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"Remember to look at the stars not down at your feet." Inspired me ever since. Rest in peace Professor Hawking
7 yrs ago
I don't know why, but the boredom is killing me slowly
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Would it be the last time he met Lucia? She'd probably be safe in Middleton's hand. Not necessarily sane, in fact he'd rather see her on the battlefield rather than in that man's grasp, but she would probably be behind the lines, far away from the guns and bombs. On the while, he and so many others were under the constant threat of having their brain shot out, their limbs torn apart by artillery or mines, their guts may be punched through at any given moment. Who knows, maybe an artillery shell could hit right at his spot right now, just like how they fall at the front so commonly back during the days when he could hear them from the rear line.


What did Middleton say about this Hill earlier in his speech? God, he couldn't remember so accurately, due to how aggravating it was trying to dig through the cringy propaganda. What is it about being important? The position? Well, obviously. But what else did he say?

'Artillery shells...'

That's right! He was talking about how the artillery has been bombarding them for days. But why hasn't Michael found any artillery emplacement? Was it located elsewhere in the hill that he didn't have the chance to cross by? No, that couldn't be right. There couldn't be only one or two guns. He would have to see one. Then...


A beat in his chest.


A bang in his eardrum


A sound in the distance...

Instinct brought his eyes up in the dull sky. It was in that very moment that his vision and hearings all coordinated and pointed at the very same thing. In his vision, he saw multiple black dots, looking like harmless birds flying in the sky, but they were definitely unlike birds. Unlike those harmless creatures who just lived freely and uncaring about the pointless and bloody struggles of what we call highly intelligent species as they soar through the sky freely, these things were darting right towards us. And in his hearings, a screech tore through his drums. The dots began to enlarge themselves. When his minds actually process the whole thing...

'Oh God Almighty...'

He was standing where those bishop faced wanted him to!

"Artillery have us zeroed! Take cover!"

This trench couldn't possibly hold if it got hit. Tales of people getting literally buried alive in their own trenches, with some actually dying to it, did not go unheard for a man like Michael. He had to find a stronger ones. Michael dashed right out of the trenches, and instantly, as if a gift, he found the place he needed. A wood planked trench. It definitely wasn't a life insurance, but it'd at least give him slightly better protection than a normal trench. And in a place and time when luck was a major role in whether or not you'd make it back or not, where even an inch of difference could mean life or death, he'd take any chances he can get.

He leapt right into the trench just as the first shell landed. BOOM! Its distance was too far to do any damage to him, but unbeknownst to Michael, it blasted two of the soldiers into limbless hulks. During the very short interval, Michael slammed his back onto the wooden plank of the trench as he crumpled himself into a ball, his hand holding onto his helmet. Then the second shell landed. Then third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth? He couldn't even count anymore. Screams amidst the explosions would cut his minds short. Dirt and mud would sometimes slam into his helmet and his body, with probably someone's remains mixed in between. Smells of immeasurable mixtures rushed up his nose, as the sapper struggled to have a breathe to pray so that a shell would not blow him to pieces right now, or that a shell's fragments would not pin itself onto his chest.

Four minutes of eternity, it was short yet Michael could feel it. His hands gripping on his chest as an unknown force shook them as if they had inner earthquakes. Would this be the end of the journey? Would he never be able to see mother again? Would he die to a violent flame of hell rather than being shot at by a fellow human being? He could still feel his hands though. His breathe still found its way, even though the smoke filled air had invaded his lungs. He still lives. 'Please...don't take me away just yet.' He silently prayed. The hand gripping the chest gently made a small cross. He still had someone to return to. He had his family, his friends, his college, his church. He'd lived well. He didn't want to die just yet.

But then it somehow...came through. After a certain sound, there was nothing. Even the sound of the soldiers screaming for their severed legs couldn't be heard. Was everybody dead? Or maybe he should ask himself instead. Did he die and go to hell already?

When he got up, it was indeed a scene from hell. Bodies were mangled up everywhere, up and down No Man's Land. Some people didn't even have the chance to express the horror or peace before their demise. That metallic sense once again snuck up his nose along with the smoke from the shells that also obscured his visions. His mind feared the worst. He looked among the bodies, hoping that none of them resembled anyone he knew. So far, they were all strangers. But that doesn't mean they are all alive. With destruction like this, can anybody say it with confidence without concrete evidence?

Michael immediately got out of the trench as he headed down the pathway to where the Lance Corporal once stood. What he found wasn't him though, nor his corpse. He probably had escaped. What he found instead was Middleton. He didn't look as if he was expecting this to happen, but the moment he saw the young sapper and his squad insignia, he repeated the order, knowing fully well that he was not present when he said it the first time. So they're leaving this hill? Didn't seem like it though. Waves of fresh faces with clean and uptight uniforms began to flood in. It seemed like his squad had ran out of usefulness in this sector for now - being the pawns in a grand scheme.

He had no intention to disobey him, not out of fear but through agreement instead. He wouldn't do any good in a squad outside of his own. And he wouldn't want to stay in this hellhole any longer. And so with his rifle on his left elbow joint, he descended the hill, quickly but he avoided running in general, as much as he wanted to leave this hill. He was carrying a rifle with bayonet, and dozens of equipment, some of which pretty dangerous. He wouldn't want to roll down the hill with them on his body.

As he was going down the hill, he saw the man that he was looking for. Jean, the Darcsen Lance Corporal, along with the girl that accompanied him halfway up the hill, also with another one with the same hair color, and presumably the same race, as Jean, whom he hadn't met just yet. He now turned his way toward them, as they arrived at the trench that they had ran up in that same day.

"You guys..." He said as soon as he made his way right next to them, still catching breathes from the descent. It was quick but did not necessarily equate to non-tiring. "You made it through."

Three people in his squad wasn't bad.
@Landaus Five-One@LetMeDoStuff@SMS

Michael witnessed all the two of the parties involved, as the grappled onto one another in rage. One held up the belief of a man should be judged for their actions than for what their ancestors do, and the other one someone dwelling on what their ancestors also did. Two each having their valid points and bullshits. Two had their extremely simplistic views of the world around them. But most of the flaks from the woman stood him less than his fellow Cruxian. Perhaps he was being a little biased around, but still.

