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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza
Interactions: Slick@FunnyGuy, Aurora@Mole, Sophie@princess, Caelen@Alivefalling,
Equipment: The clothes on his back, glaive, lockpicking kit, small knife, and a pouch of amas.

“An excellent point. A one cat and one man job it is then.” Leaf said with a deep laugh as Slick pointed out he was not a cat. He nodded as Slick hinted at his past before coming to Avalia, one of thievery and excitement that Leaf understood without further questions.

“A good deed and a bit o’ mischief, finest pairing for a night one can have.” Leaf said, a toothy grin forming. That was the thing about trouble, planning it out, anticipating it, everything that went into pulling off a perfect job was half the fun of it. The rest of the fun would come later, with sneaking and outwitting, with watching that lion finally run free off into the desert to have a chance at a real life.

Leaf didn’t know much about Sophie and Caelen, what their lives had been like before they’d entered Avalia but he knew they wouldn’t need extra hands for this. More unknown factors would only mean complications, but two experienced thieves, and Leaf was pretty confident Slick was telling the truth now, could work fast and efficiently. So he waited at the door as Slick gave a sharp knock, with no plans to tell the others what they planned to do this night.

Time: Night
Location: 420 Wicker St. Righteous Rave Warehouse
Interactions: Anastasia @princess, Ezra @Potter, Chavez @samreaper

Upon finishing the drink, and leaving the emptied glass on a nearby table, Leo found himself more and more drawn in by the music. The rhythmic thumping reverberated in his chest, lifted him, and left him with the sensation of simultaneously being embraced by the most comforting hug and floating at the same time. Leo couldn’t remember feeling anything quite like this, certainly, no full night of drinking had ever felt as incredible as this single drink.

He was no longer able to simply walk about the party, he bounced on his feet, moving with the beat, allowing himself to be consumed by it. Dancing to this was nothing like a waltz, no need for perfection in the movements, nothing was precise or meticulous, it was all uninhibited freedom. The beat of his heart quickly began to surpass the beat of the music, thumping harder against his chest. Nothing in him wanted to be still, his teeth grinding back and forth and going unnoticed as he became more and more entranced with everything going on around him. Dilated eyes took in everything, pretty lights, pretty faces, and an energy all around him that made any expression besides a genuine ear-to-ear grin simply impossible.

Then he noted a pop of green hair worming its way towards Anastasia with energy that didn’t match the rest of the party. An instant bad vibe, and even at a party where titles were left at the door, Leo knew they were long from being forgotten entirely. Anastasia was still a princess, one who was far too trusting, and the green-haired and weasel-faced man was handing her a drink and a present. There wasn’t much thinking between him watching the exchange and him making his way towards the two of them. Anastasia was one of Thea’s closest friends, Wulfric’s baby sister, and seeing as how Callum was inadequate at keeping watch over her, Leo slithered between the two of them, throwing his arms around each of their shoulders.

“‘Stas, and” He paused and looked from Anastasia to the green-haired man, and towards the cowlicked infernal blond from the ball, and added, “Cowlick and Cupcake Man.” He said, voice booming over the music, continuing to bounce up and down to the beat.

“I don’t know what this song is but I love it.” He continued, glancing at the cupcakes and back at Ezra, his grin widened further. “Look at you, bringing cupcakes for the lady. You got yourself a crush?” He asked removing his arms from the two of them, slapping the baker lightly on the shoulder. Leo, despite being under the influence, still knew what he was doing, stirring the pot just to see how Ezra would react. He moved over to the table where the box of cupcakes sat before swiping some of the frosting and tasting it. ”Hey! Pretty good.” He said, head nodding and continuing to do so as he bopped to the music.

His attention quickly turned to the cowlick blond who now seemed far less infernal than he had at the bar, his energy seemed nothing like the baker’s, a far better frequency came from Kazu. “I don’t think we’ve met, I’m Leo.” He waved at the blond and clapped his hands together once before shuffling his feet as the beat dropped once more. “You ever been to a party like this before? It’s amazing!” He added.

