Avatar of Lugubrious


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Current Forgotten footfalls, engraved in ash
2 mos ago
Stalling falling blossoms in bloom
2 mos ago
Even if our words seem meaningless
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3 mos ago
Time turning on us always
4 mos ago
Fusing into the unknown


Current GM of World of Light. When it comes to writing, there's nothing I love more than imagination, engagement, and commitment. I'm always open to talk, suggestion, criticism, and collaboration. While I try to be as obliging, helpful, and courteous as possible, I have very little sympathy for ghosts, and anyone who'd like to string me along. Straightforwardness is all I ask for.

Looking for more personal details? I'm just some dude from the American south; software development is my job but games, writing, and trying to help others enjoy life are my passions. Been RPing for over a decade, starting waaaay back with humble beginnings on the Spore forum, so I know a thing or two, though I won't pretend to be an expert. If you're down for some fun, let's make something spectacular together.

Most Recent Posts

I'll have an official matchups list available in short order. I toyed with the idea of putting it in my most recent post or waiting for a round of posting before doing so, but just putting it out in the OOC should be fine.

Aw man i was hoping to see a bit more out of smiley's encounter

Well, there wasn't much more to it than that, and I did say we were making hard progress in about a week about a week ago.
Party time has arrived.
The Lady in White

Location: Justice Hub – Echo of a Hunter's Catacombs

Hunter and cryomancer spoke for some time in the musty half-light of Actaeon's transplanted domain. Though as it turned out his excursions from the sandy tunnels did not range as far as Pithy might have hoped, he offered some useful tidbits about the surrounding areas. In this manner, he expounded upon the places which Oren, the announcer and a persona hitherto unknown to Actaeon, had named. The Governance Hub was a place where numerous civilians worked and lived, many in service to the city itself. Rather than a king, lord, or other such sovereign, the City of Echoes once had a council of notable citizens who saw to the metropolis' affairs. Numerous departments, each with their own function, designation, and so forth, filled the place, and it sported a higher degree of affluence than the surrounding city. In the other direction, the coastline awaited with its many stores, apartments, warehouses, and shipyards. Actaeon, with some relish, described the great abandoned boats as being like giant, bloated corpses looming above the docks.

As for Pithy's inquiries about a vault and College personnel, he was less certain. Actaeon could rattle off a few names that alone meant nothing to her, and he didn't know anything about a storehouse of treasures—though he postulated that, if his catacombs had been by some arcane method interposed into a new world, they might have overwritten what previously occupied that space. To him, the whole situation was fascinating. For the sake of conversation, the hunter attempted to steer the talk towards his new acquaintance's own origin after his knowledge dried up, but Pithy politely rebuffed his questions. Following that, the two were at a loss, and even if somewhat put-out by the Lady in White's secrecy Actaeon offered her advice as to the best place to stay nearby. He, perhaps needlessly, accompanied her in order to guide her back the way she came, and bid her farewell under the insane dance of light in the generator room.

The Fungal Knight

Location: Amusement Mile

Within the unusual building, Bonesword found nothing out of the ordinary. A sort of pirate playground, doubtlessly meant for the entertainment of the younger generations, dominated the place. An immense hole carved into the pier, with wooden walls and numerous ropes, rock walls, and staircases, allowed energetic visitors to descend all the way down to the water to enjoy a self-contained saltwater pool. Perturbingly, though, the center of the pool sported what appeared to be a dead mascot slumped over on a large, plastic facsimile of a sea spire. Considering the skeleton's last run-in with a dead body, and how the rush of blood seemingly beckoned a freakish occurrence, leaving this one alone was surely the preferable option.

Beyond those things, all that Bonesword acquired was a rain-proof place where he might be able to spend the night, even if he did not need sleep.


Location: Parking Garage near Main Street

A terrifying display of fire and hatred—yet with nobody to watch and applaud. With the certain death of their devoured comrade, the platoon of soldiers had decided to depart with great haste. To cover their trail, they dropped a few grenades, and like lightning the soldiers were out of there. Fear gave them wings to fly fast and far, unhindered by a fascination for the supernatural or an excess of respect for the fallen, and with their task already complete nothing remained to hold them back. A garble of unknown language into a handheld radio led to the arrival of a pitch-black transport chopper with two rotors, and into it the squad disappeared. In no time at all, the flying machine vanished into the rising storm. They left the peace permanently shattered, stained by blood and flame.


Location: Upper Village

Whether their guesses were right or not, the ladies kept them to themselves, clearly less than happy about Teller doing his best to take over their operation but not caring enough to argue. Following his direction as best they could, Amelia and Guðrún embarked on their hunt for ghosts.