"So do you prefer to be a beast then? Or do you know the difference between beasts and human?" Michael said just as the tall girl released Archibald. Yeah, Lucia killed one person, one of the friendlies. But does that make her a beast? Every one of the survivors of the charge would very likely have killed one of the Imperial soldiers. Would that make them beasts? The answer to that was nothing of the sort. Nothing of a simple yes or no.

"Do you mourn those people you've killed?" He left the two of them a question, and perhaps three if Franz would pay attention, "I'll be with Isaac." before he walked away from the scene, returning back to Lucia and Isaac, who appeared to have awoken from his slumber. If they had answered that question, then he'd be willing to continue the conversation with them. They could hate him if they wanted. He didn't care.

Once he walked back to Isaac next to the peacefully sleeping Lucia, a man suddenly appeared at the entrance to the trench. A man that far superseded his power and control, but his demeanor was nothing different from an ordinary soldier. He was like Jean, but probably more standing in terms of confidence. But nevertheless his expression was of someone who wasn't here. Who shouldn't be here.

"Ah, there she is." The man breathed in relief. It seemed like he was desperately looking for her. "Excuse me lads. Lieutenant Middleton is summoning the presence of Private Lucia Farris."

'That guy again...' Michael gritted his teeth silently. His eyes slowly found its way to Lucia. Her chest moved up and down as gently as the wave, and her lips looked soft like cotton, sometimes making a small opening as she breathe out lightly. An angel in pain trying to regain her grace for now. He didn't want to wake her up right now. She was having a well-deserved rest. But still, before him was a Staff Sergeant, a rank higher than him, carrying an order from a 1st Lieutenant, the rank that could order a court martial to him right here right now if he showed any evidence of disobedience to him.

"One moment, if you don't mind." He turned to the Staff Sergeant. The man simply nodded his head. Luckily enough, and perhaps a good thing for the squad, is that this man seemed to be a normal human being, with a common sense to work with.

Michael immediately turned over to Lucia, kneeling right beside her universally small but just as large as his body, his hand gently shook her shoulder. Slowly, her eyes opened. Back to the cruel world of reality.


Her eyes were as heavy as a sandbag. Around her was still darkness. And then, she could feel again. That metallic smell of blood and mud. That she was still lying in the trenches where she had laid off to sleep just a while ago. She felt something pressuring on her shoulder, as it swayed her torso a little back and forth. Slowly, her eyelid opened like a window blind. Turning her body around, she saw the sapper just before, the one who she was still quite unsure if he was a child or a small man, the one who went through all the trouble to find her a clean empty and quiet trench for her to rest. He was right beside her, his expressions shouted of concern and sympathy.

"W-What is it?" She meekly and shyly shot him a question

"This Staff Sergeant..." Michael turned back to the man, silently conveying the question. And the man could understand it as perfectly, as he moved his lips just as gently. "...Baker is asking for you. Lieutenant Middleton wants you right now."

The name shook her to her core.


No...no...no...no. Why would he...She had done her duty already...She didn't want to...didn't want to...

He couldn't see an end in her eyes. They became wet, as it was about to break.

"We won't be leaving you by yourself. Even if you're not with us." He had another hand on her shoulder. "We'll still be with you."

He knew his words could sound empty to someone else, but he had to make sure it does not for her. She was still on the verge of tears, however. It appeared as nothing would be able to stop it. She was going back to Middleton, that ignoble man who had little regards for a human being. He couldn't imagine a single day being with him, let alone for a period of time like Lucia. Nevertheless, he found himself wrapping his arms around her shoulders, even if briefly, as he gave her a hug.

"Remember that."

With that, he let her go. And slowly, Lucia rose up to the Staff Sergeant, who was patiently waiting for her to regain herself. Would she be tormented just like she was at the start of the charge again? Would it be just as cruel, or would it be a living hell for her? But at least she knew she had a pillar now.

@Letter Bee@AtomicNut@LetMeDoStuff
Acion Nakamiji

Whilst Acion and Dulga had a more meaningful talk with fists, elsewhere was a catfight of who's more deserving of a position in Komei. By two of the fighters he fairly respected, with one of them being his best friend. The moment Jett spoke his mind in a full frontal shoutout to Roy, Acion's attention was snapped back. Just what the hell happened? The words used to insult - yes insult - the other party was not what to be considered something from a friend to a friend. He was both curious and angry at the same time. This was just a petty reason for a fight as heroes, and definitely not something he expected from these guys.

By the time Dulga carried him over to Kaida and Tomoe, reluctance began to surface in his mind right now. He did consider the infirmary to be a little too much, considering his wounds weren't that severe to begin with, but nevertheless having Kiwi being his company of talks was somewhat entertaining, in spite of her flirty attitude. But now in front of him was his friend, the guy whom he shared his views with, whom he had his chill out moments with, and who helped him with his problem the first day and then after that fateful fight at the ramen shop. He wasn't labelling him as a saint, but he wanted to hear the bottom of the story. He wanted to help him back for whatever problems he may have right now.

"I can still stand, don't worry." He said as he was handed over to Kaida. "If you're also curious about them, then we're on the same boat. You don't need to send me over yet. I want to hear the bottom of this."


"I got lucky. But yeah, I made it. I'm Michael. Michael Daunte." Michael briefly looked up at the Darcsen before him before looking back down on his chest wound. Yeah, he made it. Physically unscathed fortunately. Mentally though, he wasn't sure. He wondered when that luck would run out for him, but he probably should not care about it now. In front of him is a wounded man, and he was not going to be bothered by his own concerns to not help this fellow.

He managed to rip through the layer of uniform to get to the wound itself. He was right. It was fairly a clean cut. But still, closing the wound isn't that simple. He really wondered what sort of bullet ripped through a chest in one straight line like that. Michael would normally be in reliefs if it struck the arm or leg, but chest is a different story. It's more complicated and if any vital arteries are hit, then this wound shouldn't only be treated like it's just a tear in your shirt.

Nevertheless, it wasn't as easy as he would have thought. He didn't know where to start. While basic medical training was given to him back during his days, he wasn't even an amateur. But someone else knew though. He looked to the left to see it was that blonde guy he knew just before - the guy that tried to take the equipment from him earlier. Michael wasn't sure how to approach this guy, but he nevertheless approached both of them first, carrying a medical pack and offering to help the Darcsen with what he said to be civilian First Aid skill. Great. Right when he asked for it.

