Avatar of Blizz


Recent Statuses

10 days ago
Current Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
15 days ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
23 days ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods
23 days ago
who tf are all these mfs on my profile suddenly? imma keep it a stack of dennys i aint trying to summon the horde and shit
1 like
23 days ago
what the fuck is all this


I’ve been on this site since 2015, not quite Guildfall age but I’ve been around the block a few times. I like just about any kind of setting that I can get interested in as long as it’s fun, over the years, I’ve written a lot of them too, fantasy, modern, sci-fi, whatever sounds fun at a time. You might remember me from the time the guild had a chat room, that was fun.

Fandom List
Elder Scrolls
Spiral Knights

Most Recent Posts

Is the discord a new/required thing?

Nah I just made it because it's easier to talk back and forth lol
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Isolde Ryder

Time: 2pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions The Fuckwit Brigade and Corporal Yiffenheimer

"The suit's a nice look, but I'll have you know that I arrived here at exactly the time I intended to, Blackbourn." Was she spooked by the sudden ambush from Seargent Sparky? Not in the least. In fact, "Dante Jumping out of The Bushes in a Ghillie Suit" was on her latest issue of Avalia Bingo. She snapped back at him in a witty, but ultimately amused tone. He might've ran them around like soldiers, but a soldier she was not. Sometimes she wondered which one of them was the older brother, and this was why. Flipping her hair off of her shoulder, she focused her attention more on the adult in the metaphorical room. They were going to hunt in sport. Of course, Isolde liked the part about the beast and about working together. As soon as Menzai finished explaining the rules, she spoke up.

"If we're voting, I vote we all go for the fog beast. It's a team effort if we do that which means we can play off each other's magic. And this forest is massive. We get lost while we're alone, we either forfeit or hope we can find our way back." To say nothing of the fact that she didn't want to be running through a forest alone again. "Three of us can burn this forest down with one mistake using just magic, Darius is the hydromancer here. We'd be better off hunting together." Isolde's lightning could do some strange things when bolstered by any of these three. Water could conduct lighting, and fire could turn it into plasma, or Isolde could zap a tree to make a flame. They had been training as group, and if they were to play into the best of their strength, then they needed to act like a group.
If the Discord kills the OOC, Imma be very angry

I mostly just made it so we can talk back and forth easier lol

Get in losers
Always liked the look of these bad boys:

That thing looks like a pain in the ass to pilot
<Snipped quote by Blizz>

The Shield and technically Blitzkrieg can also get around this way.

Guess we need a T-Bird if we leave Midway.

She basically stomps the ground at a weird angle and slingshots herself forward.

If she had some kind of tech in a suit that makes her harder to injure (therefore allowing more access to her power) this would turn her into a human cannonball.
Hmm looking back through the CS's correct me if im wrong, but is Sarina the only one that can fly?

Technically speaking Shattercrash can leap through the air Hulk style if she has a floor to bounce off and a place to land where she won’t break something, but that probably doesn’t count as flying lmao
Hey guys, help me choose one of these.


That one looks familiar....
Alrighty, the sample post is in Evie’s sheet now. I might’ve gone a bit last two paragraphs but I like it

Here’s the completed one!

@Blizz just need the basics in the character sheet model. Anything else you feel we should know would go in your notes section.


Also, do you plan to make a discord for this?
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