Blythe Towers, when the trio came to it, certainly fit the bill in terms of spookiness. In an entire abandoned city, an isolated location needed something special to stand out as particularly neglected and derelict, but this condo in particular went above and beyond. Coated in dust and festooned with webbing, stuffed with broken down, strewn-around furniture, and offering ambiance to spare, it put Amelia on edge in particular. If Guðrún was feeling frightened, she buried it beneath a scowl while the trio explored. Still, they encountered nothing extraordinary until they reached the top floor. Even in the stairwell, a red flag confronted them in the form of a carpet of ash. A layer of the black powder blanketed the upper floor completely, and one door at the end of the hall was open. Within was an apartment with snuffed-out candles and, despite all the soot, only one thing out of place: a lit cigar on the coffee table, and a symbol burnt into the wood. It was a clawed left hand with the pinky and index fingers extended overlaying a circle of feathers.

On the way out, however, the College ladies were startled by a rat running across the floor, and on instinct Guðrún immediately warped herself and Amelia away in a vortex of dust and ash.


Location: Hidden Settlement

Out of the bank of fog, Oren's drone appeared. The frenetic, high-pitched hum of its rotors served to disturb the heavy quiet that inundated the Settlement following the Queen of Terror's decapitation. For the second time in less than ten minutes, it projected a two-dimensional image of the announcer, but this time his indelible grin looked rather bemused, like the face of a teenager whose brother had turned off the television in the middle of a show he was trying out. He held up his hands in congratulation. “Well, well, well! That was fast. Guess you assassin types don't mess around. Even got a sense for the theatrical. Lemme tell ya, -and this is purely instructive- if people went to the movies and paid full-price for some tickets, but the credits rolled right after the intro sequence, doncha think they'd feel robbed? No matter. Your next opponent isn't a dumb brute, that's for sure. Here, kid. For you!” A wooden box detached from the drone's bottom with a loud clack, and it smacked into the moist grass by Jin's feet.

You got:
36. Hole
Whither will you wander?
Opens a hole or tunnel through a surface its placed on, and can be peeled off, picked up, or thrown

The look on Oren's face, even before he continued speaking, indicated he wasn't quite done yet. “Now that I mention it, you'd be better off bunking down for the night in one of these cabins rather than looking for Round 2. There's a stupid heavy rain coming that'll just ruin your day. TTYL!” As the first few drops began to pour from the sky, and lightning flashed through the clouds, Oren's flying machine beat a hasty retreat. All around Jin, the Settlement's cabins and trailers lay scattered in a random pattern, with numerous soon-to-be-useless fire pits all around. Most of the makeshift abodes bore locked doors, but such a mundane obstacle could pose no issue for a trained assassin. If Jin took his time deciding where he'd spend the night, however, and happened to glance skyward, a massive black shadow in the air could be glimpsed a couple miles away. For about a quarter hour it remained before the storm grew too thick to see it, and the rain began to pound on the Settlement's wooden roofs.

Raining cats and dogs was one thing, but during the night following the Crucible's first round, it practically rained lions and wolves. Lightning split the heavens and thunder shook buildings to their foundations, all amidst the uproarious deluge, though that wasn't to say it didn't serve as the perfect sleeping aid for some. Even still, the inferno that had been the Forest King in the middle of upper-left region of the City -known as the Park- did not die out, sustained by the chemicals soaked into the wood by the efforts of Seraphim's opponent. The hours drifted by, long and peaceful enough despite the inclement weather for all who needed it to get some sleep, those who hungered to scrounge up some food, and those plagued by excessive curiosity to toy with their new items. At around four in the morning, the downpour ceased, but it left its mark behind. Throughout the entire City of Echoes, enough water had accumulated to badly flood certain areas of it. Urban areas with proper drainage systems fared the best, but the Governance Hub's somehow deficient ducts left it in a sorry state, and the Historical District sported spots that were positively swamped. With the death of its tentacled ruler, and the riotous churning of the ocean, the phantasmagorical city of Rl'yeh sunk back beneath the waves.

However, risen waters weren't all that awaited those who woke at the break of dawn.