Time: Night
Location: 420 Wicker St, Badass Party Warehouse
Interaction: Roman @ReusableSword

Callum, already wrapped in the embrace of several glasses worth of wine from the previous party, stood near the stairs leading into the party, transfixed on the ever-changing colors of dancing lights, swaying slightly in tune with the music. For a few undisturbed minutes that was all that existed, just the lights, the strange thumping beat of unearthly music, and the completely relaxing feeling of no one paying any sort of attention to him. Here in the basement of some old warehouse, no one cared who he was, who his family was, and this was a space where none of that mattered. A place that was strange and pretty and loud in a way that drowned out the rest of the world, and it was nearly perfect.


A booming voice cut through the beat, snapping his attention in the direction of the bar. There was Roman, a Varian nobleman who seemed more like a mountain than a man. Despite being surrounded by the same nest of vipers as the rest, Roman always appeared as unbothered by such snakes as any mountain would, immune to their venom and never noticing their hissed threats and bared fangs. This easy confidence was just one of the many qualities Cal admired in the mountain that was a man.

Come drink with your old friend, it’s been too long.

His welcoming presence and strong liver were another set of fine qualities. Without a second thought, Cal made his way through the crowd of people towards the voice that had called out to him, finding a place near the bar beside Roman. “Roman, how are things in Emberrock?” He asked.

The Ravenwood family, an anomaly amongst the nobility, as they seemed to have actually earned their titles based on their hard work. A family of smiths and craftsmen, everything they touched was like a work of art, even tools of violence were made to look beautiful. He often wondered what it was like to be a part of a family that created things for the world rather than just taking things from the world. “Enjoying your time in Sorian? I’ll bet they don’t have parties like this in Varian.” He added, turning to look around at the warehouse again before shifting his attention back towards the bartender who approached to take drink orders.

Callum looked around the bar, its shelves stocked with bottles of every fine liquor one could imagine. The offerings of beer, wine, and liquor were already more than enough to make the warehouse seem like a piece of heaven, but it was the listing of strange cocktails called out to him. Something different, unique, that felt perfectly aligned with the rest of the energy inside the warehouse. And one, named The Noble’s Venom, called out the loudest. “The Noble’s Venom,” he said to the bartender. More called out to him, the bottles that lined the shelves of the bar which held so many other venom’s he was accustomed to but he held back. Cal had made a promise he intended to keep; to return to the palace before dawn without any incidents. Drinking himself into oblivion would certainly interfere with that, but a drink or two surely couldn’t hurt much. “And a beer, whatever he got.” He added before looking his attention back to Roman.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza
Interactions: Slick@FunnyGuy
Equipment: The clothes on his back, glaive, lockpicking kit, small knife, and a pouch of amas.
Purchases: Lockpick kit, Glaive, and a knife

The blacksmith outing proved to be an exciting trip, a welcomed distraction from the gruesome display the group had witnessed earlier. Leaf, much like a child in a store full of dangerous and expensive things, felt the need to touch and try out just about anything he could get his hands on. As a proud cat, confident in his ability to defend himself with tooth and claw he’d never felt the need to have a weapon constantly by his side, weighing him down. But the war changed things and Leaf would not let feline pride make him foolish.

Many of the weapons the blacksmith had were far too cumbersome for the cat, he knew he didn’t want some great heavy sword or ax slowing him down. Many of the smaller, lighter weapons were barely an improvement to his own claws but even so, he picked out a knife to keep by his side just in case. Maybe he’d get bored and could whittle himself something with it later. Bows and even crossbows were simply not for him, and he had little patience to stand around learning to shoot things from a distance. Eventually though, long after the others had picked out their purchases, Leaf found what he considered a thing of beauty.

A glaive with red and gold along the staff, decorated with ornate designs that reminded him of Myriamor, with a long sleek and sharp blade atop and a smaller spear-like tip at the bottom. This was what he needed, something that was light enough that it would not slow him down but added more opportunities for him to strike when claws and teeth were not ideal. It complimented him, its design reminded him of home, a piece of the desert beauty to carry with him on his travels. He toyed with it for a bit and the glaive felt right in his hands. Leaf did not hesitate to hand over the amas to call it his.

