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4 mos ago
Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
5 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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Just as Tayla landed, she was struck by the coins Týfurkh put on the ground. While Karina didn't understand his magic that well, whatever he did with them made Tayla feel an excruciating pain when she stepped on them. It seemed like he made them become a type of landmine using vibrations. Nonetheless, it was quite an interesting ability.
That said, it was the end for Tayla. She was undeniably cornered. Wounded and now fighting alone against both Týfurkh and Karina, there was no possible way for her to beat them and her terror filled expression made it clear that she knew that fact.

The second Tayla looked towards them though, she saw Karina lunging towards her, the beautiful blade of her rapier approaching Tayla's throat in a deadly thrust. When it got nearby Tayla though, Karina stopped, holding her on the point of her rapier.

"It's over, Tayla." Karina said, looking deep inside the woman's terror filled eyes.

For a second, Karina seemed to stop, almost as if hesitating to end the woman's life.

"Stop the other cultists', now. Tell them to retreat and let us leave. You don't have many choices." Karina demanded, looking to her with a cold, piercing gaze.

"Why are you so willing to throw away your life and fight for these people, who want nothing more but to corrupt and destroy everything. Just like they did with this town?" she asked. Despite Karina asking that question, the urgency on her voice was clear. Tayla's life depended on her own words, both her answer to that question and if she would make the cultists retreat or not.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Midnight
Location: Forest near Sun Elf Kingdom
Interactions: Cadence @Helo and Inori @Shard.

While the situation for Ayita was... difficult, she was a Cherokee. She had old blood running through her veins and her people were known for their adaptability and how fierce and resistant they were, despite the situation. She wouldn't forget what happened to her mother and her tribe and wouldn't deny the fact that whatever she was, there was probably no way for her to return. She wouldn't simply cry and lament uselessly, curl herself into a ball and give up. She would adapt, she would live. Her mother taught her to be a strong woman and her father taught her to be a warrior and a huntress. To give up was to fail to honor their memory, to throw away not only everything they taught and did to her, but her entire culture and her race's history.

Ayita only had one hour or so of rest until something disturbed her sleep. First it was a strange voice, calling to anyone who could possibly hear with a 'hello' and shortly after that, a loud, angry shout. Coming undoubtedly from someone big, judging by it's tone and volume. Since it was highly unlikely they were aware of Ayita's presence, she assumed that the second voice had heard the first one, demanding it to show itself.

Quickly sweeping the area below and around the tree she was, Ayita tried to see from where those voices where coming. She didn't know if they were friendly or not (at least the loud voice didn't seem to inspire any safety or calmness), but Ayita could probably know where she was if she tried to either follow them or if she judged them to be friendly, ask for help and information. It didn't take long until Ayita saw a strange blue light, glowing in the middle of the forest and illuminating the darkness around it. Moving herself on top of the branches with silent and methodical steps, Ayita moved a bit closer in order to inspect what was happening. Much to her surprise, the three creatures she saw were far from humans. While one appeared to be some kind of hybrid between cat and human, the other two had fantastical features that she had never seen before. A hulking green giant and a small creature with sharp teeth, which was also the source of the glow.

Despite the fact that all three of them were armed, their encounter didn't end up in violence, instead they seemed to invite the cat person to sit with them. Maybe they were simply travelers of some sorts, despite their strange appearance? As the cat man presented himself, she could feel the tension between him and the green giant, but despite that, things continued relatively calm. While the three creatures were being watched by Ayita, her presence was still unknown to them since they didn't call out to her like the green giant did to the cat man.

Even though she was being incredibly silent and careful as she slowly moved herself, her curiosity ended up making her overestimate how strong that particular branch was. As she moved further away from the trunk, she finally made a mistake, making the branch creak and move due to her weight and causing the leaves to rustle and move in a rather unnatural manner. Immediately stopping moving, Ayita crouched and tried to hide herself amongst the leaves, unfortunately, it was highly likely that they had already noticed that there was something nearby due to both the rustling of the leaves and the creaking sound the branch made.

I never mentioned Freyr was able to spot or see anything on the battlefield though. I changed two sentences though (regarding him 'seeing' how devastated the battlefield was and the last part when he said he couldn't 'see' where they were.)

