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@Dark Cloud
Scoundrels and Bounty Hunters would work as potential rebels, as long as they have a reason to hate the Empire, or at least be willing to fight against it.
Sorry about the delay, depression has been beating me up this past week.

Sorry to hear that. Perhaps I’ll see you in another RP in the future.

Well @Redcord made a Thor sheet and got approved but has since disappeared. As such I am saying the role of Thor is open again if you want to play it. Just make a character sheet for me to look over.
Sorry about the delay in responding, my depression has been real bad this past week.

@Mistress Dizzy
Both ideas would work, however I am more partial to the first one. It would be interesting to see how a doctor would fit into the Rebellion.

@Dark Cloud
If you are referring to the Fantasy Flight RPGs, I literally have no experience with them so I couldn’t run them. But Fate Core is a pretty easy to learn RPG that works for a lot of settings.

Glad to see that you are interested! Do you have a character concept in mind?

Also if anyone is new to Fate Core, here are some helpful videos:
@Omega Man
Sorry about the delay on the post, depression has been kicking my ass this past week.

Interaction(s): @Omega Man- Gabriel | @Eviledd1984 - Midori | @Dragonfly 9 - Joseph

Colton, now garbed in the armor of the Black Dragon Force Ranger, raised his fist to strike the charging clay monster. With a strength he had never felt before, Colton’s fist collided with the monster’s face, instantly breaking its rock like skin. Before Colton could react to what he had done, the monster’s face shattered before the rest of his body turned to goo before disappearing completely.

“Damn,” Colton muttered as he stared at his fist.

A wave of energy rushed through Colton’s body as he wore the Ranger armor. Just wearing it made him feel incredible, like everything about him was heightened. Colton paused for a few seconds to just take in the sensation, having a power within like he had never felt before.

But a scream for help broke Colton’s focus on the new power. With a much faster pace than usual, Colton took off into the deeper part of the park. In almost no time Colton found the source of the scream, a couple that was surrounded by four of those clay things. Colton wondered just how many of these things were in the park.

Out of his peripheral vision, Colton spotted another person in Power Ranger armor, this one clad in red. Colton also noticed that he was using a dagger to fight off a monster. Wondering if he had one as well, Colton finally realized that he had a Dragon Dagger attached to his belt. With a quick motion, Colton armed himself with the blade.

Colton then charged at the four monsters, but as he did so, he saw another person running to fight the monsters. He recognized her as Midori, but saw that she was not wearing any Ranger armor. Colton wondered how she would fare without the power the armor provided.

But Colton pushed that out of his mind as he lunged at the first clay monster. With a yell, Colton slashed out at it, knocking the creature away from the scared couple. Then with a roundhouse kick, Colton sent another one flying. The Black Dragon Force Ranger now placed himself between the two remaining monsters and the couple.

From his new position, Colton could see that another Ranger had arrived, this one clad in white. But Colton couldn’t focus too much on the newcomer’s arrival, as both clay monsters rushed him. Colton managed to deflect one of their fists with his Dragon Dagger, but the other monster made contact, landing a blow to the Ranger’s gut. Colton recoiled as the wind was knocked out of him.

“Crap..” Colton muttered.

However he recovered quickly, raising his left knee into the monster that had hit him, causing it to collapse to the ground. Colton then rolled over in the air, his dagger slashing into the other monster. This resulted in Colton on top of the monster, driving his dagger into its chest, causing it to turn to goo.

Colton then rushed to his feet, seeing that the other three monsters were also getting up. The Black Ranger raised his dagger, as the gathering of monsters began to move toward him.

“A little help?” Colton asked.

Colton looked around the park, seeing the couple running away. But he was more looking for the other two Rangers and Midori, only to see some more clay monsters enter the park. Again, Colton wondered just how many of these things were out here? But he didn’t have any option but to fight them, so he held tightly on his dagger, steeling himself mentally to fight off the monsters.
Both Quicksilver and Dagger are accepted. You can move the sheets to the character tab and make a post in the IC.

@Redcord @PatientBean
Just checking if you guys are still interested in participating? If so could you post in the IC tab.
@Omega Man
My apologies I've been real busy with real life. I don't have time today, but I plan on getting a new post in all the RPs I'm in tomorrow.

It’s been three months since the destruction of the Galactic Empire’s super-weapon known as the Death Star. This victory for the Rebel Alliance helped build their reputation, now seen as an actual threat to the Emperor’s rule. This has led to a rapid infusion of new recruits to the Rebel Alliance cause. One such mass recruitment would be on the planet Pythis, a tourist world in the Mid Rim. A rebel recruiter would attempt an ambitious feat of having multiple factions join the Alliance at the same time, here on Pythis. But these rebel recruits had better be careful, as the Imperial Security Bureau is always watching.

So I want to try and run an actual dice based game on the Guild. I’ve picked Fate Core as I am familiar with it and it is simple to teach. For those unfamiliar with Fate Core, it’s a simple tabletop role-playing game that focuses more on narrative and less on crunchy rules and mountains of stats. If you’ve never read Fate Core before, you can get into it for free: as the PDF edition is pay whatever you want on the publisher’s website, even getting it for free. Here is the link, just select the PDF only drop down.

As for why Star Wars, it’s simply that I love it and I know a lot of other people feel the same. Plus I found a really good Star Wars hack for Fate Core. Which can be found here. We will be using the modified rules found in this fan hack.

Character concept wise, the only thing I’m trying to avoid is Jedi as I feel that there were way too many that survived Order 66 in the current canon. However I will allow Force using traditions, ones that the Empire has yet to crack down on. Most alien races that were actually around in this era will be allowed, as well as custom aliens, as long as they aren’t super powerful.

So if you have an interest in this, please let me know. Also it would be great if you could post whatever character concept, or concepts, that you are considering. A big part of Fate Core is the GM and players forming the setting together during the character creation process. Hopefully at least a few people would be interested in doing this.

May the force be with you.
Glad to see that someone else is interested. Quicksilver is a perfectly acceptable character choice. I would normally say to reach out to Crimson Flame as he’s playing Pietro’s nephews, but he beat me to the punch. Once you guys figure something out, you can make a character sheet and post it in the OOC thread for Avengers: Unlimited.
We had someone drop out, so the role of Iron Man is free. That and a whole multitude of canons and we also accept original characters. If you like Marvel you might want to check us out.
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