Following the trip to the blacksmith, rooms were secured for the others in the group at the inn. Slick kept insisting on traveling what the human referred to as the more scenic route but what Leaf would call the wrong way unless one really enjoyed back alleys that pretty much led nowhere. He supposed that maybe cats and humans just had very different ideas about what was scenic. He popped out briefly as they settled in at the inn to pick up a couple of other things. He returned later, just in time for dinner, with another purchase that he didn’t mention to the others; a lockpicking kit. During his time apart from the group he’d tracked down his cheetah and sent Star to keep watch over the inn and she continued to do so even after he returned. Following dinner, he headed out with Slick to scout out the best places for the humans to train.

“And you do have a taste for that ‘flavor of life’?” Leaf asked after Slick had spoken. He tried to get a better understanding of Slick the human, who was neither an elf nor bounty hunter, but who seemed skilled in lying and pretty comfortable with lawbreaking. But Slick did have a point, acting outside the law was not something he could see Aurora being comfortable with, and the other two humans seemed to be made of far softer stuff than Slick, a quiet break after what they’d seen today would be better for them. If there wasn’t a lion imprisoned in a stable he’d have wanted nothing more than a quiet night as well. But it wasn’t something he could just forget about, and it would seem, neither could Slick.

“But, I agree, we shouldn’t bring the others. Could be a one cat job though, if you ain’t tryin’ to end up in trouble here, being what you are and all. And, well, lions can be awfully ornery and I’m bettin’ the one they got caged up won’t look too kindly on anything elf-like.” Leaf offered Slick an out if he wanted one as they headed back to the inn. Breaking in wasn’t a big concern of his, and neither was getting caught; it was how things would go once the lion was out that held the most danger. Leaf could at the very least outrun a lion in the open, but that was assuming that freeing the lion didn’t end with him getting mauled. And that was a big if.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Interactions: Yuka@princess, Aiko @CitrusArms Xavier @Potter
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch of amas, transmission bracelet

Orias gave an immediate eye roll the second the phrase ‘your highness’ was uttered by Yuka and further shook his head as she bowed as well. “You know what, you’re right the whole prince thing was a big fat lie. Forget all about it.” He said quickly though he doubted very much that Yuka was going to forget about it now. The rest of what she said, despite how distastefully worded it was, was true enough. The fairies remaining silent about the war was deeply concerning, and it was almost certainly not because they were too busy procreating to make an announcement. So then why were they not jumping to avenge their fallen son? Tension in their family? Maybe, and maybe he could use that. A plea for aid from a disgraced prince just might tug the right heartstrings of the royal family after what happened with their eldest son.

“Yuka, swear to me on Zidur’s mighty mane that you will not speak of Prince Helio when we meet with his parents, nor say anything vaguely insulting.” Orias voiced this as a request, knowing full well Yuka would not respond well to orders and wondering if in his own youth he had been this exasperating. Probably, was the conclusion he came to on that. “But yes, mingle with common folks, sounds great.” He added, and although sleep sounded better, getting to know those he traveled with better would prove more useful.

“Aiko, now seems to be the time where we let go of secrets within this group. Anything you would like to say?” He asked of the shapeshifting fox, and while he had his suspicions about them Orias only waited to see what they would choose to reveal.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Aboard The Harem
Interactions: Tigerlily @Potter, Tesoro@Infinite Cosmos, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives and a dagger strategically hidden, a spyglass, a wayfinder, a pouch of amas, and various jewelry.

Nym felt more like a shark now than he had when he’d ripped pieces off a dark elf with his own teeth. If he stopped moving, stopped working, slowed down for even a second, it was over. So like a shark he circled the ship. After they had returned Lizzie to the sea and after the crew had voted him in as captain, he had spent every second in motion. Checking, rechecking, then triple checking, everything aboard The Harem. His mind kept threatening to float away, to places so often left unexplored and only constant effort anchored him where he needed to be; he needed to think as captain now, needed to think of his crew before himself.

