Avatar of King Tai


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Did not realize I've been gone for over a year. Not sure if I'm completely back here but just visiting. Apologies to all who I ghosted. I'll reach out to a few once again. I'll keep you posted.
3 yrs ago
Managed to drop 33 lbs and have 17 more to go to reach my goal!
4 yrs ago
I feel the only ones that are not complaining about the mandatory lockdowns are the gamers and people like me who likes staying home not doing shit.
6 yrs ago
My fondest childhood memory.......... not having to pay bills
7 yrs ago
ME: I got paid today!! MY BILLS: Nah! "I" got paid today!!


(Currently under construction)

Don't have much to say right now but while this is under construction, wanted to mention that my circumstances have changed now that I have a newborn baby in the house. With that said, I will be on when I can and my posts may not be consistent or fast on a daily basis. That goes for both group and PM RPs. If I take forever posting, my apologies in advance. But I will try and inform ones I work with of my current status and when I'll attempt to post again.

Appreciation to the ones I work with
Thanks :D

In the meantime:

If you want to add me on Discord, you can reach me with: King Tai#7510

If you have interest in RPing with me, I have a page that you can sneak up on: RIGHT UP IN HERE!

Most Recent Posts

Hello, how is everyone?

Awesome! I have to run another errand and when I get back, we can start adding things

Here we go. Just need to add my character and other characters that we will be dealing with soon. Still at work at the moment lol.

Power Struggle: A Vigilante Story

Power to the people...those were the slogans of a revolution. Now, it sounds like declaration of an endless war on the streets. Welcome to New Eden. City that used to be a place of true opportunity for someone to become and somebody. A place that was once a metropolis of hard workers willing to work together to create an urban paradise. What changed? The drug called The Epidemic or "Bad Candy", some call it. That and the Black Out incident that brought about fear and chaos. Thanks to the drug and the gang carrying it, this brought about a chain reaction of other groups being formed to originally fight the group that was ruining their neighborhoods but soon evolving into ruthless hoodlums.

Where there's new gangs, comes new drugs. The Epidemic wasn't the only thing popping. The Glow, Mad Dog, Cherry Popper, The Amp up. All kinds of terrible things were being brought in. The Black Out incident made things worse as the wave of energy from the Black Out caused an evolution of some, granting them a power of their own. From generating fire, to telekinesis, to being bullet proof, to gaining super strength, these individuals set the tone for a new battlefield that brought the need of using special weapons from the black market to stand a chance against these Metahumans who some have joined the different gangs at war.

Many of the rich have left the city. The police are either corrupt, too scared to fight back, or getting killed or hurt badly fighting the good fight to save this city. There have been talk about nuking the city right off the map but that would mean the innocents would suffer this decision. There is a rumor that the Mayor is the cause of this hell but if something is not done soon, this city would be beyond repair. If there are any brave souls left out there who believes that this city could have hope again and be saved by getting rid of this cancer that's killing it, please, we need your help more than ever...

To anyone that's willing to listen and do something,
Desperate Sergeant Anthony O'Kain

(I will be adding the major Syndicates and gangs that run the different sections of the the city)

lol I have a short story in mind but don't know why the hell I'm so nervous and hesitant to write it...
After letting loose and drawing his saber, he noticed Xing didn't immediately attack wondering why he waited until then, he noticed the ki blast and a larger one this time around, rushing towards him. He couldn't counter it with his ki blast in time so he simply called on his protection to defend the attack which turned his skin into a bronze color but wasn't as strong this time. The blast hit him and he defended against it but it still stung on impact.

Kriang got into stance "Funny...I never lost in a sword fight either...let's just hope you keep a perfect record after this." he smirked.
@King Tai by the way brother, I was thinking after we get through this battle we could team up. I'm seeing a lot of martial arts type characters popping up because of the new beginnings tournament.

Alright, That sounds cool to me. Sorry for taking forever posting. I've been in and out of town these last few days. Expect a reply either this evening or tomorrow for sure. :)

Hehe, I may make a post myself soon.
@Dynamo Frokane What's up bro. I'll try to post soon but they will be slow responses. Glad to see you back though.


Hi team. I hate having to do this and I ask that you please forgive me but, I'm going to have to close this down for a bit. I have a bit on my plate in life and really can't seem to focus at this moment on the group. I really REALLY appreciated your time and effort you put in on staying with this group as long as you did. If later in the future, I'm motivated with inspiration and do not have my hands full, I may revive this. Again, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, guys.

Much Love,
Brotha Tai
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