Avatar of Landaus Five-One


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current The Multiverse is within us all. But the biggest one within me is A Fantasy RP and A Sci-Fi Series classified as "Jaina'Res."
4 yrs ago
I'm still working on a Fantasy RP, it isn't dead. Its just writer's block sucks ass... :(
4 yrs ago
I've been working on a Fantasy styled roleplay. It's still in the development stages since it has no name right now.
1 like
5 yrs ago
What's this? I'm finally updating my status in 10 months. Wonderful. I hope you all enjoy it. As well, profiles are what I enjoy creating.
5 yrs ago
The Sanctuary, VC, NCQuest, Talrae and the ILR all have one thing in common I am in them in terms of the RPs.


I am Landaus Five-One, which likes being called Holy since its A, Easier and B, I've used that distinction much longer than Landaus. I am into roleplays of any variety as long as they are interesting and unique for me to be apart of. There's a list below showing the roleplays I am interested in.
  • Sci-Fi
  • Space Opera
  • Magical
  • Fantasy
  • Modern
  • Post-Apocalyptic Themes
  • Alternate Universe / Alternate Reality
  • Horror
  • Insert any Fandom Here

I can play both genders easily, even though lately I've been playing mostly Female characters. Artificial Intelligence Characters are something of a odd quirk I like doing only because I have like a few characters that are basically massive AI Controlled Starships. Additionally, you can contact me via Discord using Holy R. Enigma#6381 for anything really. My birthdate is June 26, 1987, going to be soon 33 years old. Might as well add that these are the only two things I am going to put on here. Out of everything, I am really enjoying my time on roleplaying guild, just need to start working on the massive revamp of the Jaina'Res Mulitverse/Main Realm and the Fantasy RP I have been starting to work on. It's still in the Development stages in terms of the Fantasy RP I am going to GM.

Hopefully everyone has a good 2020 and beyond, gl and hf. As well, I'm highly interested in Strategy Games, Grand Strategy and MMORPGs aka play FFXIV.

The Roleplays I am apart of: The RP's Creator - Roleplays listed second.
Letter Bee: Iliad City: A Magical RP in an original world resuming & Academy of Noble Arms - The Golden Generation
LetMeDoStuff: Persona the Beholder
The Jest: Lost Innocence RP Reset - This roleplay went through a complete reset. The Pages are children whom gained magical powers from being infused by dust of a crystalline race. Need to still finish the required profiles I've been working on mostly been sidetracked a little. However, Sidetracking is always a pain in the ass. Additionally, The Jest is still working on all details of said roleplay before he launches it.

Roleplays that have an OOC and were rebooted once before:


Interest Checks that Caught my Interest:

Creation of Something New: Getting back into the swing of things...
The Venerdale Legends RP: Retinue of the Ariel Guardians - The Name has finally been chosen, which is the Fantasy RP that is still in development. Got many things to work on, at least its finally named. (Like the Magic System and others)

Most Recent Posts

Narvia had a look of a bit of nostalgia on her face since she made Kebabs for her godfather and most of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet’s Capital Ship called the Dragon’s Claw. She had a large smile on her face, which was always be reminded about it; she feels more at ease in a kitchen than anything. She definitely agreed with what Ariel had said about celebrating and making food for everyone, including Phi and Amy. ” Y-Yeah, this is going to be really nice!” She exclaimed really happily. Obviously, she was excited to cook for everyone else like she did on the Dragon’s Claw. However, she heard someone speak behind her, which she looked at, and it was Nero. She smiled at him while holding Mr. Cuddleton. ” A-Aww, thank you! I will be grateful for your expertise with knives, Nero.” She spoke with a grateful look on her face at what he had said. It was nice to see everyone coming together to help her.

She blinked slightly when Ariel asked her what Kebabs are like, which made her think about it slightly. ” I-I think one of the six chefs on the Dragon’s Claw said, Kebabs are close analogs to sate. She spoke, answering Ariel’s question, with an adorably cute smile. If anything, she did learn much about certain things while being in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. In terms, she heard what Ariel said afterward and slightly had a slight pout-like look on her face. However, making it super greasy wouldn’t probably be a good idea. ” A-Alright, I will not make it super greasy, but it’ll still be greasy enough. T-Thank you for doing the side dishes, Ariel.” She spoke with a tone of basically slightly dejected or disappointed.

