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5 yrs ago
Current "To fear death is to fear the beginning of a new book in a series of many." a qoute from myself


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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Past Midnight
Location: Near the River Kingdom

Kyran raised his lance in front of him to take the wolf as it pounced on him. The wolf took him to the ground, biting and trying to get at Kyran's neck. "You feral beasts are getting in my way." He said, struggling to push the large wolf. Kyran kicked the wolf back pushing on its chest with his feet. It had only taken a few seconds to prepare for his next move. Kyran pointed his spear towards the wolf that had been charging him again. The wolf charged itself into the spear which pierced the wolf chest. He quickly pulled himself closer, biting the neck of the wolf and breaking it.

He turned to examine the situation. Dionaea was kicking the wolf off her thankfully after he snagged a bite. Hopefully, it wasn't bad. The human was clearly more than capable of taking care of himself. He let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing. Kyran was so glad Dionaea seemed okay. His blood ran cold at the sight of Risa being bitten by one of these wolves. She was crumpled up on the ground, the wolf's teeth piercing her thigh."Risa!" He yelled in terror. She was too weak from healing the human to defend herself. Kyran rushed over to defend Risa, the whole world ceasing to exist besides the situation at hand. Kyran stood in between the wolf and Risa. The wolf was thankfully injured by the fire that had come from the other human girl. "We are not going to leave you, Risa." He said and scooped her up into his arms. "Hey! Dionaea! Human! Let's go!"
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Past Midnight
Location: Morteum (The Necropolis.)
Interactions: @Eviledd1984@baraquiel@Tae@Potter@Inertia

"You can prepare now O'Ner." Aklenroth said to his general dismissing him. "Welcome, daughter I would like you to go play nice with the humans for now. Learn about them and who they are." He told her, squeezing his boney fist. "I have bigger plans for everything." He said whilst reaching into his pocket and taking out what looked to be a very old gold key with a crystal in it."Also, Sakura darling, I have a gift for you." Aklenroth gently grabbed her arm. "This is for a life or death situation." He burned a rune into her skin with the key but it had caused no pain. "If you ever need my support, I will be there just call my name. I will be able to appear anywhere you are, I trust you will not misuse this." Aklenroth let her arm down "Now I must prepare, you as well." He said as he turned and headed towards his war chamber.

Soruklithbaal landed, roaring as loud as it could reaching deafening levels. The beast began spewing blue flame around the surrounding forest, setting it ablaze. He looked down at the three and released a deep growl and let out a blast of flame pointed directly at them. He rushed downward through trees, his head moving back and forth as fire blazed toward them, smoke swirling into the sky.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Past Midnight
Location: Near the River Kingdom

Kyran watched as the Risa healed the human. He could not believe there was an actual human in Avalia and that Risa was wasting her energy on him. He had no idea what she and Dionaea had gotten themselves into. They had dug themselves into the deepest hole possible and were in so much danger now. He stressfully rubbed his temples, suppressing a sigh. If things were not weird enough, the god-damn human woke up and started referring to her as an angel.

Risa never thought things through and got herself into these crazy situations, trying to heal creatures that were essentially done for. He had always was pulling both her and Dionaea out of trouble. The two of them were bad influences on each other. Dionaea was thankfully at her side. She was visibly growing weaker. He wasn't sure if Risa could handle fully healing the human. The human could turn on them at any second. There was no reason to trust them. He glanced down at the wolf that had bit his pants. It seemed they were sharing the same sentiment.

Howling in the near-distance made him stiffen. He did not have much time to react before a panther had leapt about 2 meters in front of the girls. A dark elf had appeared and sent a blast toward the human. He leapt forward in his fox form, quickly grabbing the human and diving out of the way of the blast with him, finally revealing himself to his two fairy friends. "You girls surely know how to get into the worst situations." Kyran glanced at Risa and Dionaea. "We are going to have a talk after I get you out of this horrible mess."

Time: Past Midnight
Location: Morteum (The Necropolis.)
Interactions: @Shard@Eviledd1984@Tae@Potter@Inertia@baraquiel

Aklenroth stood there for a few moments. "Shilo please leave me." He said short and abruptly sending Shilo off. O'Ner came into the room shortly after, asking him if he needed his help. He glanced at him, watching him grasp his staff. "O'Ner, some elves have created rifts which have brought humans in this world. They are a threat to us and must be vanquished as well as the traitors involved in this terrorism. Your help would be very useful to me. You may take some soldiers and go seek humans if you wish." He explained to his comrade, "Before you go, please bring me my daughter."

Meanwhile, the Dracolich had found some of its targets. It roared as it began to descend behind Kenia, Rei and Corvina in all its undead terror. The three would find themselves in pursuit.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hey y'all! I would really love to join your rp. Just a question: are all of our characters the protagonists of the story? Can I make a villain that's aligned with the main antagonist or should I just make another good guy as well?

You can !
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@FunnyGuy yes we are still accepting
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Eviledd1984 Accepted!
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Eviledd1984 I PM'd you about something.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Tae Accepted.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Midnight
Location: a couple miles from the Moon Elf Village
Interactions: Mentioned @Jamesyco

Kyran snuck through the forest lightly illuminated by the moons. Risa and Dionaea were always up late up to no good, flirting with boys or scheming. He himself enjoyed a good scheme but he often worried over his friends. He was very protective of the two fairies. They were his only friends. He was bringing them some desserts he had bought in Roshmi city.

He halted a few seconds from a sudden earthquake, his sense picking up on it before it happened. His ears went upright as he listened. He suddenly grabbed on to a tree as the earthquake began. Immediately, he worried for his friends. Earthquakes were not a normal occurrence. Something was happening.

Once the earthquake came to an end, he relaxed, letting go of the tree trunk. His blue eyes searched his surroundings as he began to continue on his way. That was when the rustic smell of blood reached his nostrils. The blood had a slightly unfamiliar tinge to it. Carefully, he maneuvered his way through the trees, keeping silent precautiously. In the grass, laid what at first he thought was an elf. Elves often wore armor similar to what he was wearing but it was not like anything he had ever encountered. He seemed to be passed out. Moving closer with slow steps, it started to become clear this was no elf. This was a human.

Sudden footsteps made him retreat into the shadows. He knew the scent anywhere. Dionaea and Risa were coming over here as well as the wolf that often followed them around. Kyran decided to wait and see what they were doing. He knew if he had asked questions, they'd try to hide whatever they were doing. It was better to observe and gather information himself first.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Eviledd1984@Dezuel there is room for you both.
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