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Thanks for the welcome. Character wise I was thinking of playing as a new Fist of Khonshu, like Moon Knight, as a member of the Ultimates. If we are allowed more than one character I would also like to play as a mutant, but I'm not sure on the powers yet.
Still looking for players.
Spider-Man would probably be a better fit for this RP, as Punisher is a little too violent and I did say this is a PG-13 RP. Perhaps if you toned him down he would work. Also you're allowed two characters right now, so if you wanted you could be Spider-Man and Punisher.
Leo Wedemire

The young aspiring film maker was quickly engrossed in his book. Leo had to stifle a chuckle at an anecdote on the making of the Toxic Avenger, a little worried that if he began laughing he would be kicked out of the library. Leo then coughed, immediately hoping that he wasn’t catching a cold, his book tumbling out of his hands and onto the floor of the library. Leo sighed as he picked up the book, having lost his page.

As Leo attempted to find his page again, he looked up as movement near him caught the attention of his eye. A girl with blue hair was rustling through some textbooks, as she then looked at Leo, giving him a quick smile. Leo immediately felt a rush of chemicals as the pretty girl turned back to her textbooks. While Leo had been in relationships before, he had never been in a serious one. Perhaps that was why he still got giddy whenever a girl showed him any kind of attention.

But Leo’s musings were interrupted when the blue haired girl also dropped her books, but with her it was all her textbooks. They hit the floor with a loud bang as her face turned red. The loud clatter seemed to attract the attention of the other nearby students as they turned to see what the matter was. Leo knew how embarrassing this could be, so he purposively looked away, instead looking out the window.

As Leo looked outside, he saw that a man had set up a hammock and was resting between two trees in front of the library. Leo was wondering where he got a hammock when the PA system turned on. Apparently the showing of the special artifact at the university was about to begin. Leo chided himself for forgetting that was today. He had been planning to record some footage on the artifact for his documentary class.

Luckily Leo had kept his camera in his bag, so he wouldn’t have to drive all the way to his apartment. So Leo put the book in his bag, figuring that he would find his page later. As he got up, Leo saw that the blue haired girl was gone. Leo decided then he should talk to her next time he saw her on campus. He then exited the library and started heading toward the presentation hall.
Thanks for making those changes. Kairi is accepted and can be moved to the character tab.

@Dark Cloud
Thanks for explaining. Feel free to jump back in whenever, as Deadpool is the kind of character who does that.
@Dark Cloud
Wait are you dropping out, or continuing with Deadpool? I'm confused.
@Dark Cloud
Thanks for letting me know. There will always be a place hear if you want to come back. Also character ages should be chronological age, not what age they appear to be.

We definitely have room for one more. Do you have a character in mind to play as?

So we have our first original character, which are allowed but are not the main focus of this RP. The character works pretty well but I have two issues. First is her back story, as what is there is good but then it ends abruptly. If you could add how she reacted to the whole Hydra is controlling SHIELD thing and its disbandment. Also include how she joined the Avengers, which could probably be just Black Widow recommended her.

The other issue is the codename. Toxin is already the name of a well established Marvel character, who I have ideas for in this RP. Some possible replacement names that aren’t taken include Toxic, Bio-Weapon, or Agent [Insert Noun].

Once you make those two changes I’ll review your sheet again.
@Crimson Flame@Rekker@Artemis Arts@Ultimate Spidey@Dark Cloud@Chulance
I decided to post the OOC thread today. Here it is. You can start working on your character sheets and post them in the OOC thread for review.
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