Michael silently stood up from the Darcsen, as his hand politely gestured Archibald to have it his way. It did seem like he was true to his words. His handling of the wound was proficient, at least to Michael's eyes. He was somewhat glad that Archibald was here though. Personally, he may be at odds right now, but at least in terms of skills, he is a life saver right now. Watching him mend this wounded man before his eyes was somewhat a relieving sight. The sort of kindness shown to him right now was enough to make him question the nature of our actions ourselves. After all, he is a Darcsen, and they did not obviously fall into favor with history.

"My beliefs don't allow me to abandon a dying man when I see him." He replied, almost whisperingly, as he stared up the dull and depressing grey blanket of clouds. It's just a messed up fact. History is nothing but fanfictions. Very rarely could an event be portrayed in the way that it really is. Until the lions have their own historian, what is written down will always glorify the hunters. And an even sadder and more disturbing fact is that they had been indulged by generations of mindless folks who believed everything the people next door say to you because they are nice.

"Besides, all that Darcsen shaming that is happening right now. While the media says yes, I just slowly say no."

Just because his entire world do one thing would Michael follow the flock. One at a time is all it takes for each steps.

But before he could say anything else, a sense of presence awoken him to his senses. It was from where he had emerged from. And there was the giant girl whom he had made remarks over her just a while ago. And it just did prove his point, although she looked rather...afraid, than hatred. But nevertheless, considering the fact that he may need some proper treatment than just a simple bandage, Michael waved her closer to the group. He was half-expecting her not to, but he remained hopeful if she could come to term with that oddness to the Darcsens that she just openly expressed.
@CFProxy@Letter Bee

He stood waiting for long. Five minutes, ten minutes? He couldn't count. Time seemed to fly, as his mind seemed to blur perception with reality, while his eyes burned as if someone was putting coal onto his eyes. He had arrived at the Salient at a time where his peace-time self would be sleeping peacefully on his comfortable bed. He charged up a hill through a hail of gunfire, had his hands full of blood, his boots full of mud, witnessed the death of two of those he knew personally. His mentality had been stretched thin, and now the rubber was slashing back at him. He now found himself constantly needing the wall behind him as support, but finally when the guest he was waiting for finally arrived, he had to give himself a mental pat to straighten himself. He did have a lot to say to Lucia, but much of it was already said by Isaac. He was right. As much as Michael was in a physical decline right now, he still forced himself a smile for the girl, if she could ever see it through the veils of tears that she had. And with that veil of tears, she went into sleep, a temporary one among so many eternals.

'Dreams huh?'

Would she appear in his dream too if he were to fall asleep right here, right now? Or would he drift away to a better world, a better place? A nightmare would have been an understatement if she appeared. He'd preferred to go to somewhere nice instead. Bruhl would be nice. He had been there once. The mills looked fantastic and the bread there was just second to none. He'd want to visit that again. But nothing could be compared to his home in Tyrelia, in that cozy mansion full of love and warmth of what was called a family, in the tight embrace of his mother, his frail, sickly yet brave and caring mother. It wasn't anything fancy like big cities, in fact sometimes a little dull and mundane, but he could never have it anywhere else than that. He only had that love once. He'd not go anywhere else. But then again, once he did drift away to sleep, once he woke up, it'd be nothing but disappointment as he'd come back to reality right now, a world of death where families are shattered, fathers burying their sons, mothers crying for their husbands, brothers and sisters torn apart, lives lost, deads forgotten. He'd rather just dreamt of nothing. Yeah, nothing. Just go to a place where his mind just shut itself off then come back, knowing nothing of what happened.

Like Isaac would tell Lucia that the squad would be watching, the sapper did. He lost track of how many times his eyes blinked or slammed shut only to be forcibly opened, but he stood laying against that wall, standing outside of the trench, politely gesturing allied soldiers to leave the two alone if they didn't necessarily have to enter the trench. But as it was evident that she was already deep in her sleep, maybe he could get some too. But he'd rather wait for the officers to actually brief them of what was happening first. He'd not want a rest knowing he may still have something else he may have to do.

For once he wandered into the trench that Lucia was staying. It really triggered his curiosity that the trench were designed in an interesting way to mitigate the effects of not just explosions, but also machine gun fire. In case of a trench raid, a straight trench with soldiers firing on the parapet would be a shooting gallery. But it was not the case for zigzagging trench. But that made the attack really nerve shattering in a way. You never know what would be on the other side of the wall.

He turned a few corners as he peered into the parts of the Imperial trenches that he didn't know exist, and the commonly known part. It looked like fierce fighting broke out in this sector, as dead Imperials piled the lot. It was a little irritating to know that they weren't given the same treatment as the allied soldiers. It was to be expected really. Federations, Imperials, they never change. But they were nonetheless humans. Still, it looked like this part of the trench was untreated.


That uniform. It's one of the Federations. The breathe of the man could not be heard that far, but very visible. As clear as days. It wasn't normal. And the distant look, the placement of his palm onto his chest, it didn't look good.

Michael found himself compelled forward as he walked closer to the man. Upon closer inspection, he was a Darcsen just like Jean, with that trademark dark-blue hair. A badly wounded one. A bloodied hand on the chest that oozed blood slowly.

"My God..."

He didn't need to ask 'Are you okay?', because he obviously wasn't. The short stride walk quickly turned into a run as he approached the man, knelt by him, his eyes did not leave the wounds, trying to recollect any memories he had of first aid.

'Need to expose it.'

He wasn't sure what the other steps were, but a wound should not be left piled up on a mound of dirtied cloth.

His limbs felt detached as his Longfield Rifle laid bare on the mud, the barrel still hot from the shots that had just been fired just minutes ago. His left hand still held firm on the stock like glue. Again, his eyes found its way to his hand again. His palm. A palm of blood and mud. Just shock? The fact that he killed nine people, including one that he personally smashed his head in and two more who were horrified that they could not resist, saw his friend died in front of him, two friends, and he could do basically nothing. All of that could be explained with a single word? Shock? He found the prospect appalling, that when things began to settle down, he would be able to let it all out like the Lance Corporal or this huge lady over here. Maybe he would. He didn't know. But the matter is now. What did he need to do to dispel the shock that had haunted him for the last hour of battle?

