and Pikachu to follow after his trainer. The Garchomp trainer seemed to be discouraged from fighting the Dragonite as well, but it hadn’t been because of the girl’s strong Pokemon.

“Gary, come,” he commanded his Garchomp. The dragon Pokemon growled, but like the Machamp, turned to follow after his trainer.

The Dragonite trainer continued to roll the wad of bubblegum in her mouth, watching suspiciously as the two trainers seemed to disperse at her inquiry. She knew that their Pokemon were more than capable of giving her Dragonite a hard time, but why had they both turned tail?

She then glanced over at Jaden, Seth, and their Pokemon. “Are all of you all right? Is there something new going on where The League is starting to give inexperienced trainers powerful Pokemon to experiment with or something? It’s been a long time since I first started my journey.”

The Dragonite suddenly shrank down to her humanoid form. Her cheeks flushed with anger as she raised her seemingly delicate fists.

“Aw man! I would have showed them whose boss!” she growled. Her trainer walked up and looped an arm about her shoulders, drawing the gijinka against her side. The gijinka beamed and for a brief moment they looked just like sisters.

“I know you would have,” she praised.

The crowd dispersed with several disappointed curses and moans. They were hoping to see an epic match. A few of the young trainers in the crowd started to mutter to themselves, where could they find powerful Pokemon like that?

Mysterious Boy & Mysterious Girl

Situation Location: In front of the Trainer House

"Come one; come all; to the greatest club ever to be created in the universe!" the Mysterious Girl announced.

The mysterious boy scratched at his brow as he felt sympathy pains from her horrid introduction.

That's stretching it... he thought.

"That's right; the Pokemon Club! No trainer is too weak in the Pokemon Club, instead we're all equal. It's very simple. All you have to do is sign some forms and turn in your weak Pokemon for your new ones! It's that simple. Do you want to dominate those difficult gyms with ease? Then join our club. Everyone is guaranteed to be a winner!"

@TalijaKey@Bright_Ops@Saltwater Thief@Feisty-Pants@BlackPanther@Raijinslayer@Ashevelendar@Shadow Daedalus
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vix -- Hotheaded Fox

Out of nowhere, a boy intervened on her assault. His coat caught and suffocated the flames, and left her attack completely stopped as a whole. Gritting her teeth in firy, her fists clenched as she glared angrily at the boy. How dare he intervene on her fight?! He wasn't even a Pokémon! Growling beneath her breath, the little fox loathingly stared at the Machamp, waiting for it to make a move, only to suddenly have it stop in its tracks as other trainers stepped in. Another with something that he shouldn't, until a girl with eight badges and a Dragonite stepped into the fray.

As quickly as she had arrived, the fight had ended. The two newbies tucked their tails and ran, leaving Jaden, the intervening boy, and this Dragonite trainer with all their Pokémon accordingly.

Still bristling with anger at the boy who intervened, she subtly walked behind him. With quick inhale, she let a small, white hot ember spout from her lips. Which quickly caught onto the jacket that had stopped her initial attacks. While it was mostly intact, this little white ember would burn a sizeable hole, and make it essentially useless.

Sticking up her nose at the boy, Vix returned to Jaden's side as the trainer asked exactly what was going on. Little beknownst to all of them, they were going to get a quick answer.

Nearby at the Pokemon Trainer House, the two suspicious people had returned. And were once again selling their wares. Vix scowled as she took in their scent. The boy with the Machamp reeked of them, and now she realized very quickly as she listened in that her wariness was well placed. Instead of saying another word, the little fox stormed forward with all the anger that she could possess. With clenched fists, she pushed her way through the crowd, nd this time made very well her point and intention.

"It was these jerks that sold the Machamp to that idiot!" Vix exclaimed with outright fury, pointing at the duet who manned the selling point. "The Machamp reeked of their filkth, and here they are, trying to sell Pokémon again like they're selling common junk." The trainers that had surrounded the table looked surprised ar her as she jumped up on the table, looking pleadingly to them.