Narvia giggled slightly at the mention of a certain someone, knowing who Ariel was speaking about, Iris. ” H-Hehe, you were talking about Iris, weren’t you? It is a good idea to do that to make a balanced kebab party with veggies and eggies.” She spoke with a cute tone on saying eggies. Obviously, she picked it up from her mother when her mother cooked dinner all those years ago. However, she decided to look over the kitchen and only noticed one thing, there was very little stuff to make Kebabs, but at least there were the proper tools to do so. She did notice Ariel had a similar look of like, what where is all the stuff. It didn’t take her much time to nod about what Ariel had said. ” Y-Yeah, good idea. Better to go to the cargo hold to get the necessary ingredients.” She spoke, with a bit of annoyed look on her face. It would be better to go with Ariel, which she did decide to go with her.

While Narvia kept close to Ariel and followed her to the Cargo Hold to get ingredients, she heard Ariel’s ingredient list. She slightly giggled at Ariel but was definitely happy to hear some delicious ingredients. ” T-To answer your allergy question, I am not allergic to peanuts. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every once in a while.” She spoke towards Ariel, with a smile, and hopefully, it's good to help. While she finally realizes she kept her Dragon Sight up for all this time, it strained her eyes slightly, which made her blink three times. She is still holding Mr. Cuddleton and cuddling with it while walking with Ariel. This strain made her feel slightly like a headache and eye ache primarily because she isn’t used to the Biotech Upgrade yet. ” O-Owwies, Should’ve blinked three times sooner… I dislike when I get these headaches and eye aches for overusing Dragon’s Sight.” She spoke with a slightly strained tone of her voice. It was mostly because of how young she had it installed and still has a bit to get over the strain of using it for too long. However, she wanted it installed to see like her godfather can since his dragon eyes looked so cool.

With everything that happened when Jessica joined Fenixtear, she was grateful it was one of those traditional guilds. Her family’s historical record had said these traditional guilds were family-based when her mother was reading her a story of one of these guilds. However, she did notice one thing, there was some activity, and it was mostly at the counter as if someone picked a quest from the board. Guess everyone in this guild was busy or whatnot since no one really tried interacting with her, but it’s alright she wasn’t mad; everyone has their own priorities. She walked towards the counter, which she overheard one of the people introduce themselves as Gwendolyn or Ria. Obviously, as day on her face, she shouldn’t really be rude and spying on people’s conversations. Therefore, she decided to walk up to the one who held an Escort Mission and Gwendolyn. ” Sorry to interrupt, but I overheard that you were going to take an Escort Mission? Oh yeah, my name is Jessica Viola Tranzell, which it would always be good to have an extra hand in these wondrous times. Oh yeah, I am new to this guild, but that is obvious enough.” She spoke with a polite gentleness to her tone. Obviously, it had to deal with the festival that is going on.

When there felt like a voice that pierced the veil of reality, which went into the minds of Jessica, Gwendolyn, and two others, specifically the man holding the quest and a man in a different part of the guildhall. ” Jessica, why do you always forget about Lil’ ole me? It’s like you don’t care about my opinion or something. Oh yeah, sorry, I’m called Tearsy! If you are wondering where this voice is coming from, look at Jessica’s waist.” A beautiful young adult female’s voice telepathically spoke to these specific four people. Obviously, the voice was pointing itself out since there was a sword in its sheath, glowing a bluish silver glow.

Jessica couldn’t help but have a slight embarrassment on her cheeks because of what Tearsy had said. She looked directly at her weapon, with a slight sigh leaving her lips. ” I-I’m sorry, Tearsy… I forgot, it probably didn’t help you put suspicion on my nonexistent father… Why would he kill my mother, who’s titled the Beautiful Rose Swordmaster?” She questioned the entire suspicion feels a bit hard to believe. To be honest, it doesn’t make any sense, which always irked her about anything suspicious that Tearsy brings up. She looks back up towards Gwendolyn and the man who hasn’t introduced himself yet.