But it wouldn't start with just sitting around for him. As Jean was under no condition to report anything, Isaac immediately took over. And for any commanders of any ranks, it was natural that he asked for a battlefield report. To be honest, Michael didn't really pay that much attention really. He was just clawing his ways through the trenches and fought until the moment everything began to settle down. In fact that was the only moment he remembered vividly of what was happening after he entered the Imperial trenches. The Imperials moved away in the direction Michael was heading towards when he charged up that hill, so probably they retreated. He didn't really get to see the rest of them though. Did they employ the same policy just as Middleton had? Or did they even retreat at all, or they just cornered back up into some spot then got cut down?

"I'm not sure myself. But seems like they retreated." He said briefly to Isaac, after the lady giving him the casualty report. The same time as she saw her, Michael also did. It was her. Private Lucia Farris. She wasn't different from the first time he saw him in that trench though. Did she have to shoot anyone retreating? From the tears, hiccups and wails of the little angel, she probably did. He couldn't blame her or whoever had to die by her hands. They were all afraid that was all. The only one he could blame was perhaps Middleton. That bastard of a human.

Nevertheless, she received huge amount of cares from the rest of the platoon. Though everyone of them surrounded her with cheers and reassurances. To which it didn't feel...right. It surely was almost natural sense to calm her down and said she need not cry. But why would she need to? She was letting it flow. It was just a measure to cope with the hell-on-earth that is war. It was nature, his mother taught him. Everybody could do that. Jean could. Lucia could. That lady could.

'Yet I couldn't...'

What went wrong...

It was not long when Jean asked him and Isaac to take care of her, taking her to somewhere warm and calm. He was unsure if this squad of his would be able to cheer her out of her misery. She might be able to, but her broken state right now meant otherwise to him. Still, he couldn't really just interject with the rest of the squad who were just showing her good-intentions. He stood up from the dirt and slowly approached Lucia and the rest of the squad, the Longfield rifle on his left hand.

"I'll find the suitable place Corporal." He replied to Jean, before turning to Lucia, gently and subtly like the wind. "Find me if you want to."

With the message conveyed as gentle yet clear enough for her, Michael went off slowly and silently. As he passed through the empty trenches, he looked briefly inside. They were quite occupied mostly, with soldiers crumpling together in a messy pile as they tried to catch their breathes after the long and arduous period of combat, compiled along with those who were also lying but would never be able to get back up again. It was hard to distinguish between both if one was lying down. But he didn't want a trench like that. He wanted a trench completely devoid of any human presence, even death. It was a pretty tough filter, but surprisingly, there was one. It was a little into the trench system, and was merely a very short section that fits the category, but it worked for him.

After discovering such a place, Michael leaned onto the wooden planks of the wall covered in dirt. If she wanted to come to him, the search wouldn't be difficult.

Acion Nakamiji


Dulga Tatara

No gun? That’s quite a setback for a gun-user like her. In fact, the prime reason Acion lost that fight on the rooftop that day was because she had the means to shoot him out of the sky. A brief thought zipped across his mind if he wanted to undermine himself as well, to put his hard work for the last couple of days into a combative environment, and also the fact that she was doing the same. But the thought stayed as long as it traveled through his mind, as the counter-thought materialized that it was better if he played this hybridly. He ought to consider this as more of a real battle environment, so that he could simulate real combat as accurate as possible. And also there was the fact that Dulga was also expecting the best out of him. It’d be an insult to her, or any combatant in general, if he did it without forewarnings.

While Dulga went into the empty room before him, Acion took a bit of his time packing his stuff up, or rather just put things in randomly over on top of the other, in no particular order at all. He was still in a middle of a training section, and he doubted that he would be leaving after this fight. This was after all a mock fight. He did not intend to exert himself here, and there was no reason to turn himself into a broken doll every time.

Once he entered the room, Dulga was already there. Like a monk in perfect harmony with nature, with the air, the sky and the earth, she was sitting on the cold floor of the training room, her legs curled up neatly as her mind erased everything of existence around her for room of the deepest of the inner fire. Acion had recently been cautious around such a mind, ever since that encounter on the rooftop. Her inner ideology hadn’t been agreeable to Acion, and the only thing more fearful about such a person is the silent one. The one who kept everything to themselves, and did not know what to expect from them.

He glanced across the room and picked the position a couple of steps away from Dulga, seven short strides or five long ones. Waiting for her to take her stance, Acion gently removed one of his feathers and held it lightly, holding it out clearly for her to see.

”Once this thing hits the ground, we’ll begin.” As he made it clearly. As simple as it gets.

With that said, he bent forward slightly before his back bones quickly coiled back, his hand taking advantage of the great momentum generated by the combination of skeletal structure, all moving together as one, as he tossed the feather up in the air. During the few seconds and countless revolution that the feather obtained from the force of the toss, Acion stood still, all six wings spread as wide as possible, his left hand raised in defensive stance. Or it may appear so. There were more than just that. The angle of his body obscured his right hand, which was creeping up to another feather on his middle right wings.

Once Acion arrived, Dulga stirred and tighten her gloves. They were still new, still rough, but this bout ought to break them in a little. The match will begin once Acion’s feather hit the ground. Watching him, Dulga anazlyed him to the best of her ability. ”A fast type. Hits hard, hits quickly, but doesn’t stay to slug it out. I’ll be at a disadvantage trying to keep up with him.” Dulga took on a fighting stance, a bit of a boxing and shooting stance. Even if she doesn’t have her guns, she wanted to practice keeping her stance correct. Practice makes perfect.

”His wings aren’t like any bird I’ve hunted. They’re far stronger than a normal birds. Metallic. Feathers are sharp too. Like knives. Why is his wings spread out so far? Does he intend to put space between us and pelt me with feathers?” The feather was tossed. Befitting one made of some sort of metallic material, it would drop faster than a normal feather. Dulga had only a few seconds as she tensed her body up. ”That would be the practical thing to do. Without my guns I can’t reach him. Even if he doesn’t have good aim he can shoot out a lot of those feathers at once. He’ll hit me through sheer volume.” Now the feather was beginning to drop. Both Dulga and Acion were already getting ready to attack, and merely waited for that feather to hit the ground before they’d both go off. Dulga’s options were limited but hopefully what little she can do will be enough.