At six o'clock on the dot, the four explosive payloads planted beneath the heart of Downtown Commercial District by an unknown black ops squad detonated. The noise -and tremor- that followed were nothing short of cataclysmic. Not a soul was too far away to hear the guttural krakoom, and the quake shook clocks off walls as far away as the Settlement. In the area surrounding Main Street, however, the apocalypse had surely come. The earth itself tore apart, and into a great yawning blackness an entire city block plummeted noisily. For more than an hour afterward, the dust in the region blotted out the sun, and afterward the City of Echoes bore a gaping wound. Yet, the implications of the calamitous blast were perhaps more terrifying than the explosion itself. In any normal city, the devastation would have been immense, but only here did the earth open up and the buildings crumble down into dark. Far beneath the Commercial District, it seemed, the ground was hollow, and even after the dirty clouds blew away the air was thick with questions. What could possibly be down there to warrant such a brutally direct, uncaring approach to accessing it? Who had blown the ground open in the first place?

One thing was for sure—the City of Echoes wasn't quite so abandoned anymore. Black helicopters zipped through the white, cloudy sky far above the reach of any contestant, and unidentified flying objects far more strange-looking hovered between buildings as if searching for something. Even they paled in comparison to a great black shape above even the clouds, not unlike a monstrous bird, casting an inky black shadow down as it hovered over the chasm that separated Uptown and Downtown.

At six-thirty, each remaining contestant's phylactery came to life, its internal microphone abuzz with a familiar voice.

“Good morning! Your friendly, neighborhood announcer here! Before you ask, lemme just say: we don't know what the hell that explosion was for sure. Honestly, a lot of weird stuff is going on, and the grand old Inquisitional College has let me know that we're not standing idly by. Starting today, roving College teams are gonna by going around the city, trying to get a lead on everything that's going on. If you see's 'em, feel free to say hi, but play nice. Furthermore! There have been a few discoveries that the College has seen fit to share. For a while, the top nerds have been studying these things called 'Echoes', which appear to be places that don't belong 'phasing in', so to speak. As far as they know, it's places only, but who knows what's going on? There are also what we're calling 'Factions'. All we have are photos and radar data, but there are new movements all throughout the city, especially the sky. So, keep an eye out for anything weird, and feel free to report to me or any College teams you find. If you help out the nerds, the nerds will help you with artifacts. You know those things you got from my boxes last night? Well, the College has loads of them, and they're sharing with anyone who's caring.”

“Anyway, now that the prelude's out, on to the main announcement!”

There came a sound of rustling papers, and Oren clearing his throat. “First off, Round 2 is now is session. All of ya need to find and beat your second opponent by the end of the day. Your world has grown larger: your first foe was in your zone, but Round 2 is intra-zone, so get ready to explore. Now, ya might ask me: oh brilliant and handsome Oren, I wanna kick some ass so bad, but how am I gonna find some ass? Well, allow me to introduce my new subsystem: phone a friend! Starting in thirty minutes, ya can call me for some help up to three times, and I can steer ya in the right direction or give ya the low-down on your surroundings. Oh, and if ya like, ya can ask me to permanently link your and your opponent's phylactery coms for a nice (or not-so-nice) chat prior to the main event. Sounds fun, right? You betcha! Get out there and give it all you've got, folks, or you'll regret it!”

The microphone clicked off, leaving each contestant with a boatload of new information, a reminder of his or her mission, a handful of boons to help attain it, and a deadline in which to do so.

For Gaben's Chosen, however, his mic gave a slur of feedback, as though his communicator was too close to the transmission's source.
Hm? According to the wiki, it takes .75 seconds to break cobblestone with a stone pickaxe. Perhaps my source is inaccurate?

Anyway, Slayer would rather target the annoyance first so as to have a good fight with the remaining individual, though it does leave him open for a potential cheap shot from James.
<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

Well, I would guess the ring is 15 meters. That's 25 blocks including the center. That takes me all of 15-30 seconds to fill in. Considering Steve is a master builder, 10-15 seconds.

There's not really been any indication of ring size, though since you specifically stated that Steve's blocks were each three meters by three meters, it would only take five to span a 15-meter arena. Still, even if being a 'master builder' -which isn't stated on his sheet beyond a strength being 'building'- allows him to place blocks faster than usual, it takes less than three seconds for Slayer to strike twice.

All that aside, since it takes an ordinary minecraft player ten seconds to break a cobblestone block by hand, it doesn't seem to me that someone like Slayer with superhuman strength would have much of a problem breaking any blocks that fall toward him, if he even deems that necessary.
@Lugubrious Dude! Bringing down the roof, much? Although, with Steve on top, he wouldn't take as much damage as James and Slayer.

