Avatar of LuckyBlackCat


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8 mos ago
Current To those I RP with, I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, just had a mental health crash but am recovering. Now to catch up on posting.
8 mos ago
The worst thing about mental illness is you have to look after yourself a disgusting amount. I know it's the only way to actually be in a fit state to look out for others, but it still feels wrong.
9 mos ago
Emeth: Then I'll be that friend who's the opposite kind of annoying, whispering "Do it, you know you want to..."
9 mos ago
Judging by the Internet's definitions of introversion and extraversion, you'd think everyone's either an extreme hermit or a party animal with no in between.
9 mos ago
Krystal: All part and parcel of the job.


A frazzled British thirtysomething cat mum with something of a tea addiction.

I like a wide range of RP genres, but have two absolute favourites: Pokemon and magical girls. (If someone manages to combine the two, I'll be VERY happy!) I post fairly regularly, but sometimes shit mental health days crop up - if that causes any delays, I'll try to resume posting ASAP.

Most Recent Posts

Nope, I like intense, you should see the stuff I've put characters through in other RPs. Looking forward to seeing/writing how things develop further!
Yep! Liking how intense the plot is getting, and how both Roxy's vulnerable side and Jess' slightly stronger side are showing because of it. Sorry about the slow replies, catching up with stuff, but will have a post up soon.
Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey

Husband? Jess shuddered at the word, and at the man's conviction that it was to be the case. That smile, however friendly, couldn't fool an empath.

Reginald, of course, had to take his side, dismissing Roxy's reluctance - and the reason for it, which caught Jess by surprise. Gay? Roxy too? She believed her, she knew from experience that it wasn't a phase, but if she reassured her at any point, would it help? She had a loving, accepting family. Roxy didn't. They were still a world apart in that regard.

With a deep breath, she looked Maxwell in the eyes. She hadn't stood up to anyone since before her time in isolation, but she had to say something. "L-Look, if Roxy would rather not..." Her voice, although quiet, had an undertone of defiance more characteristic of Roxy than of her. She let the anger seeping through the shield fuel her, despite the fear, both their fear. "She'd rather not."

As the words hung in the air, Jess' entire body tensed as she braced herself for the response.

@SimpleWriter @Nyahahameha

An entity Quirk. Of course. Although Freya cringed at Erika's near-insult, she gave the smoke being a little smile. "Uh, hi Dusk." Not that she could get more than a few words in, with his babbling about his favourite emotions to feed on. Maybe her stress was of some help after all.

Nonetheless, some of that tension eased as Erika couldn't help acknowledging Gabby's skill, however reluctantly. "Yep, we've got a good team player here," Freya said, motioning to Gabby. "And you guessed right about my Quirk, although I'm not sure about the all-around part... I'm not as strong as some people here, but can react, run and climb decently fast, I guess. I tend to fight with jumps and kicks, if that helps at all."

She bit her lip as Gabby turned pensive. Had the encouragements come across as pressure? Her classmate's next words, however, proved that she was indeed the winning condition due to her planning ability as well as her strength. Brightening up, Freya nodded. "Sounds good! And hey, you say you can defend as well as attack..." She turned her attention back to Erika and Happy Dusk. "How quickly can you switch between techniques? Because if you and Gabby combined defensive skills, we'd last even longer as a tank."

Looking over to Gabby again, she added, "Depending what happens, I might need to keep opponents distracted for a while... I'll try to make sure it's in a way that leaves them open to Dusk's attacks, and get back to your shoulder as quickly as possible. Don't worry, I'll keep my claws tucked in."

With Gabby's idea, and Erika's willingness to cooperate despite her grouchiness, it seemed they could be in with a chance. It would just be up to her, Freya thought, not to screw it all up.

@Heartfillia @Tenma Tendo

As she noticed Renard's fist clench and the distressed look shadowing Chi's features, Kerianne's lips pressed together. Had she made things worse, not better, by bringing painful memories to the surface? At the worst possible time for her teammates, no less? A moment later, though, Renard's smile returned... along with, to both her relief and annoyance, his usual goofball attitude.

Her face heated at his comment. "This isn't the time for that," she chided him, folding her arms. "Good to hear you're doing better though." While she hadn't been talking about his physical state, which she already knew had improved, it was probably best not to dig too deep for now.

Chi, too, was quick to put up a lively front, telling her not to worry - before agreeing with Renard's statement. As Kerianne stood there, struggling for words while her face turned pinker, Chi wrapped his arms around her. She tensed, statue-still for a second. Well, that had been rather unexpected, and not the kind of thing such a reserved person as herself knew how to deal with. Even so, she dropped her businesslike demeanour enough to return the hug. "No problem," she softly replied, letting him rest his head against her neck, hoping to bring at least some comfort. "Yeah, for now, let's get through this like I'm sure we can."

Judging by her teammates' comments, maybe Dawn's complaints that she acted like a mother weren't wrong.

@Heartfillia @Tenma Tendo

Listening to Renard's explanation, Kerianne nodded. "Sounds like a plan. And that's another technique to use against opponents, as long as we look away." While she and Chi would have to be careful not to get dazzled themselves, especially as her Quirk relied on sight, well-timed flashes of light would help them while hindering the other team.

As Renard mentioned the risk of accidental shocks, Kerianne's face grew as solemn as his did. He'd livened up considerably over the week, but every so often, a hint that things weren't quite back to normal slipped past the jokes and smiles. Before she could comment, Chi piped up with his input and role, pointing out that he'd be a likely target, but they could turn that to their advantage.

"If they do, we'll be able to use that against them," she agreed. Chi knew what he was doing, she reminded herself, as worrying as the comment about possibly bleeding out had been. Besides, she trusted the teachers would intervene if anyone ended up in real danger. "I can sneak up on people while they're distracted, and get to you quickly if needs be. I take it you brought bandages just in case?"

Her glance flicked from him to Renard. They'd both had their own issues to deal with recently, given Chi's time off school for unknown reasons, and Renard's breakdown after the villain attack. Whatever had happened, and however much it impacted on them, she hoped this would be a step forward. "And everything ok with both of you? Remember, if we stick to what we've planned, we can do this."

As long as the opposing team didn't mess up said plan for them, in any case.
@TruthHurts22 Frustrated music nerd for the SDC:

Lindy Carlson ~ Project Medusa

@PsyBlade @Metatrooper @Yankee @AlternateMan

If the Balaur relation disturbed Shirona at all, she didn't show it, displaying the same friendliness towards everyone as she handed out gifts. With a smile, Lindy accepted hers. "Thanks," she said, holding up the hooded jacket. Large, warm and comfy, just as she liked - with a snake design on the back. Her lips twitched. Of course. Like the necklace she wore, could this serve as a reminder to embrace her Tenshi side, as long as she controlled it enough?

She unzipped the hoodie and pulled it on, not caring that it seemed to be a men's jacket, or that it swamped her tiny frame. Her tense muscles relaxed a little. Much more comfortable than the damp one draped over the chair. Watching from many angles with her snakes, shifting her focus as the other Zasshu received items one by one, she wished she'd brought something for them. At least they appeared happy with the gifts they had, particularly Wei Lai, who studied a strange yet creatively designed leg lamp in her hands.

Shirona had quite the sense of humour, it seemed.
@Majoras End Everyone's had to split into small groups due to diverging Hydes, so if you want, you could have her run into Jacqueline in the park and help with her fight. There's a wounded unconscious guy, so lots of blood to work with.
Hey, I'll try to have a CS up soon!
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