”No guns, against someone who’s faster than me, with a range weapon. Terrible situation. But I will learn. I have to.” And the feather hit the ground. Dulga exploded downwards, smashing three of her fists into the ground to crack the training room floor and send solid debris into the air. Debris up to block the feather blade from Acion, just like on the rooftop. Now it was time to put her new skill to practice. Before the blocks would drop Dulga struck three chunks with three of her fists, sending them flying at Acion. They moved slower than a bullet and their arc was terrible compared to a bullet but it was still a few pounds of floor being sent at Acion with enough speed that it was going to hurt. Dulga was aiming for his wings too, hoping to do enough damage to cripple them a bit. ”Just like hunting birds. Clip the wings.”

What Acion sent only one, Dulga sent it back thrice that number, and umpteenth times the size. It definitely was not as bad as a bullet flying at breaknecking speed, but it was still objects that worth a major concern. It was huge debris. A collision with one of them unprotected could easily cripple one of his limbs or even break it completely. He didn’t want to imagine what would happen if his head was the point of collision.

’It’s three of them. It’s just too fast!’

Despite being horrifically slow comparing to a small elegant yet deadly piece of cold metal, it was still moving at a pace in which the winged man cannot do his usual complete dodge using his second to none athletic skills. But knowing the fundamentals of force and momentum, he could still hopefully mitigate the incoming force.

With the command sent from his motor cortex, it rushed through the tip of his fingers, and to each and every single feathers among thousands of them, as all of them shifted at the exact moment as the debrises came flying at him at a dangerous speed. In a moment, all of his six wings were pointing forward, completely wrapping his sides and rear. His front though was an interesting take, as instead of wrapping around it like a person would wrap a birthday gift, only the tip of his wings met, enclosing the boy like a closed tulip flower. His mind had subconsciously calculated the moment of impact of the debris, and now he’d put those figures to the test. The moment the first debris made its contact with his right, Acion had made a push of his lower limbs to the right. The combination of both the acute angle in which the debris made contact with his wings and the sideway push ensured the first debris ricocheting elegantly from him, as it found its way stopped by the concrete wall. The same goes for the second piece of rock, as his wings took the damage easily without a scratch.

The third one, however, he hadn’t thought it completely through. It came a little sooner following the second one, and it made sure Acion couldn’t ricochet it as beautifully as he had craved. The boulder found its way hitting the mid-part of his upper left wings. Just less than a second followed, his left eyes twitched, as the signal shot right back up his senses. But he nevertheless found himself doing a side roll to the right. Better to get out of its way rather than take the damage.

The moment his head levelled, his three left wings took a violent swing horizontally, as the feathers this time would number multiple times higher than the first feather sling.

’She’d again try to block by trying to break the ground. I need a different approach.’

He could either get close or just machine-gun her with sharp feathers. But he’d need an opening otherwise. And to get that, he’d need to get airborne.

”A flinch. I’ll have to take it.” Dulga acted quickly as Acion was able to defend himself from the rocks. She moved low and just as he shot his many feathers at her, she responded by tossing up a thick cloud of dust and rubble. The bits were too small and moving too slow to do any real harm however they served the purpose of foiling the feathers and more importantly concealing Dulga for just a few seconds. Remembering her lesson with Mako, obscuring her form was as good as moving quickly. Before the dust could settle Dulga grabbed two of the feathers that Acion had shot at her. She had no idea how he throws these things but she was about to learn. She’s thrown knives with her mother before so hopefully these feathers would work somewhat the same.

”He swung with his left, so his right side should be forward protecting him.” The usual forward approach wasn’t going to work here. As much as she’d like to just close the distance, grab him, and thrash him about, Dulga needed to figure out how to get close enough to him. He had speed and range on her. All Dulga had was strength. So strength was all she’ll need. Digging her lower hands into the ground as she was grabbing the feathers, Dulga pulled and launched herself off to the side while the dust was still obscuring her form from Acion. She needed to get behind him and try and weaken him somehow. With the speed and grace of a hunter, Dulga landed with an almost silent thud as she hurled the feathers like darts towards Acion’s lower body, ideally getting his legs. If possible she’d try to damage his wings with these feathers, however she knew that his wings sturdier than the feathers and would likely deflect more easily than the debris did. At least those had mass.

”Keep moving. You won’t have enough time to try and make more debris if he shotguns more feathers at you.” Regardless if those feathers landed or not Dulga would try to scramble back onto her feet and keep circling Acion. If she stayed still for too long she’d run out of rock to shield herself with and it’ll be all over.

’Dust clouds.’ The flying hero trainee could only yield his lids like two needles on the same two-dimensional line. This shouldn’t be a problem, as long as he could still figure out her position. It mattered more about hitting the target as many times as possible instead of hitting it at the right place. And he definitely could not achieve such goals without positioning himself in a high place and rain down constant barrages on her. He needed to get to the air, now!


Just as the thought crossed his mind, a piece of metal sliced his thighs, flying past him like a ghost in the desert. He didn’t, or rather couldn’t, check on whether or not it cuts, but he knew his plan had ended in a temporary, and a very unpleasant, setback.

’So much for that plan...’

It seemed like he had been preyed upon. Now that the dust cloud slowly cleared, he found himself in an especially sticky situation. Every angle he turned, she turned with him, waiting slowly and patiently like a lion with its potential steak. She was waiting for the moment he attack, so that she could nullify anything and everything he threw at her. She was waiting for the moment he turned his back on her to flee, so that she could wolf him down with her incredible strength or those debrises. And she was waiting for him to do nothing so that she could close her distance to him. And once it was close quarter, it’s game over. He knew he wanted to train his close quarter skills, but he would not take his chances in this one. The jaws were slowly closing upon him. He needed to think of something quick.

’But why didn’t I use the same trick?’

He just need to outwit her for one single moment. Two moments. And then he would be free from her grasp.

’She wouldn’t be immune, would she?’

