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~Gay, polyamorous, I have a partner, and been playing games since I was 2 years old!~

"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead." -Oscar Wilde

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@Avanhelsing - Sounds definitely possible! Yeah, wrote this before bed and now I'm on my lunch break, haha. I'm going to be making a service battle droid. There is going to be a lore about them and everything, however they are a special breed of combat andriods. They will mix magic and technology.
@Lumiere - Don't see why not! Since I'd be reviewing all the sheets for sensibility, I say go for the idea - so long as this check gains enough interest!

Aeith is a world that is both stuck in the times of the past and in times of the future. It is a place where one can see androids as much as golems, where you can see TV screens in the dead of night as much as one can worry over witches. Malls exist just as much as fighter guilds. Lands can be ruled by governments as much as they can be by kings. Where the possible seems to meet the impossible - of Technology and Magic. Welcome to Aieth.


I plan to run this role-play as a slice of life mixed with adventure. The main hub will likely be a bar/tavern of my making, where powerful and ancient magics keep it at [mostly] peace from the outside world. However myself, or at player's request (process to be determined), there will be various adventures to embark on. I'm likely to include some measure of RPG elements, in the typical sense, such as allowing powers/technology (if one wants) and allowing growth.


The important parts that are coming to mind right now is that Aieth is a Sci-Fi / Fantasy world. Flaming Swords of Power exist just as much as hover cars. The only tweak is that guns do not exist! Instead the more tech-inclined will have energy-infused weapons. Think of a flaming sword, but made and powered via technology, if that's your thing.

Chances are magic will follow a rather simple concept - the more specific the restrictions to a spell or enchantment, the more powerful it can be. Example is a normal fireball might only go 30 feet and dissolve harmlessly, however if you give it a charge time of 10 second, it can be more powerful. Even more so, say you have to be in the presence of a red-headed female - now it's ten times as powerful because of the specific restriction. It's just a silly example though.

Outside of this, I am probably going to look for serious and thoughtful role-players who can contribute to the making of the rest of the world. So, feel free to think of characters that come from any land or nation or kingdom! You can be a traditional warrior from a northern kingdom that keeps to the old traditions or perhaps a knight who employs stealth-based technology in her duties or a spy who uses a dash of magic to extract information - just remember, anything technology can do, so can magic for the most part and visa versa.
@FoxFire - No worries. I've been really busy myself lately, so I'm not being a tyrant about posts. People will post if they're interested. ^-^
Well, characters need their intros anyhow.

That is a good point! Things have calmed down a bit, so I might be able to post next Monday or so. See? I said it wasn't dead. =3
@Queen Tomato - It's not going to die. No matter if people leave or go, I'll be coming back to post anyways. So if people are willing to be patient... it'll still be here.
@Rosette Christopher@Queen Tomato@GingerBoi123@MarsAdept@Evil Snowman@Rune_Alchemist@snake153@Joker892@ihinka@FoxFire
Update: I might be a bit busy in the next week or two - one of my partners lost her job and so we're kind of in a bind right now. So my focus has been on that.
@GingerBoi123@MarsAdept@Evil Snowman@Rune_Alchemist@snake153@Joker892@ihinka@FoxFire - Updated the magic section of the Handbook and added a small bit about Divine Beings & Spirits, though I'll probably expand it later. ^-^

The light sparkled a few more times before a small, high pitched giggle was heard, causing Sofia to tense in disbelief. It swirled a moment in the doorway before quickly fluttering out of sight. Sofia pursed her lips only to chase after the strange sight, far too curious and restless to let such an odd thing go. Jogging to the doorway, she looked down the stairs it had seemed to go, seeing the small thing as it giggled once more. She must be going mad! However, especially for one who wanted more in life, how could she deny such a night adventure? She could but even if it was a dream, she wanted to see what it was and where it was leading her.