And building a ceiling, given how long building takes in Minecraft, would be a completely ludicrous time for the two to stand around doing nothing, so it's definitely not a very large ceiling. Nothing is a free action.
Level 3
Day 2
Location: In-house Smash Arena
@RokkuHoshi @Zarkun
Experience: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (27/30)

Large and problematic as it was, the rolling stone failed to score a hit on either Steve or James, but Slayer remained nonplussed by the lackluster results of his pillar-kick. The effort, less of an attempt to end the fight and more of a show that he ought not be trifled with, accomplished what it was meant to. With arms crossed, he kept a close eye on what came next. The Nightstalker hurled a grenade at the floor, too far to threaten the vampire with its initial explosion. After it burst, however, a wave of purple fire not unlike those that surrounded Slayer's own attacks washed toward him. ”Hmm.” Idly, as the burning wall surged his way, he weighed the options of dodging or blocking. Given his current status in this world, one stood out as the obvious choice, and when the burning tide approached Slayer stood up from his chair and brought his cape in front of him to block. Some heat bled through the hardened raiment, singing the gentleman's fine clothes and sending up wisps of smoke, but most of the damage was mitigated. As he flourished his cape aside, he sent a somewhat condescending smile James' way. ”Catch-all solutions may not help you in this case. If you'd like to take me on, I would prefer your full attention. Anything less is practically an insult.”

Burning alive, Steve sprinted his way. Narrowing his brow, Slayer felt that any sane person's first impulse would be to extinguish himself or herself by rolling along the ground, instead of trying to spread the blaze to others. Even that didn't come to pass, in the end; the blocky man swerved away to head to the side of the ring. Rather than alight, his actions left the gentleman severely bemused. He followed up by heading to his previous construction, making stairs up to it, and beginning a new project. Turning his head to the side as though looking for the answers elsewhere, Slayer could only declare, ”...What a ludicrous display.” While he watched Steve worked on some kind of ridiculously elaborate attack or trap that ended with another block falling toward him. To be sure, a three meter by three meter slab of stone was a formidable projectile, but by now the angular fellow should have known better. Slayer's eyebrow twitched. ”...Could it be that I'm not being taken seriously? I would have been happy to sit by the sidelines, but even my patience wears thin at times.” In a flash, he threw his leg upward in a brazen high kick. He barely leaned his torso back as he did, demonstrating incredible -almost unnatural- flexibility. The sole of his foot slammed into the block of stone, shattering it into chunks that fell all around him like rain. A thin layer of dust fell across his hair, collar, and shoulders, which he flicked at for a moment after returning his leg to its proper position.

Slayer's smile persisted as he clenched his pipe between his teeth and remarked, ”Enough playing games, then,” though his tone of voice sounded anything but serious. Given his current position, he was in just the right spot to turn to his left with a hook punch and blow an entire side out of the load-bearing cobblestone block that kept Steve's entire operation standing. The next instant, he lashed out with his right leg and destroyed the pillar's remainder, causing the whole thing to tilt wildly in preparation for falling down.
I appreciate the condolences. To touch upon a bit of what you're all saying...

The whole group dynamic is, while not a complete scapegoat for the various issues floating around, definitely a problem in terms of RPing. Having groups of four players that all require collaboration and coordination is doable when everyone's present and engaged, but when legs start to come off a chair, the whole thing starts keeling over pretty quickly. That's just the way it is with the four-man-team format.

Having Hari disappear was a blow for me too, even I'd already lost the tempo at that point. Maybe he saw which way the moss was growing and decided to cut ties without a show, having already been host to misgivings about the RP only assuaged by promises of better days that never came about.

RWBY is an amazing premise for creativity, that much is for certain. One thing I enjoy about the RPs, though only this one has ever lasted, is at the start when all the characters are made and every little cool thing comes together to make a great cast. I will always respect RWBY, Monty in particular, for providing such a vessel for creativity no matter where the show goes.

I personally have no interest in continuing in this RP, even if it's cut down and revitalized into just the core players. That brings me to one last thing I might be able to offer: a roadmap. Obviously, I was fine with letting HoB continue in this sort of malaise, not what I had in mind for it but satisfactory enough to keep some people engaged. The only other things to do with it would be to make a 'next next chapter' to get new members or to trim the fat and leave only the old members, but Krayzikk brought up good points at the bottom of the last page. If neither of those routes are taken, the only other option (aside from picking a new GM but not making a new thread) would be as Plank suggested: for the remaining players to control things, come to agreements for how things are to proceed, and so forth. Of course, I have no input on what path to take. For a while now, and definitively for the future, the road belongs to whoever wants it.
Welp, here goes.