Turning to face Dulga directly, Acion stretched his back as much as he could, all wings spreaded wide, high and low. From an outside look, it may look like he was just preparing for another gigantic feather barrage. But the only strange thing would be that the tip of his wings appeared to be curved in. And that small detail would determine the whole outcome of a fighter’s action, and potentially the entire fight as well. Instead of launching the feathers though, he slammed his wings onto the ground, an earth-shattering noise echoed throughout the battle room.

The wings were sharp enough to dig right into the floor’s concrete. To be fair, it wasn’t that strong from the beginning. But digging in was just the first part. The next part was when his veins would pop. His teeth grinded together like two crusts of the Earth colliding with one another, as his lower limbs began to stand up. Regardless of the bite marks Tomoe gave him. Regardless of the cut Dulga sliced him. With a huge swing, he threw up the same amount of dust that Dulga had done to him just moments ago.

’One more.’

Whether or not she could see this, from the dust cloud emerged dozens of sharp feathers thrown towards her direction. What followed right after the feathers...was none other than Acion himself, running into the direction of the feathers.

’I just need a good jump, then I’d fly!’

That piece of debris she had just thrown would work very well.

When Dulga saw Acion’s wings curl back, she knew that he was going to throw more feathers. What she didn’t expect was for him to throw out his own dust cloud first. ”Dammit!” It was just as she feared. She was getting repetitive; by using that dust tactic twice, she’s just given Acion a chance to turn it back against her. Concealment didn’t mean cover either; she knew that she wouldn’t be safe standing out in the open and if she couldn’t see where Acion was coming from. He could easily just shotgun more feathers through the cloud, using the sheer volume of feathers to cut her down. As soon as the dust cloud hit her Dulga dove to the ground. It was just part of her instinct training, once more thanks to her mother. Crawling on the floor might look undignified for a hero but bring prone meant that projectiles would have a harder time striking you even if you don’t know where they’re coming from. And Dulga has no idea where they’re at right now.

At least until a few flew right over her head. Fortunately for her it seemed like Acion was aiming somewhere around midchest; Dulga was a big target standing up but once on the ground she would be hard to hit. But she can’t stay on the ground either; this is a bad spot to get into a fistfight in. And now Dulga needed to change her tactic; if her and Acion just keep knocking up dust she will lose. She doesn’t have the same defensive abilities as his wings nor the range attacks like his feathers. And so while the dust still covered her Dulga focused entirely on crawling away, until Acion flew through the dust and cleared it up some more. Thanks to being on the ground Dulga was still covered too but only for a few seconds.

Knowing that he won’t be able to stand on his legs for long, Acion was likely going to start flying. The room was big enough for it, at least fifty feet high. Once he was up there it’ll be tougher for Dulga to be able to fight him even if she could break up enough ground to just throw things at him. She needed a change of tactics. Something even he wouldn’t expect. ”Never thought I’d try this.” Bracing her arms to the ground, Dulga pushed hard, hard enough to crack the floor she was laying on. And with that push, she threw herself straight up into the air with enough force to touch the ceiling. And her back hit the roof. ”Tch!”

That was painful. She had used too much force and her arms were burning. This really hurt; this wasn’t anything like using her guns at all. Maybe it was just because she grew up a shooter, but fighting like this was tiring. Throwing herself around, punching rocks, trying to dodge feathers, this was stuff Dulga wasn’t used to. But that’s why she was doing it now. She knew that sooner or later she’s going to run into some bad luck. She won’t be able to set up a sniping spot, she won’t have her guns, and she won’t be stronger than her enemy. Fighting against complacency is why she wanted to spar in the first place. ”I refuse to be that same girl cowering for her mother.” Dulga wasn’t out yet. Digging her fingers into the ceiling Dulga looked around for Acion. Surely he would be taking flight right about now and expecting to find her beneath him. But he’ll never suspect that Dulga, the giant girl with six arms, would be right above him. And it will be his downfall.

Each steps he took was just as painful as the last one, as the liquid that Acion was inadvertently unaware of was dripping from his legs. But it was soon set freed. The moment his legs left the earth, he felt free. Free from the constraint of his physicality and just purely relying on the strength of his six wings. It was as powerful as ever, as blissful as ever.

’Alright, now-’


She wasn’t there.

The dust cloud began to set aside as he got a clear view of the battleground below. And it was a place of no existence. Nothing but barren concretes placed all over the place unnaturally.

He turned around, up and down, looking for the sight of this grey haired lady. When he turned around, looking up at the ceiling, he already realized his fatal mistake.

’She was up there?!’

His face. It was the face of someone who knew who lost. A myriad of both impression and surprise. He had just been outplayed, for someone who was known to come up with the unexpected. But for some reasons, he felt like he deserved it. Dulga was fighting without a gun, without her main strength, and yet she still managed to make moves that exceeds his expectation, that clipped all of his strength and exploited all of his weaknesses. On the while, he deliberately let him become predictable. He could still come up with powerful evasive maneuvers or counter-attacks, but the thing was that he was all planning that around his strength, which is his powerful six wings. That was more than enough for a skilled opponent to pounce on him.

’But do not grow complacent of your lofty throne in the skies, lest you forget how to walk with your own two feet.’

White Hat was completely right. He tried to convince himself otherwise back then, but his words echoed wisdom bigger than anything this brat could come up. He relied too much on his strength. He was convinced that his training was just enough to break away from his weakness so that he could focused on his strength instead. And now here he was, being taken from above, where he should have been.

’But I’m not conceding that easily.’

He knew this would be a sure lost. But he would be taking his first step now. His first step out of complacency.

His hand reached for his two feathers on two random wings instead. While his wings still beats in the sky, he would be taking this last stand. He could not run away from this. She was on the ceiling. She could pounce on him anytime. He had to take her head on. His hand and wings are ready.

When Acion saw Dulga, that’s when she struck. Though her arms were on fire, her back hurt, and these gloves were starting to get too tight, she knew that this would be the moment where she had to finish it. Pushing off with her legs Dulga sped towards Acion. And she had a surprise for him. Not just the fact that in a twist of irony she was high above the flier. No it was much simpler; she had torn off a chunk of the ceiling to crush him. Their bodies collided, Dulga using the chunk of ceiling as a shield against Acion and his wings, and then used the force of her fall and the combined weight of the rock and her own body to bring him to the ground. And just like that it was over.