"I beseech you, everyone. Do not trade your Pokémon into this scam. Don't! We trust you when you capture us. You put our lives into your hands, so take responsibility for it! Do not betray them for a cheap shortcut just to get badges. Half of the reason to become a trainer is the adventure itself! Pause a second, smell the roses, with your closest friends. Not a mockery of eliminating free will! We are your friends! Not your slaves! Is there truly so much greed in your heart that you'd cast us aside like fodder? Please, I beg of each of you. prove to us, your friends, that we matter more to you than just winning."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jaden Locke: Viridian City

A gentlemen's anger

Jaden remained silent through the manic trainer's rebuttal to his assault, as well as that of the sudden stranger who had interposed himself between Vix and the foe's Machamp, as she had followed his example. There were two reasons for this silence: the fact that the stranger was at least partly correct in that he should've kept a cooler head, and the fact that his anger was still very much alive and well as he restrained himself from striking the offensive little brat once more as he threatened not only Jaden himself, but his Pokemon as well.

Luckily, a senior trainer appeared on the scene, quickly cowing the boy with her mere presence as he skulked off. The fact that the boy was walking off completely scot free after what he had just done cause Jaden's blood to boil in his veins, the knuckles of his fists turning white from how tight they were. Breathe, Jaden, breathe. Remember what the counselor said. Untie the knot. Follow the string. Let the tension leave your body.

It was an old exercise that Jaden hadn't performed in years, back in his more . . . 'rambunctious' youth. He'd always been a righteous sort, to a point that most would consider overzealous and possibly self-destructive, and when tied with an issue of controlling ones emotions and you got a child that tended to pick lots and lots of fights whenever he tried to mingle with other children, mainly due to how most of them tended to treat their servant pokemon. He'd gone to multiple tutors and counselors for years with limited success, but it wasn't until his Uncle's . . . 're-education' that he was finally deemed suitable to be around pleasant company.

Those had been unpleasant times for the most part, but this exercise had always been a spot of light, a gift of sorts from his favorite counselor. Even now, he could feel the fire in his heart die down by a good margin, though it still simmered and snapped beneath the surface. Good thing to, because the veteran trainer had turned asked him and the other boy([color=Ivory][i]I think his name was . . . Seth, right?) about what was going on.

"If so, then I haven't heard of it, nor do I see the point in it. What's the point of beating a Gym when it's through strength that you didn't earn. If his earlier showing was anything to go by, the cretin knew that when faced with an actually experienced trainer, his true weakness would so. Thus, he left to save face." As Jaden spoke, the anger slowly started to rise once more, thoughts of that maniac and what he did to that poor girl acting like fuel for his fiery wrath. "If you ask me, that Trainer should be stripped of his license and Pokemon for what he did. She conceded, the battle was over, and he kept going. You can't say it's a battle after that just because it's between Pokemon. It was assault, plain and simple, and it should be treated as such."

At this point, Jaden turned his gaze on Seth, his blue eyes, simmering with his growing anger, meeting the younger boy's golden ones with an wild ferocity. "And as for you, Mr. Halen I believe it was, I must say that I disagree partially with your assessment of my behavior. It wasn't helping the situation, true, and I should've composed myself better. But I am nothing like that vile piece of scum, and will not stand the insult of being likened to such a shivering, spineless wretch who needs to bully and abuse others in order to feel strong and powerful." Despite the fire burning in his eyes and the harshness of his words, his voice never rose beyond a civil speaking volume, the cold tone of his noble bearing showing perfectly the level of disdain he held for trainer from before, as well as the tinge of outrage from being associated with such an individual. "He struck that girl because he wanted to hurt her, possibly even cripple or kill her. I struck him because he not only deserved it for what he did, but because I knew that nobody else would. While it may not have been the smartest of actions, I'd much rather act upon injustice instead of setting back and allowing it to happen just because of what might happen to me otherwise. As the saying goes, 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.'"