“Death, she follows ya ‘round like a jilted lover.”
Have I cheated death one too many times? Was death now, simply toying with me? It felt true enough, death circled him, taking those around him, leaving him to scrape by time and time again. Nym inspected for any signs of imminent damage to The Harem from the battle. Despite Tesoro having already inspected the cannons, Nym rechecked them once he was done, and ensured they were secured, maintained, and ready once more for any signs of threats. He found Tesoro’s work to be flawless, and any remnants of a grudge or doubts against the elf began to dissipate. Death would come again, they would need to be not only ready but able to work as one without any doubts.

“‘Ain’t a pirate left who’d want to sail with that luck about.”
No one from Vanarosa, that much was true. Maybe if Lizzie knew what most of the native pirates did she wouldn't have chosen to sail with him either. Maybe she'd have been better off, or maybe things would've gone worse. Either way, Nym wasn't sure. He pushed further doubts from his mind as he checked the rigging, focusing his mind back to work. He paid careful attention to the wind and the sails until that was all that existed. Grief and guilt still hung heavy in the air around him. The skies grew dark to match the somber mood as night fell. No one sang as they worked, mostly the sounds of waves and birds kept them company this night. He had to leave nothing to chance, he would make his own luck if he had to but he would not let his crew down.

“Yer luck’s gone sour mate, best make peace with that for it's too late.”
Maybe that one was true, luck's as fickle as the sea. So do something different, change course, and change my luck about. Nym looked over the charts, kept his eye on the stars, and manned the helm until The Harem’s course was set.

Helio’s request had lingered in his mind for most of the day; sail to Roshmi City and help Helio rescue his friends. It was a big request, but the fairy had asked with such a sense of desperation evident in his eyes. It was clear that those who had been captured in Roshmi City mattered to the lad more than life and more than amas. To honor the request would certainly earn a great deal of loyalty from the dark fairy, and Nym wanted to keep this rare creature as one of his crew. A dark fairy was something he had that Ardyn did not.

On the other hand, there was the bounty Barboda had spoken of, thousands of amas for Ardyn's head, and proper vengeance for Lizzie. Gods he wanted that; one job that would truly set up his ship and crew for great success, while taking out the most famous pirate around and avenging their fallen captain. The story that would make, and it would mean wealth and fame; everything he wanted sat just within his reach at the end of that quest. But The Harem was a crew of five, one of them already lost in a mere scuffle with a fraction of Ardyn’s crew. These were not good odds, and while all aboard his ship had the courage for it he did not have the will to gamble their lives with such poor odds.

He could return to Port Vanarosa, it was the best place to recruit true pirates, but there he didn’t like his odds either. Word of his soured luck had reached the ears of just about every sailor there, to return and speak of the death of yet another captain he sailed with, and no great prize won for it, would only confirm such rumors as fact. Two is a coincidence, three makes a pattern.

Now was not yet the time to hunt for Ardyn, Port Vanarosa might not be the best place for him to recruit more men, so why not Roshmi City? It was a city with a well-known criminal element, he could find men there willing to kill for the promise of freedom and coin. A rescue mission in Roshmi City was likely just as dangerous, but a voluntary one for the crew, whereas to sail for Ardyn now would leave no room for choice. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe he just had a soft spot for both pretty-faced fairies and anyone with a reckless sense of loyalty. That was probably true but maybe it was also the right call.

“The sea’s turned against ya.”
Now that could never be true. Of all rumors Nym had heard of himself back in Port Vanarosa, this one he knew to be a lie. He might not have luck, he might have even gotten himself on the wrong side of death’s wishes, but the sea would always be his home and she would always love him.