Tell me if there's anything more :-)
@ShwiggityShwah @PaulHaynek

I was going to say I had no idea, but there ya go XD

Btw, I'm trying to post shorter posts, but more frequently (since this quest will not be that long) tell me if you guys feel it's too slow :-)

After a tranquil and calm trip to the Valoran Woods, Ozzy and Haley finally arrived on their destination. When they were about to head towards the river in search for any sign of the mysterious white creature, they spotted a rather strange old man, grumbling angrily with a shovel on his hands, filling what was apparently a hole in the ground.

"Damn beast... First mah chickens then mah poor Banjo..." the man grumbled to himself as he continued filling the hole with dirt.

"Tha damn white thing's goin' to pay for messin' with mah property!" he continued, still oblivious to the harpies' presence.

Behind the old man, they could see a small wooden cabin with a small chicken coop, nearby a dog house, both of them, empty. Whoever that man was, he seemed to have seen the creature they were after. At least he knew more than they did about it. Maybe it was a good idea to know more about it. It would be certainly more efficient, maybe even safer, than just blindly start walking through the forest searching for a strange creature.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Midnight
Location: ???
Interactions: None

Ayita felt the force of the strange rift dragging her, the entire experience was far from enjoyable due to the sheer pressure and the forces that felt like they could tear her very limbs off her body and the panic Ayita was feeling. After what appeared to be minutes, she fell on the ground with an audible impact. Despite her dizziness and the blurry vision, she immediately knew there was something wrong. The air was different... Where was the fire, the other Cherokee and the white men who cowardly invaded their lands? Not only that but when her vision finally got clearer she realized that she wasn't on the great plains she and the other Cherokee called home... The air had a different smell and she was in the middle of a dense forest...

Agitated and confused, Ayita got up with a jump, looking around as she tried to situate herself. Where was her mother, the other Cherokee, the white invaders? No... No, no, no! She had to go back! Her father was still fighting, she was one of the best fighters who stayed behind to protect the village! Without her the chances her mother and the rest of the tribe survived was... honestly, small... But no matter what she did, there was just no sign of whatever it was the strange rift who dragged her there. It was gone as suddenly as it appeared.

After a few minutes confused and in shock, she finally realized that whatever it had happened that brought her to that strange place, wouldn't happen again. With nothing left to do but to wait for the morning, Ayita climbed on the branch of a tree, using a few leaves to protect her from the cold of the night. Sleep didn't come easily for the Cherokee girl that night... Away from home, with no hope to return and unable to protect those whom she held dear, the only thing Ayita could do was to softly sing the name of those whom she left behind and were presumed to be dead. According to her people's traditions, she continued singing, a soft, sad lament, her voice carried in the cold, night breeze, around the trees and forest as nothing more than a faint whisper in the wind.

Was waiting for you to mention it ^^


As Freyr continued running towards the loud sounds of battle, he could only think what would he able to do to calm down those two. Words were the best he could think... After all, he didn't wanted to hurt them by shooting an arrow on their eyes and... well... He couldn't lift a mountain by himself... Let alone a kaiju.

Thankfully it seemed that others were as worried as he was with the situation. Nagare, who was one of them turned to Freyr as she flew above him, saying she would go ahead to try and calm them down.

"Please do. I don't know what to do if words don't work with them though... Be careful though." Freyr said, nodding towards Nagare with a serious expression. She mentioned she was a bit nervous, not to be surprised. Freyr was as well, he knew what Titanica was able to do and he surely wouldn't stand in front of her if words didn't work, lest he wanted to be obliterated.

Interestingly enough, by what he heard before Titanica and the intruder ran away towards the forest, they seem to know each other. A theory that got confirmed as he heard the Kaijus exchanging words on the distance while they fought. It appeared that both of them were rivals of some sort, even though the intruder was aparently taking all that much more seriously than Titanica herself, that much for their despair, seemed to be enraged.

It was then that an incredibly big explosion blew part of the forest away. The cloud and the debris flying due to the explosion could be seen even from far away, and Freyr felt the strong pressure of the explosion even though he was still far. As he finally reached the site of the explosion, it was clear on just how devastated that part of the forest was due to the debris and the thick smoke covering the area. Strangely enough, even though he was expecting to see both Titanica and the intruder fighting, he saw no one. It was eerily silent, no sound of battle or sight of the two titans anywhere.

As the other members of the guild who went after Titanica began arriving, they seemed to be just as confused as Freyr was.

"How... Where are them?" Freyr asked, clearly confused about all that. Despite the fact that the battlefield was covered in a thick smoke, he wasn't able to see any sign of the two titans and even with his enhanced hearing he wasn't able to hear anything.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Incredibly unique concept! I am very interested!!
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