With his piece said, Jaden walked away from the veteran and the other trainer, eager to return to his room and take time to simply relax and de-stress. Unfortunately, the universe was not on his side so far this day.

"Jacqueline . . . Where is Vix?" Jaden asked the Skorupi, who had stayed behind with Azzie when the incident broke out, his left eye twitching ever so slightly.

"She ran off, back to the Trainer House it looks like."

Calm yourself Jaden, untie the kn-NO! But the sword down, that's not how you untie the knot!?! Just breathe, okay, just brea- Jaden's voice of reason and control faded out abruptly as Jaden felt something snap in his head. In fact, his head was pounding quite a bit, the pain doing very little to improve Jaden's mood as he stomped in the direction of the trainer house as if he were trying to crack the concrete with his feet.

Before long, he arrived at the gathering that was happening in front of the building, and standing on the table with two strangers was Vix, yelling at the crowd about something. Jaden himself didn't care, as he was about to tell Vix off right then and there, but Azzie and Jacqueline, both having heard what their fellow pokemon was talking about, stepped in front of Jaden.

"Master, you shouldn't go up right now, okay? Just calm down before you cause a scene."

"Well, cause more of a scene anyway. You can yell at the Fox later, in the room, without totally embarrassing all of us, but some restraint is needed right now."

Jaden remained quiet at first, but the pounding in his head made it hard to hold onto his anger as his momentum was halted. Taking a step back, Jaden settled for just standing by, hoping that Vix would take notice of him. His head clearing up slightly, he wondered what Vix had been yelling about earlier. He'd been so focused on finding her that when he did, he had essentially gone deaf to whatever she had been talking about. [i]And . . . weren't those the people she was stalking not too long ago?[i]

[@Holy Solider]
@Saltwater Thief
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Raijinslayer@Feisty-Pants[all the peeps]

Location: with Jaden

Pikachu watched everything unfurl. From prepping himself to use tail whip to everything being done. He could feel Jadens anger rolling off in waves and felt himself in a different situation then what he was used to. He shook his head and nodded to the senior trainer in a form of thanks. Though now he focused his attention on the other trainers. He had heard a pokedex go off earlier and that made him far more worried especially since he wasn't registered with Jaden nor had Jaden even said anything about being his trainer....he was busy true but he did not want to be caught by someone he did not know.

He turned to see Jaden leaving and followed after him. He felt quite invisible which usually would be okay but right now the world was swaying from his poor diet. When Jaden stopped he stopped beside him. "you know....anger can be a dangerous emotion" it seemed like he was going to say more but he looked down. A look passing through his eyes.

Though for him he was really not doing well. Be swayed somewhat before falling. As he fell he became his pokemon form once more and landed to the side. The meant the small yellow fluff was now passed out and his unconscious self was leaned against Jadens leg.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

The high pitched shrill of a girl caught Shadow's attention and he looked towards the growing crowd across the street from the alley he had taken refuge in. Standing slowly, he managed to see the four-armed Pokemon rip the bunny from her trainer's arms, his face curling into a slight scowl. That scowl quickly became a snarl as the small girl was mercilessly beaten down with excessive force, the steel-ghost moving closer with heavy steps until he spotted Jaden step forward and punch the other trainer straight across the face. He slowed his pace as the situation continued on, another boy stepping forward to berate them both. It finally came to an end as two more trainers stepped into the fight, calling out powerful Pokemon. The fight was diffused fairly quickly, the two rookie Trainers with pokemon out of their league disappearing quickly, but his eyes lingered on the Veteran Trainer and her Dragonite. He smiled a little at the sister-like bond between them, before his heart became heavy and he turned away.

He began walking without a defined destination when he passed by Jaden, Vix and the red-haired boy that had intervened. Jaden said his piece, filled with his usual blinding idealism and went on his way while Vix was evidently sit nonplussed by having her attacks blocked by clothing of all things. As she lit a small Ember on his jacket and scurried off, Shadow rolled his eyes a little at her immaturity before he stepped over and grabbed the trainer's sleeve. He had up to this point avoided the attention of most people, a skill accredited to his ghost side, but he didn't want to see someone get hurt because a certain bratty little fox couldn't hold off on her temper tantrums. He spoke as he usually does, short and to the point.