It caused the sword’s voice to sigh slightly about what Jessica had said; if anything, all the women in the Tranzell Family are wonderful. ” I am sorry for what I did, will try not to bring up that again, I promise, sweetie. Ophelia was so happy when she gained that title. Also, I must say Gwendolyn is a beautiful name.” A beautiful young adult female’s voice telepathically spoke to the same four people. However, it was happy for the good memories with all of the Tranzell Family’s line after recovering it. The bluish silver glow got slightly brighter as if the sword itself was deeply grateful for something.

Narvia was shocked to hear how long the routes would take in terms of days to a week in total if you pick the long route over the short one. It was a massive difference, which couldn’t be helped honestly because she was hurting still because of missing her mother and older siblings. She remembered, she held Mr. Cuddleton in her arms and cuddled him tightly. However, all this made her specifically remember what happened to her years ago, which traumatized her more than missing her mother. It was a terrifying experience; nothing she thought was possible, but it is in the deep back of her mind and only shows its ugly face during her downtime. ’ W-Why does this keep on coming back up? G-G-Grand Admiral Berkeley R. Jensen of Berkeley’s Butchers or 11th Fleet… I-I hate t-that bastard… for w-what, he did to me… Hope he’s d-dead.’ She thought with a deep-seated fear clear on her face as day, which shows she has even more traumas than missing her mommy. If anything, she wants to hear that the Grand Admiral Berkeley is dead, it would help her much, but she is still scared of what made him such a terrifying man. She is grateful to her godfather for saving her from Berkeley’s grasp. However, she remembered a saying her godfather said, ’ if there is a vote you go with the majority, don’t ever be the minority.’ She decided to speak up; finally, she was being helped by everyone else after all the time. ” I-I change my v-vote to… the Short Route since i-it isn’t right to cry over spilled milk.” She spoke with a slight smile to Natasha and Moonstrike. It was, specifically, she hoped she got the saying right anyway.

When Ashton and Flame brought up grand Admiral Laguna, she shivered down her spine, but being under the Butcher would be ten times worse. It was a bit funny, but Berkeley’s Butchers never used the Star Marines nor Carriers. She couldn’t help but feel a bit good about that and what Nikolas’ told her about that specifically, guess the butcher didn’t want to use magic to make the killing. ’...I am grateful for that, at least, but…’ She thought with her eyes staring directly at Mr. Cuddleton. Because of the staring contest with the teddy plushie, she continued to cuddle the cutest, fluffiest teddy bear plushie she has ever seen. However, there was a voice, close enough to her that made her look directly in that person’s direction; it was the drunk man. He was saying sorry to her about what he did. ” I-I’m thankful for your apology, t-thank you. A-And yeah, I feel everyone is a bit sad at what happened...” She spoke towards the drunk man with a smile on her face.

However, the other shock to her system hit as she was now a part of the ship’s crew, and it was 75 meters long. She already told everyone she loves to cook because it helps her with her traumas, which two of the many traumas appeared, but these two are the biggest ones. However, she heard Natasha say a specific thing towards Amy about helping all the Star Marines over their traumas. She smiled happily at this since she definitely does need help with that since it's been festering throughout her life. ” I-I’ll help as the best I can, Captain!” She exclaimed cutely, towards Natasha. She is very enthusiastic, even though there are many problems with her still. That is when Amy spoke up about staying here for her to give them a speech or something to that effect. If anything, Amy felt very warm and kind towards them all, and she smiled happily, but there were definitely things wrong with her. ” I-I will definitely come for a session with you, A-Amy, for my m-mental healthie. B-Because I definitely need it...” She spoke cutely towards Amy. The one thing that took her a bit like, wait, biscuits, like she wanted to try one of them. It was clear as day on her face, which she stared directly towards Amy with a smile. However, before she could say anything, she was interrupted with she wanted to say with what Amy said and did. Her eyes brightened up considerable time, and her smile was really cutely big; however, she did notice that Phi left after Amy spoke. ” A-Aww, T-Thank you! A-Amy, I-I will take good care of Cuddleton! I-It helped much, also, c-can I h-have a biscuit?” She questioned cutely too. When Amy’s tail gently patted, she giggled really cutely and was feeling much better.

