Avatar of BlueSky44


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5 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
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Most Recent Posts

Damn it Wade!!!

Cassandra Reed
Cassandra is unable to wake up Beast, and Wolverine seems to not be paying any attention to her as he and Sabretooth continue rolling around. He manages to land a hit on Sabretooth, slashing him across the arm with his claws. Sabretooth roars as he manages to throw Wolverine off of him before charging at him yet again. These two are fighting like cats and dogs.

Nothing really happens, but she will notice Marygold head back outside after popping her head in briefly. Starkette will be unable to be able to repair the console.

Oshea Jackson and Damon Fawkes
The bird that Damon released will see Oshea rushing inside, with Quicksilver close behind. Seems like he is falling into Oshea's trap, but not before he gets another shot in. Quicksilver punches Oshea square in the nose, and a loud crack could be heard. His nose was broken and bleeding, but he manages to get Quicksilver into the hallway with him."What? You didn't see that coming?"

Ayita Dyrkin
She manages to keep Ayita keeping Scarlet Witch distracted, but it still seems like luck is not on her side. Scarlet Witch hurls several large crates at Ayita, and each one hits her. A piece of one of the crates snaps off and lodges itself in Ayita's back left leg. It starts bleeding heavily, she is probably going to need some medical attention.

Marygold Isley

Marygold turned around and facepalms. She knew who he was, even before Allison started freaking out and fan-girling next to her. He was annoying, and the fact that he had to show up now of all times made her life even more difficult. She looked at him, and had to surpress the urge to yell. Marygold walked over to him, ignoring Allison in the process, and held out her hand. "Hello there Mr. Stark. Guin has told me a lot about you. My name is Mary Isley, I'm a friend of hers. If you don't mind though, we are kind of in the middle of something, so if you could come back, in say oh, an hour or so, that would be much appreciated".

"Uh, Mary? From NYU? You study plants," he responded as he looked at the staircase that she had made, "I can tell. Now I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where Guin is. NOW MARY!"

Excuse me for a second, I'm going to just leave this here *Wade leaves image and goes back to reclining* This is kind of what I see going on between Wolverine and Sabretooth

Wade would you stop that!

Catalina, a Spanish woman, calls out "Come in", and Elissa opens the door for the group and walks in. The woman gives them a smile, but there is someone else in the room. Off to the side on the bed, a pale-faced noblewoman who is pulling petals off of flower. Elissa gives the woman a slightly strange look, but says nothing to her as she moves off to the side to let the others in.

Mr. Alucard doesn't seem to want to talk to Sirena, and he made a few faces at the girl as he started to hurry off and away from them. The little girl screamed as he did this, and turned to Sirena and said, "Ese hombre vio a mi madre ayer!"

Édouard is busy, he is off to the side drinking rum, trying to look innocent and not raise suspicion around him. He doesn't notice when someone comes rushing in and comes up to Edgard, "Excuse me sir. Your fiancee..."

Millicent and Jon are free to continue on with their conversation. The two don't run into any trouble.
Daphne Pender

Location: Town -> Docks

Daphne kept shoving her way through the crowd as she headed towards the docks. The crowds were just getting thicker, and it was getting even more difficult to walk. She did not like this, but there was nothing she could do to prevent it. Shoving her way through, the docks were getting closer as she went, but she was hurrying as fast as she could go with all of the people around her.

Finally, after what had felt like forever, Daphne found herself at the docks. It was a lot less crowded than the main part of town, and it made it easier for her to walk. She looked around, hoping to see someone that she would recognize, when she saw her sister. Letting out a sigh of relief, she started walking towards her, when she noticed something was off. Dorothy's gun was still in her hand, and after she got even closer, she noticed her expression. It was clear to Daphne that Dorothy was stressed out, and it probably had something to do with the huge crowd that had just ran out. She edged closer to her sister, daring not to say anything, since the gun in Dorothy's hand could easily change where it was pointing.
Thalia Maehers

Location: Cirque Anomaly
Interacting With: Large Group

Thalia had no idea who the knew people were. She hadn't seen them at the circus, so she didn't think that they were from the area. The old woman had pointed at Boris earlier, and now the man was dead. This bothered her slightly, since now she might be out of the job. Maybe she could find something else to do at the circus, or another magician might join them. She then realized what she was thinking, and shook the thoughts out of her mind. She looked back at her injury on her hip, and cringed, but still kept her hand on it.

Faust confused her yet again, as she kept backing away from the man and what was happening in front of her. She kept wondering, what the hell was a time dragon? Thalia watched him throw the older woman, and was worried that she might be hurt more severely than it seemed, but she wasn't exactly in any position to help out. Her mind was getting a little fuzzy from the blood loss, but she was still trying to keep focus on what was going on.
Yes they can, since by now they have talked to each other when they aren't around each other. So your character is able to talk to the others.

Hold on a second, now things are getting good. Don't mind me, I'm just filling in for your normal GM at the moment, so just ignore my voice going through your head. Now, let's start with the speedy guy.*Rolls a die to see what happens*

Ooh... Nice punch, but it's a swing and a miss for you. Looks like you need to practice those punching skills some more, otherwise you might be in trouble. Don't forget to give maximum effort! *Rolls dice again* Wow, today is just not your day. Good job for the other speedster guy though. He lands a nice punch right in the face. Ooh, that has got to hurt. Too bad you can't regenerate like me, I'm guessing that you are probably going to have a black eye in the morning.