"Your jacket's on fire."

@Saltwater Thief
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Finally at peace as he rested he wouldn't remain undisturbed for as long as he perhaps may have wanted, soon his nose started tickling from strange scents that seemed to attack his nose-thrills out of nowhere, and for some reason his body started tickling to new leaves and petals that weren't there before. He squirmed at first, trying to remain asleep as he hadn't even noticed there was someone very close to him. Soon it tickled more, he groaned, whined and finally stirred as he awoke. Blinking awake he groggily opened his eyes slowly at first to take in his surroundings. Grumpy, disturbed and tickled his eyes fell upon the black fox kin that was the guilty one in this matter. While the act itself might been considered cute and innocent by most, even the Larvitar himself if he hadn't been so ticked off by an early awakening. He reacted as one could expect... his eyes snapped open, in an instant he leaped to his feet as his senses fully awoke to the 'possible threat'.

It didn't matter much to him, and quite frankly in the two seconds he put his action into consideration the only thought that had emerged in his mind was 'Attack!' roaring his name LARV-I-TAAAR! which meant something like"E-ne-myyy!" he launched forward yaws still wide from shouting as he tried to catch the Zorua with his Mouth trying to 'Bite' it. Of course if he had thought longer on the matter, he may perhaps by some odd chance have realized that the Zorua might have tried to become his frind... either that or the trickster fox only wanted to prank him... didn't matter much at the moment, Larvitar wanted to currently kick its furry behind.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago



The sleeping pokemon started to stir, zorua ears perked at that. Suppressing any chuckle that wanted to escape he moved the flower a few more times with more virgo, trying to get a more interesting reaction. Maybe make the other sneeze? That would be funny. Zoruas wish did come true as the Larvitar opened his eyes with a start.

Sadly instead of sneezing the pokemon eyes were more on the angry side. Not waiting Zorua let the flower drop turning around and changing to his humanoid form. Ready to run away, or climb up as ground types shouldnt be good with heights in his mind. The other pokemon spoke something, and the dark type only made half a step before he felt something he did not like.

A bite on his tail.

A strong shiver washed over Zorua, all his hair standing up. It wasnt too effective, but he couldnt stand it nonetheless. He never could stand his tail being touched or pulled. Mostly because he couldnt help switching forms when that happened. Without proper control he switched back into his pokemon form back, to make the other let his tail go. It didnt work. And as the bite hold on the fox pokemon switched again. Now human he jumped several steps dragging the ground type around.

"Let go, earth lump" Zorua leered the words wiggling his tail only to shrink back to his pokemon form again.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seth Halen