“We sail for Roshmi City, not to abandon our vengeance against Ardyn, but a detour ‘long the way. We pick up more crew, better our chances against him because we must not fail. An’ Helio, he’s got some recruits picked out for us already. Thing is they need a bit of liberation first, got themselves locked up. Now a rescue mission ain’t a requirement, no shame in not wantin’ the risk, and plenty o’ other things gonna need takin’ care of when we dock. Then, once we’re stocked up, fully manned, we take everything Arydn’s got. Anyone’s got a disagreement with that now’s your chance to be heard.” Nym announced his plans from the helm of the ship and gave a nod to Helio who watched the seas from the crow's nest.

Time: Night
Location: 420 Wicker St; Rave Warehouse
Interactions: None

Callum was convinced that they were all going to suffocate in the cramped carriage. They were packed so full of people that every breath of air felt like it had already been breathed in by half the occupants of the carriage and surely they would run out of breathable air before they even made it to the warehouse. He decided not to say anything because any conversation would only make the air problem worse and his sister seemed keen on picking up more people off the streets. Why hadn’t he walked? That certainly sounded like a much better idea now but he was trapped in the carriage.

The discomfort was only amplified by the presence of several of the Alidasht royals, none of whom Callum knew, and he spent most of the carriage ride trying not to stare and study them as if they were some sort of museum exhibit. Even without really looking at them his mind was filled with questions that all felt too rude to ask of those who hailed from the strange and mysterious desert lands.

Did they really drink the blood of camels? Was it true that women danced on the streets of Genasea barely clothed and uninhibited? Was it really a land of vice and debauchery and barbarism? Of course he knew that with all Caesonian rumors one had to take them with a grain of salt but there had to be some reason Edin was so clearly on edge about them.

Was it only Alidasht wealth and military might that made them so intimidating? There had to be something more to it, Edin wasn’t easily intimidated. Was this group of royals truly so cold that they would slaughter each other to be the next to wear a crown? That the last question troubled him the most. It was often said the custom in Alidasht was for the royal siblings to kill one another off in order to prove their worth for the title of Sultan. It was hard to imagine; for all the flaws he could see in his own family, he couldn’t imagine any of his siblings would kill any of the others in cold blood like that. That seemed a level of callous only Edin was capable of sinking to and, as far as Cal knew, even Edin hadn’t killed his own kin.

Callum was immediately thankful the second the carriage finally came to a stop near the docks and even more thankful when he finally got out of the carriage and was able to breathe fresh air and move freely again. Somehow his feet remembered exactly where the right warehouse was without much looking around. Although he’d been to these parties before he couldn’t for the life of him remember much about them, a sure sign of a good time, certainly worth risking his life being packed in a carriage just like cargo. Walking through a dark and dusty warehouse didn’t feel the least bit out of place, nor did the masked man who led them down the stairs. Everything felt familiar even though he remembered none of it.

Callum slipped on one of the masks that were being handed out without thinking much about it. Strange music thumped and beat loud enough that he felt the vibrations in his chest, sounds so unlike anything he was used to and he didn’t question it. Lights and haze danced around the room and the unmistakable presence of magic could be felt in the room. Cal didn’t acknowledge the magic out of a fear that to mention it would make it all disappear. He only spent a long moment taking it all in, noting how much better and brighter a bit of magic made everything. How because of a bit of magic and a dingy warehouse now felt like an amazing dream.

Leo wasn’t entirely sure what he’d expected this after-party to be like but the sights and sounds that greeted him upon his descent down the staircase were so far from what he could’ve ever anticipated. He looked around the warehouse with a sense of awe and confusion. Strange music that thumped like the beating of a heart but in a way that sounded unnatural, unlike any instrument he’d ever heard before, and seemed to be coming from the back of the room but still, he held no understanding of what made the sound. Upon the ceiling, mystifying lights of all colors danced around the hazy room, and an unnerving whisper of unnatural forces filled the room. He accepted the mask offered by a man at the bottom of the stairs and continued forward. His first thought was of how much Thea would’ve enjoyed all this, and he hoped this would not be a one-time occurrence.

“Amazing indeed.” Was all he said in reply to Anastasia as he continued to glance around the room. A boxing match in one corner and pole-dancing in the other, a large bar serving odd-looking drinks, and a smattering of triangle-shaped tables. Leo wasted no time in continuing to take in the sights, like a child at a fair he wandered off towards the first thing that caught his interest, tonight it was the boxing match at the far side of the room.