With twists and turns throughout the castle, she kept following the soft glowing light, enticed by the sound of it's twinkles. Strangely enough, it chose a path that seemed completely void of anyone else. It must've been a dream! It had to be, right? But if it wasn't, then was she going mad? Was there something to myth and legends but then where was everyone? Too many questions and not enough time as the little fairy flew just out of reach over and over.

Before long, Sofia started to slow her chase as she looked around. Realization crept on her as she descended down into the crypts.. or it the dungeon.. or perhaps ancient ruins. She wasn't entirely sure as everyone was forbidden to come down here, but where had the guards gone? She looked back to the top of the stairs that always seemed sealed, now left empty as she made her way downwards. As she walked after the playful pixie, she found herself walking down a long walkway that was passage over an abyss that seemed without bottom. That's when she really took notice of it.

A giant crystal propped up and chained in the middle, the ruins shifting into the end of a cavern. All Sofia could do is stare at it as the moonlight seemed to shine in somehow, sparkling off the surface. Slowly she started to realize the tiny guide was nowhere to be seen, causing her to take in a deep breath as she approached the large gem. It seemed so beautiful and entrancing that when an image of a woman appeared, it caused her to yelp in surprise. She had golden hair and wore the traditional royal armor of the queen, meant for battle, or at least that was what Sofia learned in her knight tomes.

Sofia stared at the image for several moments before she realized the woman wasn't trapped in the crystal but rather it was like an illusion of sorts. The appearance of the woman seemed to wave for a few moments. Caught by the awe of whatever the abyss this was, she reached out to lean her palm against it's surface. Abruptly the room was filled with light, the sounds of the large shard cracking against her ears as she found herself staring at the woman - she wasn't an image anymore. She wasn't even in the cavern anymore! A gasp escaped her lips as she contracted from the heavenly image.

"Come.. you are needed." Sofia blinked as she was spoken to. She couldn't believe what was happening! She must be dreaming. She had to be. There was no way this was real! Yet as the golden maned queen reached out and cupped Sofia's hands in her own, she could feel the warm touch. This had to be the most vivid dream she ever had, seeing the mystery woman's soft smile clear as day. "This is my legacy. With it, you wield Save the Queen, a blade forged by the divines to serve me. Now.. let me teach you some of the basics.."

"Wh-what?" was all she could muster to say in response as the divine image touched her forehead. Suddenly the light was gone, the queen was gone and she was back in the room, staring at a shattered crystal. And in her hand was a sword that was dark blue with silver linings. It somehow felt perfect fit in her hand, as if it belonged there and hummed with a gentle and yet proud energy. How strange it was to stare at the blade but she did not get much time to think. A whirring started to radiate across the walls, causing a small shake as dust and pebbles to fall. Her eyes shot up to see strange contraptions, almost like cannons seen on airships, but they were unmanned! She could hear them hum to life and slowly aim to her. ".. oh gods.."


Empress Alicia sat on the balcony of her room, arms folded in thought as she looked over her queendom. In a puff of mist, a masked man appeared behind her, walking slowly to join her. "The High Deacon of the Institute asked what you intend with his research.."

Alicia just scoffed and glanced to her mysterious companion. "That is none of his concern. He should know his place." After a few moments, she turned fully to the masked gentleman. "How are the-" The empress was cut off as they both perked up, causing a frown to cross the empress' lips and growling in anger. "How!? I thought we binded it all!"

The man sighed in response and took a moment to gather his thoughts. "I cannot say. We put everything into them. I'll go see what's going on, but what are we going to do if magic is released again?"

Clenching her fists before taking a deep breath and huffing out her anger before adorning a deadly serious expression. "We don't have time to rebind everything. We'll just have to move forward with the plan. I'll go prepare Luna." As she started to leave her chambers, the man simply nodded and disappeared just as he came.

@ihinka - ... lol!! Hey, I met a boyfriend once on here, so you never know! =3 Of course I was referring to my character, but since we're dropping down the rabbit hole.. =P

Omg though, that airship! Please take Sofia with??? It looks so cool. *hugs airship*
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