"What the- you don't even understand disqualification and you've got a Machamp on your side?!" Seth asked incredulously, "Where on earth did you-"
Things escalated far too quickly from there as another trainer, just as inexperienced and naive as the one he was trying to accost, carrying a Garchomp of all things. Seth had never been one to be easily scared, but having one of the most potent of all Dragon Pokemon stare at him like that sent a cold shiver down his spine. What he wouldn't have given for Celes to still be with him then and there...
“Impressive Pokemon. Mind if I join?”
Seth turned toward the sound of a third voice as a young lady stepped forward from the crowd in a seeming declaration of war. But something was different about her; the way she spoke, how she carried herself, and most of all the look in her eyes, it was all reminiscent of Dad the few times Seth had seen him go into the arena. This was not another beginner who'd gotten lucky with a powerful pokemon, she'd earned her stripes and her partner's loyalty. Her jacket opened and confirmed his suspicions, and the other two quickly disengaged.
Seth breathed a sigh of relief, then turned toward the two woman who'd bailed them out. "Thanks for stepping in to help, I guess I got in over my head a bit... By the way, my name's Seth. Seth Halen," he said as he extended a hand to shake. Not long after, however, he found himself accosted by the other trainer who'd punched the Machamp user. The white-haired boy proceeded to go on a quiet, wrathful tirade against him, ending with the coining of an age-old phrase before turning to walk away. Seth was beyond frustrated; all he'd done was step in to do the right thing, and now this guy railed against him when HE was the one who let his anger take control and threw a punch?!
"And when good men stoop to evil to stop it," he snarled at the boy's back, "The amount of evil in the world remains the same."
He exhaled sharply as he tried to reel himself back in. He'd done the right thing; had he not stepped in, the boy AND his Vulpix could've been attacked by the Machamp, and the emergency room would've been thrice as filled as it already was. He had to remind himself of that. Even if the both of them were ungrateful, it didn't make his actions wrong.
"Your jacket's on fire."
Another voice behind him drew his attention; what looked like a Honedge had approached him and pointed out the small but hot flame that was burning at his jacket threads! He dropped the jacket immediately and stomped at the fire until he was sure it was out, then picked up his prized piece of clothing out of the dirt. The fireproofing treatment hadn't stopped the focused burn, but it had slowed it enough that it only burned a small hole near the small of his back.
"Well, isn't THAT just great. Dammit, I bet Dad's journey didn't start off this bad... Thanks for the help," he said as he tossed the jacket over his arm and gathered his backpack from the ground nearby. "I'm going to head for the Trainer's Lodge, hopefully take some time to cool off after this. See you around maybe, and good luck with your 8th Badge!"

He made his way back toward the road, following the directions he saw on his map. He'd definitely need to find himself a partner, and soon, but with how irritable he was now trying to look for one was not wise. Hopefully there would be a room open and he could take a shower, maybe put his feet up while things blew over.
Unfortunately, no such rest was in store. His approach to the Lodge carried him into earshot of the man and woman who were entertaining a crowd... and what they had to say arrested his attention. He only caught the tail end of the spiel, but he did hear the bit about "dominating gyms with ease." The proximity of what they were spouting to that of the Machamp trainer wasn't just remarkable, it was downright uncanny. And from the buzz of conversation in the crowd, it sounded like they were promising some kind of pokemon to any takers. Could that be...?
A high-pitched voice seemed to answer his question as the Vulpix from before leaped onto the table. She hurled accusations at the two, appeals to the crowd, and made quite a show of herself. Seth wasn't sure what was more aggravating; that these two seemed to be the source of the debacle in the park and quite possibly other situations, or that NOW the fox had decided to use her breath for words instead of fires. Part of him wanted to ignore the whole situation; the Vulpix and her trainer had already spat on his help before, and it was unlikely they would change their tunes so soon. And powerless as he was with no partner, if things came to blows he'd be worse than useless. He had every right to walk right past the spectacle and keep to himself. And yet...

Dad's Words: No matter what happens, always hold fast to your principles. You won't be liked by everyone; you might even be despised by some for acting on them. But at the end of the day, you'll be able to live with yourself. And that's what matters most.

And yet, what those two were doing was inherently wrong. Pokemon weren't meant to be soldiers or means to an end, they were meant to be friends, they were meant to be partners. And here they were, distributing Pokemon to anybody who wanted one as some sort of twisted scheme. The consequences had been plain enough in the park. It didn't matter that the Vulpix probably hated him or that her trainer thought him a cretin- he needed to stand against this.
"All it takes is for good men to do nothing, huh?" he said as he pushed through the crowd to the front. The irony of those words coming to mind forced a restrained chuckle from him, but by the time Seth was at the front his face was set with adamant determination.
"Is what she says true?" he asked the man and woman directly, his words weighted like a stone, "Are you the ones responsible for these... cowards that swing Pokemon around like tools? Like weapons?"
His eyes locked onto the woman's in particular, a fury dancing just behind his grim irises. "Are you the ones that are making a mockery of everything that Trainers stand for?"

@Shadow Daedalus
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