Alrigt, on to shapeshifter, uh person. Not a true shapeshifter since you can't turn into every animal, but you get the idea. *rolls* Points go to the Witch lady as she dodges out of the way of the attack! Wow, the dice really don't like you people very much, you guys aren't able to land a solid hit. Reminds me of chasing Francis all over, but I managed to kill him in the end!

Ooh, now here comes one of my favorite people! Tattoo guy and Wolverine, looks like they reached the Power Plant this round, and ooh Wolverine looks pissed! At least he isn't mad at me for once... Anyway, he takes off running to one side of the building. The commotion over there is pretty loud too. I wonder what's going on?

Now to agent person number one! Our friend the big blue furball is picked up by the other furball, and is thrown against the wall again. That looked painful, and looks like this lady's luck has finally run out! Hairball over there charges and manages to scratch you across the arm. Long, deep gashes, sounds like fun. He doesn't get a chance to do more, since our good buddy Wolverine comes through the trees with claws out completely! He still looks pissed, but that doesn't really matter as long as he isn't angry at you. Wow, look at those two roll around. Were's the popcorn? This is a fight I don't want to miss! *Leans back in a recliner*

Oh, wait. I forgot a few people didn't I? Right, well the other girl whose name totally DOES NOT hint at who her father is *cough cough* has the best luck of the lot. The Witch was paying too much attention to the wolf that she hasn't really had time to deal with her. Oh, wait a minute, *looks at piece of paper* did I say that she had the best luck? Well, from her perspective, she probably has the worst. What is with everyone coming to the Power Plant? Well, coming in behind vision girl and plant lady on that side of the building, is another person, and he sounds pissed off, even more so than Wolverine, and that, my friends, is saying something. Oh my god is that Iron Man? Now what would he be doing here? "Guin!" Huh? Wonder who he is talking too. There isn't anyone named... OH, I get it. This should be interesting, got some drama going? Meh, not as funny as watching Wolverine trying to disembowel Sabretooth I swear. Don't mind me, I'm just going to sit back and watch the cat fight.
Daphne Pender

Location: Town

Daphne could finally make out the docks not too far off. She was getting closer and closer, working her way over there. The fact that she had been gone a lot longer than she had planned made a big difference though. Truthfully, she knew that she needed to be back a while ago, in order to help with the packing up of the ship, but somethings just couldn't be helped. Who would've known that she would run into someone. There was no way to have prevented that, but she knew that you couldn't change the past, so she just kept rushing through the crowd, which she noticed was starting to get a lot more difficult as she edged closer to the docks.

The crowd was thickening, and she had no idea why. Daphne had to start shoving in order to make any progress towards the docks, and this was adding to her troubles of getting to the docks. The people were running from the docks she noticed as she kept going forward. The crowd was starting to cause a problem, and it was getting on her nerves. There had to be something going down, and Daphne was determined to find out what.

Elissa Isley

Location: Port of Tortuga - Outside of the King's Arm

Elissa trusted Aravis' judgement. Her friend had spent more time here than she, and this prevented her from being much help as to where to go. They seemed to have made a new acquaintance in Anastasia, and maybe after all of this Elissa could finally get back to life on the sea. This woman intrigued her slightly, but now was not the time for her to get interested randomly in this new person. They had more to deal with at the moment, and heading off towards someone who might be able to help them out.

"Alright Araffis, let's ko zere. Zee zooner ve get batched up zee petter. Lead zee vay, you know zis tovn far petder zan I do," she said to her friend with a slight smile. Elissa only paid attention to where the taverns were in town, and didn't really pay much attention to anything else. She knew the place that Aravis was talking about, but didn't really know much about getting there, or the people who run the taverns. At least Aravis knew what she was doing, or Elissa hoped that she did.
@Lady Lila

Yup, go for it
Thalia Maehers

Location: Cirque Anomaly
Interacting With: Faust @Morose

"I-I-I don't get what your talking about," she managed to stammer out as she staggered backwards. The man was scaring her, and he seemed to enjoy hurting her even more than she already was. Thalia barely could hear the ringmaster's voice, to her it seemed like just a mumbled sentence that she couldn't really understand. She was both amazed, and grateful, when Folly made her entrance onto the scene, landing on top of Faust. With the man on the ground, and probably not paying attention to her, she managed to stumble farther back so she wasn't in the way.

Thalia managed to get a little ways back, and started to try and stop the bleeding in her leg with her hand. The blood oozed through her fingers as she fumbled to try and stop the flow. Eventually, she managed to stop the bleeding, but when she tried to move her hand, the blood started flowing again, causing her even more problems. She couldn't use her hand for anything else unless she wanted to start bleeding again, and this was not something she could fix since she didn't really have anything else to apply pressure with. Thalia was stuck, and she was not very happy about it, but the pain kept her mind away from the prospect of it actually becoming a major problem.
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