Narvia had a different thing on her mind after receiving her biscuit from Amy, and that was finding the kitchen. She also had to get her bags from the cargo hold, which was funny; she had many clothes and stuff in there. All from her time in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. ” U-Umm, who wants to come with me to the Kitchen?” She asked curiously but primarily looked directly at Ariel since she helped her decipher the mission parameter. If anything, Narvia needed to do something to get her mind off of that bastard’s deeds and what he said all those years ago. She waved at everyone else; hopefully, they will find themselves wherever they will need to go. This made her want to find the kitchen, which would have to take or find it by whatever means necessary. She wanted to make something to get her mind off of things. It was a bit funny, she would rather cook something rather than sleep, even though her crying and everything has made her really tired.

She arrived in the kitchen with a look of amazement at all the unique thingies. It took her a minute to think about what she wanted to make, which made her want to cook Kebabs. ” H-Hopefully, there are enough ingredients to make… super greasy Kebabs...” She spoke out loud in the kitchen. If anything, Narvia wanted to make these since she has a feeling that Phi would want some. Because everyone is happier with a full stomach before sleeping, which she was slightly hungry too. All the tears, crying, and fear definitely made her that way, but the biscuit she ate from Amy was yummy. She’s slightly a strange kid, which makes her always the kindest and cutest Star Marine. If anything, she does want some help with the Kebabs.

Interactions: @The Man Emperor@6slyboy6@samakama@Letter Bee
Mention: @Jade Kiyo
Zenigata Imasagi
Konoha Military Police Main Building|Morning|1月17年218
”Thank you, Saori! For this chance to make a difference.” Zenigata Imasagi was showing appreciation to be meeting Kyōya’s older sister. It’s just the beginning to get revenge on the bastard that killed Shion.

Her friend spoke up about skipping directly to the point, which was indeed Kyōya’s way. ” That bastard is going to get it when we get our hands on him.” Imasagi in agreement with what Kyōya said near the end of her statement. If anything, Imasagi had multiple emotions when that happened to Shion, it did break her slightly, but she wanted to get back at the crazy lunatic that killed Shion.

Imasagi heard specifically what Saori said to her younger sister, and all she could do was giggle slightly. It is better to be in high spirits, but she did know of Kyōya’s plan to join the Blacklist Corps better to encourage her friend to reach her heights. ” Yes, Ma’am! Thanks for the briefing.”

Company 7 Base

Imasagi had a definite smile on her face, with that they are now a part of the military. ” Oh, it's a wonder that we can finally be roommates, Kyōya. Oh, don’t worry about anything.” It’s Ima being herself still, completely unaware of what’s going on with her best friend, since deep in her heart, Kyōya is a girl. Therefore, what does Kyōya has to worry about being all fluffy.

The captain finally arrived and gave her a hug, which she giggled and gently bowed to him.

Company Seven Captain, Ikazuchi Akira
Imasagi raised her eyebrow when the captain hit on her like everyone has done mostly because of her abilities. ” I’m glad to see you too, but no.” It was her most blunt response to men that hit on her. When it did happen, it annoyed her slightly about almost every single time she had to tell people no constantly.

However, she did notice that Kyo did get agitated and yelled at the captain for hitting on her. ” Thanks, Kyo, for that.” It took her a bit off guard when the captain literally said there’s no time to babysit them, must mean something bad is going on. That made her worry about whatever it could be; however, she followed the Captain when the Bell rang.

On The Scene

Imasagi was behind the captain and was a bit shocked at what the military force was fighting. It was a homunculus; why is it running amok like that. ” Y-Yeah, what the Captain said!” Obviously, many things felt a bit strange, but it's better to help than stand here. She pulled her Yari off her back and looked directly at the Homonculus, a bit annoyed at it for destroying the direct center of Konoha.

Interacting with: @Aurrorian

Gloria noticed Thomas’ blinking, but what he said afterward made her sigh in relief slightly. It took her a bit to process what to respond with, which she started to think about everything that has happened so far. This caused her to giggle slightly since it would make some sense to think this is a dream. ” O-Oh, yeah… This is all strange and freaking me out all honestly. London is a beautiful city but this Hellscape makes it seem as if it's in anarchy or something. S-Sorry for assuming...” She spoke with still a tone of embarrassment. It is not the same type of embarrassment, but more like she utterly assumed incorrectly. She noticed that Thomas ruffled his hair and turned his head sharply away and she kind of giggles. It meaning that she got Thomas to be embarrassed as much as her.

