Avatar of Asura


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
1 yr ago
me the poopy you the pants.
2 yrs ago
i relate.


User has no bio, yet

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I looked.

PM me.
Throwing up a Discord on player request. Hoping it won't kill the OOC.

Here's the invite.
As the OP notes, we'll be taking eight individuals in. If for some reason we get more than eight applicants, we'll just sort them by merit and place those who didn't get accepted on a waiting list to be slotted in when any of those who did get accepted drop.

I just wanna point out that Nero is almost done, but I prefer to post finished product, so here's a placeholder that tells you NOTHING! Nothing at all! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HAAA!!!

This is uh, Japan as it were, so I hope "Nero" is just some kind of a nickname.

Jiyū Students & Faculty


Tidbits of worldbuilding to be added as we progress.
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