I dimly remember saying something along the lines of moving things forward when people came to a consensus. Plus, there's the bit in the OP that asks for direct communication about any problems in terms of RP activity. My thoughts this entire time have been: nobody's told me they want to skip ahead to anything, and I don't want to step on anyone's toes, so I'm not going to make unwanted waves. I'm fairly certain I talked to Write about this philosophy in a PM, and I'm positive he didn't indicate that people were getting antsy for progress. We even talked about things we could potentially do in the RP's future, such as the Vytal festival. More importantly, I suggested starting a new thread with Write at the helm, a person liked and respected among the playerbase who could do what people wanted. He hasn't gotten back to me.

None of that really matters, though, and I'm not holding anything against anyone.

The crux of the issue is a larger personal problem. I haven't felt as if my interference was wanted in a very long time. After making so many mistakes trying to get things to progress in the ways I thought would be best, and making so many people angry, I decided to take it really easy in terms of guidance. However, even the stuff I did do, like the race, barely got engagement out of anyone, so that seemed like a fluke as well. With nobody giving me complaints, I figured that letting everyone develop their characters and their relationships however they pleased was what people wanted.

The bottom line is that I've been checked out of this RP for more than half a year now. So, you're correct, Abi. Whether it was all my fault or not, the incidents that transpired some time back made it clear that I wasn't and shouldn't be in control, and in terms of giving up it was all downhill after that. My interest in RWBY itself died during that time; volume 4 pretty much turned me off to the series. At this point, I don't remember if the consensus is that I'm an asshole or just an idiot, but I can tell you honestly that I'm an anxious person who takes criticism to heart. Time, of course, heals all wounds, but my barriers were up until I just couldn't be asked to hold them up anymore.

Because of that, letting the RP coast, and letting the people who were really into it able to do what they wanted without restriction while those not so into it were free to drift away, seemed like the best option. If that wasn't the case, I would have liked to have known, but perhaps that wouldn't have changed anything anyway.

If you want to start a new thread, who am I to stop you? I hope it goes far better than this ever did.
Level 3
Day 2
Location: Tetris Castle Grounds
@Etherean Fire
Experience: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (27/30)

In reply to Banjo and Kazooie's initial comments, Slayer offered a curt nod. ”My thoughts exactly. My guess is some sort of ulterior motive, perhaps some kind of greater ploy. Despite my limited experience with souls or anything of the like, my intuition tells me that the essence of a man as strong and revered as Mario could be used for all sorts of nefarious purposes. To commit such an act in such a crowded public space screams of wanton stupidity or purposeful, fearless resolve.” The bear's paw, when shaken, was about as hairy and rough as the vampire might gave guessed, but far more articulate than any ordinary animal's mitt. So these two are named after their instruments...? Ah, no, how silly of me. They most likely chose those instruments in celebration of their names. A catchy combination for sure, and though their specialties would be totally unsuited to, say, an orchestra, their work possesses a charm that surely must make them popular among the casual, middle-aged crowd.

His train of thought returned to the felon, causing him to cast another glance in the direction of the Tac's departure. By now, he couldn't even catch a glimpse of any of the pursuing heroes. Idly he wondered if he should have gone after all; if something important happened, he did not want to miss it, and his guidance might help the more impulsive or naïve heroes out of a potential sticky situation. Still, Slayer didn't second-guess himself, and after a few seconds placed his focus back on his new acquaintances. ”If you feel that all the do-gooders who've already sprinted off aren't up to the task, please do not hesitate to follow them on my account. I just felt as though my pace would be a bit too composed to personally join the hunt.” Now that he looked around the castle grounds, the place seemed rather barren. Surely, given the sheer volume of heroes in pursuit of the Tac, they could accomplish whatever they needed to without Slayer needing to lift a finger. That said, though he enjoyed the bear-and-birds' company, he didn't want to wait around this area much longer.

Putting a hand to his chin, he searched the vaults of his memory for a place within Tetris Castle he'd rather be. After a few moments it hit him—a smidgen of information present on a quick guide to the angular palace's floors. ”Ah, I almost forgot. I had wanted to visit the spa after yesterday's mission, but since then with this sorrowful affair I've only managed to accumulate more stress. Surely it would not be above my station to indulge in the comforts provided by this place. Otherwise, what good are they? Hmhm!” He span around, coattails flying, and took a step toward the castle entrance before pausing. Then, the gentleman glanced sideways at Banjo and Kazooie. ”Of course, it would be rude of me not to invite you along as a reward for your performance. A warm, steamy sauna is the height of lavishness no matter one's species.” He took a puff of his pipe as he waited for a response, his face bearing a genial expression.
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