This side of the room held the faint scent of sweat and blood and the sounds of cheers, jeers, and the impact of fists could be heard just over the music. Leo melded into the crowd around the match, noting quite a few people holding the colorful cocktails where things moved inside the glasses. Some glasses contained rainbows or hearts, some glimmered and shone, while others had strange creatures swimming about in the drinks. One man must have noticed his interest in the cocktail as Leo found it impossible not to stare at the drinks.

“You simply must try one. Careful though, they pack a punch.” The man said with a laugh.

Despite his interest in the boxing match, the beat of the music made it impossible to hold still. Like a siren’s song it had a compulsion to it, told his body to move, and while every good noble knew several dances suited for a proper ball he had learned nothing for music such as this. Still, he moved through the warehouse, his eyes now drawn to the other side of the room where people danced. This was clearly not a place where one’s movements had to be precise and practiced, this, so unlike the ball they were just at, was a place of freedom.

Soon Leo found himself at the bar, eyes glancing over a drink menu that listed the names of the odd-looking cocktails. He had originally planned to keep his wits about him at this strange after party, but Thea staying at the palace altered his plans a bit, he didn’t have to keep an eye on her, tonight he could be as witless as he wanted and that was welcomed break he’d admit to only himself. One name jumped out at him, Conquer the Mountian, and liking the sound of the name he ordered one for himself. He watched as the bartender mixed it up, his head bobbing independent of his control to the music that filled the room. Once the drink was set in front of him he watched it, entranced, as clouds floated about encapsulated in the blue liquid. He carefully picked it up, moved away from the bar, and briefly brought the drink to his nose, noting its smell before drinking a sip. The sharp taste of alcohol was cut through by the sweet taste of berries and a gentle swirl of the glass only made the clouds float faster rather than mix them into the liquid. How strange. He thought as he wondered if the drink really was as strong as people around here said it would be. Leo then shrugged and downed the rest of the drink that looked like a pleasantly cloudy sky.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Interactions: Yuka@princess, Aiko @CitrusArms Xavier @Potter
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch of amas, transmission bracelet

“It’s just Orias, feel free to drop the title.” He corrected Yuka once again, the use of a title only made him more uncomfortable even if Yuka meant it only in mockery. “You’ve made it clear you think I’m lying, fair enough I’ve told many a lie, and it is not you that I need to convince. But in front of the fae here, I only ask you to play along, we need them to believe me if we are to have a hope of winning this war and freeing Roshmi City.” While his words were blunt he spoke them calmly, pausing to think over her question. He looked around the River Fairy Kingdom, it was a slight relief to see this place still untouched by war, even though he doubted it would remain that way. For now, they were safe here.

“We should seek an audience with the Millinia family,” Was his immediate first thought despite the low growl in his stomach and the exhaustion the rest of his body felt. The hour was late, he wasn’t sure trying to meet with the fairy royals so late in the evening would start the meeting on the right note. More than that he was still unsure of what he would say to them, and he was sure his successful meeting with Augus had been a stroke of dumb luck that would be difficult to repeat. “But it might go better in the morning, once we have rested.” He added. That might be better, it would give him some more time to think over what to say, rehearse it, and sound more polished. Maybe even run it by Yuka first, knowing she’d be the real test to see how convincing he sounded.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Inn by the Sea
Interactions: Rue @Potter, Raven @Tae, Kharne @Kazemitsu, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (a bit less than an ounce), rolling papers, and 191 amas.

Bowyn found their new traveling companions acceptable and was proud of Rue for having chosen so well. One only had to glance at the dragonborn to see he was a clear warrior, and Kharne’s companion, Ishmael, carried himself similarly, another obvious warrior. There was the obvious wild card, the girl who chose to sit on the roof, and the Raven the human. He now understood Raven’s strange stance on the war, she wasn’t of this world and this war was likely not a responsibility she wished to bear. He could understand this, and the other two being warriors likely would not hesitate to fight when needed. It was only the lone wild card he worried about.