Acion would be on his back, his head just a few inches above the ground. Dulga was holding him up by the scruff of his shirt so he wouldn’t have smacked his head against the ground. But while one hand held him up, the other two hands were holding Acion’s wrists tightly; if he wanted to fight he’d have to defeat Dulga’s superhuman strength. Another hand was near Acion’s neck too, ready to choke or punch him. And just to make sure he didn’t have any funny ideas, Dulga still had that giant rock hanging over his head like the sword of Damocles. It was Dulga’s decisive victory. They both knew it, so Dulga lowered Acion onto the ground and let go of him. She placed the rock on the ground nearby and would walk away from him without a word towards the locker room. But shortly after she returned carrying a small first aid kit.

”Lift your legs.”

Even his attempt ended up being outplayed too.

It was his loss. Completely and decisively.

Before he knew it, he was already on the ground, his hands and wings completely restrained by the girl’s superhuman strength. When his hand was unable to move any further than tapping twice onto the rock that it was held onto, both didn’t need his yield sign to know he lost, and she won.

The six-armed girl, after learning of her victories, initially left the training room, like the usual fashioned Dulga he knew. But to his surprise, she actually came back. Her words to him was still as blunt like a sledgehammer, but it was the least expected out of all.

Acion did not disobey to it. He did not refuse to an act that did not derive from any ulterior motives, especially it was all good-intention. Besides, she had reminded him of what his mistakes was.

”I’ll admit, I’ve been dominated.” He said, finding it a little difficult to speak clearly, as he tried to lift his body up a little. ”But thank you. I know what I need to do now.”

”Good.” Dulga applied some disinfectant to the wounds on Acion’s legs, a clean gauze, and then bandaged them. The cuts were deep enough to draw blood which may result in worse damage later so without consulting Acion, Dulga intended to take him to the nurse’s office. After putting the first-aid kit away she would proceed to lift Acion up into her arms like a princess being whisked away. Good thing the nurses weren’t too far from the training halls. Acion may hear Dulga’s breath since he was so close to her; though he wasn’t too heavy for her to carry, their battle had tired her out more than he may have realized. Dulga herself knew that she had some pitifully weak stamina for a girl with as much strength as she has; if she struggles to breath just after a quick battle like that, what could happen to her in a real fight, or against multiple opponents?

”Still room to improve.”

She was rather quite knowledgeable in this. But that was to be expected of any heroes really. After patching up his wounds, she proceeded to pick him up in a way not so typical for a guy to be in, even though he should be able to do this on his own. But this considered he already did this to others already, and double-standard appeared to be a thing it seemed. He could’ve declined, but considering this girl’s personality, and his current state right now, he better kept his mouth shut. Strangely, comparing to his fight with Reina, Roy or Kaida, which lasted a lot longer than this one, this took a much higher toll on him than he could ever have hoped.

”Everyone does.” He struggled to mutter the response. She’d probably didn’t care about it.
Acion Nakamiji

Acion found it difficult to try and look into her eyes as she refused to do the same, instead staring at his chest all the time. He didn't really want Tomoe to feel so guilty about talking to him, but then again he couldn't really blame her. She, in the end, appeared to be a genuinely nice and responsible girl after all. From the description of her quirk, it seemed like she was capable of making or was possessing a clone of hers, who held some bitter resentment against Acion. He didn't do anything hurtful to Tomoe so far, not at least out of malice. But again, that clone bit him like a dog. She had some animal instinct, which pretty much did not distinct intentions or no. They just identify threats and either shred that threat into tiny little pieces or die trying.

"If you really want to, then yes, I will definitely lend a hand. But once you're in, I don't take an out until you're finished." Acion said with a lowered tone, as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. He admired that will to fix what was wrong with her, but will at the beginning and at the end were two completely separate matter. But as long as she was still willing to fix those issues, he'd be behind her back.

Tomoe then proceeded to ask him if he'd like to draw on her bandage. Like, seriously. Her head bandage. For real. He'd never been asked for such a thing, probably because he had rarely ever gone under the flag of being close enough of a friend to do such a thing, and those he was close enough never actually got into an incident this scale. It sounded a little alien to him. And certainly for everybody else watching too, especially there are eight people in the training room, some of whom he'd not want to mess with their love button.

"Maybe another time. At another place." Acion politely declined. It didn't seem to affect the pink-haired girl that much though. She continued with an apologizing gift for what she did the other day, and it came in the form of a picture of some kind. Curious, he looked intently as her finger swiped across the screen to open it. And it turned out, it was-


For the love of Aphrodite. How in the world did she get this picture? No way this is a set up. She must have taken it when she was still asleep. My, Hitomi didn't look as elegant as he had imagined. But for sure, that stance, her belly, she really looked cute.

'Alright alright, that's enough you sinner!'

It was as if Acion had some sort of angelic version of himself screaming in his ear with a loudspeaker to cease this stupid act. He was not supposed to look at such a personalized picture, even if he was shown and not that he actively sought for it. He was not born to be this tainted. And he was lucky enough to pull back soon enough, because of two other girls approaching him and Tomoe, one of whom was the subject of the picture. The one who seemed to know exactly what Tomoe intended to do like a psychic. He stood up upright again, his face trying his best not to show any expressions at all. Just please don't catch the signs.

The other girl approaching him was Dulga, that girl whom he had fought against on the rooftop that day. He practically lost that match, but it wasn't technically concluded, due to him trying to convince her against Amane. Was she trying to settle the score or what? Fine with him in any ways, he could probably use a couple of fights for a change of atmosphere, and maybe to apply what he had learned for the last couple of days.

"A little abrupt giving little greetings you gave me. But ok." He had no qualms about referring to her bluntness. "A freestyle fight, I assume."

@Norschtalen@Silver Carrot@liferusher

"...I and Papa will be waiting for you back at home..."


"...waiting for you..."


"...back at home..."