When he started to go through retracing his steps, she had like trying to figure out how or why she appeared in this Hellscape. She had a few interesting thoughts in her head, but it would be better to retrace her steps too. However, she heard him say wait, which stopped her thought process on her retracing, which was embarrassing since she doesn’t really know the layout that well. ” What do you mean wait…? Kind of made me lose focus on the retracing of my steps.” She spoke a bit annoyed slightly. It was pretty rude to interrupt a girl that had to think about how many steps she took before getting into this hell.

She couldn’t help to be slightly annoyed, with a sigh of annoyance at what’s happening. However, her heart sank when he spoke about that one dream, she has been having for a while now. It is like ever since she moved into the dorms or even earlier than that. That one dream has definitely been annoying her more than what’s going on now, she even had it when she woke up this morning. ” Y-Yes, I did have that dream when I woke up this morning… but it has been happening for a while now. D-Don’t know why though or any real significance it means… confused on what those cards mean.” She spoke with a slightly confused and a bit terrified tone to her voice. Obviously, she wonders what that dream means since it's been getting really annoying to sleep and listen to a man with a horribly long nose talk about things. It makes little to no sense in what that means, in all honestly, but this Hellscape isn’t what her family paid for.

Narvia still had tears rolling down her cheeks and couldn’t stop crying since this was really hard for her. Her thoughts were going a bit wild in anything that could be primarily from those mission parameters and other such things. However, Amy did walk over to Phi and her and crouched down with a smile. She smiled slightly at what Amy had said towards her and wiping her tears, but these tears wouldn’t stop going. Amy is really nice lady and really nice. ” I-I miss my mommy...” She spoke really sadly. However, Amy said the second thing was confusing to her until she realized what Amy got out of her bag, which was a Teddy Bear Plushie. This caused her eyes to light up big time, which she heard what Amy said. In terms, she was like, how does she know about my seal plushie, but she did say it previously with a bit of confusion on her face. ”Okay! I-I’ll takes care of Mr. Cuddleton to make me feel better. B-Because I definitely need something to cuddle with… D-Deal, Amy.” She spoke with a definite smile on her face. In terms, she gently took the teddy plushie from Amy and started cuddling with it. Amy was correct on how fluffy and huggable Mr. Cuddleton is, which made her eyes accidentally activate her dragon sight. She does love to cuddle with adorable plushies, like her seal or even Mr. Cuddleton. Obviously, she was too focused on feeling better, even to realize her eyes were showing things closer. However, her eyesight stayed not in a magnified state, which was a plus, at least.

It took her a bit to realize that the lady, which she asked her name, answered. ” T-Thank you, Laurey.” She spoke with a genuine cuteness in hearing another’s name. Obviously, she didn’t really see where Laurey went since she was distracted by waiting for Tarak’s answer to her question. It didn’t help; she was still tearing up and everything like that while having her eyes in its dragon sight mode. She hugged the teddy bear tightly while looking at Phi. ” L-Like this cute little teddy plushie I am cuddling? Mr. Cuddleton is super fluffy and huggable.” She spoke with her holding the teddy plushie tightly.

She felt Tarak also wipe her eyes, which her tears were still going, but they were subsiding slightly but still a bit too much for her. If anything, the teddy plushie was helping much, but she heard him say her nickname. It made her smile a bit more because she really likes her nickname that her godfather gave her, which was a nice thing for him to do. With what he had continued speaking, it hit her hard compared to everything that has been said or not. In a sense, it feels like that’s what Nikolas was saying all this time, but he was a commanding officer of an autonomous fleet. ”...I-I will use that sadness and pain to find something to protect…” She spoke with a bit more realization of what her godfather was trying to get through to her. Her head lifted; and saw Tarak’s massive smile and somewhat giggled at him. ” You are silly, Tarak. And I will smile… since I need to for everyone, including myself since I am alive...” She spoke cutely towards Tarak. It was an eye-opening experience, but she was still depressed about things, so she cuddled with the teddy plushie, which Amy gave her. If anything, what he said at the last point was definitely truthful. ” Y-Your sweet, Tarak. I will not forget the tears in my heart, since I’ve been hurting ever since I was… ten years old. I will find my… family and fight for them and protect them from… my own father. H-He never cared for me and scares me still.” She spoke truthfully on the last part. It was a bit scary, to say the least; the biggest obstacle to her wish of reuniting with her family was Conner Leo Hadley.