So Bowyn sat on the floor, half-listening as Rue spoke, mostly just enjoying the sound of her voice, as he methodically broke up some of the zemak he carried with him. He looked up briefly after Rue had introduced herself and Moony.

“Bowyn, winter fairy,” he said introducing himself before rolling the broken-up zemak cradled in a rolling paper between his fingers. He worked carefully, gently rolling the zemak and paper until the shape was right and licking the edge to seal it. “Anyone know where we’re heading next or are we all at the whims of the elven princess?” While his question was directed at anyone he mainly looked at Kharne as asked, the dragonborn giving off a clear aura of authority.

Time: Night
Location: Caesonia Palace Guest Rooms/Callum’s Room/Stables
Interaction: Anastasia@princess
Mentions: Lady Thea, Lady Zarai, Lord Roman, Lady Crystal

Leo had left the ball for the guest house following King Edin’s announcement but his time in the guest room was brief. A loud banging on the door to his room, followed by the familiar voice of the Danrose princess grabbed his attention. It was time for the after-party which promised a far more relaxing vibe than the ball; no worries of intense rules of what is proper and appropriate, just an opportunity to unwind, indulge, and let go. As he accompanied Anastasia to collect the others he was surprised to find Thea would not be among them. Strange, as this was the sort of party he knew his sister rarely missed. Most of the time sudden declines in Thea’s mood were easily blamed on his mother and her off-putting lover, but this time he had the sinking feeling the blame lay on Prince Felix. He was liking the Varian prince less and less any time he thought of Felix. Leo followed Anastasia without his sister, giving her the night to settle some and planning to check on her in the morning.

They set forth the princess inviting the often unconventional but always interesting Lady Zarai, and Lord Roman, who despite being respectable often spoke of manual labor as if such a thing was an interesting way to spend one's time. Leo only offered a brief but amicable greeting to both of his fellow Varians.

Next, the princess headed toward the rooms which housed the royals from Alidasht. Discretion was certainly not Anastasia’s strong suit and Leo ducked into a doorway the second he saw the sultan peak his head out from his room not wanting to be associated with the disturbance. Once the sultan had returned to his room Leo popped back out from the doorway, the Danrose princess was certainly brazen and he could see why she and Thea got along so well.

“Very secretive, I’m sure no one will decipher that one Stas,” Leo spoke shaking his head. Despite his curiosity about the mysterious party Leo asked no question; he craved the unknown and being able to see it all firsthand rather than ruining the surprise.

Soon, Anastasia began knocking on the door of her younger brother Prince Callum. Leo found the youngest of the Danrose siblings to be insufferable; to be born a prince and use his time only to create a mockery of all the nobility stood for only served to insult the rest of them. It seemed that four children had been too much for the Danrose family, all the admirable qualities had gone to the three eldest leaving nothing of worth for the youngest to inherit. Still, Anastasia’s voice mocking him through the door gave Leo an amused grin.

"Psst. Heyyy it's Lady Crystal. I got more smoochies for you Callum. Better open the dooooor..."

Callum rolled his eyes, of course, his sister had seen that, and now he was doomed to never hear the end of it. Still, remembering Crystal and their conversation from earlier made him smile a bit. It was a rare occurrence to speak with anyone in court who felt like breathing in fresh air on a perfect day. Not even his sister’s teasing could really spoil that memory, and to Ana’s credit at least she hadn’t said anything in front of their brothers.

He had used the distraction he’d helped create to slip out of the ball a little early and change into a far more casual set of clothes. No more tightly tailored suit or noose-like tie adorning him at least left him feeling more comfortable in his own skin and looking much closer to a commoner than a noble.

“Ana, you seem confused, unable to recall your own name, should I send for Helga to keep watch over you? Or perhaps you’d prefer Wystan?” He offered, returning the mocking tone and following Anastasia as they headed towards the stables. He was a bit surprised to see Leo was going with them and he doubted the Varian noble would be able to forgo his precious title for any length of time.
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