That once beautiful, sparkling, curious and innocent eyes of that day. It was still there, but the adjectives had all dropped. Decayed. Disintegrated. Gone. It was now replaced with a dim fire underneath the dark blue. His lids were all blood. His brows mud. His forehead both. His lips swayed up and down unconsciously, but rhymed with the ups and downs of his chest. His hand was still holding the Longfield rifle that he somehow still miraculously retain. The bolt had just been cocked, an empty shell lied on the cold muddy ground. And behind him were more than a dozen faces, some still frozen with rage, while some had drifted away into the eternal sleep. Federations and Imperials alike, piled up together as blood mixed and washed into the stream of rainwater in the narrow trenches.

Continue, he must. Another step, he walked. Even if he was all by himself now, his legs still found its strength to take another step. Two Imperials were in the other trenches, as Michael turned the corner. They were probably as shocked and as scared as he was, seeing how the Federations were taking the fight right to their noses. And they were completely unaware of the five foot tall sapper behind him.

Two shots. His Longfield Rifle made it into his left shoulder. The iron-sight lined up. The trigger pulled. His left hand breached over the stock to grab onto the bolt on the right side of the gun, as he silently complained why the manufacturer would not create one on the left side for him and those like him. One soldier fell to the ground, his eyes refused to close. The shock of his companion's death stacked up among the other shock and horrors these two had been through, so that even though the Imperial, if he was fast enough, could have shot Michael dead on site, his arms had been crackled to freeze where it stood. With the horrors in his eyes, and his mouth gaping wide, he watched as the sapper pulled the trigger once more.

As the two Imperial soldiers dropped dead on the ground, Michael did not hesitate to reach for two strip clips inside his pocket, pulled back the bolt, rack the clips into the gun one by one then pushed the bolt forward, as he moved forward, stepping over the two Imperials he just unknowingly shattered their parent's only will to live.

And yet through all of that, he felt nothing...Absolutely nothing but two dead Imperials.

As Michael walked further, he discovered another two soldiers. But they weren't buddies like the last two. Their uniforms contrasted. And they were upon one another, one were grinding a gun with its bayonet onto the other one, while the poor victim was desperately trying to stop it. For one moment, Michael's eyes opened wide. There was something about that soldier on the ground. Short brown hair with that scar across his cheek. That's Briggs for sure. A future carpenter. His family owned a workshop that he intended to inherit and do the same to his children and grandchildren. An extremely simple guy. He met Michael at the bootcamp and, although weren't that close, helped each other to go through the grueling training of the Federation.

Again, with no hesitation, Michael brought the stock of his gun pressed tightly onto his left shoulder, but he fired as he moved forward to Briggs. The first shot did not connect. Grunting inward, Michael hastily cocked the bolt. His eyes looked both over his gun and his friend, as the Imperial's bayonet continued to sink into his stomach. Once the bullet had ejected, Michael fired the second shot. He did not miss this time. It was a direct hit to the Imperial soldier's cheek, as the soldier fell dead on spot.

All of a sudden, another Imperial appeared as he charged toward the young sapper. Now that he noticed it, he was in the middle of the T-section between the two trenches, and unfortunately, whilst he didn't notice the other guy, the Imp saw him, and was coming running at him full speed with a trench club. However, just barely enough, Michael's survival instinct saved him this time. The club was a few millimeters away from his head, as the sapper dropped his rifle to hold onto it like it was his life. It was his life in fact. His other hand caught the other free hand of the Imperial, as the two soldiers dragged each other onto the ground. Both were exhausted, their lungs couldn't form a breathe, and yet once on the ground, they were still holding onto the other in the same stance like they did standing.

It may look unbelievable to an outsider, and it was unbelievable to both combatants as well, as the smaller, shorter and seemingly unimpressive soldier emerged as the one on the top of the Imperial soldier, whilst the bigger one got pinned onto the ground. The one who took it worst was perhaps the soldier himself. How could this youngling that had probably just stopped drinking their mother's breast put him in a position like this? His hand trembled in anger, but the story of anger fueling retaliation to victory was all but fairy tale nonsense.

Michael quickly glanced around as he continued to pin the Imperial down. Right above the guy was his helmet that fell off during the struggle. It was his chance. His life. Michael, without half a second wasted, reached for the helmet, held the side firmly and slammed it onto the Imperial. Each hit emitted a sound of uncomfortable cracking. By the fourth one, the soldier was dead, the side of his forehead existed a trough.

And yet again, it ended at that. Without a second of thought, Michael dropped the helmet on the ground as he stood up. Dragging himself over to his friend Briggs lying next to the dead Imperial, he crouched down to check on him. No response. His eyes still opened, the gun and bayonet still in his gut, yet no breaths, no pulse.

Slowly, the sapper stood up from his dead friend. His eyes turned to the sky. The heaven still poured down gallons of water onto him, as if it was trying to clean his soul. But deep inside, he knew it would never be able to. He had claimed a total of nine kills today. Nine lives he claimed, nine dreams he destroyed, and many more love he crushed. How could one justify for such an action?

Every steps he made felt autonomous, but he was conscious enough to realize that the battle had ended. For now at least, but it had ended. The Federations had breached the Imperial defense line. He actually made it through. He somehow made it through the hails of gunfire, the shells of artilleries, and the unrelenting rain. He made it through alive, and without significant wounds. But Briggs did not. She did not as well...

Soon, Michael saw the rest of the squad again - those that holed up at the church ruin just before. They seemed to be alright from that group of Imperial soldiers. But then again, they were not. The Darcsen Lance Corporal was now a shadow of his former self, as the rain could do nothing to hide the tears coming out of his eyes. How he envied that man? How could that man let out such emotions and yet he here could not? He looked down onto his shaking hand, now soaked of not just one person's blood. His eyes blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice? Yet nothing came...

Once he looked down now, he realized that he wasn't alone. He was standing beside a giant, to him at least. A girl probably two heads taller than him, with a side ponytail, all in a yellow that could have looked pretty in a clean environment, but was utterly stained by the blood in the mud in the rain. She was lying flat on the mud on the ground, facing the rainy sky. Her sniffles echoed like a bat's cry, as she muttered out loud. The words that echoed louder than her sniffles, or anything that could have.

"Everyone's filthy. In fact, I admire you and the Lance Corporal for your cleanness." Michael uttered softly, as he slowly crumpled down in the trenches, resting his back on the wall made of dirt and wooden planks, his eyes looking down on his thigh, and the gun, the gun he used to kill those nine souls. "How you could express yourself like that, while I can't."
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