However, she did felt two other people staring at her, particularly Avelyn and Iris. She felt Iris had a look on her face like she ate all her candy and giggled slightly at that. On the other hand, Avelyn probably didn’t like her having this type of emotional baggage showing. In terms, she had an idea to make sure Avelyn would hear her, which was through her mind instead of her voice. ’Avelyn, you are silly, are you worried about me? Y-You are sweet as well, and you know that?’ She thought with a slight smile on her face. In terms, she does know that Avelyn can read minds and might as well think that for Avelyn’s mind-reading thingy.

@Th3King0fChaos@6slyboy6@jdh97@Jade Kiyo@dragonpiece@Starlance

Narvia had a hard time to stop crying since she misses her family so much more than she realized. It was seven total years without them, their smiles, and the strength that family gives. She had a slight nagging feeling that she doesn’t want to see any bad news in her bones. It was mostly because whatever is on these mission parameters had to deal with her family, she misses. ’...I want to have an easy time to regain my mommy and older siblings...’ She thought with tears still flowing down her face. It took her off guard when so much was happening all around her while she was crying. There was a look on her face of utterly in despair, which shows she can’t really help her tears from flowing right now.

When the obvious response to her crying happened, it was shocking to her, but she needed it. It was Phi pulling her for a hug and also to transfer Tarak’s hand off of her head. She heard Phi’s words, which was really sweet of her to say that specific thing. ” T-Thank you Phi… I-I am grateful for that… but I miss my mommy so much… Also, I guess you don’t like being patted, Phi? We shy girls have to stick together.” She spoke, with her being a bit scared with what the future holds. As well, she couldn’t help but giggle slightly at what she said towards Phi. However, when she heard the blue lady’s name, it gave her a slight smile, but her tears were still flowing. ” T-That’s a very sweet-sounding name, Amy.” She spoke complimenting Amy. Obviously, enough she was still crying, even though it's nice to meet new people, specifically their names.

Something took her nose off guard, which was the smell of alcohol on someone’s breath, and remembering what that one lady who was leaning on the wall said. On the one hand, she was annoyed, but on the other, she was grateful that this man was showing something besides the need to drink more. What he said, however, just made her giggle much with what he said exactly. After she stopped giggling, she went back to crying and slightly annoyed. ” U-Uhh, sir, you should really not drink… because I don’t like the smell of alcohol. As well, why would I pet Finny? He’s a Star Marine, like us. Also, what’s your name, sir? Mine is Narvia Folspear Hadley or Navi for short.” She spoke with a bit of a short tone with the man in question. It was primarily the smell of alcohol on his breath that made her a bit annoyed at the whole ordeal. If anything, his show of affection was a good consolation prize nonetheless. However, that reminded her about the lady in question that is still leaning on the wall. She still stayed close to Phi, but she looked for the woman in question, saw her, and asked her a question. ” Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, what’s your name, Lady?” She questioned the leaning on the wall lady. Afterward, she went back to what she was doing previously, crying. Obviously, everyone who had seen her previously probably wanted to see her cry, but she never did until now.

Narvia, the only good thing she saw, was Ariel taking that man’s alcohol since he doesn’t really need it anymore. Because he’s drinking in front of the kids, that doesn’t need those influences on them. ”Ariel, great job!” She exclaimed a bit loudly about researching on the different routes and taking the vices from the Doctor and the drunk man. Obviously, she was proud of Ariel even though she went back to sadness and crying after that. If anything, she tried to stop crying, but it was really hard. However, she remembered that Tarak’s hand is on her head, which reminded Tarak of being the leader. ”U-Uhhh, T-Tarak… W-What should I do to stop myself from crying… I c-can’t stop… I miss my family so much… this pain hurts so much; got any advice?” She asked cutely towards Tarak, the leader of the Star Marines. It was the only thing she could really think of unless someone else has answers, but she misses her seal plushie much right now.

@samakama@Jade Kiyo@jdh97@The Man Emperor@6slyboy6@Th3King0fChaos
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